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Would Poles prefer US or UK medical care?

OP Lyzko  44 | 9745  
25 Feb 2019 /  #91
Hey, guys! We seem to be eternally focusing on illegals mooching off the system. My point is that for a least the past thirty-five years and counting, everyday middle-class, US-born, American citizens have been shortchanged by a system which regularly rewards incompetence with super young medical "practitioners" often fitting the affirmative action theme, more interested in wearing sling-back shoes or fixing their expensive coiffeur instead of practicing medicine.

And the average American who doesn't happen to be a Beyoncé, Madonna or whoever gets shafted.

Back in the sixties when my wife and I were born, the granddaughter of Irving Berlin was being given birth in the room right next to ours, at the now defunct

Doctor's Hospital. He had untold BILLIONS, yet was given as respectable a treatment as the child of a copywriter and part-time children's book illustrator.

If only medicine could remember the Hippocratic Oath and recall that every patient is a valued patient....equal before our Maker!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Feb 2019 /  #92
Yes I would accept that.

So you're okay with people who aren't even citizens and pay nothing into the system receiving the same care as citizens who have paid atleast tens of thousands into the system, even when the citizens will suffer as a result? That means a guy who's born in the country paid taxes his whole life means he'll get the same treatment as some dude who just arrived and hasn't paid in a cent. Or even worse a native needs a transplant must wait even longer bc some darkie from a sh1thole country who contributed nothing will get an organ bc before the native tax payer can

What about housing should we also put non citizens on the same level as citizens who fell on hard times, even if housing non citizens means citizens have to go homeless?

Maybe some of those legless veterans from the Afghan war that you sometimes trip over at the tram stop would appreciate such a system.

They have their own healthcare system through veterans affairs. The care in most va facilities is excellent.

I expect when you talk about immigrants you are really talking about brown people ?

No for that I refer to them as kebab, mud, ninjas/neckbeards, parasites, genetic garbage, muslimes, etc.
25 Feb 2019 /  #93
I don't know anything about healthcare but I find traditional medicine practice doesn't work anymore, alone. it has to be supplemented with newer discoveries like therapy and building trust its common goal. doctors equal pay is terrible and if they rich you only see dumbasses. I mean healthcare maybe overrated. sad
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Feb 2019 /  #94
I don't know anything about healthcare but...

Never start by saying that you know nothing. Therapy is not "discovered". When facing death, we trust everybody. Especially, in the ER.

doctors equal pay is terrible and if they rich you only see dumbasses.

This one needs some major editing.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Feb 2019 /  #95
Doctors make good money in US, in Poland only if they're in private practice. The ones working in state hospitals are overworked and underpaid. Oftentimes though these guys are the best docs because they're in it for the love of medicine and not money. Still, they ought to be appropriately compensated for the level of education and skill they have.
26 Feb 2019 /  #96
everything is shifting towards contract type of employment, not so productive but maybe efficient to higher standards.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745  
26 Feb 2019 /  #97
Although the level of competence among doctors in the US, even at the top, leaves much to be desired!
Either they don't know and often don't care, or they DO know and don't wish to share unless it means a sizable fee,

something even more disgraceful.

The professional these days, typically, no longer understands their role to serve, rather than simply to sell to, society.
Most have lost their sense of place and need to be reminded, by legal force, if necessary.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108  
26 Feb 2019 /  #98
For all it's faults,I still prefer the British NHS.
The cost is painless,as it comes out of our NI and tax contributions.
It provides a service that is essentially,or appears to be,free,at the point of need.
For less serious conditions,it can be a pain,but in general,if you have a serious medical condition they will deal with it quickly and professionaly.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Feb 2019 /  #99
Wonder when the NHS will start paying for sex changes....

Oh wait they already do including for children! Congrats, your tax money is paying for "people" to have their sex organs mutilated and become degenerate freaks.

Even murders get tax payer funded mutilation

Because denying a murderer an 80k sex change is a gross human rights violation you hateful goyim....

That's what happens in a society where autistic kids are encouraged to become trans and where schools refuse to let parents opt out of LGBT sex Ed...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Feb 2019 /  #100
Wonder when the NHS will start paying for sex changes....

I am already at the end of the contempt scale for the Euro morons and you drag this out? Where do I go from here? I can't hate these idiots more than I already do!
cms neuf  1 | 1844  
27 Feb 2019 /  #101
Because most people who have used that system know that it has huge benefits coupled with some things they disagree with. As someone who claims to have a Cornell standard brain surely you can see that nuance.

Or maybe you use that high IQ and tell us in a few sentences why the US system is better given that it

A) has falling life expectancy - unique among developed nations
B) people are more ill during their lifetimes than in Europe
c) Americans spend more on healthcare than Europeans do

We live in democracies and if any European governments said they were going to scrap socialized medicine and go down the US route then nobody would vote for that
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Feb 2019 /  #102
A) has falling life expectancy..

