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Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake)

Bartkowiak  5 | 114  
1 Dec 2015 /  #211
InPolska, I'm afraid the dumbest person of the year award goes to yourself. First of all, you know ********* about Poland and the Polish, you Polandphobe, and second of all, we don't call gays 'sausages'? We call them Pedały! Jose is a troll, whose pov is so stupid that nobody except you or Jon agrees with him. If you don't like us, leave the forum, to be honest, nobody likes you two anyway.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #212
Trust me, I've known more gays that you would ever, including some Poles and yes, they know how people of your low kind call them. "Sausage" is ONE of the insults (which is of course completely stupid)
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #213
I Agree with you Bartowiak.

The west live in a dictatorship of the "Offended whining kids". A dictatorship of the political correctness left-wing.

And some people really want to impose the same dictatorship in Poland, by censoring whatever the Poles want and have to say just to not offend any minority.
Bartkowiak  5 | 114  
1 Dec 2015 /  #214
Are you sure InPolska? I happen to go to school with a TON of gay people, but freedom of speech I guess. Just share your opinion somewhere else, because we don't like it here ;)
Sczur  - | 28  
1 Dec 2015 /  #215
Free expression of prejudice is what I love most about Polelock
1 Dec 2015 /  #216
Inpolska "Except for the Britons and I, everybody else is full of racism", are you saying that everyone else here on the forum, apart from the British or French people are racist?
mafketis  38 | 10916  
1 Dec 2015 /  #217
"Sausage" is ONE of the insults (which is of course completely stupid)

Yes it is. But a better translation of the relevant insult (parówa) into English would be "weiner" or "hot dog" or even "frankfurter" (which doesn't make it any better)
1 Dec 2015 /  #218

Both of these are values and not something to be ashamed of. Maybe in multi-culti countries people are ashamed of their origin. I don't know.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Dec 2015 /  #219
Racists are uneducated, stupid, ugly, frustrated and have no balls

Spot on. Total inadequates.

I happen to go to school with

Under 18s aren't usually the best judges of what goes on in the world.

people are ashamed of their origin

Most people don't dwell on their origins unless they are very unhappy with their reality.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
2 Dec 2015 /  #220
Under 18s

Apparently under 18s from the other side of the Atlantic are now saying what is liked and not liked here. Come pay taxes here kids then talk.
jon357  72 | 22981  
2 Dec 2015 /  #221
I know. Quite funny to be called 'western' by someone from further west than I've wanted to go! And the bizarre thing is that this thread is all about someone's real life experiences in Poland. It really looks like some of these clowns think that just because the same problems can happen elsewhere they shouldn't be talked about!
kaz200972  2 | 229  
2 Dec 2015 /  #222
I'm sorry that you are having some bad experiences but honestly this can happen anywhere. I'm not particularly biased towards Poland and I can be critical of both the country and the people but truthfully it's no worse than most places as far as racism goes. Like all countries it has it's share of racism, homophobia, domestic violence, sexism and every other nasty habit going; try living in the British Midlands or rural France/Germany/Belgium, you'll encounter some verbal aggro/staring etc... in these places too.

Last year me and some family members were asked to leave an accessory shop in Brum (the actual words being 'F--k off out of my shop and p-ss off back to Amritsar') because the 'gentleman' of Pakistani origin didn't want Sikhs in there!!! Oh well, his loss, we had big money for wedding shopping. Sh-t happens but I never had that happen in Lodz!

Yes from where i come, there's no racism based on someone's skin colour or religion because that's ****** stupid and just proves how ignorant people are.

Sorry but I have to take you up on this one! Both myself and family members have travelled extensively in the Middle East and we have been subjected to excessive racism! The way the Arab countries treat Asians is not nice at all!! My brother works for Medicin Sans Frontiers

and the racial abuse he's met has been horrific, the worst being a stint in Gaza. That said we have also met nice people in the Middle East too. There's good everywhere.

