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You are Polish if...

beckski  12 | 1609  
5 Feb 2010 /  #61
you pee and crap in the lakes and forests

My Chihuahua's guilty to all of the above. But... she's not Polish.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Feb 2010 /  #62
Yes I have seen " floaters ".... DISGUSTING, I must say.

This is the sure sign Polish cuisine became Americanized. Too much fat make sh.it float. Good Polish sh.it sinks and it is thus superior to American sh.it.

Are you sure this were Polish pieces of crap? (I don't mean to doubt your expertise in the subject requiring a lot of intimate experience)
BevK  11 | 248  
5 Feb 2010 /  #63
you insist that your Polish teacher knows better than a qualified native speaker.

One of my colleagues told me about a student who had gone to the UK and must have really REALLY annoyed someone (he was by all accounts annoying in general) because they told him that housework was 'blow job' and he would not accept that "I am going home to do my blow job" was wrong. He was enough of an irritation that she didn't even argue much when he told her that "You are wrong, I was told by someone ENGLISH not POLISH". So it cuts both ways :)

- When you like someone cos they complain
- When you can navigate a three inch wide gap in the snow to walk double file without crashing but in a wide open street you have zero spacial awareness

- When you can look at someone on a bus without it becoming a cause for paranoia
scrappleton  - | 829  
5 Feb 2010 /  #64
This is the sure sign Polish cuisine became Americanized. Too much fat make sh.it float.

??? .. What are you? The crap scientist over here?
beckski  12 | 1609  
5 Feb 2010 /  #65
Lol, I think this thread should be renamed, gówno thread!
scrappleton  - | 829  
5 Feb 2010 /  #66
gówno thread!

Ha.. I know. And it's all because Limey George likes to spy on people pinching a loaf.
Honest George  1 | 105  
5 Feb 2010 /  #67
Are you sure this were Polish pieces of crap?

Hang on, I will taste one next time and get back to you.

My Chihuahua's guilty to all of the above.

That breed is renowned for licking pussies too, is that true ?

Limey George likes to spy

Lay off the " Bond movies ".
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Feb 2010 /  #68
you look like Kenny from South Park in his parka :)

you wear tight jeans that hug your butt (esp women)

you walk through a door being held open for you without saying anything

you think Seksmisja is at the cutting edge of humour

you think Agnieszka Chylińska is the only celeb in the world

your opinion of your country vastly differs from that of foreigners

you know you have top-class meat (wędliny). This is true!

you automatically believe that Polish women are no1 for looks without accepting that beauty is in the eye of the beholder

you go abroad and say good things about Poland from afar, having left because you didn't really like it (or was it for money??)

you romanticise things well beyond conventional levels.
Myszolow  3 | 157  
5 Feb 2010 /  #69
you think it's more important to close the shop/school/office door behind you than hold it open for the person who is only two steps behind.

you will waste a whole day to avoid spending 5zl

you will ask for outrageously enormous favours without ever expecting any payback

you like Ptasie Mleczko (yuck)

you think Polish food is the best in the world

you have a good sense of humour as long as the joke is not about you or your country

you buy children birthday and christmas presents from a supermarket

you have to live with your parents and grandparents but you pretend you like it
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Feb 2010 /  #70
You're Polish if:

a) You have the nerve to walk straight to the front of a long queue in a post office.

b) The thought of queueing at an airport (or anywhere else, for that matter)horrifies you.

c) You can take just one of those nasty little paper napkin things out of the holder in a restaurant without pulling all the others out.

d) You expect every restaurant of foreign cuisine to serve chopped salads.

e) You change from a mild-mannered person who loves the world into a psychopathic, anti-social suicide perchant when you get into an Audi.

f) You actually moan when you don't get -50c and 20 metres of snow at Christmas.

i don't have much contact with English, especially spoken English. but none of my English teachers(all were Polish) ever taught me the correct pronounciation of words .

I know what you mean. One of my students recently told me I was teaching them bad pronunciation because I said that furry little animal which chases mice is called a "cat" (pronounced 'k-a-t'. She told me, "I have a friend who speaks very well English and she says it is 'k-e-t'!" When I told my wife she said that was what a lot of them had been taught, way back when.

What is Śmingus Dingus?

It's Easter Monday, when everyone throws water at each other.

- you have difficulties to understand why you need to park the car on a parking space

To be precise on ONLY ONE parking space.
5 Feb 2010 /  #71
- you have difficulties to understand why you need to park the car on a parking space

To be precise on ONLY ONE parking space.

