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Woman born 1985 in Czarny Dunajec, Poland looking for biological mother

Kasia leja  
11 Jan 2017 /  #1
Can anyone here direct me to a page which lists all the orphanages in Poland or a page where adoptees look for their biological parents?

I am a female, born March 22nd in Czarny Dunajec, Poland. I was adopted to Sweden when I was 21 months old.

I have a doll from my birth mother with the writing "Kasia Leja" - can anyone tell me what that means?
Someone told me they called me Bozena at the orphanage - I don't know if that what the name my mother gave me or not.

Thank you,
Looker  - | 1129  
11 Jan 2017 /  #2
orphanages in Poland

The closest to the Czarny Dunajec seems to be this one in Zakopane: domydziecka.org/placowka,207.html

Kasia Leja

Looks like a Polish name: Kasia - diminutive from Katarzyna in Poland, and Leja - a surname (and very popular in the Czarny Dunajec/Nowy Targ area): moikrewni.pl/mapa/kompletny/leja.html


Bożena - Polish first name.

Katarzyna Leja could be your mother's name - but this is just a guess-work.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Woman born 1985 in Czarny Dunajec, Poland looking for biological motherArchived