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You are Polish if...

Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
22 Dec 2011 /  #331
You will not admit that overall Poland has been a weak nation throughout history constantly being conquered by others

Wrong, Poland was a strong nation from the 10th century to the latter half of the 18th century. That is over 700 years of strength. Claiming Poland was constantly being conquered by others when for three quarters of her existence she was conquering others shows that EM Wave doesn't know what he is talking about and Seanus' claim that other than EM Wave's remarks about soccer's merits and the popularity of techno music:

There is a fair bit of truth in the rest of what you said.

shows that he too is ignorant regarding Polish history.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Dec 2011 /  #332

Des, you do need to take some Polish history classes.

Let's see...it was a bit of a mess for around 200 years between the 12th and 14th centuries, divided and weak. It was subject to plenty of invasions, too - it wasn't "strong".

Now, it gained strength with the Jagiellonians, and the establishment of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth consolidated that. But it didn't last for long - we started to see the Commonwealth fall apart by the mid 17th century, and the 18th century was well, not a happy time. The way that the Saxons could control the country was a great shame, too.

Really, Poland was only a strong country from the start of the Jagiellonian era through to around 1650. That's about 300 years at most.

shows that he too is ignorant regarding Polish history.

Ironic, and thoroughly unsurprising.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
22 Dec 2011 /  #333
Let's see...it was a bit of a mess for around 200 years between the 12th and 14th centuries, divided and weak. It was subject to plenty of invasions, too - it wasn't "strong".

Poland was invaded but she wasn't "conquered" during these years.

we started to see the Commonwealth fall apart by the mid 17th century, and the 18th century was well, not a happy time.

Poland had her problems during this period but remained an unconquered nation until the latter part of the 18th century.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Dec 2011 /  #334
I'd add

-You will not admit that Russia has countless artistic and cultural achievements
-You will not admit that Pepsi is just as good as coke and tastes pretty much the same
-You have a mobile phone that retails at more than your monthly income and you can not afford to use
-You keep your rubbish bin under the sink and only under the sink
-You believe raw grated cabbage slowly decomposing in water tastes nice
-You stampede at the airport departure gate because you're worried that if you get on last you'll have to stand
-You clap when the plane lands
-You think a Big Mac is the spiciest thing you would ever eat.
22 Dec 2011 /  #335
You are Polish if...

You call your grandmother 'babcia'.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Dec 2011 /  #336
And have actually been to Poland.
22 Dec 2011 /  #337

What a load of rubbish.
It only shows how little you know about Poland. The statement which are untrue are:

-You will claim that Poles are the smartest people on earth

Many people in Poland like to think that they are the smartests while the rest of Poland is full of dumbs (who vote for wrong party, can't make business, have wrong views, etc. you name it!). If you had said that Poles are self-righteous then you'd be quite right.

-You will not admit that Poland's Jewish minority has contributed more in certain scientific fields than the Polish Christian majority

Of course they did, so what? Does it make you feel superior or what?

-You will not admit that some Poles have done very bad things to Jews, Ukrainians and others

When the Ukrainians will admit that some Ukrainians done very bad things to Poles? You probably don't know what I'm taking about, do you? Of course you don't. It would be strange if you'd be objective...

-You will not admit that overall Poland has been a weak nation throughout history constantly being conquered by others

How about XVI century?

Could you also explain the word constantly? Again you little know about other country's history yet you jump to huge conclusions. Are you by any chance American? That would explain a lot!

-You will say your women are the most prude (yeah right)

That's quite suprising. I've always thought that Polish men are more tend to say bad things about Polish women.

-You will say most Polish women prefer Polish men (haha yea right)

Certainly I prefer them more than (some) arogant Americans.

-You're a fan of terrible sports like soccer

You are indeed an American! haha

-You listen to horrible music like European techno garbage

Techno is a music invented by African Americans. Many people who are not very intrested in electronic music have a habit of pigeonhole it with some cr*ppy trance music or some stark German or Dutch techno which is barely a music. Also dance music is called techno by utter ignorants.

I wouldn't say that techno is popular in Poland, unless you mean electronic music in general, then maybe it's 50:50 between those who love it and those who hate it (the latter usually prefer some uncreative rock).

And I would say it's Polish thing. It' more European trait. I could never understand why techno and electronic music despite being invented in the States are so unpopular there.

Besides that EM_Wave that thread was to be amusing and friendly, yet you obviously wanted to put the cat among the pigeons and ruin a thread, don't you?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Dec 2011 /  #338
You've just proved several of his points!
alxmac  5 | 27  
22 Dec 2011 /  #339
if your get drunk for fun
22 Dec 2011 /  #340
-You will not admit that Russia has countless artistic and cultural achievements

Then it means I'm not Polish.
If you ask a highschoole of his or her favorite lektury szkolne then certainly one if it will be Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment" and another will be Bulgacov's "The Master and Margarita". Seeing how many time is devoted in Polish schools to Russian literature your statement is utter nonsense.

-You will not admit that Pepsi is just as good as coke

I don't like neither ;)

and tastes pretty much the same

But it doesn't taste the same. Pepsi is more sweet while Cola have more sour taste.

-You keep your rubbish bin under the sink and only under the sink

That one is right. I wonder where other nations keep their home bins?

-You believe raw grated cabbage slowly decomposing in water tastes nice

Ceratainly it doesn't taste nice but it's healthy. You will used to it! :)

You've just proved several of his points!

You would also agrue if there was a thread "You are English if..." ;)
22 Dec 2011 /  #341
Seeing how many time is devoted in Polish schools to Russian literature your statement is utter nonsense.

Er, much less than is devoted to English literature, a lot less, a vast amount less.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Dec 2011 /  #342
That's true.

