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Poles against gay marriages. Really?

Miloslaw  22 | 5269  
31 Jan 2019 /  #31
Let's avoid trying to instruct other nations on what they "should" or "shouldn't" do!

Great post Lyzko!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 Jan 2019 /  #32
they involve hurting a person/people or animal.

Huh? Incest and necrophilia hurts? Did you ever see a corps calling cops? How do you hurt a dead person?
How about incest with a female after hysterectomy? Anything wrong with that? Can I marry my own sister, or mother or my daughter? All after hysterectomy.

Are you getting progressively sicker? That's we how feel when the subject of two guys f***king is raised. Which your post inevitably did.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
31 Jan 2019 /  #33
Here in The UK people are loathe to espouse right wing or conservative views to pollsters,Poles even more so.

Really? I didn`t know that about Poles hiding their conservative preferences.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Jan 2019 /  #34
If anything, I suspect they're much more willing to express their liberal preferences.
Miloslaw  22 | 5269  
31 Jan 2019 /  #35
Really? I didn`t know that about Poles hiding their conservative preferences

They don't.
Just to people they don't know who are trying to pry.
Like pollsters.

@delphianedomine "If anything, I suspect they're much more willing to express their liberal preferences"

And what makes you think that?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
31 Jan 2019 /  #36
How do you hurt a dead person?

It seems you can`t grasp a bit wider perspective. When I wrote about hurting somebody, I didn`t mean the dead body but its relatives who will most certainly object to your immoral acts with it. That is why such acts were declared punishable by law centuries ago.

How about incest with a female after hysterectomy?

What`s the point of this argument and its connection with the discussion? I am trying to figure out but I can`t. Are you sure you haven`t been carried away by your emotions?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 Jan 2019 /  #37
The liberal dilemma is that they want to repel government when it's about abortion (it's my body, etc...) but invite the same government into their bedroom when it's about gays: please, come in, and see for yourself what a lovely couple we are. When you are done looking, give us a piece of papers, benefits, and the tax breaks as if we are capable of producing a new human life.

If the society is supposed to pay gays for rolling in bed, it's time to make hookers at least tax deductible.

This thread is about normalizing perversion. My sick example about incest is sick today. Gay behavior was once sick, too. Gay marriage was not legal. Time to re-visit all perversions and have one "comprehensive" discussion and new laws. All at once.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
31 Jan 2019 /  #38
There is no such thing as "gay marriage" for the same reason why there is no such thing as square wheel,

Hmm, I still have doubts why not.

English definition says nothing about a man or a woman.
Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognised union between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between those spouses, as well as between them and any resulting biological or adopted children and affinity (in-laws and other family through marriage)

Polish definition suggests "mostly between a man and woman."
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 Jan 2019 /  #39
English defintion says nothing about a man or a woman.

Neither does it define the gender of uncles, ants, brothers, and sisters. Or does it?
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
31 Jan 2019 /  #40
By that definition, marriage between humans and animals isn't possible either, as there's obviously zero legal or historical precedent for sameLOL
Ironside  51 | 13132  
31 Jan 2019 /  #41

Yes, that is a good post of yours. hush tag 3.

I would like to add something that pertain majority. I noticed that lefties talk about majority when it suites them, any other time they talk about populism.

because we are talking about facts, not words.

words are important. In order to talk about facts you need to first get your words right.
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
31 Jan 2019 /  #42
That's exactly what I was saying!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
31 Jan 2019 /  #43
Gay behavior was once sick, too

And gays paid a huge price for that. They were persecuted, prosecuted, murdered. Still are in some countries, I just read about Chechnyan gays who vanish without trace.

The liberal approach in developed democracies has been adopted in order to alleviate the life of people who haven`t chosen their orientation but were born with it. What should gay people do upon discovering their nature? Commit a suicide? Go to the mountain woods and stay there?

Besides, don`t you understand that hostility bears only more hostility? One day certain influential people decided that it is time to put an end to aggression against gays because it only provokes bad emotions and conflicts which spoil the atmosphere in the country. Isn`t life better when you live among happy people?

Now imagine you were born gay - how would you feel if the society rejected your attempts to lead a normal happy life?

Hence my words "live and let live."
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
31 Jan 2019 /  #44
I agree in principle, pawian!

