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Przystanek Jezus to the rescue

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Aug 2013 /  #1
The deafening 'music' and the organisers' 'kolorowo i wesoło' rhetoric cannot hide the many wayward and troubled participants swaying and wandering about the grounds in a perpetual beer & marijuana daze at the the annual deprivation fest known as Przystanek Woodstock. An antidote is Przystanek Jezus where the sick, inebriated and hungry, those who have been robbed and are penniless receive help together with the Good Word which may help them clean up their act.

sobieski  106 | 2111  
3 Aug 2013 /  #2
I wonder if you have ever been young, or just were born like that.
Lenka  5 | 3549  
3 Aug 2013 /  #3
Poor ppl having such a great fun :) Listen Polonius, I'm not a fun of Woodstock, not my kind of thing, but calling it depravation fest? Get real, I bet religious teenagers go to Woodstock as well (knew few ppl like that). So just give it a break. Przystanek Jezus won't come near the kind of public Przystanek Woodstock has and such ranting is only a free advertise
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Aug 2013 /  #4
The deafening 'music' and the organisers' 'kolorowo i wesoło' rhetoric cannot hide the many wayward and troubled pariticipants swaying and wandering about the grounds in a perpetual beer & marijuana daze at the the annual depravation fest known as Przystanek Woodstock

to give us a better understanding of your thinking, please tell us a little about the last concert that you attended.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Aug 2013 /  #5

Does young have to mean stupid, boozed out of your mind, wasted on grass and rampaging in mindless vandal attacks on everything in sight? Over the years, all those things have happened at Woodstock -- smashed up trains, smashed up faces, overdoses, people robbed while they slept... Great innit?! Lots of fun!?
3 Aug 2013 /  #6
I blame not the young people, they are just lead astray by the 'pop' musicians who influence them. But I don't blame the musicians either: they clearly have never known how to live properly. I blame the parents of the musicians: how can they live with themselves after doing such a terrible job of bringing up their children?!
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Aug 2013 /  #7
terrible job of bringing up their children

Probably many had no real families and came from broken families of divorced, addicted or violent parents. But what about the parents of the kids that go to Woodstock -- do they send their kids there belieivng it's a Sunday school picnic, not a depravation derby?
Lenka  5 | 3549  
3 Aug 2013 /  #8
But what about the parents of the kids that go to Woodstock -- do they send their kids there belieivng it's a Sunday school picnic, not a depravation derby?

No, they just want their kids to have fun and do what they want to do if it doesn't harm anyone. Besides, many of them are over 18.
3 Aug 2013 /  #9
Probably many had no real families and came from broken families of divorced, addicted or violent parents.

In other words, the musicians who came from homes where there were both parents must have had really lousy parents. How can those 'parents' live with themselves?!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Aug 2013 /  #10
Polonius3, it is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

some of us actually have family in the music business. your comments at first were annoying, but now i realize you are simply clueless
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
3 Aug 2013 /  #11
An antidote is Przystanek Jezus

praise the lord -_-

Probably many had no real families and came from broken families of divorced, addicted or violent parents.

that's the definition of a musician to you ?
Lenka  5 | 3549  
3 Aug 2013 /  #12
I just found out that during Woodstock two years ago Arka Noego used main stage and gave a concert. I think that's weird if you consider how evil that place is :)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Aug 2013 /  #13
that's the definition of a musician to you ?

No, but it applies to some rock musicians; others come from good homes but feel they have to keep up the reputation of a 'baddie' because rock is supposed to be rebellious, anarchic and flaunt ethical norms.

do what they want to do

So overdosing, robbing fellow Przystanek goers, spiking girls' drinks with date-rape pills and demolishing trains is just good, clean harmless fun?!
Lenka  5 | 3549  
3 Aug 2013 /  #14
So overdosing, robbing fellow Przystanek goers, spiking girls' drinks with date-rape pills and demolishing trains is just good, clean harmless fun?!

