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Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake)

Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Nov 2015 /  #31
I'm a spanish i have a light skin dark hair brown eyes

Maybe you walk in an awkward way or dress in a strange way, we don't know you so we can't really tell what is the problem.
f stop  24 | 2493  
29 Nov 2015 /  #32
This rings true. Sorry jose. Cultivate a group of friends and stick with them. They'll introduce you to other intelligent people, and your stay will improve dramatically. Go to each other's apartments to party, not to clubs. Good luck.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Nov 2015 /  #33
I remember when I was a kid to be told NOT to.

The same thing kids are taught in Poland "nie gap się" mothers say to their little ones.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
29 Nov 2015 /  #34
Yes, Wulkan, but adults do ;). Whatever the reason, it is most uncomfortable...
t0tal  - | 9  
29 Nov 2015 /  #35
Wulkan @
I didn't said they look all the time .Especially when i speak
I dress good + I'm handsome ;)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Nov 2015 /  #37
but adults do ;)

When they see you are foreigner some don't care about manners, that's why.

Especially when i speak

Well obviously when you speak broken English with heavy Spanish accent some people find it amusing and they stare.

I'm handsome ;)

I'm yet to see a man online who claims to be ugly :-)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
29 Nov 2015 /  #38
some don't care about manners, that's why.

So make your mind up. First you suggest it's OK, then you admit some don't care.

So being anti-social is to be admired is it?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Nov 2015 /  #39
First you suggest it's OK

Quote me where did I say it's OK?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
29 Nov 2015 /  #40
Posts 27 and 28 are skipping the point. You Poles have been called up for staring, which in today's world is socially unacceptable, and you think it's a joke.

I simply stated that when I was in my 20s I would have reacted angrily to such rudeness but am (almost) immune to it now and just stare back.

The ignorant side of Poland.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Nov 2015 /  #41
We do stare and you can do big nothing about it.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Nov 2015 /  #42
Posts 27 and 28 are skipping the point.

They are not.

You Poles have been called up for staring, which in today's world is socially unacceptable, and you think it's a joke.

It's a joke that you take it so seriously when someone stares at you. My friend travels around the world a lot and he said that he doesn't care when he gets stared for being white in places like China or Africa. He understand it's just curiosity. Why can't you have a bit more distance to yourself and take it easy Doug. Why can't you be a little bit more cheerful person rather than sad and grumpy about everything.
29 Nov 2015 /  #43
You Poles have been called up for staring, which in today's world is socially unacceptable

You foreigners have forgotten(probably because being governed by foreign minorities in your own country for so long) about one very important thing. It's our country, we do what we like and it doesn't matter if you agree or not or if you consider something unacceptable or not simply because you're a guest here. You come, you adapt. You don't like it here then you're free to leave. Poland is not UK where guests force their laws/ways on Natives. Thankfully.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Nov 2015 /  #44
When somebody stares...

Yeah, you just shout "stop staring ! I'm an expat !" and If they still do (which rarely happens, most just run away in shock at this point) you just shoot a laser attached to your right hand "Pew ! Pew !" and it's all over... no more staring...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Nov 2015 /  #45
I'm an expat

He is not an expat, he's an immigrant.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
29 Nov 2015 /  #46
Thank you Wulkan. I take that as a compliment. I have paid into Poland for 23 years and don't feel any entitlement, but just want to get on with living, while not being stared at:)))
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
29 Nov 2015 /  #47
It's a sincere shame your experiences were initially so negative, but that should be no reason for projecting your own dissatisfaction, however justified, onto others who might honestly wish to both work and study in Poland! There'll always be that rank crop of lunatics, hotheads, fanatics and boneheads in every country.

In the US, for instance, in numerous cities, young Muslim-Americans have been randomly attacked, spat on, called vicious names and told to "go back to your f******g country!!", although in nearly every such instance, the victim was a native-born US-citizen.

Is that though conversely any reason to mount a anti-US cyber rant??
f stop  24 | 2493  
30 Nov 2015 /  #48
In US, there are places where lowlife hangs out, and there are places where you will have a good time and be treated well regardless of your color, creed etc..

I'm surprised nobody jumped in and suggested some places for jose to hang out in Wroclaw where he will not be harassed. Unless those places do not easily come to mind... ;)
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #49
by reading your comment ''Were you not informed before coming? It beats me that people go to places they don't know anything about''
i would like to mention that when YOUR universities make their propaganda to promote about your educational systems, they dont really mention as well that locals are racist and unwelcoming us. So please don't tell me that it's our fault for coming here. When you get robbed in the street, usually it's not your fault, but it's the theif who got problems :) When foreigners come here, all they want is to have a good time in peace, but usually the locals make it way miserable for us.

No, i dont go to all the ''wrong places'' trust me, i dont even go out after 10 PM. In fact, all the racist attackes that happened to me were during the daytime in huge and public places like the city center. So i would have to disagree with you. This behaviour is norm of poland and that's my opinion after all. But i appreciate your words :)

I totally agree with you! you know? I don't have any problem with them staring at me but the problem is, they stare in a bad way as if they look down on us and of course that's unacceptable and rude.

