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Vandalism on cars in Poland

pawian  219 | 24792  
6 Oct 2011 /  #31
=roca]Poland has the highest road death rate in EU.

Wrong. Check your sources, boy.


According to the latest data, Poland is second, after Lithuania.
OP roca  7 | 43  
8 Oct 2011 /  #32
This is what I call a kurwa boy in action


by the way, I was speaking with the lady, which takes care of the building, the ''portierka'' and she was mentioning me that a LOT of people around here have similar problems with vandalism in the cars. Some, including her, has gotten flat tires. And the reason? , ANYONE, it is just a hoby for those kurwa boys. Seriously, those b*stards have a mental disease.
hythorn  3 | 580  
8 Oct 2011 /  #33
now think very carefully before you answer this question but what country do you think Russland is?
OP roca  7 | 43  
8 Oct 2011 /  #34
The kurwa boys don't need to be from a specific country. They only need to fulfill some of the requirments.

- frustrated
- aggressive
- alcoholic
- an inferiority complex
- damage cars for no reason
- mental disorder
- to be from a former communist country

The guy in the video fulfills the kurwa boy profile independently that apparently according to the video description he is from Russia. However the surroundings look very polish anyway. People who act like this, damage the reputation of Poland.

once again more vandalism...

Where I live, I have observed that recently people throw eggs to the cars. Fortunately my car has not been ''attacked'' yet, but other people cars were, all of them polish. Including someone I know (polish)

This is really quite annoying !
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
24 Oct 2011 /  #35
I have observed that recently people throw eggs to the cars.

i've seen it here too, but only once.
Olaf  6 | 955  
24 Oct 2011 /  #36
Where I live, I have observed that recently people throw eggs to the cars.

Similar thing happened to me some time ago. I really would like to find a jerk who kicked my bumber.
But eggs seem a mild thing. I think if someone parks like an arse then they deserve an egg;), that's the only excucse.
pawian  219 | 24792  
24 Oct 2011 /  #37
Fortunately my car has not been ''attacked'' yet

Your car should be attacked with an ostrich egg one day, for all those stupidities you write here. :):):):):):):):)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
24 Oct 2011 /  #38
get extra insurance. I had to listen to my misses wail and complain that i was wasting money on extra insurance and finally I just gave in. I knew it'd be the only way she'd learn; less than a month later and we're looking at body work that'll cost more than the insurance:/

Your car is just as likely to get dinged up being parked. AVOID parallel parking where any car may have to reverse in the direction towards your car.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
25 Oct 2011 /  #39
Cannot wait till you give us a sermon about polish drivers like you did about doctors ...is there anything good about Poland.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
25 Oct 2011 /  #40
he doesn't have to give a sermon, since most people who live in Poland and drive know that:

- many Polish drivers should not drive at all since they are bad drivers
- many speed up for no reason at all
- many Polish drivers do not respect other drivers
in comparison to other countries such as European and North American ones.

so I am not sure why you are taking things personally when you seem to live in a la la land instead of real world:).

Generally Poles express a certain attitude when driving, which is: I am the King of the road and I am better, which results in lousy driving and many accidents. End of. Not to mention bad roads, which seem to improve here and there but there is a long way to go.

Also, some Poles don't seem to understand that roads, parking spaces and so on are COMMON areas, not their private estates.
PWEI  3 | 612  
25 Oct 2011 /  #41
is there anything good about Poland.

Yes, lots of things, one of which is that you are not in Poland.
OP roca  7 | 43  
25 Oct 2011 /  #42
about the polish drivers, I'm agree, everyone who has driven in polish roads knows how the polish drivers are and their attitude.

By the way, I leave you with one video of a polish driver, which speeds up to 320 km/h. I have seen that kind of people driving in the polish highways quite often. Seriously, this is insane, I don't care about his life, but he riskes other people's life. Because of idiots like this, people die. If he makes a small mistake, he could kill a whole family for instance. Please take a look at the way he overtakes.

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
25 Oct 2011 /  #43
Cannot wait till you give us a sermon about polish drivers like you did about doctors ...is there anything good about Poland.

You did not read either post correctly then. My post in the other thread was more critical of the nurses and the equipment than the doctors. In the post you replied to, I could just as likely have been commenting on the CONFINES of parking areas and the AMOUNT of traffic relative to road space.

aphrodisiac already dealt with you effectively, though, if you are still in doubt, investigate road fatalities and injuries here. There's concern for a reason.
OP roca  7 | 43  
25 Oct 2011 /  #44
AVOID parallel parking where any car may have to reverse in the direction towards your car.

