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Are Poles bigots and xenophobes?

OP ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
12 Nov 2010 /  #31
wasn't the 30-year war in the 1600s? that's gotta be the longest-surviving national grudge ever... well, think about it this way, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger :)

I know, damn Polish wussies... The Germans got their asses kicked in WWI and who they came up with? Hitler!

Deutschland uber alles!
Havok  10 | 902  
12 Nov 2010 /  #32
the longest-surviving national grudge ever...

LMAO. krauts, you make me laugh so hard. XD
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #33
The Germans got their asses kicked in WWI

And? Did you hear us crying "Oh my god we are the Christ of nations"???

Dwelling in self pity and glorifying defeats is more a polish thing....
You love it...admit it! You fight with the Jews who suffered most... ;)

Polish are brave, heroic....losers! That's how you love to see yourself...the world is only so cruel to you all the time with purpose....because you are Poles...you suffer so nicely!

Where other people prefer to talk about their highlights you love telling about the bad stuff that happened to you...that is psycho!

Deutschland uber alles!

I know...but thanks anyway!
Polonia1  3 | 52  
12 Nov 2010 /  #34
Poles are romantic wussies who think their suffering is something special! That their suffering makes them something special

Polish romanticism and the idea of suffering inspired the person considered to be the man of the 20th century, Karol Wojtyla. Yes we are romantics, yes we embrace suffering as inevitable and the need to fight on despite it. I dnt see any thing wrong w/ that on the contrary, what noble and empowering distinctions! if it wasn't for this there would be no Poland....what character, the stuff of legend.......anyway u consider Gorals to be german, so ur clearly an idiot, and this might go over ur head
rychlik  41 | 372  
12 Nov 2010 /  #35
Polish are brave, heroic....losers! That's how you love to see yourself...the world is only so cruel to you all the time with purpose....because you are Poles...you suffer so nicely!

You nazi kraut as'shole. The real Germans are dying out. Just let your Turkish friends take over already. Bye bye Germany. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #36
anyway u consider Gorals to be german, so ur clearly an idiot, and this might go over ur head

I don't know where you get that and frankly I give a **** but every society who glorifies suffering and defeat and embraces it instead to fight it is sick, sorry.

Gladly the majority of the Poles see it differently...not walking in sackcloth and ashes but embracing life and a future.

if it wasn't for this there would be no Poland....what character, the stuff of legend.

Want that again? Getting bored???? I mean if you should need new stuff for your legends...

It's your kind of people which keep giving Poland a funny name...

You nazi kraut as'shole. The real Germans are dying out. Just let your Turkish friends take over already. Bye bye Germany. :)

ROFL...yeah...and next stop is Warsaw...*snicker*
Polonia1  3 | 52  
12 Nov 2010 /  #37
Polish are brave, heroic....losers! That's how you love to see yourself...the world is only so cruel to you all the time with purpose....because you are Poles...you suffer so nicely

YOU need to understand somthing you bloody Kraut, no one gives a **** what u have to say about history, as a dirty hun u disqualify urself from issues involving history..........

a simple reply of HITLER, is enough to win any arguement with u
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #38
a simple reply of HITLER, is enough to win any arguement with u

Aren't you grateful to Hitler??? Without him no "Christ of Nations" ya know....no heroic, brave suffering...no legends...what would you do without him now???

Admit it, without Germany and Russia you would be only some uninteresting middlesized country in some corner of Europe not many people know anything at all about...

(Not that most people haves still problems to point you on a map even despite the history)

"Christ of Nations" my arse! But if it helps you through the night....
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Nov 2010 /  #39
Radio Maryja screams anti-Semitic and nationalistic messages.

How much time have you spent listening to this radio ?
OP ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
12 Nov 2010 /  #40
"Christ of Nations" my arse!

you're right, Germans would never come up with that. They would only put together some cute little slogans about the higher mission of the Aryan race, and racial hygiene, and Lebensraum... No wallowing in self-pity, just dry-humping some obnoxious idea of national destiny.

So, speaking of losers and dry-humping, is

Who can and will respect you when you don't even do it yourself

your mantra before Hitler Jugend Singles evenings?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #41
Im starting to realize ur jst saying that because ur so ashamed of ur History.

It's not us heightening our defeats to some kind of mystical religious event, worshipping it...we don't have these problems with our history!

know how to suffer, we know how to fight tyranny and we know how to rise up agian!

Well...you are not alone in that either?
There are a plethora of countries who can claim the same...but somehow nobody got the idea to worship that calling themselves as "Christ of Nations" ;)

Just saying...I know that the common Poles sees it more like the common German or else Poland wouldn't work on getting their country up and running but instead sitting whining in some dark corner wallowing in self pity!

like the old polish joke goes, if we're ever invaded by Germany and Russia simultaneously,

A good joke...as if you would ever! :):):)

you're right, Germans would never come up with that. They would only put together some cute little slogans about the higher mission of the Aryan race, and racial hygiene, and Lebensraum... No wallowing in self-pity, just dry-humping some obnoxious idea of national destiny.

