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Strange "creatures" on duty - public parking in Warsaw

juli25  5 | 22  
9 Oct 2012 /  #1
Many times, when parking my car in Warsaw (and doesnt matter whether it is municipal parking or free parking area), I happen to see there very strange people, (they look like homeless, according to their appearance), who seem to be "willing to help you with the parking". Of course they can not explain themselves in English, and that is why I could barely understand "what they want from my life" when they approached me and tried to tell me something.

I only understood that they are kind of working there, but you dont buy a parking ticket from them, they offer you something like "looking after your car" while it stands on the parking space, and while you are away...

Can anyone explain what this "service" is?? I haven't ever encountered anything similar in any other country I happen to visit.

Thanks for your comments.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Oct 2012 /  #2
Can anyone explain what this "service" is?? I haven't ever encountered anything similar in any other country I happen to visit.

Usual nonsense - they want money for beer. It's not a service and they most certainly aren't working there.

My rule is if there are some guys who look like they're permanently resident there (they're drinking, they've got their stuff there, they look happy) - then I'll throw them a couple of zloty because they will keep an eye on things - it keeps them happy and no-one is going to break into a car with witnesses nearby. But if it's just some random who approaches out of the blue, not a chance.
TommyG  1 | 359  
10 Oct 2012 /  #3
Usual nonsense - they want money for beer. It's not a service and they most certainly aren't working there.

It's exactly the same in the UK. Try parking anywhere near Anfield during a Liverpool home game... "fiver to watch ya car mate...?" feck off ya scouser.....
pawian  226 | 27817  
10 Oct 2012 /  #4
I haven't ever encountered anything similar in any other country I happen to visit.

It means you never visited any country in southern Europe.
pip  10 | 1658  
10 Oct 2012 /  #5
they claim that they will watch your car so it doesn't get stolen or damaged.
The Shadow  3 | 86  
10 Oct 2012 /  #6
I only understood that they are kind of working there, but you dont buy a parking ticket from them, they offer you something like "looking after your car" while it stands on the parking space, and while you are away...

Back home we called this business racketeering. In Polish culture, this combinuja behaviour is considered entrepreneurship. It has precident in the '50s America with the selling of street insurance to make sure nothing bad happened to you or your property. Kind of an offer you cannot refuse. It is not so sophisticated in Poland, although try to tell a shop keeper that and you will hear a different story.

Do not pay these low-lifes who cannot even take care of themselves in their own country the slightest attention and, hopefully, they will crawl back under the rock from which they emerged. Poland does not realise what an eyesore they are and, rather than combat the social problems that have these (poor) people on the street taking money for nothing, their government would rather line its own pockets, fiddle and diddle each other. (Nothing changed since long before the days of Pan Tadeusz.)

Learn the ropes of Polish culture, friend. That's more important to you as a foreigner than the local dialect of the language.
Bugra1903  - | 1  
25 Oct 2012 /  #7
I always give them a couple of zloty and a fag on top. Seems to make them happy. Car is safe. Makes me feel charitable. All good. :)

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