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Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake)

InPolska  9 | 1796  
30 Nov 2015 /  #151
@Bart: just do research on the net and you'll see that it happens often....
jon357  72 | 22981  
30 Nov 2015 /  #152
Isn't it extremely coincidental that nobody else who visited Poland experienced any problems?

Dunno about coincidental, but certainly untrue.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
30 Nov 2015 /  #153
What is ... untrue?
Bartkowiak  5 | 114  
30 Nov 2015 /  #154
Ah, you see. It does happen often, however it's mostly Yanks and Brits and their superiority. It happens in 'smaller' towns such as Górzow Wielkopolski, such accounts never happen in Warsaw or Poznan; which are both 'used' to tourists.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
30 Nov 2015 /  #155
@Bart: how about the Syrian guy beaten up and hospitalized as a result in Poznan a few weeks ago? Even is physical violence does not happen daily, there are insults, staring at..... Sorry, all this is not acceptable in any civilized society and Poland should be punished by EU
jon357  72 | 22981  
30 Nov 2015 /  #156
such accounts never happen in Warsaw or Poznan; which are both 'used' to tourists.

Nonsense. It's happened to two people I know well who live in Poland; both people of colour. And to a white person who happened to be walking home alone.
Bartkowiak  5 | 114  
30 Nov 2015 /  #157
So the whole of Poland should be punished because of a couple of thugs? Pfff, you're not thinking straight, better get some sleep.

Fair enough Jon, but attacks happen everywhere and not every attack is necessarily racist.

The way I see it, a country shouldn't be judged because of a couple of people. Saying that InPolska makes you a hypocrite.

Good night,
Bart out.
jon357  72 | 22981  
30 Nov 2015 /  #158
So the whole of Poland should be punished

Whoever suggested that?

but attacks happen everywhere and not every attack is necessarily racist.

Indeed, and that certainly doesn't mean we should ignore them, does it? BTW, two of the three attacks I mentioned were certainly racist. Sad but true. Yes it can happen anywhere. No we should not pretend Poland (the topic of this forum, after all) is immune.
Levi  11 | 433  
1 Dec 2015 /  #159
Sorry, all this is not acceptable in any civilized society and Poland should be punished by EU

So are you saying that Poland should be punished by EU just because some people stare at others?


It sounds like a George Orwell book about an authoritarian regime.


No, they are not. There are actually much more Morroccans (example) leaving it than Poles embracing it. Even with the death penalty in Morocco for those who dare to leave it. The only few poles that i knew that embraced it are 2 girls that were naively seducted by middle easterners and convinced to convert. Both of them regretted and already left it.

Admins: If you want to remove my comment under the allegation that it is off-topic, please be honest and remove his comment too.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #160
"Jeez"! I am not talking about these 2 ;) cases but since racism/intolerance seems cultural in Poland and other post communist countries (zillions of examples throughout the net ;)), such countries do NOT correspond to EU's ideas of open mind, tolerance, bringing people together.... Of course, physical attacks do NOT happen on a daily basis (Poland and similar countries are not the jungle) but when in some countries, people are given a "rough time" because they happen to be different, it is not to be accepted and should be strongly condemned by EU justice. Is it normal for instance that in such countries "Blacks" are called "apes"?

I do know that there are racists, antisemits, xenophobes, homophobes... in every country but in Poland and other post communist countries, such people correspond to the quasi whole populations and it is very bad.

Comments from PF's members do confirm mine ;).

Are there any SPECIFIC laws in Poland against racist, xenophobic, antismetic, homophobic comments and acts or a guy beating up a black or a gay is just treated like someone stealing a mere .... bottle of wodka? That IS the question. In France, for instance, laws (voted in the 1980's) are very severe in such cases and people guilty of such deeds are punished by up to 3 years in jail and 75,000 euro fines (it ought to calm down ;)) .... Last week, a French antisemitic "artist" was sentenced to 2 month jail sentence by a Belgian court for his comments made while in Belgium. I suppose it it like that in all western countries as should be.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
1 Dec 2015 /  #161
Last week, a French antisemitic "artist" was sentenced to 2 month jail sentence by a Belgian court for his comments made while in Belgium.

In other words, freedom of speech is not a right recognized by the French government.

