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Wild dogs in Poland, are they a problem for any one but me?

slick578  11 | 16  
21 Mar 2011 /  #1
I'm just thinking, is it only my village that seems to be over-run with wild/stray dogs for no apparent reason?

I've read a few news reports that these dogs have caused problems in the past but I'm just wondering if anybody else has some ineresting stories?

I ended up with a nasty bite on my hand after an encounter Friday evening :(
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Mar 2011 /  #2
all the dogs around my area run like hell when you shout or throw something at them, none of them are pit bulls or anything big.
jacobadam  - | 4  
21 Mar 2011 /  #3
If caught I would shoot them. My problem is that I get one good hunt a week on Saturday. I do not want to waste the hunt shooting dogs from my stand. I would like the ability to dog hunt all week using the traps. Just not sure if this will be effective.
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Mar 2011 /  #4
If caught I would shoot them.

Poisoning would probably be the best option, you know a big old kielbasa stuffed with rat poison. If they're biting of course, a serious bite could kill an infant.
Olaf  6 | 955  
21 Mar 2011 /  #5
That really sucks.
But poisoning in this way makes them suffer - their bowels are literally burned inside sometimes. And they can suffer like that even for days if you give insufficient amount of the poison. Rat poison is for rats, you'd have to give a 20x amount and stuff it into kielbasa... So definitely shooting them is much better option, more "humane" if you will. You could contact local authorities on that or local hunters association, they might be helpful, and have the skills.
jon357  72 | 23712  
5 Apr 2014 /  #6

Cruel puppy farms in Poland

Crammed into filthy cages on squalid Polish puppy farms, the dogs destined to be sold in Britain at a huge profit
Cruel trade booming since Europe forced Britain to relax import controls
Thousands of unvaccinated dogs are now arriving in here in poor health
The Mail joins Polish officials on puppy farm raid in the country's north
Dogs kept in filth there are fed on buckets of putrefying pigs' intestines
RSPCA warns: 'It's never worth trying to get a bargain basement puppy'


The moral of the story is that if you buy a pet, make sure you see it at the breeder's home with the rest of the litter and the mother. Not imported from somewhere the authorities aren't so good at monitoring standards. These people only do this because there's a market for it.
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Apr 2014 /  #7
These people only do this because there's a market for it.

Well dah, cigarettes kill people but theyre highly addictive so theres a market for them.

Buy a Yorkshire Terrier in the UK from an official breeder for what about £600, in Poland you can buy them for around 500 PLN, so import and sell for less than £600 and boom. Easy money. These kind of stories will only ever get worse as long as the monetary system stays in place.
jon357  72 | 23712  
5 Apr 2014 /  #8
Well dah, cigarettes kill people but theyre highly addictive so theres a market for them.

Except cigarettes don't feel pain or emotion. Dogs do.

Buy a Yorkshire Terrier in the UK from an official breeder for what about £600

Better still, buy it from someone you trust - or adopt one of the thousands of rescue dogs that are looking for a loving home.
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Apr 2014 /  #9
Except cigarettes don't feel pain or emotion. Dogs do.

I can assure you that a person dying from lung cancer or heart disease caused by smoking will feel pain. Anyway the point im making is the insidious nature of the monetary system.
jon357  72 | 23712  
5 Apr 2014 /  #10
That however is their choice - however hard it is, we can all stop smoking. In Europe I suspect there are more ex-smokers than current smokers.. Abused animals though, have absolutely no choice.

Anyway the point im making is the insidious nature of the monetary system.

Better to try to change the legislation about animal import in the UK and give the Polish authorities the support they need to enforce their own laws.
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Apr 2014 /  #11
Abused animals though, have absolutely no choice.

There are people on this planet living in worse conditions than those puppies, these people also have absolutely no choice.

That however is their choice

Its not their choice. Smoking is addictive.
jon357  72 | 23712  
5 Apr 2014 /  #12
Doubtless there are. That doesn't mean we can't get involved in stopping cruelty to animals.

The question is, how the sick trade in live animals from Poland can be stopped.
johnb121  4 | 183  
5 Apr 2014 /  #13
sick trade in live animals

It's not the trade in live animals that needs to be stopped, it's the puppy farms. There's nothing wrong with moving animals around, so long as the whole process is not in any way harmful or stressful for them.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
5 Apr 2014 /  #14
Wow we got those here! Small world!

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