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Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake)

Roger5  1 | 1432  
30 Nov 2015 /  #91
I would have serious problems talking to anyone I knew to be abusive towards women, and I would give the benefit of the doubt to others until I knew they were abusers. As for the Egyptian authorities, and not only authorities in that country, turning a blind eye to fgm, it is barbaric.
30 Nov 2015 /  #92
how their women are treated

That's racist in todays Western World standards. As a multi-culti praiser you should accept it (along with Sharia, public executions, hate speech and beheadings) and treat it like it's nothing wrong.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
30 Nov 2015 /  #93
In your country do you do that as well?

no not really but on the other hand we dont have the custom of hacking off women's genitals.
Not really in the same league is it?
A man who jumps forward and acts as though I am too weak to sit myself down or open a door, simultaneiusly turning a blind eye to genital mutilation, is NOT a gentleman.

And Nocy - what is a 'multi culti praiser'. Perhaps find out the meanings of phrases before using them.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
30 Nov 2015 /  #94
Nocy, are you related to Levi?
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #95
I think they are writing while sitting next to each other

You are kinda talking to me as if i represent the government, the people and the authorities. You know? I didn't say that all poles are racist and i shared what exactly happened to me in this country. I didn't generalize like you. So my question is, did you face bad expericences in Egypt? or you're just stating some unreal facts about my country from your Media??
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #96
around 95% of Poles are racist and the remaining 5% don't give a sh..t (and of course won't make you feel welcome ).

My missus, and ALL of my Polish friends aren't like that - quite the reverse. If I find that they are racist I dump them pronto from my Christmas card list:) I wouldn't give truck to their idiocy about race or religion mattering a jot.

The OP should transfer his studies to the Tri-city, which is a normal environment, where people from other cultures are not bothered - even in the skinhead areas of Chylonia and Stogi.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
30 Nov 2015 /  #97
or you're just stating some unreal facts about my country from your Media??

actually the mainstream media does not really cover FGM.
Like I said, I would not visit Egypt. Egyptian men are very charming which as 95 per cent of their mothers, wives and sisters have had their genitals hacked at with razor blades and so on, strikes me as beyond creepy.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #98
Egyptian men

Cough. I thought we were talking about the (considerable) racism that goes on in the streets of Poland, and nobody does feck all about it.

Time for the European Union to send a Task Force in methinks to teach Poles how to behave.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
30 Nov 2015 /  #99
well yes that is what he was complaining about. perhaps we should return to that.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #100
So what's your source? If it's not the media and you didnt study the Egyptian society by interacting with all the females who live in Egypt. How did you know that wives,sisters and daughters have had their genitals hacked at with razor blades?? cuz it doesnt make any sense. So it's whether you knocked on each and every door in Egypt and the ladies told you about it or you're just trying to be racist and make us look like the bad monsters :)

get back to Polish issues please

I know right ?? I was talking about racist attackes that happened to me from poles then suddenly @rozumiemnic started to attack me for being Egyptian :ll
Levi  11 | 433  
30 Nov 2015 /  #101
Time for the European Union to send a Task Force in methinks to teach Poles how to behave.

Keep dreaming with your multicultural illusions.

Much more probable is that soon germans will wake up of that multiculturalism nightmare created by Merkel and vote for AfD.

Hungary, Poland and so on will never fall into the evil destructive winds of Left-Wing multiculturalism (which is, in reality, the destruction of civilization).

If you, the OP or any other think that, is just wishful think with NO ground at reality.

So it's whether you knocked on each and every door in Egypt and the ladies told you about it or you're just trying to be racist and make us look like the bad monsters :)

Dude, it is really like that? Everyone that say something that you dont like you call the person racist?

This is utterly pathetic.

I know right ?? I was talking about racist attackes that happened to me from poles then suddenly @rozumiemnic started to attack me for being Egyptian :ll

I would hate to defend him, but he was not attacking you.

He was just speaking about something from your country, Egypt. (female genital mutilation, which is a widespread practice here at Middle East)
And then instead of put your point of view, you started calling him racist.
30 Nov 2015 /  #102
Time for the European Union to send a Task Force in methinks to teach Poles how to behave.

Teaching others what YOU think is correct and what behaviour YOU see as proper and classy is the exact AWFUL behaviour you talk about, Mr Oracle. Think the Task Force Squad should start with dealing with the "We call things right and wrong and our Truth is more true" snobs such as yourself first.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #103
Poland and hungary will never fail? what a joke. They are already :D Man you really sound like an a$$ kisser. You're defending Poland as if it was the best country on earth while in the meantime, the poles themselves are admitting and discussing some of the biggest problems in their country. So why don't you stop working in '' Our countires'' that you hate so much and return back to your beloved Poland and get called banana eating monkey all day and all night if that's what pleasures you the most?? :D
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #104
Teaching others what YOU think is correct and what behaviour YOU see as proper and classy

**** me!!!!

So are we right in that Poles who treat others as second class is correct behaviour and should be tolerated by the European Union?.

**** ME:))))))

You are an idiot.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
30 Nov 2015 /  #105
Like I said, I would not visit Egypt. ..., strikes me as beyond creepy.

I was talking about racist attackes that happened to me from poles

Men are talking, darling. The topic is the tragedy of an Egyptian man not allowed into a night club in Poland. No one here cares about hacking little girls' private parts with razor blades. If they did it would not be so widespread in the UK now (in the first place immigration by groups that practiced this particular form of barbarity wouldn't have been allowed in). But they were let in and now it's common in the UK.

One reason I don't want the Merkel youth settled in Poland is that I don't want FGM to gain a foothold here.
30 Nov 2015 /  #106
in the meantime, the poles themselves are admitting and discussing some of the biggest problems in their country.

