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You are Polish if...

Myszolow  3 | 157  
1 Mar 2010 /  #181
Yes, it will be interesting to find out why Poles behave strangely when they are on the plane.

They never used to until cheap airlines made air travel accessible to "a different class of person". ;) Most of the scumbags used to take the bus, but now it's cheap to fly.

I've never seen a Pole misbehave on BA, LOT or Sabena. The pushing and shoving comes from no allocated seating. If you have a seat number, there's no hurry is there?

I'm not a snob though. I like cheaper tickets too, so I fly budget airlines, but think of it more as a fast bus, than the "luxury travel" flying used to be.

So to answer the question, it's because they have not been trained in the proper procedures. Ryanair always has their announcements in English first and often no Polish speaking flight attendants.
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Mar 2010 /  #182
I've never seen a Pole misbehave on BA, LOT or Sabena

You forgot LH...oh wait...

anton888  - | 82  
1 Mar 2010 /  #183
I am afriad is another way round. When you are sitting on the plane or worst, standing on the bus waiting to take off, always someone come very late, even the flight is delay, with a bag of alcohol, usually the cheapest vodka.

Those pushing normally happened when the plane is landed but not yet stopped. They just try to be the first in the queue to get out.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Mar 2010 /  #184
you believe the bus or train should wait for you
Arien  2 | 710  
1 Mar 2010 /  #185
I actually know the train waits for me. They even get on the microphone for me if I leave my ticket somewhere.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Mar 2010 /  #186
You are in the priveleged class then ;)
Arien  2 | 710  
1 Mar 2010 /  #187
More like public entertainment or something.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Mar 2010 /  #188
you weave your magic wand at the end of the month to manage your finances.
DannyJ  - | 129  
2 Mar 2010 /  #189
You burst out in rapturous applause when the pilot of your plane lands safely.

Said that 2 pages back,, see it more on BA planes tho, its seems like they feel safer with a pilot that,s drunk on LOT!?!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Mar 2010 /  #190
... if you think chicken cutlet and potatoes is a uniquely Polish meal.

... you think 'dumplings' is the most accurate translation of 'pierogi' (in fact, if you think piergogi are dumplings).

... your parents (or you) regularly add 2 zeroes to any price because you're thinking of old currency.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Mar 2010 /  #191
LOL, the first one is funny

Exactly, kluski are more like dumplings

Yeah, talk about being out of touch

if...your life is so boring that all you can talk about is cabbage, MaƂysz and vodka. Oh yes, and that famed 'Polish spirit' (aka, complaining about the war 70 years ago)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Mar 2010 /  #192
... if you want to change teachers because the Native Speaker can't give you a translation of 'bigos'.

... you moan like hell about too much homeworks and too many tests but then change teachers with the excuse that you don't get enough.

... you think reading you neighbour's answers, or talking to them about the answer is a legitimate, ethical exam technique.

... you are in a beginners/elementary English class and you still can't work out how your teacher knew your homework was cut-and-pasted from Wikipedia.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Mar 2010 /  #193
LOL, just tell them it's hunters' stew.

That's a valid point too. Too much homework :( It's optional at the school I teach at so ok.

Yeah, but God help them if the one they copy from is dumb :)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Mar 2010 /  #194
Too much homework

I once had 2 people quit, saying that i didn't give homework... I did... they just never did it.

My boss told me that it is impossible to give Polish students too much. They, allegedly, love to complain but feel secure when they are treated like the last donkey in town and have it heaped on them.

Another time, I was using an upper-int book in a non-exam class and I used a lot of extra materials, reading, books, job-interview practise. One girl quit, saying we hadn't had enough unit tests and she was worried because we weren't far enough into the book...

Since then, I glue to books in a way that would make a callan teacher squeal. No complaints!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Mar 2010 /  #195
The old 'never accept blame' idea that runs through the culture :(

Heap it on and make it optional so the ball is in their court

I just shrug in such cases. It's not a race and quality is more important than quantity. I'm sure that my second school expects tests with 1-2-1 student but it ain't gonna happen.

