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Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake)

mafketis  38 | 10916  
1 Dec 2015 /  #181
So I'll go out on the streets and to the restaurants in Tri-City today then and insult every waiter, every passer by, and every catholic then shall I, because of their race and religion?

That is (or should be) your right. Intelligent people would soon realize that there is no worth to what you are saying and ignore you (or respond in kind). What's the problem? If someone attacks you then you should be able to press charges.

If it's a "crime" to lose on'e temper with a bus driver who is endangering his passengers, then it certainly is a crime to make racist comments

So you also are against Freedom of Expression. I am not surprised. So I am sure you will support any prospective legislation outlawing criticism of the government of Poland (since some would argue that it is harmful and divisive).

If you're not in favor of the right of people to say offensive things then you are no lover of freedom.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2015 /  #182
Okay i get it, Poles are not welcoming foreigners

Jose. don't worry. These teenagers don't live in Poland. Granddaddy emigrated to America, and they spend some time on here shouting for "Poland for the Poles", but actually do nothing to help their motherland.

You are more than welcome here where I live, and as I said, consider transferring to the rather excellent University of Gdansk, where western style freedom abounds.
1 Dec 2015 /  #183
Anyways, it's mentally ill leftists like douglas that will inevitably destroy Poland via multiculti whether he knows it or not. Doesn't matter anymore though, the white race is finished. Who knows if Eastern Europe will resist down the line, future will tell.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
1 Dec 2015 /  #184
Ironside-Although Poland is a Christian country and Muslims in general should look for greener pastures somewhere else, maybe France or Netherlands.

You're at it again! Mind you, most of the foreigners here actually have no plans of staying forever. The last time i checked, people who are practical Christians here in Poland were old people or does Christianity starts at old age in this place?

It baffles me a lot when I read these anti-muslim bashing on here. I am a black muslim but I have never really encountered any problem here. People I meet on daily basis seem to be very different from what I am reading on here, or are you guys just trolls?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2015 /  #185
If you're not in favor of the right of people to say offensive things then you are no lover of freedom.

That's incitement, in Western Europe when using aggressive racially foul language and if caught on camera you will go to prison for 3 months minimum. Then there is the outraged reaction you would get. Good luck with that in the UK, unless you can fight like Russell Crowe, that is...:)
OP jose67  
1 Dec 2015 /  #186
''you cannot start talking crap about Polish people and the country - mate, if you don't like us and **** all over us, then please leave''

As i said earlier, Your polish universities promote and make a huge propaganda to attract foreigners to study here, they kept telling us that Poland is a friendly country, and multicultural country with huge number of foreigners from all the worlds and all religions living together in peace. I was just a victim of their propaganda as many other foreign students here. I believed what they said about Poland and decided to try it.

They didn't tell us the truth and the bigger picture of the polish society. So once again you cannot blame me for coming here! i was just a victim of their bullsh*t
1 Dec 2015 /  #187

Yes I agree that was propaganda. In life, NEVER believe anything unless you see it for yourself. What happened to you was brutal and disgusting, very sad to hear that.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2015 /  #188
I say this as a nationalist.

What is your opinion on European Union grants and subsidies x1233? They really have thrown Poland back to the time of the Moors, haven't they. Evil European Commission *******, signing off on all that money :(

In the meantime, go back to your blockites, have a couple of cans of Warka Strong, and enjoy your afternoon planning your next beach riot against foreign sailors.

I am quivering in my boots.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
1 Dec 2015 /  #189
That's incitement, in Western Europe when using aggressive racially foul language and if caught on camera you will go to prison for 3 months minimum

Incitement is creating conditions that lead directly to physical harm and is the main category of unprotected speech. Yelling "fire!" in a crowded theater is incitement. Saying "Smite the necks of the unbelievers!" is incitement (although as a religious text is somewhat exempt from limits on expression).

Saying "White men are a destructive force" is not incitement. Tweeting "Kill all white men" is incitement.

Similarly, saying that (for example) Muslim majority societies are plagued by low levels of secular education and low social capital is not incitement. It's a subjective statement that others can agree or disagree with.

Is the difference clear?
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #190
Don't expect Poland to become another multicultural crap hole just because the west is doing that.

Congratulations. Very well said.
1 Dec 2015 /  #191

This is unfortunately what is happening, the white race/European people are being systematically wiped out. This is a systematic genocide. It's not too hard to figure out who is doing this.