Stick with it in Poland, there are plenty of good people if you let yourself find them!
Sczur  - | 28  
2 Dec 2015 /  #223
Good people are not afraid to express their bigotry it's only natural liberalism is sub natural
mafketis  38 | 10916  
2 Dec 2015 /  #224
Good people are not afraid of their dark sides because they have them under control. It's _forced_ liberalism that is unnatural, by not acknowledging their prejudices they do far more harm than those who can face and control their prejudices.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
2 Dec 2015 /  #225
You have a good point! Very few people in this world have no prejudices and you can't rid yourself of them if you don't admit you have them!

Sometimes you can never get over your prejudices but if you can control them and not hurt anyone with them, well that's all anyone can ask.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
2 Dec 2015 /  #226
You have a good point! Very few people in this world have no prejudices

More like none, no one. Maybe those in vegetative comas or extremely autistic or extremely retarded, but prejudice is part of pattern perception (noticing things) and to not have prejudices is to not be human.

you can never get over your prejudices but if you can control them and not hurt anyone with them

The purpose of prejudice (aka pattern perception) is primarily self-preservation. It becomes toxic when the self-preservation aspect is retooled into strategic first strike capabilities. It also becomes dysfunctional when a person tries to fight their prejudice so hard that they do stupid things and then bad things happen to them (like the women volunteering in "refugee" work who get raped by the poor downtrodden folks they so desperately want to help.

To tie this to the topic here. Muslim immigration to Europe has basically been a failure everywhere it's tried (I can't find an example of a country where a majority of muslims are not on welfare or where a majority of muslim women are employed). Once this is noticed, it should influence ideas about immigration in general and from muslim majority countries in specific. It doesn't mean a person needs or should hate all muslims, but it does mean being realistic about the effects of muslim immigration on European economies (essentially, terrible everywhere).
kaz200972  2 | 229  
2 Dec 2015 /  #227
It doesn't mean a person needs or should hate all muslims, but it does mean being realistic about the effects of muslim immigration on European economies (essentially, terrible everywhere).

It's a tricky one is immigration. I can't say I'm totally against immigration because I'm the daughter of immigrants, I view Britain as my home, I am terrifically proud of my British passport and feel very privileged to have been born and brought up in Britain. Like many people of immigrant descent I do feel there should be strict controls on immigration though and you should respect the country that took you in! As my Dad said 'if you go to live in another country, you treat it with respect, you don't expect everyone to turn into an Indian just because you moved there!'

The problem is, no country's indigenous population wants to feel as if they are being taken over and their own customs disregarded. No doubt where there is a large immigrant population, they may feel as if they want a bigger say or more control over state matters, it can create BIG problems.

That said, controls should be across the board covering all colours, creeds etc... and as a British national I would expect that I would be subject to immigration controls in all other countries, it works both ways.

I have never had problems in Poland and I do think there are far worse places for prejudices.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
2 Dec 2015 /  #228
"jeez"! The guy is neither a Muslim nor an immigrant so why for your obsession with Muslims and so forth? The guy complains about racism and intolerance in Poland.in any civilized society, everybody should be entitled to respect, which is not the case. In all western Europe, there are laws against racism, antisemitism, homophobia but in Poland the authorities let people be insulted, attacked because they are "different". Sorry, Poland, you are wrong to accept such unacceptable behaviors.

@Dolno: sorry, I was referring to only people on this thread and only the Britons and I have shown our intolerance towards racists. I know a lot of Americans agree with us but none of them was on the thread. Don't worry, I know you are a nice person:)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
2 Dec 2015 /  #229
by not acknowledging their prejudices they do far more harm than those who can face and control their prejudices.

I agree -
kaz200972  2 | 229  
2 Dec 2015 /  #230
I'm not sure who your post (246) was directed to but laws on social issues can create problems in themselves. Growing up around the time or before some of the British laws were introduced I can see the bad effect they can have! Britain had a real problem with the 'politically correct' stuff, at one point it was like a witch hunt! Asians being told they were automatically racist against Blacks, whites being told they were racist against everyone, it was all a load of cr-p! In some respects I think Britain is becoming more segregated as a society due to all the PC rubbish.

