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"Oh the Strawberry, Raspberry, Good wine that I drink......" Polka song request - need a good recording

Karinka  9 | 28  
5 Jul 2010 /  #1
Dzien dobry!

I'm looking for a good recording of a Polish Polka (don't know the exact name of the song) with the phrase....

"Oh the Strawberry, Raspberry, Good wine that I drink......"

Any recommendations?

Kind regards,
enkidu  6 | 611  
5 Jul 2010 /  #2
This may shock you, but the Polka is not very popular in Poland. And never was.
Actually - its a Czech traditional folk music.
The name "Polka" comes from the word "pół" (half) not "Poland" or "Polish".
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Jul 2010 /  #3
You'll find the words and music to the polka you're interested in here:
notes and lyrics:

The following should help enlighten our undereducated Polish and UK PF-ers about the Polish-American polka, an urban art form that long preceded the monotonous, disjointed grunts and groans of slum-dwellers known as rap-crap.

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
8 Jul 2010 /  #4
I've always felt that the Beatles tune, "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" had a Polka beat to it.
OP Karinka  9 | 28  
11 Jul 2010 /  #5
Good day,

No harm intended....so sorry if I offended you.

Both sets of my Grandparents are from Poland. Both emigrated to the US.

I grew up attending/living the large Polish weddings with the live Polka bands,food, post wedding "Open Houses" with more food and more music!, etc. This song inevitably was always played. For some reason, I always loved it. I had no idea it wasn't "liked" in Poland.....

My apologies....I just remember the "good times"....

Raph  1 | 1  
11 Jul 2010 /  #6
Personally, I think this is a little better version of the song for ya... I grew-up listening to the Sunday Morning Polka Party, on the radio. :-) youtube.com/watch?v=WtDO2rkTt6Q
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jul 2010 /  #7
Just wondered why the Polonian polka hasn't caught on in Poland. Has anyone ever tried promoting it? The oom-pa-pa German bands are popular at the Munich Oktoberfast as well as in the US, for instance at Frankenmuth, Michigan and many places in Wisconsin and elsehwere.
Ironside  51 | 13114  
11 Jul 2010 /  #8
Has anyone ever tried promoting it?

doubt it
Eurola  4 | 1898  
11 Jul 2010 /  #9
This website has all the ooompapa songs played at a polish wedding, a village wedding I shall add.

OP Karinka  9 | 28  
12 Jul 2010 /  #10
This is just my preference, with no offense intended to anyone's preference....but I just don't care for the "German type Oompapa" Polkas....I prefer the Polonian polkas Polonius3 mentioned...doing the "polish hop"....etc. That is what I grew up with and love dancing to.

Thanks for the link Raph. I too grew up listening to the Sunday Morning Polka Party! :)

lilpolak  - | 1  
15 Sep 2010 /  #11
I will send you the song if you give me your e mail address

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / "Oh the Strawberry, Raspberry, Good wine that I drink......" Polka song request - need a good recordingArchived