But it doesn't taste the same. Pepsi is more sweet while Cola have more sour taste.

Try it blindfolded and see if you can guess which one is which!

That one is right. I wonder where other nations keep their home bins?

In the UK, by the door.

Ceratainly it doesn't taste nice but it's healthy. You will used to it! :)

I gave up eating it a decade ago!

You would also agrue if there was a thread "You are English if..." ;)

Someone once did a very funny series of postcards called that ;-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Dec 2011 /  #343
Poland was invaded but she wasn't "conquered" during these years.

The country was weak, no matter how you put it. It was divided internally, and there was much internal strife. Generally not what one would call "strong" - strong was Poland-Lithuania in 1600.

Poland had her problems during this period but remained an unconquered nation until the latter part of the 18th century.

I'd say that a foreign king waltzing in and saying "right, I'll have that" was as conquered as it gets.
22 Dec 2011 /  #344
Er, much less than is devoted to English literature, a lot less, a vast amount less.

Well yes, given all those Shakespeare's plays, Polish schools tend to thoroughly discuss on lessons... saying that I haven't read any but I've read whole Crime and Punishment! :)

I think you all live too much with this forum concerns. It's not true that Poles dislike Russians. Only the PiS electorate do.
Therefore my deep requesnt to you dear foreigners of this site, please don't spread those gibberish about Poles being hostile to Russians. Random people read it and can take it too serious.

In the UK, by the door.

By which door? Outside the house?

Someone once did a very funny series of postcards called that ;-)

I suppose it was funny not spiteful.
22 Dec 2011 /  #345
Well yes, given all those Shakespeare's plays, Polish schools tend to thoroughly discuss on lessons... saying that I haven't read any but I've read whole Crime and Punishment! :)

I'd need to check this with my girlfriend (a high school teacher of English and Russian) but AFAIK, there is no time devoted to Russian literature in her high school.
22 Dec 2011 /  #346
a high school teacher of English and Russian

Better ask a Polish teacher.
The programme might been changed several times. I've just checked that in liceum "Crime and Punishment" is obligatory for basic matura, while "Master and Margaret" is for extended level. Stangely there is only 2 English piece of literature for basic matura: "Makbeth" and "The Heart of Darkness", nothing at the extended level. Even though the list of readings for matura exam is limited, remember that a Polish pupil read many piece of literature in fragments, most is Polish of course, then some French and English. How many Russina authors appear in school programmes I'm not sure. You may ask for that, that would be intresting. Still I would not draw any cocnclusions from that, especially that Russian literature is not valued here. I've hear many words of admiration from other Poles about Russian literature being superb.
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
22 Dec 2011 /  #347
That's quite suprising. I've always thought that Polish men are more tend to say bad things about Polish women.

Quite surprising? Are you serious? Polish women and other Slavic women have a reputation for being very slutty.

All of my British, German, and Dutch friends agree that Polish women are easy sluts. I'm not trying to sound rude, but that's just what I hear all the time.
22 Dec 2011 /  #348
Quite surprising? Are you serious? Polish women and other Slavic women are well known to be very slutty.

Thank you sir. Now we know what are your hidden intentions.

JohnnyM now do you see why I'm so upset with his comment? Ed_Wave why do you hate so much Polish people?

All of my British, German, and Dutch friends agree that Polish women are easy sluts.

The same thing many can say about theirs women. Problem is that it's not true in either case (including Polish). It's just that some women prefer to be "sexually independent", while some other are more prude. And that's what a balanced, intelligent and mature person know about the world. But thank you for those information, I'm a women and from now on whenever I will see an American, British, German or Dutch I will give them a cold shoulder, knowing they probably think I'm a slut only because I'm Polish.
Ironside  50 | 12334  
22 Dec 2011 /  #349
Polish women have a reputation for being very slutty.

Yes indeed, hence the coined phrase - a lazy slut ! there is other phrase I think you would like to know - eating as a lazy slut!
polmed  1 | 216  
22 Dec 2011 /  #350
-You will never admit you're wrong
-You will ...

It is all but a view of one frustrated Jew . Poland is a country constantly invaded by others because of our rich land which everyone envied. But we have never lost any war fighting one on one. Others had to connect to beat us, usually three countries had to combine their forces to defeat us. First, the knights and later the military were elites in Poland, which no other could be equal to our .

We praise our country because we have a reason, so don`t waste your time and effort to complain. Go to the Jewish forum and there praise your countrymen`s achievements.
smurf  38 | 1940  
22 Dec 2011 /  #351
....you keep Karp in your bathtub
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Dec 2011 /  #352
you put waaaaaay too much ketchup on a pizza. Ketchup with pizza :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
22 Dec 2011 /  #353
Always bugged me that. Who wants to put ketchup on something that has a tomato base to it..... The Poles I guess :/
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Dec 2011 /  #354
How bizarre! They obviously don't pick up on the tomato puree.
22 Dec 2011 /  #355
Who wants to put ketchup on something that has a tomato base to it..... The Poles I guess :/

I have no idea where you have your pizza guys. Whenever I eat pizza I get two kinds of sauces: garlic and tomato. Neither of them is ketchup.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
22 Dec 2011 /  #356
Ah, the old 'it doesn't happen' because I haven't experienced it ploy. Usually home pizzas or delivered ones where ketchup is in the fridge.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
22 Dec 2011 /  #357
I don't get why you would need a sauce to go with a pizza. Why not make the pizza with the sauce already on it?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
22 Dec 2011 /  #358
reminder: we've done pizza and ketchup in other threads.
22 Dec 2011 /  #359
You're Polish if you constantly point out of spelling errors of others when doing it yourself!
You're Polish if after making a spelling error you claim to be a dyslectic.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
22 Dec 2011 /  #360
this usually applies to the male of the species

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