Type in on Youtube "Barbara Spectre Multiculturalism" you will see for yourself, they don't hide it anymore, because they know nobody will do a nothing - they already won.

I feel sorry for anyone who actually votes, because voting is a sham. If there were a political party that globalist agenda, they would never be able to step foot into parliament in any country.

Right now there is a battle - Nationalists vs. Marxists/Globalists. There's only two sides to this.

Most people, even if nationalistic/patriotic, do not understand this unfortunately (or it may seem so).

Sorry, made a few typos, meant to say that if there was a party that opposed the globalist agenda or AREN'T controlled opposition, they would never set foot into any parliament. This goes for all European countries.

White Europeans will not do a thing in the west - the elite know this, they've already won in destroying White western countries.
Hellooo  - | 28  
1 Dec 2015 /  #192

, the white race/European people

Are you a polish ?
You think all European they are SLAVIC ?
You never been in Spain or Portugal Italy .(West of Europe) they don't look like you
I'm from north Africa and i'm whiter then European .
So please don't mix white with Europe you can speak about your county SLAVIC
1 Dec 2015 /  #193
I would also like to point out how people have been brainwashed, and why you cannot reverse the process. The process is already complete. Yuri Bezmenov "Demoralization in America (and Western nations)":


@ Hello
No, when did I say all White countries are Slavic? That is ridiculous. The White European race is very diverse, we have people with dark brown, light brown, blue, hazel eyes, different hair colors, lighter/darker skin complexion, etc.

Italians/Spaniards/Portuguese people will become minorities in their own country unless the people oppose this.

I have no clue what you're talking about.
Hellooo  - | 28  
1 Dec 2015 /  #194

I mean if i'm from north africa and my language is arabic and i'm muslim that's mean for you i'm not white .Yes ?

You mean Europe white .All world black brown green
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Dec 2015 /  #195
People I meet on daily basis seem to be very different from what I am reading on here, or are you guys just trolls?

I'm not bashing anyone, I told you that due to all what going in the world there is some illi feeling towards Muslims but nobody is condoning some drunks or thugs attacking foreigners, but those things happens in every country, in Poland those attacks are really only exceptions, you statistically you have a better chance to be attacked for wearing a scarf in color of a football team some have issues with or by being mugged.

I'm only saying that if you (not you, generally speaking) are planning to settle in Poland and you are a Muslim, reconsider or consider conversion to Catholicism, because if you are seriously about practicing your religion, building Mosques and such, find yourself another country, Poland is a Christian country and if you don't understand what that means it is your problem, got it?

They really have thrown Poland back to the time of the Moors, haven't they. Evil European Commission *******, signing off on all that money

Well Doug thank you for confirmation that you are edited - no name-calling please . Not that it haven't been obvious before.

It's a pretty disappointing to read all these kind of hate and negativity.

Some are and some aren't. You came here and write Poles this or that. WTF? are you racist?

They will stare, insult and attack and we cannot do anything about it.

Yeah as if your country whichever it might be nobody would been insulted and/or attacked. What are you doing away form such a paradise? Trolling?

As they teach us in the university '' Poland might be geographically in Europe, but the polish mentality is way far from the European civilized and tolerant mentality''

Which university that would be? Is that the reason for you to come on this forum trolling, trying to incite people with your false tales of woe?

You seems to be a person that know nothing about Poland, full of yourself, making up stories, you said that you are not Muslim, next you will tell you are a Swedish brainwashed student doing some worthless project on Polish "racism".

Keep the hate up !

I wonder where did you read posts full of hate and the only stupid comments in here are yours, people where commenting on you being and acting like an ass not being Muslim.

Also your point about Polish people you can fold and shove where the sun doesn't shine, I do not think much about words of liar and a cretin. Phew!
1 Dec 2015 /  #196
@ hello

Well Arabic culture is most certainly not European/white, but race is race. You can be pale skinned, but still not be white. It goes deeper than skin color. Arabs are part of the "Caucasian race" but not the white race.

So if a full white blooded child was born and raised in an Arabic country and was Muslim, regardless, he is still white.

A race is not the subject of this thread. Please focus on Poland.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Dec 2015 /  #197
in Poland those attacks are really only exceptions, you statistically you have a better chance to be attacked for wearing a scarf in color of a football team some have issues with or by being mugged.

