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Where are the second-hand stores in Krakow?

kgoess  8 | 11  
23 Aug 2011 /  #1
So where are the second-hand stores here (Krakow)? The Goodwills, the Salvation Armys? We just moved here, hoping to stay here for a year. We've got an apartment, but could use things like some furniture, blankets, cookware, maybe a used TV. In the states I could fit out our apartment in half an hour by walking down to the nearest Goodwil store, but I'm not seeing anything like that here, haven't seen any garage sales either. Where do the Poles get rid of their used stuff?
gumishu  15 | 6227  
23 Aug 2011 /  #2
welcome to a poor country pal - it's not Somalia but still - it's not the UK where you find working computers outside people's houses - some do get rid of old furniture - you can see these sometimes around 'garbage yards' - but rarely these things are worth picking up
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Aug 2011 /  #3
Where do the Poles get rid of their used stuff?

They use it till it's broken, then it's trash... Some 2nd hand things are traded online by individual owners, others you can find in places like komis... but it's mostly about cars, electronics etc.
mafketis  38 | 11126  
23 Aug 2011 /  #4
Thrift stores as such basically don't exist. But most cities have outdoor markets (at least on some weekends) where people sell second hand things.

I just found this (can't vouch for accuracy)

ul. Balicka 56.

saturdays 9-14
sundays 7-15

technically this is for antiques but usually there is more modern stuff as well

also looking for pchli targ (flea market) in google it looks like there's one in Kazimierz on sundays (a few years ago I don't know if it's still on)

also Hala Targowa by ul Grzegorzeckiej on Sundays
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Aug 2011 /  #5
your best bet is on allegro.pl

a few others are


but I have never been to them.

your ideal place is ikea.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Aug 2011 /  #6
welcome to a poor country pal

It's funny - to me, it's one of the few reminders that Poland is still much poorer than Germany/etc.

I don't notice much difference on a daily basis, but the lack of such shops is interesting.
23 Aug 2011 /  #7
Where do the Poles get rid of their used stuff?

in the forests. go for a hike one day and you will find everything you need there.

here where I live there are the boxes like the Starvation Army has for clothing donations. They are broken into on a daily basis. clothes strewn out all over the muddy ground rendering them useless.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Aug 2011 /  #8
unfortunately, this is pretty accurate.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
23 Aug 2011 /  #9
well, actually, 'komis'es are second-hand stores but they can be hardly compared to the charity shops in Britain
beckski  12 | 1609  
24 Aug 2011 /  #10
The Goodwills, the Salvation Armys?

Lol, I also hoped to find great thrift shops, when I visited Poland. The closest things I found were an over-priced antique shop in Warsaw. They sold mainly jewlery and watches. The other place was an antique shop in Lublin. It looked good, but it was closed on the day I went there :(
milky  13 | 1656  
24 Aug 2011 /  #11
It's funny - to me, it's one of the few reminders that Poland is still much poorer than Germany/etc.

I don't notice much difference on a daily basis, but the lack of such shops is interesting.

very true
sobieski  106 | 2111  
24 Aug 2011 /  #12
There is a Susan Ryder shop in Warsaw though.
vicki louise  
11 Jun 2015 /  #13
hello, when i was in Krakow last year, there was a great shop on Dluga Street. it was selling second hand or clothes with a fault in. a lot of this stuff was from America.I went back a few months later and the shop had moved, but i couldn't find it. Can anyone help ?. Thanks for reading this.
29 Oct 2015 /  #14
Hi where do I find second hand guitars in Poland - warsaw?

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