Strong wind in Warsaw - is it normal? Hi, I live in Warsaw since 5 weeks and basically every 2nd day I experience strong wind gusts. Is that normal for that mega city? Being a cyclist this is pretty annoying...
It's common knowledge my good man that Varsovian are full of hot air, it's gotta be vented some time y'know
yes, it is pretty common.
To be honest I didn't really notice strong winds to be a common phenomenon in Warsaw, maybe it's now just such kind of period, it will get better for sure. ;)
Yes it is common, it is much more windy and cold than for example Wroclaw or other west part cities
Hmm all right. Need to think of more aerodynamic on my bike then. Probably a recumbent bike but then I'll certainly die from other things than wind gusts. ;) Cheers