The problem is of course that all people are mired in their ideologies which sometimes prevent them from thinking outside the box or seeing beyong their petty prejudices.

My issue with gayness is scarcely religious, after all, G-d loves each of us, as much as it is social.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
31 Jan 2019 /  #45
Neither does it define the gender of uncles, ants, brothers, and sisters. Or does it?

And, what`s the point of it?
Ironside  51 | 13132  
31 Jan 2019 /  #46
hey were persecuted, prosecuted, murdered.

Name a nation, people, group that weren't persecuted, murdered and so on. Live is generally hard and was even harder in the past. Hoverer it cannot be used as an excuse to demand privileges and a special treatment. That is wrong and counterproductive. Particularly in the case like this when it doesn't make sense an all.
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
31 Jan 2019 /  #47
Gays don't demand "special" treatment, Ironside, at least as far as I've observed; they simply want EQUAL treatment and that's a big difference from what you said:-)
Ironside  51 | 13132  
31 Jan 2019 /  #48
hey simply want EQUAL treatment a

Equal to whom? Other men? They are treated equally as far as I can tell.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
31 Jan 2019 /  #49
they simply want EQUAL treatment

I want to marry my sister. She is 70. Is this covered by EQUAL treatment?
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
31 Jan 2019 /  #50
They are creatures of the same G-d as you or I, like it or not.
Even "sinners" are human:-)

Send me a snapshot of her and I'll take it under advisement!
jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Feb 2019 /  #51
I want to marry my sister. She is 70

So now we know...
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
1 Feb 2019 /  #52
Touche, bro! The truth will (finally) out.
SigSauer  4 | 377  
1 Feb 2019 /  #53
Any conservative worth their salt subscribes to the NAP. Thomas Jefferson can nip this conversation in the but.

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."

It might have been an interesting thread topic just to get the temperature of how Poles in general feel about homosexuality and marriage. However, once it went past that into the hateful rhetoric of how some people feel about two individuals choice to love one another, the thread lost its meaning. It's largely irrelevant, NO ONE CARES what you think about it.

Are you a dude who thinks you're a chick? Do you think there are 72 genders? Fine with me, it doesn't effect my life unless you believe I should be compelled by the states legitimate monopoly on the use of violence to call you by your subjective sense of self. I'll also extend that to any public shaming, attempt at affecting someones ability to earn an income, or being de-platformed, simply for choosing not to acknowledge your subjective sense of self.

Live and let live fellas. Those of you pretending to be classical liberal conservatives, you'd do well to revisit some of our core reading and doctrines.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Feb 2019 /  #54
Send me a snapshot of her and I'll take it under advisement!

Before I ask her, can I propose to her under the "gay marriage" rules?
Can I marry my brother?
Just trying to find out how far this bs goes?
Them are serious questions, so don't get cute.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Feb 2019 /  #55
I'm pro-LGBT (pro - Letting God Burn Them!)

Tu jest POLSKA nie Bruksela, tu sie pedalowania NIE POPIERA!!!

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Feb 2019 /  #56
two individuals choice to love one another,

They can love whatever they want. Drop all that poetry and explain why we, the taxpayers, should spend one damn dime on their benefits just because one guy finds another guy's rectum fascinating.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
1 Feb 2019 /  #58
I want to marry my sister. She is 70. Is this covered by EQUAL treatment?

Sure is Rich and once she becomes your wife the beauty of it is she doesn't have to change her last name and if you get a divorce she is still your sister.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
1 Feb 2019 /  #59
Gay benefits?

Not "gay benefits". Married gays benefits. Like filing as a married couple instead of individually. Like being covered by the other guy's work health insurance. Like getting spousal Social Security benefits when one dies. All that will have to be paid by me and others like me.

That's why they fought so hard for that phony marriage in the US.
I am not sure which of those benefits would be theirs in Poland, but the push behind gay marriage is the same. It's all about money.
cms neuf  2 | 1980  
1 Feb 2019 /  #60
Why do you have to pay gay peoples social benefits ? You need to ask your boss for a new scrpit

At the moment imagine a gay guy minding his own business, not attending parades or any of the other things that grind the gears of all you pent up single folk in your chicago bedrooms and moscow basements.

That gay is susidising benefits for child heathcare, school, 500 plus, university, post natal care etc

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