Worse still was the failure to recognise that ethnic minorities can be very racist/prejudice themselves and the refusal of people to deal with it because they were scared of not being politically correct!

Everyone has heard about Asian grooming gangs in Rotherham etc... Well it has been going on for many, many years in the West Midlands! Gangs of so called Muslims trying to groom Sikh and Hindu (and other non muslim) girls. The fact was these types of Muslims think they are superior to non muslims, they think we are trash! None of the authorities or local government would do jack about it because they were too scared to upset the PC applecart!!

Poland is not perfect and believe me I have had my arguments with Poles on occasion but there are far worse places for racism and prejudice!

Go to the Middle East and see how Asians of all types are treated! Black Africans too.
Asians and some Europeans keep the Middle East functioning but are paid far less wages than the Arabs who often do far less!
Many asians are quite physically vilely treated by the Arab population too, I don't know about how white's find their treatment but maybe someone will say!

Poland is still living and learning it's period of history, attitudes change with time!

As for people being obsessed with Muslims, look at world events, Muslims are obsessed with Muslims it's a scary time for the whole world!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
2 Dec 2015 /  #231
Asians being told they were automatically racist against Blacks, whites being told they were racist against everyone

You make a good point Kaz but on the other hand would it have been better to have left it and still have certain people talking about 'coons' 'micks' 'pakis' 'chinks' and so on, with anyone raising objection being told to STFU?
mafketis  38 | 10916  
2 Dec 2015 /  #232
would it have been better to have left it and still have certain people talking about 'coons' 'micks' 'pakis' 'chinks' and so on, with anyone raising objection being told to STFU?

I'm against almost any restriction of freedom of speech, but I'm not opposed to private individuals exercising their free speech to object to people using unsavory language. That's also more effective than calling on Nanny Government.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
2 Dec 2015 /  #233
You make a good point Kaz but on the other hand would it have been better to have left it and still have certain people talking about 'coons' 'micks' 'pakis' 'chinks' and so on, with anyone raising objection being told to STFU?

I see your point too. In theory the race relations,gender equality and LGBT laws are a good thing but in practise they can be twisted by characters with their own agenda and the whole race relations industry I personally find very patronising. I'm afraid that there's still plenty of the 'Paki' 'coon' and 'chink' stuff around in the Midlands, probably is where (I think) you are. The stupid thing is that there is a lot of this among the ethnic minorities ourselves.

It's a mess but I can't give anyone any real solutions. That said I am still glad I live in Britain/Europe and I've genuinely not had probs in Poland.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
2 Dec 2015 /  #234
That's also more effective than calling on Nanny Government.

people go on about 'nanny government' and 'PC' in a knee jerk kind of a way, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.
For example our 'nanny gov't' undertook a massive AIDS/HIV awareness/education programme in the 80s.
Other countries that didnt do that now have an exponiential (sp?) AIDS explosion. Just an example.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
2 Dec 2015 /  #235
people go on about 'nanny government' and 'PC' in a knee jerk kind of a way, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.

government has lots of legitimate functions, micro-managing interpersonal relations is not one of them.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
2 Dec 2015 /  #236
fine maf, just make sure you use a condom when you visit Poland wont you? because of general ignorance about the condition and a total lack of public information and eduction, AIDS/HIV has really got a grip of heterosexuals aged 18-30 who mistakenly think it is a disease of gays and drug addicts. Just saying.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
2 Dec 2015 /  #237
because of general ignorance about the condition and a total lack of public information

Let me clarify, distributing health related information on a dangerous disease is a legitimate function of government, throwing people in jail or hurting other peoples' feelings isn't.

Stick to the topic please
German George  
4 Dec 2015 /  #238
Is there any place in Poland that is a friendly to Germans?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
4 Dec 2015 /  #239
yea.Germans are welcome.there is large population of Germans in Opole.Been in Krakow last year and there are thousands of them,but OPole and Wroclaw are best to live for Germans i guess.

a oooo i get it...forget what i wrote.lol

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake)Archived