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Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake)

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #121
I just pointed that REFUSING to accept "stares" or other things we Poles do (with no racism in mind) is plainly ignorant and as toxic as the racism itself.

Que? So if I understand you correctly, staring at people in the street is, in fact, socially acceptable?

Thank you for your clarity on this point. Astounding.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #122
I actually didn't know that you Poles are that much into drinking and getting wasted until i arrived here and saw it by myself. so I've seen it by myself in your country. I've seen it by my eyes, so my question to you Mr. did you see refugees gang-rape women, execute minor offenders, take life of a dozen of innocent by your own eyes?? because i know quite well the Polish media and your stupid racist propaganda about muslims or syrians in general.
30 Nov 2015 /  #123
staring at people in the street is, in fact, socially acceptable?

As is staring at Bugatti Veyron driving by. As is the guy succesfully doing a back-flip. People stare because they're not used to see a foreigner and out of pure curiosity and with no bad thoughts in mind. Imaginating and making up what those think show how fragile and oversensitive foreigners are. Instead of trying to understand they usually prejudice and go into passive-aggressive mode wielding the racism word as if it was a two-hander sword.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
30 Nov 2015 /  #124
it is true that ANYONE speaking a different language or dressed differently will be stared at, but it is not 'racism' it is simple curiousity.

FGS where I live, even I do a double take at the sight of a black man in the Post Office, and I spent many years in Brixton...:)

Actually in Poland it did used to bug me sometimes - and used to mutter 'Co?' under my breath a lot.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #125
Oh so you guys stare in a friendly way?? it must be my bad. Like when a guy kept staring at me for 10 mins then came and asked me '' Where the F**k are you from'' he was being friendly with me?? Or maybe when 2 couples were staring at me in a dirty way then they spit on my shoes, they were tying to introduce themselves for sure. You guys are so friendly..
30 Nov 2015 /  #126
I actually didn't know that you Poles are that much into drinking and getting wasted until i arrived here and saw it by myself.

You must live in a pathogenic area then. Moving would help you not to deal with drikers and find clubs that offer some kind of quality.

Didn't see (thankfully) that with my own eyes but i don't watch Polish "propaganda" media and don't even live there for now. I have had several sources and those include the Savage documenting those cruel acts themselves and being excitedly proud of it while shouting "Allah Akhbar". The best way of dealing with the unwanted outcome of unexpected events is to PREVENT them from happening. Go and ask any Health and Safety authority about how crucial it is. Poland by refusing to accept refugees along with the history of those in other host countries is doing just that. It's PREVENTION.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #127
don't even live there for now.

Jeez. so you have wasting our time by even commenting about a very real social problem then haven't you? Now run along.
30 Nov 2015 /  #128
will be stared at, but it is not 'racism' it is simple curiousity.

Exactly. When i was back home for holiday in the summer and went to swim in a lake i got a phone call from my UK's provider. People were staring even at me when i had a conversation in English. :P
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #129
So i dont shout Allah akbar, i respect all religions, i'm friendly with everybody and i love to have new friendships yet you call me ''terrorist'' but when you Poles attack us, insult us, stare ( in a bad way) then spit on us and protest everyweek against us. What does it make you then??
30 Nov 2015 /  #130
Jeez. so you have wasting our time by even commenting about a very real social problem then haven't you?

I'm Polish. Lived in Poland for more than 3 decades and i return back home 4-5 times a year. Polish mindset is a feat of mine. Run along.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #131
You dont live in Poland now and yet you're complaning about having immigrants in your country?? Dude are you for real?? You're probably an immigrant as well in some country
30 Nov 2015 /  #132
So i dont shout Allah akbar, i respect all religions, i'm friendly with everybody and i love to have new friendships yet you call me ''terrorist'' but when you Poles attack us, insult us, stare

Those who call you a "terrorist" right away are simply stupid. Still.. due to recent events people from arabic countries are considered "potentially dangerous". You can't blame the common folk to think this way.

You dont live in Poland now and yet you're complaning about having immigrants in your country?? Dude are you for real?? You're probably an immigrant as well in some country

but i DO ADAPT, don't REFUSE, do not FORCE anything on the Locals and i don't pick on things common to Brits even if those annoy me.
Levi  11 | 433  
30 Nov 2015 /  #133
Dude i asked you this question before, Have you even been to my country?

Yes. I had. Few times. And i am not talking about Sharm.

And yes, your country have a very serious issue of Sexism and violence against woman. Not even talk about the issue of FGM that you avoid so much to discuss here (maybe because you agree with female mutilation?).

So the fact that you get bounced at a club in Poland is much less "Racism" than what you do in your country, Egypt,

against your own woman.

