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Racism & study with part time jobs in Warsaw ?

11 Apr 2015 /  #31
Merged: Any advice on an Indian guy who's going to study in Warsaw,I am a Muslim but not like the other radical Muslim

Hi guys and girls I am and Indian guy, Muslim who is interested in pursuing my studies in Warsaw. I am not from Indian I am an Indian with a bit dark skin and I am American who lives in Africa at the moment. I just want to know whether I will face a lot of racism, any advice is welcome. Thank you
Bieganski  17 | 888  
12 Apr 2015 /  #32
I am American who lives in Africa at the moment. I just want to know whether I will face a lot of racism

This topic has been truly exhausted on PF. What was missing in the scores of previously posted comments on this subject that still left you with nagging doubt? If you are looking for guarantees that everyone in Poland will go out of their way to treat you like a celebrity based solely on how you self-identify demographically then you can forget it. Poles are too busy with their own life and caring for their families to be hypersensitive to satisfying your personal expectations.

The fact that you are even considering Poland as a destination to pursue your studies rather than remaining in Africa already answers your question. But know this, since you obviously didn't find a sympathetic ear in Africa for your identity politics what makes you think you are going to find it in Poland or anywhere else apart from PC America?
12 Apr 2015 /  #33
Come on man I was just asking a question, I'm not leaving Africa cause life is bad, just take 5 minutes of your time and google South Africa the country is as good as the US. I am doing the Erasmus program so I will be going to Poland and Sweden just curious on whether there are a lot of other people of colour there and the way they are being treated socially.

If you want to give negative answers I don't want to hear it so don't waste either of our time.
Kind regards
Bieganski  17 | 888  
13 Apr 2015 /  #34
I was just asking a question

Yes, a very presumptive question and a race-baiting one at that as well. Again, you stated:

I just want to know whether I will face a lot of racism

"A lot" you say. Why do you make such as bigoted assumption about Poles if you've never even been to Poland in the first place? If in your mind you already determined that you will be a victim of racism in Poland (regardless of degree) then why bother going at all? Just tell your Erasmus advisors you don't want to go to Poland because it isn't the "rainbow paradise" (LOL) that South Africa has become. Oh, and don't bother trying to tell anyone here that South Africa and your native America are all "post racial" societies with everyone harmoniously dancing around a maypole while singing kumbaya. No one will believe you.

But good luck anyway finding a country that will roll out the red carpet for you based solely on the color of your skin and cultish beliefs.

I don't want to hear it

Sure you do. You originally said that:

any advice is welcome

So look, if you had bothered reading older posts it would have dawned on you that trying to stigmatize Poland with false accusations of entrenched widespread racism while trying to prevent your defamation from being questioned by hiding behind a misplaced sense of self-righteous victimhood simply won't work.
Marsupial  - | 871  
13 Apr 2015 /  #35
South Africa is a desquisting dive. It's ugly and one of the worlds unsafest places and the murder stats back this. The whites are racist there, the blacks are racist too. The only comparison you can make with the usa is that africa and america both start with an A. My impression was that SA is a thirld world country. Good luck.
ufo973  10 | 88  
13 Apr 2015 /  #36
However there's many people who don't like 3rld world people invading their country.

Me and hundreds of other foreigners i know consider Poland 3rd world country.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
13 Apr 2015 /  #37
no Poland is not a 'third world country' don't be so ignorant
DominicB  - | 2706  
13 Apr 2015 /  #38
any advice is welcome.