Have you ever been there? Because many of my friends and family members were there so sorry but I prefer to believe their stories about great fun, cool ppl and so on. And how will you comment on Arka Noego being there?
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Aug 2013 /  #15
Music is a great way to connect with our innermost feelings, release our frustrations, mellow out.. etc etc. Nothing compares to seeing a great song performed live. Trying to alter or enhance perception, even just with little alcohol (although they say weed is much more effective), is an ancient tradition. ;)

But there are many people who get overly influenced by music, where it eventually encompassed them and becomes a lifestyle. For those, by all means, Przystanek Jesus is a great idea!
3 Aug 2013 /  #16
did anybody see miecugow being punched in his gob several time on stage in woodstock ;+)
TVN lies!
Lenka  5 | 3549  
3 Aug 2013 /  #17
Yes, Miecugow showed class joking about it. This guy was a nut.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
3 Aug 2013 /  #18
rock is supposed to be rebellious, anarchic and flaunt ethical norms.

and heavy metal music is used to summon demons
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Aug 2013 /  #19
actually, I think Polonius is right here. Rock is supposed to be rebellious, anarchic and flaunt ethical norms.
That's how we exorcise our demons so we can go to work on corporate Monday mornings. Works better than a prayer.
mafketis  38 | 11284  
3 Aug 2013 /  #20
According to GW on the idiot that attacked Miecugow:

"W zeszłym roku zaatakował werbalnie z widowni prezydenta Bronisława Komorowskiego i Jurka Owsiaka. Dwa lata wcześniej podczas spotkania z Jerzym Buzkiem pytał byłego premiera, czy ma pochodzenie żydowskie"

Last year he verbally attacked president Bronislaw Komorowski and Jerzy Owsiak from the audience, two years earlier during a meeting with Jerzy Buzek he asked the former premier if he had Jewish ancestors.

pawian  226 | 27817  
4 Aug 2013 /  #21
the idiot that attacked Miecugow:

A guy jumped onto the staged, slapped Miecugow (who was trying to crack a joke about one of Polish RCC cardinals) two times on the face, displaying a placard TVN lies. Then the audience chanted: We are sorry.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
4 Aug 2013 /  #22
slapped Miecugow

why did he exactly do that ?
Lenka  5 | 3549  
4 Aug 2013 /  #23
Because from what I read his that kind of guy. Attacked your president and many others.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
4 Aug 2013 /  #24
The deafening 'music' and the organisers' 'kolorowo i wesoło' rhetoric cannot hide the many wayward and troubled pariticipants swaying and wandering about the grounds in a perpetual beer & marijuana daze at the the annual depravation fest known as Przystanek Woodstock

polonius3 that is by far your most colorful, most entertaining and most hyperbolic sentence to date!
"depravation fest" I love it.

Then the audience chanted: We are sorry.

VERY classy!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
4 Aug 2013 /  #25
some of us actually have family in the music business

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
4 Aug 2013 /  #26
About that Miecugow video. Does it not seem like these days, people in Poland, when in groups, seem to do nothing but chant? It just seems to herd like and sheepish. By the way the guy with the banner was right, he just should not have attacked Miecugow physically. I suppose emotions got the better of him.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
4 Aug 2013 /  #27
I suppose emotions got the better of him.

This falls in the same category as "Rydzak must have been confused"

people in Poland, when in groups, seem to do nothing but chant? It just seems to herd like and sheepish

I must be confused because I thought one you were talking about rydzak's fanclub gathering in Częstochowa
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
4 Aug 2013 /  #28
Unlike you, I am unbiased. I also dislike those chants. I don't like the chants that you get at some PiS rallies 'Jaroslaw! Jaroslaw!' I would prefer they would be quieter and just listen to him talk. Instead [in some areas] they interrupt what he says every 20 seconds. I don't like that chanting and I don't like this chanting in the video.
4 Aug 2013 /  #29
What you like or dont is you own opinion, mate.
When TW Bolek was the chief of the Solidarity movement caricature, people would chant Lechu Lechu at all times and nobody gave two damns abouthat.

How about concentrating on what Palikot did, when both PiS and RP had their meetings ion one city, on one Rynek??

Miecugow got what he deserved.
Woodstock is a meeting of potheads, and dumb teenagers from all around the country. Some years ago it actually had a meaning, the music had a meaning, Perfect singing about "Chcemy bic Zomo ;) " and all the rest.

Owsiak changed it intoi something that it was not supposed to be, inviting ... "artists" like whats her name Peszek or Peszko?, singing about how she hates Poland etc.. oooh the irony.
Lenka  5 | 3549  
4 Aug 2013 /  #30
Owsiak changed it intoi something that it was not supposed to be, inviting ... "artists" like whats her name Peszek or Peszko?, singing about how she hates Poland etc.. oooh the irony.

He was the one who created it so in my opinion he has the right to invite who he wants.And on Woodstock you may find different bands so anyone can choose without any ideological loonacy.

As to the rest-w hy so much hatred? We can all co exist and there is no need for making it a battle. Let's have both Przystanek Woodstock and Przystanek Jesus peacefully with respect for ppl choices.

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