Oh so you guys stare in a friendly way??

You are so hypocritical. You complain about people staring at you in Poland.

ANYONE that had been to egypt know how they stare at western woman there, NON-STOP!

And eventually even harass them! I know because i had been there and ANYONE that had been there also know it!
30 Nov 2015 /  #134
You dont live in Poland now and yet you're complaning about having immigrants in your country??

It's my home. I care if it's SAFE when i'm away! Don't you lock up you premises when going to work?
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #135
I tried to adapt as well ! the first thing that i did when i entered this country, i decided to learn the language as a way to show that i respect the country and how did i get paid back?? By getting attacked almost everyweek... In the street, in supermarkets or even in pizzerias. The majority of Poles are ''terrified'' to live and adapt with a neighbour from another country. Poles comes to my country to spend summer vacations and they literally get treated in the best way. We like you guys and we love having you in my country. But that's how you return the favor, and i'm not talking about specific group or certian age. I got attacked by young and old, during the daytime and night. in the city centre and in front of my dorm. Now, i cannot step out of my place for 20 mins without having such a stupid and racist attack.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
30 Nov 2015 /  #136
You complain about people staring at you in Poland.

exactly Levi, on the one hand he is complaining about 'racism' but on the other hand he seems to have zero awareness of sexism issues, which are particularly strong in his country. I bet a Western woman would get stared at by these guys with their tongues practically hanging out, with not one of them having the thought that this might make her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Not to mention the other issues...
Hellooo  - | 28  
30 Nov 2015 /  #137
Sorry for what happened to you
I'm also from north africa (Algeria) so i'm Berber+Muslim .Never had any problems here i like it .I feel i'm in my home.

Maybe because i look like polish people
30 Nov 2015 /  #138
The majority of Poles are ''terrified'' to live and adapt with a neighbour from another country.

Like i said. They don't have to. They're home.

Anyways seems your frustration comes from the poor area you live in. My only advise is to move.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #139
Why don't you read what happened to me here by the poles before typing your stupid crap?? Once again, I said '' Poles attack me, insult me, stare ( in a bad way) then spit on me for doing nothing. Why don't u wanna see the bigger picture and try to be fair for God's sake ?!?!???

Just because you accept to get humilated by poles while they are calling you monkey and banana eater doesnt mean that all the foreigners should accept it as well
Levi  11 | 433  
30 Nov 2015 /  #140
Just because you accept to get humilated by poles while they are calling you monkey and banana eater doesnt mean that all the foreigners should accept it as well

1st: This is not a humiliation to me. I just know how to deal with a joke without cry.

2nd: All foreigners should accept, they are in Poland and they are subject to Polish culture and behaviour. Who are you to tell, in Poland, to Poles, how they should behave?

3rd: Someone call bad things to you is still much less than the female mutilation that happens at your country, Egypt.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #141
ummm My topic from the very beginning was about ''Racism'' just RACISM. If i wanted to talk about sexism i could've, if i wanted to talk about a new hair style i could've. So please stop commenting every now and then about sexism in my country that you have no idea about. I asked you a simple question and you didnt asnwer :) What's your source?? did you live and studied the Egyptian society and integrated with all the females?

Same question to you. How did you know about the female mutilation in Egypt. Did you ask the females in Egypt or you're just repeating whatever @rozumiemnic is saying? and yes you're an a$$ kisser with no dignity. I would never accept it if someone spits on me and attack me for no reason and it's not a joke

Keep to the topic of the thread, or it will be closed

Alright Guys.. As i mentioned earlier, All countries have their own problems. Giving me comments about the problems of my country with my people still doesnt affect you in a way or another!! Here in poland there's a lot of problems withing the society as well between the man and the woman and the huge number of reports from females who got beaten up by their husbands and it's not my words but that's what our polish professors told us. It's a problem in Poland but it doesnt affect me as a foreigner here. But getting attacked here and insulted DOES affect me as a person. So please stop talking about the problem of Egypt and Egyptians because it doesnt and it will never affect you one way or another. Stop being ignorant and focus with the real problem that a lot of foreigners like me face in this vert country!
30 Nov 2015 /  #142
jose67 it's seems like you're a racist yourself
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
30 Nov 2015 /  #143
So please stop talking about the problem of Egypt and Egyptians because it doesnt and it will never affect you one way or another.

yes it does it affects the sisterhood...:)

Jose, honestly have you actually been attacked? because there are idiots in every country you know...
Ironside  50 | 12333  
30 Nov 2015 /  #144
man you're killing me

I still think you are trolling but I assume for the sake of debate that you are not.
Just to make it clear I don't condone any physical or verbal abuse to anyone regardless of their physical appearance or where they are from but when it comes to night clubs and such they have every right to send you away. So, stop crying.

too bad, they only have the greatest Economy in Europe

You got it all wrong! Multiculturalism is there because a given country is rich and pursues policy of promoting multiculturalism, not as you seems to think that country is rich due to multiculturalism. Mark my words.