Not surprised.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #162
@Maf: what is condemned is HATRED and it is so in all civilized countries (including as per EU's vision). Vomiting one's racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, homophobia and beating up people is NOT freedom. Instead of your continuous bashing, get informed. Remember French Revolution has given the world the declaration of human rights (+ the metric system...) and France is recognized by ALL countries as the country of the human rights....

Well, I don't talk to racists so bye!
1 Dec 2015 /  #163
I didn't read this whole thread, nor his post, but here I go:

Here's a very simple solution, why not move to the UK/France or other multicultural countries and enjoy the wonders of multiculturalism? If you're talking crap about Poland and the Polish people, what the hell are you doing there in the first place?

Unbelievable. That's if he decides to stay in Poland after talking **** about the country.

Is this forum full of leftist, ant-white genocidal scum? I'm not surprised they don't support free speech, any speech is ok as long it doesn't go against their anti-white agenda.

Supporting DIEversity and multiculturalism is white genocide. The people who support this are mentally ill - how can you justify genocide? Why do you want to destroy white countries and their people? What is wrong with you?

Nobody is forcing Japan, China, and other non-white countries to welcome DIEversity and celebrate the death of their own people (as a great, progressive thing)

Notice how it's only white countries only? It won't be long before Poland and other Eastern European nations will be targeted with "multikulti".
mafketis  38 | 10916  
1 Dec 2015 /  #164
what is condemned is HATRED

And who defines what HATRED is? Laws that outlaw offensive speech can be modified to outlaw talking about other things.

Well, I don't talk to racists so bye!

I think you don't talk to people with better arguments than yours.

Nobody is forcing Japan, China, and other non-white countries to welcome DIEversity and celebrate the death of their own people (as a great, progressive thing

More specifically, nobody is advocating that Europeans and/or Americans should be moving to the Middle East to shake up their stagnant cultures and make them more multicultural (bringing their better educational standards and better governing know how). Why not?

Egypt seems to be incapable of democratic rule but if a few million westerners moved there then maybe they could help them develop the knack for something besides military or religious dictatorships (cause Egyptians at present don't seem capable of that).
1 Dec 2015 /  #165
Multikulti is only being pushed on white countries by psychotic leftists, because deep down, they want to see all white people dead in this world. Don't think for a minute there isn't an agenda behind this.

InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Dec 2015 /  #166
@Maf: to conclude: I refuse to talk with you because 1. you don't know anything about place (have NEVER lived there, don't speak the language) 2. you are so prejudiced 3. you are ashamed about saying where you are from. Are you from the country where "nig..ger hunting" used to be not long ago a "hobby" or from the one responsible for the death of over 50 million people around the world and if so, you have no lessons to teach others ;) . 5. no country is perfect but sorry, France is among the best ones (and recognized as such by the whole world, we saw it 2 weeks ago how the world population responded, including singing "La Marseillaise" everywhere).
mafketis  38 | 10916  
1 Dec 2015 /  #167
you don't know anything about place (have NEVER lived there, don't speak the language)

No but I understand a core civilizational value, freedom of expression, is not allowed there.

you are so prejudiced

What you want ritualized statements to make you feel better. The "comedian" in question is hate-filled-garbage disguised as a human being. I would think that's obvious. He should also be allowed to freely proclaim his utterly loathesome ideas. By outlawing "hate" you're not actually stopping any ideas, you're driving them underground where they will get far worse.

Are you from the country where "nig..ger hunting" used to be not long ago a "hobby" or from the one responsible for the death of over 50 million people around the world

I'd like a cite for the 50 million. The crimes of the US are not greater than those of any other comprably sized country, the difference is that in the US past crimes are recognized and attempts have been made to rectify them to the degree that that is possible (to a far greater degree than any other comprably sized country).

no country is perfect but sorry, France is among the best ones

Then why are the French so apologetic about French values? Don't lock up the nazi comic, debate him in public and deprive him of his audience.
sksherwani2k  - | 3  
1 Dec 2015 /  #168
Guys I want to share some my experience. I was in Poland I lived there for more than two years. I met all kind of people racist and normal.in each country all people are not same.

I was attacked once by two polish men and on same time one woman call police and within few minutes police was there to catch these guys.

I was refused to get job reason to being a Muslim in one big company. But I got other work without even an interview.
I was living with polish people and I found them very humble and respectful. And I also met people who just hate me and shocked how I am well educated and on good position .