I'm aware of that. Since those incidents I had previously with my car, I film it all the time while it is parked outside my dormitory. I have a video of one guy which parks next and hits my car with his door and left a scratch on it ( quite common in Poland, the people don't respect other's people property).

Another one, one guy is trying to leave the parking place, while doing this, he hits my car with his. He hit one tire of my car, absolutly nothing happend to my car . But since I have the video, I went immediately to the police with the evidence. They contacted the guy and he asked me that he would prefer to pay me personally than to have the insurance involved. My car was checked and it didn't have anything, so I told to this guy that there is no problem, that he doesn't have to pay anything to anyone.

In another occasion, I have a video of 2 guys, which go straight to my car, and put a chewing gum on it and then run away. Unfortunately I couldn't identify those bastards.

But yeah, unfortunately there is this post-communist mentality in Poland of '' I'm f*cked up, so the other one must also be f*cked up ''

I see a lot of frustration among the polish youth and when they drive they try to take it out.

more vandalism!!!

my car has been finally egged some moments ago :) , I thought it was rare that I saw some cars egged lastly and mine not. I found out who the guys were. I didn't even know them before and I have never ever have a problem with any of them. They were just having some fun egging my car.

The police was here and took their data. The guys came to me , telling me they are sorry bla bla bla and they even washed the car. All expecting, that I don't go to the police and do the complaint tomorrow.

But this is too late. My car has been vandalized so many times and finally there is a responsible

to summarize
- Mercedes logo taken away
- Fully scratched on both sides, from the frontal to the back part
- Someone has jumped on the roof

after the 3 cases before I decided to put a camara.... the vandalism continues as follows

- While parked, someone trying to go out, crashed my car on one tire (this was accidently - my car was not damaged so I said to this guy he doesn't have to pay anything)

- 2 guys put a chewing gum and ran away
- and finally, the car got egged

welcome to Poland !!!

I just wonder where the stereotypes of poles damaging and stealing cars (very common in germany) come from. Yeah, those evil germans, they always have stereotypes against the innocent poles.
hythorn  3 | 580  
28 Oct 2011 /  #45
more vandalism!!!

post a photo

go on

i am starting to believe that Roca is making it all up
pawian  219 | 24792  
28 Oct 2011 /  #46
He sees and hears things that he wants to happen to him. He started talking about egg attacks and waited........ Tadam! Today it happened to his car. Great!:):):):)
hythorn  3 | 580  
28 Oct 2011 /  #47
He sees and hears things that he wants to happen to him.

perhaps he will imagine that the winning lottery numbers have been written on his car
it would be helpful if he could post them
OP roca  7 | 43  
1 Nov 2011 /  #48
Everything I had mentioned is truth. The car is now in a safe place.

Anyway, I am glad that at least there is a responsible now. These people were/are supplicating me not to tell anything to the Police. I will wait for the police answer now and depending on that, I will get a lawyer to help me to deal with this :)
wildrover  98 | 4430  
1 Nov 2011 /  #49
My car was bombed by the Polish air force , scratched , covered in flour , and then subjected to a prolonged nuclear attack...

doesn,t look too bad though , a bit of paint , and it will be fine...
pawian  219 | 24792  
1 Nov 2011 /  #50
I will get a lawyer to help me to deal with this :)

I told you you should get a specialist of another kind. You see and hear things.

My car was bombed by the Polish air force

You mean this


scratched , covered in flour , and then subjected to a prolonged nuclear attack..

Forgot to mention tar, feathers and rape!
wildrover  98 | 4430  
1 Nov 2011 /  #51
You mean this

Thats the swines...!
pawian  219 | 24792  
1 Nov 2011 /  #52
Nope, these are swines.
I meant the real Polish air force of crap droppers.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
1 Nov 2011 /  #53
Actually... i have seen those too...

but it may have been the zubrowka..?
6 Nov 2011 /  #54
I'm returning to have a last word...I'm now thankfully back in the Uk after 6 years in WAW, I say thankfully as it must be said of WAW that it has a way to go in terms of civility, driving like a lunatic in the center of a capital city along with the other morons was occasionally fun it really wasnt healthy...the stress and anxiety was too much.

I undewrstand the poles defending there country and people but if you live there you'll soon realise poles are proud of there lack of respect for law and safety.

Law isnt as in the UK, authorities, police and the state are the enemy, this permeates throughout society down to your boss, your client, your neighbour, your friends.

