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Is it True that People in Poland Dislike Charity?

PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
30 Apr 2013 /  #1
I have heard this before, but I'm not sure its true. Its interesting because my whole family shuns charity, including my sister who is well-off. If so why is this? It seems like Catholic people would be number one standbys of the world of private charity. I have nothing against PRIVATE charity, and I'm sure it does good sometimes, but as a person who grew up lower middle class, I have an aversion to charity events and people who ask for money. I don't really believe in it. Some people would probably think I'm a psychopath or something for saying this, but I just don't belive in taking wealth away from people that earned it and giving it to these "organizations" who dole it out however they want to people I don't know.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
30 Apr 2013 /  #2
who ever told you that must have been some Polish hater...

Paulina  19 | 4458  
30 Apr 2013 /  #3
Is it True that People in Poland Dislike Charity?

No, it isn't true ;)

I have heard this before

And who told you that?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 Apr 2013 /  #4
Several times my friends and family have bought food for people hanging about outside shops. Never seem that in the UK.
f stop  24 | 2493  
1 May 2013 /  #5
In my experience, Polish people spread their money among their family much easier than Americans do. We are much more willing to give money to members of our own family than strangers. It may be a generalization, but my mother, who watches Judge Judy etc., is often amazed at parents suing children, or children suing parents, or siblings suing each other over money.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
1 May 2013 /  #6
I doubt that any "people" as a group (Americans-Brits-Poles-Chinese-Iranians-Samoans) dislike "charity", though many mistrust large private association that pay more to administrators & employees than is ever spent on relief.

seems like Catholic people would be number one standbys of the world of private charity.

LOL. Don't mistake a baptised person who is practicing and still aint got it right, with a person who is pious or believes and follows biblical tenants.

The RC Church and its associations like St Vincent De Paul still does very weighty work among the poor, concentrating on those that just need that timely leg up; and those the welfare system shuns or lets fall thru. And the Salvation Army.(Goodwill is not so willing or good for the average poor/at risk but still has some beneficial programs)

This also goes for the Mormon Deseret Industries and the Jewish Hands on (?) Sedaka (they give to other charities the trust are helping the poor to discharge their traditional religious obligation to charitable acts)

I would think the question is actually more about the times. For us in the US, the welfare-state federal programs often enacted without any true votes within the public on state level; have soured many about charity. Add scandals in big private charities to further cause distrust and dislike. In addition, the past generations have been entitled, spoiled and unaccountable. Not a recipe for humanists. Not to mention the average worker has so many hands out wanting his money, he has to slap a few away to see the beggar's palm to give alms.

And I myself would not wish to compelled or coerced to give to a "charity" I did not trust or believe in. (Which is why I am for major welfare reform even it must be erased and then set in a state to state vote (Propositions) for what it should even encompass). Nor do I want to give generously to the poor a 100% and only see them recieve 5%.

I don't give to many organized charities other than useable item donation. But since I had my first job at 9 years old (watching a general store and working the butcher counter at a trout farm); I have always, in the least annually (my father's Weiss kin traditions), chosen a person or family to assist, even when my own funds were not in my comfort range. How can I whine over what I want if the other does not even have what they need? I also volunteer my contracting skills for Habitat for Humanity and go to court as a Advocate for DV survivors (both genders) when time and location are convenient.
OP PolkaTagAlong  10 | 186  
2 May 2013 /  #7
In my experience, Polish people spread their money among their family much easier than Americans do.

This is exactly how it is with my family. My sister helps my parents out by buying them say a new t.v. or something they need for the house every so often, or paying for a vacation. My parents helped my brother out when he was young and in college and they pay for my rent, I use their Internet, and some of my groceries while I'm in school so that I can have time to study and work part time. It is unfathomable to me the distance there is between family members in the current culture. Its a little disturbing to me and that's why I would never marry someone who had a , family situation like that. It doesn't seem right, it would be frightening to be a part of family like that, knowing that they couldn't give two ***** about you. What if you got a serious health problem, or someone stole your identity or you just got laid off? Full time, living wage jobs are hard to come by these days for people in my age category. I would take a mother in law that was a little invasive over a family that was distant from each other any day. You know what I think it is? It's the crudeness and lack of class in American culture. It's the lazy, I don't care about anybody but myself as long as I can sit on my ass and watch ESPN mentality.

As a 16 year old, I had to have multiple surgeries that my parents could not really afford. It must have been like 10 grand in all, the general anesthesia itself for each surgery was like over a grand itself (and it made me sick as a dog, but I had to have it). My sister makes a lot, she would be considered in the upper class, not upper middle class range and she paid for what my parents couldn't without question. We are very tight nit, and we all care very much about each other so we have no problem sharing our money between each other when necessary. If you don't have anyone other than a best friend that you are close to, you have nothing. My extended family is a different story though, we would sue each other, screw each other without question.

If you have a culture where the family takes care of each other, there really isn't a need for "charity" as like a business the way it is now where they want every spare dollar they can possibly squeeze out of you.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 May 2013 /  #8
Excellent posts, Rysavy and PTA.
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
2 May 2013 /  #9
Poles have very strong family structure so they assume if you need help you should go to your family. And being from Socialism, it is assumed the Government will help you.
23 Sep 2017 /  #10

YES it is true!

...but in another context.

Polish are generous to charity, but only if the people are desperate, like if an earthquake hits and kills a person whole family, then they will donate some out of date sausages from the Polish Deli.

My ex-girlfriend and her family were from Krakow and they were SO weird with money! ...and never gave to charity, not even a friend who needed help. They were all catholic, so I'm not sure why they would do that.

My theory was that because they were catholic they believed if a person was GOOD that god would provide them with what they needed, and if they were bad they would SUFFER! ... yes folks that is christianity for ya.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
23 Sep 2017 /  #11
If I've got this right, King, you are basing your opinion on the actions of one family.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 Sep 2017 /  #12
Ask WOŚP, Caritas or any other Polish charity organisation. They seem to be doing fine.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
23 Sep 2017 /  #13
There are a lot of charity scammers at the moment operating in PL. That makes people suspicious of other honest charities. We were cold called a while ago by a woman claiming to be collecting for the local hospital's paediatric dialysis unit. Our hospital has no such thing. Don't want to go into detail here, but that lady won't be doing that again for a while.

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