This I largely agree with. I'd say though that this forum (being about Poland and being in English not Polish especially relating to foreign people there) is an appropriate place to discuss things that happen in Poland, including public safety.

if you are seriously about practicing your religion, building Mosques and such, find yourself another country, Poland is a Christian country and if you don't understand what that means it is your problem, got it?

This I don't agree with. Poland is one of the larger European countries and isn't shut off from the world. Having mosques here (and the oldest Polish mosques are 400 years old) doesn't make Poland any less Christian (or secular with Christian roots) any more than the new Catholic cathedral in Jebel Ali makes Dubai any less Muslim.

full white blooded

Who cares what skin colour or so-called 'race' anybody is? Except people so inadequate that all they can define themselves by is their ancestry.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Dec 2015 /  #198
Well Arabic culture is most certainly not

listen dude, people know that, not need for you to came here from Michigan and harp about races, western societies being destroyed and whatever rocks your boat, let stick to the topic. .
1 Dec 2015 /  #199
This will be my last post in this thread, if anyone wants to understand why white's are being systematically wiped out, all in the name of "multikulti" and why the European/White natives accept this and embrace their own genocide, then check out my posts in the previous thread.

Thank you.

Previous page* -_-
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2015 /  #200
This whole thread is about Poles, and how for centuries they have been an emigree nation, but their rulers, who have travelled the world, and taken advantage of what that world has to offer, consistently refuse to educate the population how to live like civilised human beings, and act with indifference, when they see a different person, whether he be black, homosexual, whatever, and those people who act in an overtly aggressive way are not censored.

The reason why those Ruch Chorzow hooligans were returned to Gdynia and sentenced was ONLY because the president of Gdynia prosecuted the matter himself. Otherwise the police would have let it go.

Conclusion: Cities with real respect for their citizens (emigrees/visitors et al) will not tolerate racist behaviour, and that includes rants and general merriment about those "disease ridden refugees" at "society parties" where the good and great congregate for canapies and drinkies.

Anyone with any repectability would get their coat and leave at that point. This racist thing is the ONE thing I cannot abide about Poland, and makes Poles appear to any outsider who doesn't know them, to be an extremely ridiculous, ignorant, and nasty people - which palpably in fact they are anything but.
OP jose67  
1 Dec 2015 /  #201
First of all, i don't care at all about your opinion. I dont have to lie about what happened. As i said, i chose to come here and i didnt know the truth about the polish people and society in general and by living here almost 6 months, i can tell a little about what i've been facing. And btw, Yes from where i come, there's no racism based on someone's skin colour or religion because that's ****** stupid and just proves how ignorant people are. Everybody who lives/lived here, knows the truth about Poland and Poles. I've never met anybody so far who said that Poles are friendly or tolerant. But a lot of foreigners are Ok with it and it doesnt bother them anymore.

Once again my friend, you don't have to believe me. Nobody have to believe me. I know exactly what im talking about and im responsible for each and every word that i wrote on this very thread
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Dec 2015 /  #202
Poland is one of the larger European countries and isn't shut off from the world.

However every country has an unquestionable right to profiling and control influx of immigrants to suit needs, mood and culture of a country.
I think that in the foreseeable future immigration of Muslims to Poland needs to be curtailed if not stepped altogether.

This whole thread is about Poles,

Nah, it is evidently a thread about people who know nothing or very little about Poles and what more they don't understand them.

This racist thing is the ONE thing I cannot abide about Poland, and makes Poles appear to any outsider who doesn't know them, to be an extremely ridiculous, ignorant, and nasty people - which palpably in fact they are anything but.

This duality and inability to understand is clearly visible here.

First of all, i don't care at all about your opinion

Why do you even bother to respond? You are clearly lying. I said what I wanted to say and have no need to bother with you anymore.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2015 /  #203
You are outdoing yourself today Ironside, even by your usual standards, and have clearly lost the argument. Do feel free to remind us again on exactly how many years you have lived in Poland, and why you deem yourself such an authority on street behaviour here?

I said what I wanted to say

Which is "Poland for the Poles". You don't even live here, so what does it have to do with you? I don't pontificate on the situation where you are, do I? It's non of my business, because I don't pay taxes there.
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #204
I think that in the foreseeable future immigration of Muslims to Poland needs to be curtailed if not stepped altogether.