Based on the attitude you showed in your question and answers above, I don't think you will be comfortable in Poland, and Polish people will not be comfortable around you. Sorry, but I just don't see anything that would make me think that you could find a home in Poland. You're better off staying in Africa, as you seem to say yourself. Poland just ain't in your future.
13 Apr 2015 /  #39
In didn't not state that it is racist I just heard and don't beleive so. That's why I wanted a little feedback that's all. I don't expect a red carpet neither do I expect being ill treated. But thanks guys you have been helpful
13 Apr 2015 /  #40
You might want to note than none of the replies you have had come from people who live in Poland (apart from me) and none of the replies are from Polish people. There is racism in Poland, but less every year and now a lot less than if you go further east than Poland.
13 Apr 2015 /  #41
Thanks Harry I really appreciate that answer, I was looking for a simple but informative one like you have peovided. I guess every country that has very little immigration maybe find minorities alien.
AnupamDash  1 | 21  
30 Apr 2015 /  #42
In my opinion Indians are more racist than European or Americans.
30 Apr 2015 /  #43
Just noticed your old thread. Did you end up in Poland?
2 Jul 2015 /  #45
I am planning for study in warsaw. I dont know polish language. I only know english language. May i get part time job??
DominicB  - | 2706  
2 Jul 2015 /  #46
Even Polish students have difficulty finding jobs in Poland. You're a foreigner that doesn't speak Polish, so your chances of finding a job are zero. If you need a job to study in Poland, forget about Poland and find a richer country or study in your own country. Make your plans on the very safe assumption that you will never be able a single penny during your stay in Poland.
29 Aug 2015 /  #47
Merged: Is there a lot of racism in Warsaw? (indian girl).

Hello, i am moving to Warsaw next month. When i was in Warsaw for two days ago, i have been experience racism. A lot of people were looking weird at me and even a girl pushed me in purpose and laughed. I am going to live there alone and i will rent a apartment little outside of the centrum.

I am a bit afraid for living there now, is it much racism there? Do i need to be afraid for going out late at night?

I am a black person and i will be living there for a long time due to work.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
29 Aug 2015 /  #48
A lot of people were looking weird at me

Don't worry - I have lived here for 23 years and Poles so love to stare. It might simply be because I am one ugly son-of a...... :)

The way they stand and stare: nobody has ever thought to correct that (regrettable) fault in their national psyche.

Also Warsaw is full of (older) people who came from elsewhere in Poland and don't know how to behave in a modern society, and so push, instead of being patient in crowds.

There are normal people everywhere, and those who have some sort of social inadequacy. Ignore them.
Indian tourist  
25 Sep 2015 /  #49
Have been to Poland several times as a visitor (Indian descent). I always found polish people to be friendly, Nice people in general, but i suspect they will have a negative view on people with less funds (in this respect western Europe is much better). Polish like to think of them self's as European and take great pride in being a part of the EU. But the West Europeans view Poland as a Poverty struck region and a kind of negative view on them.

Remember that Poland is not Western Europe. There is a lot of poverty and jobs do not really pay that much. Salaries are not so very different from India for professionals, even lower. Workers may make somewhere around 4-500 Euros. That may be ok compared to 150 Euros unskilled workers may be earning in India. But the cost of living is much higher in Poland. The polish society is very different from West. The country is not as well organised and managed, but it is getting better. The welfare system is very limited and people have had very little exposure to the outside world. Very very different from the people you will meet in London.

Basically Poland is good for traveling and having fun. But would not study there (maybe exchange for a short time), and never ever even think of taking up employment. People are leaving Poland for a better life in the west.
meiz007  - | 1  
13 Oct 2015 /  #50
Merged: indian arriving to warsaw on business


im a indian coming to Warsaw next month. i would like to know if it is safe for me to go to night clubs for a night out, i have traveled all over the world and have had mixed receptions due to the skin of my colour.

your response would be much appreciated along with any suggestions were to go to have a good night,

Wulkan  - | 3136  
14 Oct 2015 /  #51
im a indian

muslim Indian?
jon357  72 | 22980  
18 Oct 2015 /  #52
im a indian coming to Warsaw next month. i would like to know if it is safe for me to go to night clubs for a night out, i have traveled all over the world and have had mixed receptions due to the skin of my colour.

Yes it's safe, though as with any foreign capital, it's usually better to stick to the high quality clubs and you probably won't be the only person of colour there. The low quality ones aren't the safest places for any visitor to go to alone really.
25 Nov 2015 /  #53
hi im from india can any one help me how to get any odd job in warsaw

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