Because poor people who eat terrible food and don't exercise bring the average down, and there's a lot in the us.

It's kind of like with black people and violent crime. If suddenly blacks disappeared there's be an immediate over 50% decline in violent crime. The murder rate in Chicago alone would decrease by 80%. Well if you got rid of the Cheeto munching fatasses the us would be far healthier

And Europe isn't that much better. Even in Poland there's fat people now. You'd never see that back in the early 00s 90s and earlier everyone was in good shape, athletic, thin, etc.

At the end of the day, the us has far, far better healthcare - if you can afford it or work for a good company in a position where it's worth its in your employers interest to keep you happy and healthy.

All the medical device companies, break through pharma drugs and world's best hospitals are all in the usa.

I for one love the two tier system because it means I don't have to use the same ****** social system with ridiculously long wait times and subpar doctors as the low income, welfare and disability Obama voting crowd while that crowd doesn't get access to the top doctors. I'd be furious if my doctor's office looked like the DMV or social security administration.

IDK about you but if I'm given private insurance because I work and contribute I sure as hell wouldn't want to share it with people who can get it without doing anything to deserve it. It's bad enough I pay tens of thousands in taxes every year just so these low life's can keep wasting finite resources including on healthcare when they're just going to keep destroying themselves with malt liquor and potato chips. Why should some unemployed drunk or ghetto welfare queen who has kids just for the government check be given the same services as someone who actually pays or works to get it?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Feb 2019 /  #103
A) has falling life expectancy - unique among developed nations

Americans are drug addicted fat pigs. And they hate walking. Nothing to do with health care. Just another case of Darwin at work: suicidal idiots die early, which is good.

B) people are more ill during their lifetimes than in Europe

Fat pigs develop diabetes, heart problems, and cancer. Add drug addiction. Nothing to do with health care.

C) Americans spend more on healthcare than Europeans do

Same as B) plus easy access to doctors. No waiting.

See how simple things are?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Feb 2019 /  #104
It's too baby America stopped forced sterilizations and eugenics. If USA still had them I'd be the first person telling all the welfare and disability parasites and turd worlders to demand healthcare.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Feb 2019 /  #105
I like when suicidal idiots die early. They leave more money for my Medicare and Social Security benefits. That is why I don't get all that bellyaching about 60 thousand dying from overdosing. Nobody ever died from overdosing on apples and celery sticks.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745  
27 Feb 2019 /  #106
Too much of any one thing can be harmful, Rich! Everything in moderation, sex included.....then the mystery's over:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Feb 2019 /  #107
Too much of any one thing can be harmful, Rich!

I hear that arsenic is yummy and, in moderation, it will not kill you. Same for anti-freeze.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745  
27 Feb 2019 /  #108
Don't chance it:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Feb 2019 /  #109
The problem with addicts is that they live too long. Before they die, they destroy things other people.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745  
27 Feb 2019 /  #110
I'll have to agree with you on that score.

Only, let's not blame others for pre-existing conditions and penalize average US-citizens for not being billionaires! It's a false tack, a wrong direction which is driving us into the ground and making what happened at the Pittsburgh synagogue ever more commonplace.

Where John Q. (usually male) Public feels more and more marginalized, with his livelihood, standard of living, and society being taken away from him, practically right out from under his feet, with ZERO compensation to even accompany an explanation from the Powers That Be, one really can't blame him for giving our country a wake-up call.

That's not "progress", fella, that's REgress and it's unforgivable.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Mar 2019 /  #111
Only, let's not blame others for pre-existing conditions and penalize average US-citizens for not being billionaires! I

Exactly. That's why eugenics and forced sterilizations would help everyone but a small, mostly unwanted minority.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9745  
2 Mar 2019 /  #112
In itself of course, an unspeakably horrible concept, meant solely as an easy way out of life's often unsurmountable difficulties!
One doesn't ameliorate, that is, eliminate suffering by short-circuiting it, but by seeking ways to include humanity and doing what we've done
for thousands of years with the feeble-minded.

Lower-level societies might stone, punish, or put to death those who were deemed weaker or "less productive" aka the Nazis following suit with
many of the ancient pagans.

Advanced, more to the point, ENLIGHTENED, civilizations who have graduated from being mere "societies" know that even the most challenging among us
needs integration and a fair chance to make their poor lot in life a little less so, by leavening their stay here on earth.

It's always simple to do the expedient, much harder and in the end more rewarding, to do what is fair and right.

Sadly, Oliver Wendell Holmes advocated the attrition of the feeble-minded in our midst. From whence do you think the Nazis got the idea of state-run euthenasia?

Thank heavens the US didn't follow later Chief Justice Holmes' lead:-)

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