@NocyMrok, just because it's your country still doesnt give you the right to treat foreigners in a shi**y way for no reason :) Would you like it if you come to my country for example and find people insulting you then tell you that it's our country we have the right to do whatever we want?? I'm pretty sure you will not be that happy by that. It has nothing to do with your country. It's mainly about your manners and morals
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Nov 2015 /  #50
they stare in a bad way as if they look down on us and of course that's unacceptable and rude.

Maybe they think you are muslim?


You're still smiling so I guess after all it's not that bad?
Levi  11 | 433  
30 Nov 2015 /  #51
Last year, the average salary in £ódź was only about 300zł less than in Wrocław.

Since when 300 zlotys is a small amount in Poland? In which planet do you live?
And as i said, i lived in Lodz, different than you, turkish friend, that never stepped there.

95% of your comment is generalisation with no basis.

Good point.

Inpolska and the British gang want to enforce at Poland the same Left-Wing Multiculturalism that destroyed their home countries (and obligated them to move to Poland). besides non-sensical, is just plain ridiculous.

Another FACT is that Political Correctness, LGBT and Multi-Culti aren't doing so well in Poland.

Hopefully they never will.

I prefer one thousand times to be called a Banana Eating monkey just because i am brazilian than live in a political correct world where everyone is afraid to express themselves.

They stare to any foreigner curiosity without malice

Indeed. As i said, every time i go to Poland (once per month), i get a lot of stares.

That doesn't bother me. Even at Brazil i get stared (there much more because of my nice aesthetic features, but still...)
InPolska  9 | 1796  
30 Nov 2015 /  #52
Once more, poor Levy, who lives with and works for terrorism sponsoring Saudis, doesn't know anything re Poland! For sure, 300 ZL are hard to earn but very easy to spend in Poland. And yes, Delph, who lives in Poland (contrary to you) is again right....
Devang_Dave  - | 1  
30 Nov 2015 /  #53
I believe you can get some help here.

OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #54
You prefer to be called banana eating monkey than to live in the Arabic Golf Area? No offense ofc but you sounded you accept to be humilated by Poles.... dude you shouldn't accept that..

''poor Levi who lives with and works for terrorism sponsoring Saudis'' I'm impressed :D didnt know that you're also one of these polish arrogant and racists. Good Job! keep it up xx
Levi  11 | 433  
30 Nov 2015 /  #55
No offense ofc but you sounded you accept to be humilated by Poles.... dude you shouldn't accept that..

The problem is, Jose, that it is up to you to be humiliated by that or not. If someone do a joke, it is you to choose to get humiliated by that or not.

When i hear those things i don't give importance to them. This is how it should be.

But the problem is that nowadays we have an entire generation of crying political correct babies that cannot hear nothing or they get offended. Where is the manhood?

During my times as rookie i was used t to hear all sort of insults. That made me a better person, that can face the world.

It is up to you to choose to be a whining child that get insulted by every joke or a grown man that faces the world in the way that it is.
OP jose67  
30 Nov 2015 /  #56
I live here now. You mentioned that you lived in poland before but do you live here right now?? just because you come here from time to time doesn't make you an expert. Plus, I'm not a crying baby as you called me a couple of times, In fact, i never had any fight with these people who attacked me. I just ignore them but when people make fun of your colour, religion, culture, fight and spit on your face with no reason at all and you tell me that i should'nt get offended by all of that. Then WHAT THE HELL should i get offended at ??????
mafketis  38 | 10916  
30 Nov 2015 /  #57
Why was my completely on topic comment removed? The mods here seriously need to chill a little.

To the original poster. No sane person wants to read your vast blocks of print. Summarize your original posting in about half the time in three times as many paragraphs and maybe it will be worth reading.

As to one of your complaints I did manage to pick out. People that run night clubs are out to make a profit and have obligation to make sure that every person that would like to get in does. If African/Middle Eastern men added to the profitability of a club then they would be welcome. But most evidence is that they don't. They don't spend enough to make up for the female repelling aspect of their aggressive behavior (on average).

If that means a few decent guys are kept out because most of their co-ethnics have already spoiled things then that's too bad, but take it up with other North African men.
30 Nov 2015 /  #58
I am from belgium but i lived a couple of years in poland with Poles in one flat and what i figured out is that the poles would immigrate with pleasure in million and million to Western Europe or Canada or Australia And they would travel to North africa for leisure every summer so they interact with all kind of people but eventually they will ''spit'' on your face and treat you in a bad way if you come to their country... You wanna know the logic behind their behavior? Actually there isn't any logic sorry haha. Take care of yourself man
30 Nov 2015 /  #59
@NocyMrok....lol.....When you refuse the European money being pumped into Poland by the millions daily, paid by the millions of tax payers across Europe you can claim, Poland is ours, you come here you adapt!.

You aren't self sufficient, you do get funds, it isn't your country any more its a member of the EU rebuilt with the money from ALL those EU citizens, Spain being one of them.

Now its 2015 nearly 16 and its simple to teach your children NOT to stare and its even easier to say to yourself, stop staring, its ignorant. I refuse to be closed minded, mono cultured and backward in my approach to other citizens from other countries within the EU.
30 Nov 2015 /  #60
I'm talking about different aspect. Okay i get it ofc that they wanna make profit but i was talking about these thugs who are in front of the club. Why would they prevent me from entering a normal club with my friends and classmates? It's for sure about racism and have nothing to do with profit.

He is talking* sorry i don't know how to change it

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