Lol. You know nothing about us. We don't "discuss". We act by closing borders and refusing to let "refugees" into our country. Simples. The only hint of confusion comes from EU trying to force "No National Identity" disease on us (even when majority of us openly disagree) and obligations we promised to fulfill.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #107
I don't want FGM to gain a foothold here.

Another idiot. And you really wonder why diplomats everywhere shake their heads in wonder? Next time you are ******** about Poles and Poland being looked down on, ask yourselves the reason why?

Hilarious stuff here today, and some shocking ignorance from my fellow man, but as it's raining here and I have my morning shift I might as well take the bait.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #108
I wrote about more than 6 different racist attacks that happened to me in Poland and least important one was the clubbing thingy. Why do you keep saying that the problem is about this night in the club?? Who cares about clubs and clubbing?? I've had much worse attacks if you wanna talk about them. But for real, I don't care about clubs and what happened.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
30 Nov 2015 /  #109
Another idiot. And you really wonder why diplomats everywhere shake their heads in wonder?

I take it then that you have no problem with FGM happening in Poland. I'm not surprised.

I wrote about more than 6 different racist attacks

See my comment about your unreadable block of text. Summarize it with lots of paragraph breaks and I might read it. The club thing is just something I saw while moving my eyes across the giant wall of text.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #110
they were let in


A lot of British wanted Poles to be means tested before they were allowed into the UK. By the nature of some of the behaviour by people here who really have no common decency, I am beginning to feel that this would have been the right approach.

How the hell are "You" in ANY WAY better than "Them"? I fail to get the logic. And yet you are inherently supremacist and think you are so special.

I am here to tell you that in fact, you are not :))))
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #111
Yeah, you guys don't discuss! You just drink your vodka, get wasted then attack anybody in front of you who might be foreigner :) That's the spirit! and btw, trust me on that. the refugees wouldn't live in such a country even if you pay them billions to stay here. They would prefer to go back to their country or commit suicide than to live in Poland. So don't worry, you will not see refugees here. Their country didn't get f**cked up and their people didn't cross seas and borders to eventually end up in Poland.
30 Nov 2015 /  #112
You are an idiot.

Thanks. I take it as a compliment since you're consistently wrong about anything. Snob telling that his way is the only right way and everybody else is plain wrong and needs to be taught. No wonder people stare at you. They don't often have a chance to see what the XXI-st century social experiment spawned.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
30 Nov 2015 /  #113
Lol. You know nothing about us.

Just a guess? I'll bet the OP is better educated than you are, and knows a lot about Poland than you will ever grasp about Egypt and it's Geo-politic.

If you mean that he knows nothing about rabid racists, then I would be inclined to agree that is highly likely!

his way is the only right way

That's where you are wrong.

"Incitement to incite racial hatred" is enshrined in European Law. If the OP takes his complaint to the authorities when attacked or spat on because of his ethinicity, then they are bound to act.

He is protected by European law, not necessarily by the Polish legislation. It is not my opinion, but evidence and justification.

Next problem?
30 Nov 2015 /  #114
I'll bet

I bet that your Superiority Complex is something what the modern science is unable and won't be able to deal with in foreseeable future.
mafketis  38 | 10916  
30 Nov 2015 /  #115
By the nature of some of the behaviour by people here who really have no common decency

Opposing FGM = no common decency.

That's about what I'd expect from you.

How the hell are "You" in ANY WAY better than "Them"?

I'm firmly against FGM and dont' want it in Poland. That is a morally superior position to those that tolerate FGM and who don't care if it happens in Poland. Me or my country (the USA) might have moral failings but regarding FGM as primitive savagery is not a moral failing.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #116
I hope you read my last reply to you. If not, then it's comment number 120 ;)
30 Nov 2015 /  #117
"Incitement to incite racial hatred" is enshrined in European Law.

Nowhere i dissagreed with what the OP said was racist. I just pointed that REFUSING to accept "stares" or other things we Poles do (with no racism in mind) is plainly ignorant and as toxic as the racism itself.
Levi  11 | 433  
30 Nov 2015 /  #118
The only hint of confusion comes from EU trying to force "No National Identity" disease on us (even when majority of us openly disagree) and obligations we promised to fulfill.

That is EXACTLY what Merkel and Hollande what, with they malicious Multiculturalism plan.

They want to DESTROY any national identity just to ensure that their authoritarian anschluss project doesn't face any obstacle to assimilate and enslave Poles.

I wrote about more than 6 different racist attacks that happened to me in Poland and least important one was the clubbing thingy.

In NONE of those attacks, you had your genitals mutilated like they do with girls in your homecountry Egypt.

So is really Poland the racist place? Look at your own country before talk about racism in Poland.

And i am talking this as a non-european, not blonde guy.
30 Nov 2015 /  #119
You just drink your vodka, get wasted then attack anybody in front of you who might be foreigner

Again you just prove that you know nothing about us. "Poles binge drinking" is just another stereotype of ignorant foreigners. Well. I'd commit suicide if had to start to gang-rape women, execute minor offenders, take life of a dozen of innocent. Different views.

PS. I really hope you're right about Poland not beeing seen as a country to settle in by refugees. This time the less of them, the merrier.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #120
Dude i asked you this question before, Have you even been to my country? If no, then please Shut the **** up because you're so annoying and ignorant. I speak about poland now because i live and deal with this kind of bullsh** everyday so i know what i'm talking about. So Do you live in my country to speak as if you're the president?? I guess not. I told you!!! Go live in Poland and let them call you Banana Eating monkey!!!

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