You have never left a supermarket without a few cans of beer...
and your car is parked as close as possible to the entrance of the supermarket , causing a traffic jam..
No. choose zapiekanka over a hamburger.
Your relatives leave the plastic protectors on their lampshades ( & sofas too!)
You are Polish if.. You are a master at making Pierogi.
No. drink vodka without coke/juice/etc.
you have a home-made attachment for you vacuum cleaner for hoovering out the noses of your children
I'd add that you're Polish if you believe the people getting off the tram are actually ghosts that you can pass through effortlessly, and that when on the tram you stand right in the doorway and look surprised when people want to get off.
you know for a fact that lard with fried onions, kept in an old jam jar out on the balcony, is a delicious and nutritious snack