Which is the real deal?
Russian rap vs Polish rap
Both are good. It might also depend on which language you understand.
I'm english and my polish is very limited but when i listen to polish rap it is something i can enjoy, even though i don't really understand much of what they are saying! Also i find polish rap has very good beats.
22 Feb 2009 / #4
russian, polish rap etc. is utterly ridiculous and it sounds awful. Infact most rap sounds awful
Which is the real deal?
I prefer Russian rap. It is much more delicate. And they don`t swear so much.
I am sorry, in my previous post I put a link to a Slovak rap. Yes, it is interesting.
Here is the right one with Russian rap. Also interesting.
Ooops, I was wrong about Russian rap not using swear words.
This one is full of them. Many words starting with chu..... . Yuk!!! Chu...Yuk!!!
Crnogorac3 3 | 659
23 Feb 2009 / #6
Beogradski Sindikat
And what do you think about Serbian rap?
Beogradski Sindikat
And what do you think about Serbian rap?
is utterly ridiculous and it sounds awful. Infact most rap sounds awful
I agree. Someone please spare me having to watch the videos… Do Russian and Polish rappers ‘get their ghetto on’ and try to imitate black American rappers, yo?
24 Mar 2009 / #8
they both suck, personly i like french rap it sounds cool :)
its funny when white people try to act like there "frum da hood" like ali g
Russian and Polish rappers ‘get their ghetto on’
its funny when white people try to act like there "frum da hood" like ali g
That dude is brilliant! Ali G is a great and blistering caricature! That's what all the white-boys-acting-ghetto rappers remind me of. Lol... Idiots.
one and only good polish hip hop band:
niejestemcapita 2 | 561
25 Mar 2009 / #11
Ali G is a great and blistering caricature! That’s what all the white-boys-acting-ghetto rappers
Not really who Ali G was parodying IMHO...;)
Ooooh. Are you saying that due to the PC rules in place that this was just the avenue he had to take? Interesting...
niejestemcapita 2 | 561
25 Mar 2009 / #13
Randal I really no longer have any idea what your fevered ranting means, in fact I seriously think you might be off your trolley. I meant to appreciate exactly which group Ali G is parodying you probably have to come from London, England, not East Bumfuk Dakota.>}
25 Mar 2009 / #15
..basically it's the worst thing ever to happen to music.
I never fail to laugh at this video and song.. Respect to Russia, but not in this case...
Some badass dudes right there :)
26 Mar 2009 / #18
It's like a black comedian over here says, "Everybody wants to be n*gger, but nobody wants to be a n*gger."
It reminds me of the Randy Marsh sketch on The Wheel of Fortune, South Park, LOL
I cracked up after watching that, very cleverly done!
I cracked up after watching that, very cleverly done!
I never fail to laugh at this video and song..
Respect to Russia, but not in this case...
Respect to Russia, but not in this case...
That’s some garbage right there. What is with all these wannabe whiggers? It is a shame that this ghetto garbage seems to be one of our biggest exports. That foreigner aspire to emulate our garbage ghetto culture is another shame.
Shaking my head.
26 Mar 2009 / #21
Randy Marsh sketch on The Wheel of Fortune, South Park
Yeah, that was funny as hell, mostly because a lot of white people might actually say that.
That was the beauty of it. It was just how sure he was that got me in stitches. First, the PC part (hey there Randal, sorry) where he gets all considerate, then out with it.
I can't friggin find it though. They've been feckin around with Youtube videos lately :(
I can't friggin find it though. They've been feckin around with Youtube videos lately :(
26 Mar 2009 / #23
Yeah, the copyright people stop youtube sometimes.. somebody will post it on there again.
Getting pissed off with this 'Rickrolling' crap too where they play that ghastly Rick Astley track.
26 Mar 2009 / #25
if i wrote a rap it would proply sound like this
he even says frum da hood :)
i love that snap at the end of the video, so funny
he even says frum da hood :)
i love that snap at the end of the video, so funny
Mysterious things happen sometimes. Russian and Polish rap isn't as mysterious as black Americans suddenly playing balalaikas and eating barszcz. I'm not sure that that has happened ever though.
I couldn't really comment on this subject. I've heard some fairly good Polish rap and some that's pretty awful. I haven't knowingly heard any Russian rap, but imagine that it's probably not very different. I'll have to scroll back to page 1.
I couldn't really comment on this subject. I've heard some fairly good Polish rap and some that's pretty awful. I haven't knowingly heard any Russian rap, but imagine that it's probably not very different. I'll have to scroll back to page 1.
28 Mar 2009 / #27
black Americans suddenly playing balalaikas and eating barszcz
that would be weird but in the world we live in it wouldnt be like a white person rapping because you can make fun of white people all you want but make fun of a black person & your in trouble & considered racist
Thats like George Lopez always making fun of white people and white people still watch him. That would be fun to talk trash about a race that paid to sit and listen to you trash them. lol
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
28 Mar 2009 / #29
Rap is crap, you are right, regardless russian, polish or even, well especially black american. All music is crap after it was spoiled by Gluk's "reforms" in the end of 18 century. There the poisonous roots of rap lie.
29 Mar 2009 / #30
Rap is crap,
that rhymes with crack is wack, thank you whitney houston