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My Słowianie (music video mocks stereotypes about Poles and Slavs)

peterweg  37 | 2305  
21 Nov 2013 /  #1
This is causing a bit of a stir.

Slavic culture is sometimes portrayed using images of piety, simplicity and a rural idyll. Not least by Slavs themselves. But a racy music video from Poland that has been watched almost 17 million times on YouTube challenges those stereotypes.

Wulkan  - | 3136  
21 Nov 2013 /  #2
My Słowian

Did you translate it yourself?
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
21 Nov 2013 /  #3
Nope, that was the mods work.
21 Nov 2013 /  #4
Absolutely brilliant that vid. I just wonder whether 'proud slavs' such as the ones we have here (crow pierogi, etc) will realise that the p!ss is being royally ripped out of them!
szczecinianin  4 | 317  
21 Nov 2013 /  #5
Great if you like women's titties, but that's about as far as it goes.
21 Nov 2013 /  #6
It's arguably the best bit of p¡ss taking since the Shamen released Ebenezer Goode and all the bank clerks who took pills completely missed the irony.
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Nov 2013 /  #7
I liked "Nie lubimy robić" better:

pierogi2000  4 | 226  
22 Nov 2013 /  #8
Absolutely brilliant that vid. I just wonder whether 'proud slavs' such as the ones we have here (crow pierogi, etc) will realise that the p!ss is being royally ripped out of them!

Settle down Beavis
22 Nov 2013 /  #9
what is wrong to be a proud slav? are you a proud brit? i guess not since you have fled your country. That video is hardly a ******** more a perv fest with traditonal costumes.
23 Nov 2013 /  #10
More of the same from the same team (and indeed, why work when you can be a professional Slav) (second vid on the link).

Oh, and Vlad, I'm not so pathetic that I can only take pride in what a country does; I take pride in what I do and satisfaction from what I do: why not try it some time?
antheads  13 | 340  
23 Nov 2013 /  #11
having read the lyrics theres not much ********** going on, just the usual pop i' m a hot biatch lines mixed with we slavs are hot with like village butter with nice female shapes etc. now this on the other hand is proper satire.

this Cleo seems to be the polish version of iggy azalea
OP peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 Nov 2013 /  #12
I'm not so pathetic that I can only take pride in what a country does; I take pride in what I do and satisfaction from what I do: why not try it some time?


Well, put. It summarizes the parasitic nature of 'Nationalists' - I'm great because of the actions of others.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
23 Nov 2013 /  #13
the thing is Poles in general do not think about themselves as Slaves.

Well, put. It summarizes the parasitic nature of 'Nationalists' - I'm great because of the actions of others.

What are you talking about? Ah you are Brit, an average Brit is more nationalistic than a nationalist in Poland. No wonder you are confused.
Polson  5 | 1767  
23 Nov 2013 /  #14
Poles in general do not think about themselves as Slaves.

I really hope they don't ;)
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
23 Nov 2013 /  #15
This is causing a bit of a stir.

The girls are OK (or at least so-so) but the clip looks cheap and poorly made. The singer hardly got a talent.
13 Jan 2014 /  #16
Here comes the lyrics of the song :

We, the Slavs , we know how our work for us ,
We like to move it , which my mother gave in the genes .
This is the hot blood , this is our Slavic call !
We Slavic girls, we know how to use body language
We know how to navigate what mom gave in the genes .
This is the Slavic blood, this is the beauty and grace !

Wulkan  - | 3136  
13 Jan 2014 /  #17
did you come here to show us how bad is google translate?
13 Jan 2014 /  #18
The girls are OK (or at least so-so) but the clip looks cheap and poorly made. The singer hardly got a talent.

some people take this song too seriously. i don't like hip hop but the singer actually has quite good voice...as for the girls..they may be so so but still they woudn't even look at you. the song itself is not worse than other ambitious east european songs, eg. by ukrainian Verka serduchka
Wulkan  - | 3136  
13 Jan 2014 /  #19
they may be so so but still they woudn't even look at you

And how do you know that?
robkit  - | 1  
14 Jan 2014 /  #20
Some people don't understand this song. It is really not about girls and sex. That's what the voice in intro is trying to explain. Instead it is very much about heritage and pride of being who you are and where you come from. The message is even visible on Cleo's T-shirt saying "Don't forget where you come from"
PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
20 Jan 2014 /  #21
Merged: "Us Slavs" Please Translate

It's MLK day, I've decided that I'm celebrating the Slav's fight against the forces/groups that oppress them. Of course I am appreciative of the African-American's fight against racism, but I feel I can better understand their fight if I understand something that involves myself. Many Polish discrimination issues could be compared to African-American issues. The mindset of all oppressed people is the same. One example of how their issues are the same at the core root would be how standards of beauty effect our perceptions of ourselves. African-American women were previously never shown in the pages of Vogue and they just don't fit in to the kind of girl-next-door American beauty ideal. Consequently, many African-American women probably often wish deep down they were not born with those traits, despite the fact that for example, black hair has nothing to do with symmetry, which is by scientific standards what beauty really is. I can sort of identify with these issues because I have a very distinguishable combination of traits along with unusually pale skin. I look like a different breed of Anglo than the population I live amongst and I have always felt so repulsive and like that everything natural about myself is the very opposite of ideal. The standard of beauty where I live is very tan, sleek, no strange easternish deep eyes or sharp chin. Those traits have nothing to do with physical attractiveness though! It is a cognitive bias of a cultural standard! You understand what I mean? I really do understand what black women go through and its just unfair.