No, the problem is why to park in a parking space. The average Polish driver considers any space to be a suitable place to leave his car.
childwithin  8 | 136  
5 Feb 2010 /  #72
walk straight to the front of a long queue

happens all the time

any space to be a suitable place to leave his car

the airplane hangar would be most suitable
besides that i find old polish grannies are horrible people pushing in everywhere they can
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Feb 2010 /  #73
No, the problem is why to park in a parking space.

I appreciate what yopu mean, like in an underground carpark, with limited spaces and all the SUVs park on the pedestrian path.

My thought was, I was looking for a place, I saw 6 empty places but couldn't park in any of them because there were 3 Polish drivers parked there.

... you pee and crap in the lakes and forests and think this is acceptable behavior.

Leave a mountain of toilet paper and toilet 'products' in the sand-dunes. I wa at a couple of coastal resorts and couldn't believe the mess the place was. A great advert for tourists.

Some lakes are closed to bathers in the summer due to contamination.

I think that's more to do with algae.

Talk about how warmia-mazury are the "green Lungs of Europe" and then dump all the bin bags in the forest.

Good Polish sh.it sinks and it is thus superior to American sh.it.

So, are you saying Americans act like their sh1t don't sink?

you think Agnieszka Chylińska is the only celeb in the world

Now come on Seanus, that's ridiculous. Everyone knows there's only one celebrity and that's Kasia Cichopek.

you think Polish food is the best in the world

You think chicken kotlets and potatoes are a uniquely Polish food
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Feb 2010 /  #74
you overly think in your own language when using English (not many PF users, though)

you believe coleslaw (soleslav) is a Polish creation (yes, it has cabbage but....)

you throw Maluchs round a corner at their limit (I'm glad the top speed is low)

you put a slice of lemon in your tea

you cannot define what a Catholic is and how it's different from a Protestant

you squander your education by accepting unsuitable jobs

you are proud and value honour
clerynka  - | 45  
5 Feb 2010 /  #75
-you eat every meal with a slice of rye bread in one hand.
-your kitchen is where all social gatherings take place
-you offer everyone a drink whenever they come into the kitchen, usually going through "herbata? Kawa? wodka? piwo?..."etc etc etc

These are my observations anyway :)
childwithin  8 | 136  
5 Feb 2010 /  #76
this sounds like some student place, well at least some young people living somewhere together, not so common...
this is what i would imagine
clerynka  - | 45  
5 Feb 2010 /  #77
some student place

not so young...
23,30 and 37...maybe the 23 year old is their influence ;)
childwithin  8 | 136  
5 Feb 2010 /  #78
get ya, get ya, mainly the vodka, piwo offerings confused me a little
clerynka  - | 45  
5 Feb 2010 /  #79
yeah, haha.
the rye bread thing confuses me, I like it and all, but not with EVERYTHING. including blackcurrant jam, which one of them had for breakfast the other day. yuck.

Yes the offerings include vodka, beer, coffe, tea, milk...anything.
And if you say no, or just drink water, they all look at you like you're mad! ;)
childwithin  8 | 136  
5 Feb 2010 /  #80
or just drink water, they all look at you like you're mad

they woldn't if you wouuld drink it straight from the tap

the rye bread

this i don't know? it is a bit strange...
beckski  12 | 1609  
5 Feb 2010 /  #81
That breed is renowned for licking pussies too, is that true ?

Ask your girlfriend & then we'll all know the answer.
Honest George  1 | 105  
5 Feb 2010 /  #82
Now dont be bashful beckski, you know we can,t see you blushing over the net. lol.
espana  17 | 947  
5 Feb 2010 /  #83
you are polish if you take something from a shop without paying
LAGirl  9 | 496  
5 Feb 2010 /  #84
Hahaha good one. Polish men are cheap.
Exiled  2 | 424  
5 Feb 2010 /  #85
You are polish if you drink in front of the church.
espana  17 | 947  
5 Feb 2010 /  #86
you are polish if your mother left you in the hospital and didnt come back!!!!
Lenka  5 | 3485  
5 Feb 2010 /  #87
When you think that the world will come to an end if you won't clean all your house at Saturday :D
f stop  24 | 2493  
5 Feb 2010 /  #88
I think this strict rule was loosened to from 'Saturday' to 'Spring'.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Feb 2010 /  #89
When you think that the world will come to an end if you won't clean all your house at Saturday :D

Oh, it's not just my wife, then?
Lenka  5 | 3485  
6 Feb 2010 /  #90
I think this strict rule was loosened to from 'Saturday' to 'Spring'.

Yes,it's loosing now but still many people think like that.I really hate cleaning but something in my mind tells me that at Saturday I have to do this:D

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