Yeah...nobody else would....
How Poles came up with that is beyond me!

Only the Jews took it abit further...them being "the chosen ones"...did you took notes???
I think some try to explain their holocaust with being singled out by god for that kind of
stuff...as a kind of punishment/reward whatever...well...whatever rocks their boat!

your mantra before Hitler Jugend Singles evenings?

You wanna come?
OP ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
12 Nov 2010 /  #42

For the duration of three "zdrowaƛki" every day before bed. Unless my stomach hurts, then longer.

I'm sure you're asking because you want to defend it. I'll be happy to hear how you can justify their "Jews killed Jesus" comments.
Polonia1  3 | 52  
12 Nov 2010 /  #43
Just saying...I know that the common Poles sees it more like the common German or else Poland wouldn't work on getting their country up and running but instead sitting whining in some dark corner wallowing in self pity!

No u couldn't be more wrong. Our ways of thinking are completely different then urs. Germans are subservient, Poles are strong minded and independent.........Consider why the partitions of Poland began. Any Pole knows that had not the misfortunes of modern history befallen on Poland we would be a richer and more prosperous country, many times more than Germany.

Also I think ur misinterpreting my "Christ of nations" quote for self pitty, which could'nt be further from the truth. The belief is an acceptance of our fate, a call to action.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #44
No u couldn't be more wrong. Our ways of thinking are completely different then urs. Germans are subservient, Poles are strong minded and independent

Yeah...your centuries of suffering have a reason! ;)

Any Pole knows that had not the misfortunes of modern history befallen on Poland we would be a richer and more prosperous country, many times more than Germany.

Sure...if my mom had any balls she would be my dad!

But you are of course correct...wouldn't the deafeat in two world wars and the subsequent partition and the communism not happened Germany would be much more posperous and richer than we are today... :(


Also I think ur misinterpreting my "Christ of nations" quote for self pitty, which could'nt be further from the truth. The belief is an acceptance of our fate, a call to action.

Well...you said so yourself, "brave heroic stuff of legends etc"...but glorifying suffering and making it the narrative of your peoples history is sick.

Nobody will respect you for it!

That's the thing I don't get...Poles are so proud, they so demand the worlds respect and are easily miffed by any (imagined or real) slight...but what you most keep on harping at are the bad times...WWII and such...that won't bring you the respect you so crave. That's just a fact!

Today you just don't get real respect or sympathy (besides some nice words) when you keep on telling how much people you lost during a war wich goes back 70 years now.. Poland is much more than that...so please stuff that "Christ of Nations" speak!
Polonia1  3 | 52  
12 Nov 2010 /  #45
Sure...if my mom had any balls she would be my dad!

This is a bit off topic...but why are you even on this forum? what interest do you have in Poland. all you do is mock our values and history. What makes you think any Pole on this forum will take what you have to say seriously. I mean honestly do something better w/ ur time. Go drink a beer or plan an invasion, or whatever germans do these days.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #46
but why are you even on this forum? what interest do you have in Poland. all you do is mock our values and history.

You are the newbie here...I'm a favourite here and my helmet is legendary! (Real legendary that is) But if you don't shape up soon Missy you won't make it very long here....that I can say...

Go drink a beer or plan an invasion, or whatever germans do these days.

We usually do all at once! ;)
OP ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
12 Nov 2010 /  #47
Only the Jews took it abit further...

further than Germans?

Germans are subservient,

I totally agree. I've never seen any other nation so mindlessly following authority.

You wanna come???

keep your Lederhosen on, the obsessive/delusional is just not my type
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #48
further than Germans?

Hmm...comparing natural, inherent superiority to being "the choosen ones"? Hmmmmm....that's a tough question!

I totally agree. I've never seen any other nation so mindlessly following authority.

Yeah...success comes not from nothing!

keep your Lederhosen on, the obsessive/delusional is just not my type

I'm a Prussian, not a Bavarian...please no insults!
Polonia1  3 | 52  
12 Nov 2010 /  #49
Today you just don't get real respect or sympathy

Ur absolutely right. Poland never got respect or any recognition for what we went through. We were sold out on numerous occasions in WW2 by our allies. Despite our huge efforts in WW2 we weren't even invited to the victory parade. So yes we will keep on harping on about how much we went through. We are a proud and stubborn people, we will not go quietly in any matter involving justice, truth and character. These are the reasons why in almost every country where there is a Polonia population their is a big Katyn memorial statue.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #50
So yes we will keep on harping on about how much we went through. We are a proud and stubborn people, we will not go quietly in any matter involving justice, truth and character.

Okay...but what do you expect will happen? What do you want actually other than some short back pats?
Polonia1  3 | 52  
12 Nov 2010 /  #51
No, I dnt want ppl like you attacking our national values and virtues is one reason. Secondly in the words of our famous poet Mickiewicz "If I forget about them, then you God in heaven forget about me"

You are the newbie here...I'm a favourite here and my helmet is legendary!

I guess you must already have rhino hide skin, from all the various insults;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #52
No, I dnt want ppl like you attacking our national values and virtues is one reason.