Exactly that.

For some reason, third world immigrants (not all of them, there are exceptions, like me) tend to believe that Poland (and all european countries) should abdicate to their RIGHT to border control.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Dec 2015 /  #205
Which is "Poland for the Poles". You don't even live here, so what does it have to do with you

Quite. It's rank hypocrisy. Someone taking advantage of something and wishing to deny others the same.

And tacitly justifying violence against visitors.

Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Dec 2015 /  #206

What I find disturbing is your blatant display of deceitfulness and conceit as well as a poorly disguised attempt at (as your pal Harry amply put it) at hominem trolling.

Why don't you come clean and say what you really think about the concept that a country should mould their immigration policy according to the nation need and will?

We both know you are against it. You think that all countries should be ruled according to dictates of the ideology you embraced.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Dec 2015 /  #207
your blatant display of deceitfulness and concei

Do tell...
gumishu  16 | 6182  
1 Dec 2015 /  #208
Time for the European Union to send a Task Force in methinks to teach Poles how to behave.

it would be the last day of Poland in the EU my dear friend :)

. Sorry, all this is not acceptable in any civilized society and Poland should be punished by EU

France should be punished for not helping Poland in 1939 no??
TheOther  6 | 3596  
1 Dec 2015 /  #209
France should be punished for not helping Poland in 1939

As an alternative: maybe France and Britain shouldn't have declared war on Germany.

back to the topic please.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #210
Calling a black "an ape" or a gay "a sausage" or throwing bananas to a black or making fun of a handicapped journalist itd... may look like "fun" to PF's racists but all this has NOTHING to do with "freedom" and has no place in any civilized society. A civilized society must protect all their citizens as well as visitors and must offer respect and dignity to ALL. No one is superior or inferior because of the color of their skin, the shape of their nose or the texture of their hair...

This morning on the tram, I was sitting just behind a nun and should I follow the rules of some of you racist guys, as an atheist, I should have insulted her or she should have insulted her. I personally know several gays in Poland who at least 1 or 2 times a week as insulted by homophobic comments. Is it NORMAL???? Maybe to you but for someone like me who have been raised in a democratic and civilized society, it is NOT. People are different but they have to live with each other in an intelligent manner and those not accepting the rules are to be punished. Fortunately, Western Europe has strong democratic values and has laws against racists. Since Poland and consorts want to belong to EU in order to get hundreds of billions of Euros (what other reason????), it would be common sense to expect Poland and consorts to respect Western European democratic values. Yes, racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, homophobia are punished by fines and even jail sentences and it is most fortunate because "racism is not an opinion, it's a crime".

Except for the Britons and I, everybody else is full of racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, homophobia and it is sickening. Keep writing your insults and your hatred, you contribute to the already very bad reputation Poland has. There are of course a lot of very nice and decent people in Poland but we should hear/read them instead of hearing and hearing only the scum. You are so miserable in your life, no education, no job or lousy job with no money and no future, living in a slum in a lousy place so you are most frustrated and as a result instead of working on your failure in order to improve your crappy life, you are mad at the whole world and need to find scapegoats and since you have NO balls, you prefer to bother minorities. You are the lowest of the very lowest. Racists are uneducated, stupid, ugly, frustrated and have no balls. Thank you to conttinue giving Poland a very bad reputation. What do you do for Poland? Nothing! You don't even live in Poland and don't pay tax to Poland. We foreigners contribute much more to Polish economy than you would ever.

@José: your story is very sad and I wish you to get the he///ll out of Poland as soon as you can. What kind of university are you attending? If a private school, forget it, your diploma won't be worth anything. I understand that you are in Wroclaw, if you happen to visit Warsaw, do give me a signal and I'll invite you for a meal. You've been suffering so much that I really feel sorry (but I am not surprised). Now, you know Poland and the mentality of MOST Poles all the more as you've got quite a "nice" sample in PF. Fortunately a lot of them don't live in Poland, and sometimes have never set a foot in Poland and of course you've met Levy, who is a special case himself, not living in Poland, never set a foot in W. Europe but he .... knows better than people from here/there. Well, you have read and you know... Please try to relax (I know not so easy) and stick to foreign people. You speak English, + I suppose French besides your native Arabic so you can meet a lot of nationalities and make great friends. Chin up! Prends soin de toi! :)

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