I travelled alone in almost all means of transport in Poland but never got problem.

My opinion in Europe specially in Poland people are not aware of Muslim they know only what media shows they know only what they have seen. So it is not there mistake that they are racist.these is media and some how culturelong differences and problems.

If you move on road with fear that you are not one of them and different from them definitely you will get problem as anyone (stupid )can try to do something with you (hate words or attack ) but if you show confidence in your actions and your body language no one can not dare to say you anything.

I was in adventure trip in Poland for 3 days 3 nights in city, villages, forests without any money food or documents and any communication device.so I did not get any attack or hate word.

So in all countries there is some bad people who create bad impression for that country it does not mean this country or nation is bad same for polish and same for muslims.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Dec 2015 /  #169
Muslims are already here,

What it has to do with my post? There is a very small historical Muslim minority but they do not enter the picture. Also there is increase, visible increase in a number of Muslim in Poland due to immigration. I'm not debating it.

I'm only saying that in a current climate IS, terrorists attacks, there is a very strong backlash against Muslims and that's the fact.

Poles hate people who are different

No, that is not true Poles are curios and interested in different people, unless there is some kind of negative connotation as right now for some people Muslims equals terrorist or conquests by settlement. I'm sure you meant French with this idea of uniformity.

Poles are embracing Islam day in day out

Nah... few idiots here and there, we have also Marxists, PC-western liberal worshipers and other mutants but that only leftovers.

If you really blame what the so called muslims did on all Muslims then i'm so sorry for you.

Read with comprehensions my friend. I explained why there would be a surge of anti-Muslim feelings in Poland, not only in Poland mind you - that all. Ah don't ever again come onto me patronizing - I do not take kindly to that.

Almost all of them were not even practical muslims.

Makes no difference really. I do not condemn all people by the action of few, as our OP is doing here, I think it is him you should lecture.

Although Poland is a Christian country and Muslims in general should look for greener pastures somewhere else, maybe France or Netherlands.

That is just their opinion anyway, and it doesn't in any way represent the life style of a typical Polish yet the Dutch claim to be right in tugging Poles with such misdemeanor.

Well, maybe they should asks themselves what is in their culture and country that attracts such a people. :)

So in all countries there is some bad people who create bad impression for that country it does not mean this country or nation is bad same for polish and same for muslims.

You are right sk. Well spoken.
I hope you enjoined your stay in Poland and if you planning to settle in Poland you might consider conversion to Catholicism.
OP jose67  
1 Dec 2015 /  #170
It's a pretty disappointing to read all these kind of hate and negativity. Okay i get it, Poles are not welcoming foreigners, Poles for sure are not welcoming Muslims and they think that ALL muslims which are more that 1 billion and half are terrorists, They will stare, insult and attack and we cannot do anything about it. As they teach us in the university '' Poland might be geographically in Europe, but the polish mentality is way far from the European civilized and tolerant mentality''

P.S : I said i come from from North Africa.... But i didnt say i'm muslim :) :) :) :) So reading all your silly stupid and racist comments about me being a muslim shows a lot and proves my point about the Polish people.. Keep the hate up !

Thanks for the hate, now as you realized that im not muslim, what else are you gonna speak **** about ?? Think about other stuff that will make you sounds more stupid and racist and throw them in the comments.
1 Dec 2015 /  #171
I have a personal interest in Africa. Did you know black (non-Arabic etc) Africans were respected in Medieval, Rennaisance and earlier Europe ? There's hard evidence for this, like black people in Mediaval/Rennaisance art, traveller accounts, St. Maurice who was black (see cathedral in Magdeburg - there were Nubian allies in first crusades, until Salladin completely eradicated Christianity in Nubia). They used to be treated as different but equal.

So what happened ? Atlantic slave trade. 300 years of it. Can you believe for several decades the return on investment was 300% ? People will do anything for that kind of money.

The notions that dark-skinned people are worse, that live on to this day, are nothing more than propaganda of slave traders.