In my research, I came across an interesting and funny video. Although it kind of gives me the creeps watching it because its almost like prnography, I like the attitude and the message behind it. My favorite line is, "We have that which no-one else has in their genes." This song kind of reminds me of float like a butterfly sting like a bee. US SLAVS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! **** YOU HATERS!!! I think to stand up against oppression and not let if affect your life, you have to have an intense pride. That's what has started to bring me out of the dark place I had been in my childhood. I want to know, what do you think of the message in this song?
crochetbitch88  2 | 83  
20 Jan 2014 /  #22
I liked "Nie lubimy robić" better:

Me too

now this on the other hand is proper satire.

lol, I know a few real life Poles who are exactly "wypisz wymaluj" like that :D

Poles in general do not think about themselves as Slaves.

Thank God, we don't. But I think we like to consider ourselves the best of Slavs and often times we look down at the rest of the Slavic world as if they were our refractory younger sibilings, even though the rest of Slavs thinks of us as some germanized westernized and generally degenerated version of Slavs ;)
PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
20 Jan 2014 /  #23
Who is the Polish version of Muhammad Ali?

**** you! I come and keeka your ass! I'm so beautiful, no one else in the world has these genes! Our beauty can't be compared to anything else in the world! Don't call me a ******* Polak! I'm a doll. That's what I'd say to the haters if I were a Pole.

Wait a minute... I am a *********" Pole, I'm so *********" beatuiful. Germanized Slavic beauty could conquer the world!

(Too much ******* vodka)
crochetbitch88  2 | 83  
20 Jan 2014 /  #24
that video is supposed to be a joke. No reason to hyperventilate. Get a shot of ****** vodka and relax
PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
20 Jan 2014 /  #25
[************************ video is supposed to be a joke. No reason to hyperventilate. Get a shot of ****** vodka and relax[/quote]

You mean its not ******* serious?

I don't actually drink ******* Vodka though, That would ruin my figure and I would be like the fat girl stereotype at the end of the video.
crochetbitch88  2 | 83  
20 Jan 2014 /  #26
Then perhaps you could try meditation - no calories and very relaxing. Anger gives you very ugly wrinkles you know
szczecinianin  4 | 317  
20 Jan 2014 /  #27
Donatan has been Accused of being a Russian agent by the right-wing press in Poland.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
21 Jan 2014 /  #28
Wow? How do you know that he isn't? How come you are privy to classified information? lol
First incorrect information - Gazeta Polska' is a right-wing daily newspaper, - not is not, it is a weekly newspaper.
Second misleading information - which supports the Catholic nationalist PiS - whether it support or not PiS is debatable but PiS is not the Catholic nationalist party, that just a pure nonsense.

third mislaying information - According to the Polish right - nah according to few juranlist from that newspaper.
Three strikes you are out. What a rag lol!
PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
21 Jan 2014 /  #29
[************************ perhaps you could try meditation - no calories and very relaxing. Anger gives you very ugly wrinkles you know[/quote]

Sorry, those on diets can be very angry people. I always have to remind myself how bad WEIGHT looks.

That *******! I DO NOT agree with the message behind this video. I should have realized that anything so audacious and meant to draw so much attention had to be a sinister political ploy. No one flaunts Polish pride the way the polaks secretly teach their children, its too good to be true.

"(Donatan) lived in Russia for eight years, and feels half-Russian, half-Polish. He claims that the Red Army liberated Poland and that our Catholic church are 'ambassadors of a wholly foreign culture'
szczecinianin  4 | 317  
21 Jan 2014 /  #30
Wow? How do you know that he isn't? How come you are privy to classified information? lol

I don't know that he isn't. In the same way that I don't know that you are not a Chinese spy, secret Muslim or part of a conspiracy of homosexualists. The idea that most people are not Russian spies is simply an assumption on my part.

First incorrect information - Gazeta Polska' is a right-wing daily newspaper, - not is not, it is a weekly newspaper.

'Gazeta Polska Codzennie' to give it its full name.

Second misleading information - which supports the Catholic nationalist PiS - whether it support or not PiS is debatable but PiS is not the Catholic nationalist party, that just a pure nonsense.

So you haven't read the newspaper, or do you simply not understand its contents?

third mislaying information - According to the Polish right - nah according to few juranlist from that newspaper.

Who are representative of the thought of the Polish right.

Three strikes you are out.

Fair enough. So I trust this will be your last contribution to this thread.

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