Well...you will never make non-Poles care about the polish history as Poles do.
It's the same for every other country and nationality...
I hope it's not that what you want because then friendly back pats will become groans and rolling eyes the moment you don't look...and still no respect!

PS: I wasn't attacking national virtues...because glorifying suffering is not a virtue and
not something Poles should dwell in.

I guess you must already have rhino hide skin, from all the various insults;)

For that I had my helmet...but the mods stole it...and the other avatars...

There is a crusade going on just in case you want to join the fight for justice!
Polonia1  3 | 52  
12 Nov 2010 /  #53
I wasn't attacking national virtues...because glorifying suffering is not a virtue and
not something Poles should dwell in.

All countries take pride and glorify ppl who died fighting for their countries, not jst Poland. As you said Poles like to think of themselves as romantics and are also staunchly catholic, you put 2 together and suffering is going to be glorified big time

For that I had my helmet...but the mods stole it...and the other avatars

what do u mean, what was it, like a forum picture or somthing?....avatars?

Yes...once we were a great looking forum with nice avatars for everybody and all things your could dream of but then a mod decides to steal our avatars and put them in some gulag godknowswhere!

hmmm sounds good, wonder why they decided to do that?. I'll defiantly join the resistance! Btw no hard feeling about some of the comments before ay, to be honest w/ u most Poles have a lot of respect for German's these days...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922  
12 Nov 2010 /  #54
hmmm sounds good, wonder why they decided to do that?. I'll defiantly join the resistance! Btw no hard feeling about some of the comments before ay, to be honest w/ u most Poles have a lot of respect for German's these days...

I like plucky Poles! Didn't you learn that by now?
12 Nov 2010 /  #55
The ultra-conservative Liga Polskich Rodzin and Stronnictwo Narodowe and their ilk still gather support.

what support? LPR has no support.

Stronnictwo Narodowe and their ilk still gather support.

What is Stronnictwo Narodowe? I've never heard of them...

The Romas are treated with discrimination and outright aggression.

How about Sarkozy? He wants to expel all Romanian Gypsies from France. In Italy the same thing.

Is this one big sad hell hole or does it just pretend to be one?

No it's just you.

Are Poles bigots and xenophobes?

No it's just your stupid prejudice against Poles.

what exactly do you know about Texas that makes you so condescending?

The same prejudice as you have about Poles. We in Poland believe that Texas is a conservative, redneck hole. Am I wrong?

Dude, you're a living proof of what I wrote.

btw, I hope you give a discount on your English lessons.

Delphiandomine is Scottish and he knows English better than you. You are just proving your ignorance and anti-polish bias.

My husband is Polish. I was watching Colbert Report and the piece on the giant statue of Jesus, which was hilarious, so we started talking.

We in Poland are also laughing about that. How about Giant Jesus statue in Monroe, Ohio?

Btw. Why don't you want to have pm? Do you afraid someone call you stupid? You're just a simple troll, aren't you?
Polonia1  3 | 52  
12 Nov 2010 /  #56
I like plucky Poles! Didn't you learn that by now?

ahaha yea i suspected that
12 Nov 2010 /  #57
The more one reads about Poland, the more evidence there seems to be that the whole country just prides itself on intolerance.

The evidence points rather to your problems with reading comprehension. It's a quite common
disability these days.

The ultra-conservative Liga Polskich Rodzin and Stronnictwo Narodowe and their ilk still gather support.

How much support do you think they gather? Surely they are present in the Polish parliament,
with all the support they get? No... wait a minute...


...they're NOT!

It's funny that you should even mention Stronnictwo Narodowe - in 2005 presidential
elections their candidate gathered 0.13% (in 2000 they had a slightly better result
of 0.18%). In this year's elections they didn't even have their own candidate :D

Yip - those terrible xenophobic Poles :)

Anyway - this thread is so full of ****** that it would take me ages to reply to every
display of stupidity in it. I couldn't be arsed, really. After all - this is "Polish" forums, where
perfectly decent threads are binned and anti-Polish libel and obvious trolling are allowed.
It used to annoy me, but now it's only mildly amusing :)
12 Nov 2010 /  #58
Anyway - this thread is so full of ****** that it would take me ages to reply to every
display of stupidity in it.

Yep, she certainly has no polish husband. He would divorce her if he read those things she had written here.

Btw to prove that ItsAllAboutME is a hypocrite I want to quote one of her previous comments on US neonazis:

it's a big country. there are also people who believe in aliens and people who believe the blair witch project was for real or that evolution is a hoax. it doesn't mean any of that is popular here.


Please ban her she is just a troll who wants to more attention (just like her nick suggests)
12 Nov 2010 /  #59
Yep, she certainly has no polish husband. He would divorce her if he read those things she had written here.

Well, she certainly would have to be punished... if you know what I mean :)
12 Nov 2010 /  #60
That's funny she slammed delphiandomine so much accusing him to be a polish bigot... haha. I've never thought I come to this point of my life to see it xDDD

Delphian how do you feel about turning into a "polish bigot"? It must be an extraordinary feeling for you ;DDD

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