The one upmanship is annoying and at times vulgar.
So desrespect to the rules of parking and damage to other peoples property are mere present symptoms of the countries past. Many dont care if you cant pass on the pavement due to there car blocking it, or that you car looks like **** due to being vandalised.

Such acts make them feel better in fact as they arent the ones suffering so logically they are better off and feel better.
Things will change im sure...in many many ways i loved my time in Waw however the gap between Slavs and Anglos is far to deep to be sumerised.
OP roca  7 | 43  
6 Nov 2011 /  #55
driving like a lunatic

I am totally agree with that. I see it very often when I see them driving in the highway. Those people make accidents and don't have the slightest respect for other drivers.

you'll soon realise poles are proud of there lack of respect for law and safety

In the building where I currently live, in the upper floors it has corridors. At the end of the corridors there are sometimes windows. Normally, some people smoke next to the window or are just there just to take fresh air. However, the windows start slighly above an average persons knee. What does that mean? that there is a high risk that someone falls down of the building, specially after having drunk some alcohol. This has already happend!!! It was only after 2 guys fall down and killed themselves that the building administration guys decided to put some tubes in those windows to avoid that to happen again. 2 deaths which could have been avoided if a little bit of common sense in safety is considered while designing those buildings.

authorities, police and the state are the enemy

You only need to go to any ''authority'' to get the sense of that. They look very frustrated and they want to take out their frustration with other people. They love to show they are ABOVE the others and that they are the LAW. They are not there to help you but to make you suffer. They most probably got a frustrated life during the communist time so they want to transmit that frustration to the new generation. You also see that with your ''superiors'' in a job or university. Most of the time they are very incompetent but they want to hid it by despotism and disrespectfulness

Things will change im sure...

Probably it will change, but I think it takes around 20 to 30 years. After the communist generation is gone.
nope  2 | 43  
18 May 2015 /  #56
Merged: Vandalism on cars in Poland

Hi everyone,
on Saturday at exactly 04:56 in the morning 4 guys( actually only 1 of them hit my car) passing in my street broke the mirror of my car and scratched the door ( earlier they hit another car on the other side of the road ) . Since in our building are 2 cameras I have everything recorded and I got it in my flashdrive and went to the police station. Now the question I have for you is: Is everywhere in PL that police actually don't give a **** about vandalism on cars or only in my city ? Even after giving them the flashdrive with the video from both cameras ( one of them showing the FACES ) of those guys the guy at the police station said: Well, you know it happens all the time.Now I don't see any solution to this except getting the baseball bat and finding at least one of them ( I don't think they live far from my place ) but then I risk going to prison.Ideas ?
jon357  72 | 22981  
18 May 2015 /  #57
Make a written complaint (in Polish, and in the correct format) to the police and send a copy to the prosecutor. That way they can't just ignore it. Perhaps also send a copy to your embassy and make sure the bottom of the complaint letter shows where the copies were sent. Make a copy of the images on your flash (so the police don't 'lose' it should they ask for it) and send hard copies with the letter(s).

Though yes, these things do happen all the time. The police in PL aren't very good and some are unwilling to act in a crime committed by a Pole against a foreigner however this is slowly getting better.
smurf  38 | 1940  
18 May 2015 /  #58
And if that fails stick the footage up on youtube with locations, i.e. street name, city, time, date.

Jon's advice is better though.

Plus dude, it's just a car, your insurance will pay for it and if you have the proper insurance it won't even effect your 'no claims'.

Could've been worse, could've been you.
18 May 2015 /  #59
Make a written complaint (in Polish, and in the correct format) to the police and send a copy to the prosecutor.

Might be better not to do that. Personally I'd be thinking that the blokes were almost certainly drunk and I'd be more concerned about getting them to pay for the damage.

Ideas ?

Yes, if you do go down the police route, park your car elsewhere in future.

if you have the proper insurance it won't even effect your 'no claims'.

Sadly not in Poland. I was checking out getting insured no claims and the only places offering it charge more than double what I ended up paying for fully comp.
nope  2 | 43  
18 May 2015 /  #60
Thanks guys. P.S It's not only about my mirror and the scratches to be honest, it costs about 200 PLN to fix it. What bothers me is that nobody does anything to make this stop or at least to give a lesson to the stupid 20 something years old guys who are doing it. Last year one of the neighbours had his car completely destroyed( windows, all doors,bonet,side mirrors... everything smashed ).Anyway I'll do exactly as Jon said, let's see what the prosecutor says.

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