A 2005 report by UNICEF suggested that 96% of Egyptian women between the ages of 15 and 49 who were married or had been married in the past had undergone a form of FGM or circumcision."

Yes, roz but that would be a thing done to them by their family and/or husband . You wouldn't see women on the street accosted by a strangers, generally there wouldn't be loose, free (wild) women roaming alone.

European money being pumped into Poland by the millions daily, paid by the millions of tax payers across Europe you can claim,

When somebody is talking about that millions paid into Poland it tell me instantly one thing about them, they are loosers and they are jealous looser as they are acutely aware of their status.

Now its 2015 nearly 16 and its simple to teach your children NOT to stare and its even easier to say to yourself, stop staring, its ignorant. I

If you are in Poland it is you who should adapt to the local culture if you are unwilling or unable - scram. I'm staring at you now, you ignorant sad man without manners.

I bet that your Superiority Complex

It is his bottle talking that all.

the Polish media and your stupid racist propaganda about muslims or syrians in general.

Well Muslims in general are not welcome in Poland, especially after what going on in the world at the movement. That one is obvious.

I said '' Poles attack me, insult me

No, individuals attacked you if you are not telling porkies, not Poles. If Poles would have attacked you, you wouldn't be typing your tales of woe but you would be enjoying yourself with 12 beautiful maidens.

humilated by poles

By the way its spelled Poles you .....! Also I doubt that Levi was called banana eater or what not. On the other hand you are must be really atypical individual if that all happened to you in the city center during few weeks, either that or you are looking for trouble or picking on girls on the street.
Levi  11 | 433  
30 Nov 2015 /  #145
Also I doubt that Levi was called banana eater or what not.

I was called that in Portugal.

In Poland i never, i will repeat, i NEVER faced any discrimination.

Maybe the difference between me and the illegal immigrants is that i never tried to convert anyone to Islam (since i am Catholic).
kaz200972  2 | 229  
30 Nov 2015 /  #146
This behaviour is norm of Poland and that's my opinion after all.

I have to speak as I find, we've never had trouble in Poland but I haven't visited Wroclaw. I hope your experiences improve considerably. I don't know how recently this all happened to you but feelings about the Paris bombings/Muslims are running pretty high among the immigrant/expat Poles in my local area, hopefully this was just a temporary blip in people's usual behaviour.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
30 Nov 2015 /  #147
Ironside-Well Muslims in general are not welcome in Poland, especially after what going on in the world at the movement.

Muslims are already here, and trust me many Poles are embracing Islam day in day out, if you care to know. If you really blame what the so called muslims did on all Muslims then i'm so sorry for you. If you have some time to spare then I'll urge you to read about the radical muslims who are inflicting pain on innocent human beings. Almost all of them were not even practical muslims.

Have you crossed the borders of Poland? Somewhere Netherlands Polish men I considered to be bicycle thieves and the girls are said to be prostitutes. That is just their opinion anyway, and it doesn't in any way represent the life style of a typical Polish yet the Dutch claim to be right in tugging Poles with such misdemeanor.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
30 Nov 2015 /  #148
Poles hate people who are different and although Muslims have never been their cup of tea, it has started to be worse with the 9.11 attacks in NYC and recently with the refugees and the 11.13 Paris attacks, the sh@@@t has hit the fan. Since then, Poles have seen ALL Muslims as terrorists and very hard to make them understand the reality. Just after the Paris attacks, I was on the tram in Warsaw Centrum and 3 young Arabs got on, they got stared at, passengers moved away from them and then gave each other looks that said a lot. Of course it most unfortunate because the big majority of people are alright but most probably Muslims should stay away from Poland and a lot of western countries in order not to be given a "rough time"....

I am very sorry for the OP but his situation had to be expected especially with what has been going on. However, to be stared at, insulted, made fun of, physically attacked is not acceptable and canNOT be excused. However, Polish (or other) cops won't do anything, they also need concrete proof. The best thing to do for OP and other people suffering because they are "different" (in Poland it seems a "crime") is to get the h..ll out of here and either go home or find a friendlier and more tolerant country...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #149
Who are you to tell, in Poland, to Poles, how they should behave?

When it's illegal behaviour, the courts will deal with them, and if the police refuse to act - film it and take to the Ombudsman.
Bartkowiak  5 | 114  
30 Nov 2015 /  #150
Isn't it extremely coincidental that nobody else who visited Poland experienced any problems?

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