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Are Polish ppl capable of revolting?

OP grubas  12 | 1382  
10 Apr 2010 /  #31
Yea, Poland needs a dictator.

True it needs someone concerned about the country and its ppl (I think ppl make country not piece of land) not his pockets or party.

where is that? in the west?

With the standard of living in the "west" ppl may not care but PL is a diferent story

Too many people in Poland "put up and shut up". Its another legacy of that fcuking communist heritage.


poland isnt as bad as ireland, uk

And milions left PL coz they had it too good there?

WTF is this guy about, thats economic stability, nothing to do with corruption, lack of decent health care, infrastructure issues, red tape, poverty etc....

You got it right

the government seems to be composed solely of thiefs and morons, but that is kind of expected. I cannot even imagint it otherwise

I can ,this country has potential but not with morons and leeches dragging you down whanever you try to acomplish something.Why do we have to leave our country and become despised immigrants?Get rid of bureaucracy(they dont contribute anything) lower taxes to bare minimum and capital will be flowing there faster than we can count it.

Poles are tired

Indeed.Most of them.But seems not enough yet.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
10 Apr 2010 /  #32
poland isnt as bad as ireland, uk, etc economically now

Yes thats why circa 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 Poles left Poland reside in Ireland and the uk. They must be mad into the oul masochism.

Tell me, do you lick windows for entertainment, turk?

Where you dropped on your head as a kid, repeatedly?
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
10 Apr 2010 /  #33
you have to figure out what you want to revolt against, and how you will make it better. I'm all ears.

I am revolting against corruption and unjustice,against crooked election system,bureaucracy and high taxes.
1 Change election system,vote for particular ppl not parties,cut the number of representatives in Sejm by half ,together with their salaries.
2 Cut the bureaucracy by at least half since they don't contribute anything but are only burden for those who acctually work,harsh penalties for corrupted gov workers.

3 Lower taxes to bare minimum,make them worth to be paid in PL,not worth to avoid them.
4 Crimminals do heavy labor not chill in comfortable prisons.
5 Stop spending on colonial wars and invest in infrastructure,healthcare and science.
6 Get rid of konkordat ,let belivers finance church if they want to.
7 Legalize drugs and tax it.Don't waste money chasing pot smokers.Stop treating grown ppl like little kids.
I have to say I am libertarian and everyone should be allowed to do whatever as long as it doesn't harm anybody.

We, Polish expats should form government "na uchodztwie" like the one in London after 1939-) I don't see any way to change anything in Poland with the current election system.How you going to make it to Sejm without getting involved with the clique?The only one who managed to do so was Lepper and it wasn't without some violence.I am not a fan of Lepper but I admire the fact that he actually made it there.
pawian  219 | 24806  
17 Feb 2013 /  #34
Maybe instead of leaving the country by milions, they should stand up and oust their own regime

To adopt a new regime? PiSlamist one? Thank you. :):):)
OP grubas  12 | 1382  
17 Feb 2013 /  #35
To adopt a new regime? PiSlamist one?

You PO's paid applauders are so primitive!According to you if someone is sick of P(artia) O(szustów) he/she must be PiS supporter?Really?It didn't cross your mind that people are sick and tired not only of PO but also of PiS,SLD,PSL and rest of these cvnts?So,a for your information,my opinion about PiS is that they are also crooks only to lesser than PO degree and if I was ever to support PiS the only reason would be that Kaczynski after regaining power would deal with Pierdoleni Oszuści without gloves on because for him it has become personal matter.Kapish?
pawian  219 | 24806  
17 Feb 2013 /  #36
You PO's paid applauders are so primitive!According to you if someone is sick of P(artia) O(szustów) he/she must be PiS supporter?Really?It didn't cross your mind that people are sick and tired not only of PO but also of PiS,SLD,PSL and rest of these cvnts?

So, it seems you advocate either communism or anarchy for Poland. :):):):):):)

Grubas, can you do us a favour? Stay in US and never come back here, OK? :):):):)

So,a for your information,my opinion about PiS is that they are also crooks only to lesser than PO degree and if I was ever to support PiS the only reason would be that Kaczynski after regaining power would deal with Pierdoleni Oszuści without gloves on because for him it has become personal matter.Kapish?

I hope one day they will deprive American Poles of the right to vote in Polish elections because it is so unfair you can decide about US while staying in US.

Kapish the pun???? :):):):)
jon357  72 | 22981  
17 Feb 2013 /  #37
I hope one day they will deprive American Poles of the right to vote in Polish elections because it is so unfair you can decide about US while staying in US.

That will happen EU-wide sooner rather than later. The sticking point is Italy who give foreigners the vote on the basis of ethnic heritage and some of the smaller central/eastern European countries who don't like the idea of non-citizens voting. At the moment they're deciding what to do so it's consistent in each member state.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
17 Feb 2013 /  #38
I agree with you pawian,you should have to be a resident to partake in the political process imo.
17 Feb 2013 /  #39
Hmm I agree, you should live couple of years in a country to have a law of voting, it does make sense - you get accustomed to politics/cultuyre tradition etc... But I do not agree with disallowing people who live in a different not allowed to vode in their ooriginal countries elections!!! It is unfair and selfish. All my friends and me always vote, we have to drive 60 miles to get to the nearest polling station, but we always go.

Babinich  1 | 453  
17 Feb 2013 /  #40
I agree with you pawian,you should have to be a resident to partake in the political process imo.

Resident or citizen?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
17 Feb 2013 /  #41
citizen,I should have said.

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