Basil Davidson was the first historian who focused on Africa, how slave trade was changing Africa from inside, etc. I strongly recommend his work, especially the book "Black Mother" and his video documentary on Africa. The first part can be currently found on Youtube as "Different but Equal".
gregy741  5 | 1226  
1 Dec 2015 /  #172
Poles for sure are not welcoming Muslims and they think that ALL muslims which are more that 1 billion and half are terrorists

see...you racist stupid rant is hilarious. dont you see how idiotic stuff you write in one sentence?you criticize polish people for generalization of others,while calling all poles intolerant and bad.

lot and proves my point about thePolish people..

ALL muslims which are more that 1 billion and half are terrorists

not all muslims are ,but the thing is that it takes half % of those and its turns into big problem.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
1 Dec 2015 /  #173
So what happened ? Atlantic slave trade. 300 years of it

The Atlantic slave trade was dwarfed by the Arab slave trade (both in terms of length of time and numbers of people).

And the Atlantic slave trade could not have existed without the enthusiastic cooperation of local African leaders (who were happy to capture and sell their enemies).
1 Dec 2015 /  #174
"European civilized and tolerant mentality"

By tolerant mentality, you mean White Europeans must open their borders, get invaded, and become minorities in their OWN countries?

This is pretty much it - open borders, let everyone in, celebrate your own systematic genocide (it's progressive!) or else you're a "RAYCISS"!!!

If you hate Poland, get out of the country, go live in the UK/France and enjoy the wonders/paradise of multiculturalism. Don't expect Poland to become another multicultural crap hole just because the west is doing that.

If anything, only Eastern European people have the brains to not accept the destruction of their countries. Who knows how long they will resist this.

Oh, and by the way, Swedes will become minorities in their own country by 2030. How progressive! NO ONE mentions about the crimes the foreigners are committing against Swedes, or how 1 in 4 Swedish women will be raped in their life time, etc.

Only Eastern Europe is resisting Zionist planned multiculturalism. They are not even hiding it anymore, they don't need to, as no one will oppose their own genocide (actually, the Zionists have programmed people well, to embrace/celebrate it LOL) so here's the video:


You will see how "civilized" the West will be in 30 years, it will be turned into 3rd world **** holes.
OP jose67  
1 Dec 2015 /  #175
If you read most of comments from the locals here you will realize that it's their words not mine. Go through the comment and you'll find that it's the Poles who wrore '' Muslims are not welcomed here in general'' so when you guys say it it's normal, but when i repeat what you've already said, i'm being racist.. How funny
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2015 /  #176
freedom of speech is not a right recognized by the French government.

So I'll go out on the streets and to the restaurants in Tri-City today then and insult every waiter, every passer by, and every catholic then shall I, because of their race and religion?

Any guesses as to what would become of poor Dougpol then? They rebuilt Steve Majors, the six billion dollar man, but once your "mates" with their sense of "free speech" as you falsely put it, had finished with me, there wouldn't be too many pieces to put back together ,bionically or otherwise.

I'm often threatened with the police for calling a bus driver "an idiot," for driving like one, but if I call a dark skinned passenger a dangerous Islamic terrorist who carriers diseases, then everyone on the bus would in all likelyhood grin knowingly.

Disgusting, and the European Union needs to wake up to this and take action in the form of mandates for every media proven instance. If it's a "crime" to lose on'e temper with a bus driver who is endangering his passengers, then it certainly is a crime to make racist comments.
OP jose67  
1 Dec 2015 /  #177
I didn't ask you guys to open your borders or become minorities in your countries. All i was asking about is to stop being racist towards innocent peacful foreigners who have nothing to do with anything. Am i asking for too much??
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Dec 2015 /  #178
Am i asking for too much??

Go to your university Dean with a Polish translator and make a formal complaint. The Dean is obliged to act if a member of his fraternity is not able to fulfil their study responsibilities because they feel threatened. He should contact the authorities on your behalf.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
1 Dec 2015 /  #179
one leads to another
1 Dec 2015 /  #180

I think the attacks against you are horrible, brutal and disgusting, and I say this as a nationalist. However, I need to warn you that Polish people (in general, not all, but many) are racist/patriotic/nationalistic.

Going out at night, unfortunately, will be very bad, and yes, people will stare at you.

However you cannot start talking crap about Polish people and the country - mate, if you don't like us and **** all over us, then please leave. How can you say all this stuff about us, but still study/live in the country?

If you want multiculturalism, your best bet is the UK/France/Germany/Sweden, etc. You will not have any problems there.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake)Archived