There's nothing worse than ill-defined objectives.
July  - | 9  
2 Mar 2010 /  #196
I'm Polish and it REALLY annoys me when people say "Polish" like "polish". Unfortunately many Polish people do it... :-(
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Mar 2010 /  #197
... and spell it in small case too.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Mar 2010 /  #198
you walk into a shop and ask the shop assistant 3 questions whilst she is already serving sb.

you stand right behind sb in a shop, perhaps to hurry them up

you can't seem to deal with sb not having the right change. This gets my goat as I always try to help them to the exact grosz. On those occasions where I can't, I get a humph as if it was my fault.
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Mar 2010 /  #199
if you hate Germans, Ukrainians, Jews, blacks, Pakis, Arabs, gypsies...
marqoz  - | 195  
3 Mar 2010 /  #200
This gets my goat as I always try to help them to the exact grosz. On those occasions where I can't, I get a humph as if it was my fault.

How polite and modest you're ;-)

if you hate Germans, Ukrainians, Jews, blacks, Pakis, Arabs, gypsies...

You've forgotten Martians and rainbow alliance...
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Mar 2010 /  #201
You've forgotten Martians and rainbow alliance...

yea, I was going to add: feel free to add on.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
3 Mar 2010 /  #202
you walk into a shop and ask the shop assistant 3 questions whilst she is already serving sb.

...if you are a shop assistant and don't look a customer in the face whilst serving them, but continue talking to your friend who is standing behind you.

... if you are a retired shop assistant and lament the day assistants stopped standing silently, one step behind customers, follwoing them around the shop to make sure they didn't steal anything.

... if you tell a customer "If you don't like it, go somewhere else", forgetting the fact that these days they DO have other places to go.
DannyJ  - | 129  
3 Mar 2010 /  #203
if you hate Germans, Ukrainians, Jews, blacks, Pakis, Arabs, gypsies...

Russains are top of that list 9 times out of 10
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Mar 2010 /  #204
Russains are top of that list

That's right! I forgot!
So we have: Russians, Germans, Jews, gays, Ukrainians, Pakis, blacks, gypsies, Arabs and Martians.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Mar 2010 /  #205
At least some of us can be polite and modest, Marqoz ;0 ;) The Never Wrong brigade struggle with that.

you sometimes sound like you are singing when you are talking

you sound like you are at a Mickie Mouse audition. (high-pitched women)
marqoz  - | 195  
4 Mar 2010 /  #206
At least some of us can be polite and modest, Marqoz ;0 ;)

OK, You're right. I was wrong, even while kidding. You are definitely impolite.
And as far as modesty concerned, maybe you are modest in your real life. But something makes you show up here on PF and expose how brave you're in fighting with Polish (or maybe also French, German) infirmities.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Mar 2010 /  #207
So we have: Russians, Germans, Jews, gays, Ukrainians, Pakis, blacks, gypsies, Arabs and Martians.

Oh, and Kurdish, and Greeks and Turks!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Mar 2010 /  #208
The wink marks show I'm kidding but you are clearly defensive. Impolite? That's absurd as I'm anything but.

I'm not here to seriously point out mistakes as I'm a guest in this country. I have received super hospitality and have good friends here. There is mutual respect with most of my students.

So, please cut the crap and start lightening up. Look at the thread anyway. You can only TRULY say one or 2 answers in response. Most don't do quite a few of the things above.

I rarely have need to comment on those other countries here.
DannyJ  - | 129  
4 Mar 2010 /  #209
- You take life way too seriously

- Your a truck driver who never says thank you (Flash indicators) when being let out on motorway
anton888  - | 82  
4 Mar 2010 /  #210
- you believe BMW deliberately mess the car up so that Kubice can't win the championship

-You believe that referee in international games deliberately make Polish team to loose

- you constantly remind people that Roger is Brazilian only with Polish passport when he don't score any goal for Poland that day

- you constantly remind people that Klose is Polish only with German passport whenever he score goal

- You mentioned the name of the Polish player before the name of the team in news when reporting English Premireship result, even he was just sitting on the bench as always.

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