We should close their discotheques and stop their flamboyant displays of affection in public - stop them forcing it down our throats.
It is unbareable, jonni. I am tired of seeing these unmarried straight pervs walking by with no rings on their fingers or not holding a hand of somebody else. It is as if they say "Yes, I am sick and incurable: I cannot be a rabbit. Ha, what would you do about that? I will put my cats into your face and you wil have to swallow it!"
How can people who dont have children pass on a gene?
Very nice question, smurf. Well, it is, probably, a gene we all carry but which switches on only in some portion of the society when cat population starts falling :)
You mean anybody not being married is gay in Poland?
Not having a bank account, not being able to use a computer and preferring cats to women might just fit the profile.
I mean that not married are sick people who need to have an option of cure themselves from the disease. There should be centers where psychologists will make them realize how sick they are and how important it is to be reproducing. They have to be given a goal in life. Right now they don't bring any benefit to the society. We are created as sacks of sperm and oocytes, not to live this life alone, maybe, happily and shove this into married people's throats. It is disgusting.
I would think you would be more interested in such social issues in the Ukraine, not Poland.
You bet I am. I already started to phone my unmarried relatives and work with them, supporting them in these tough time when they need me the most. I am not going to cast them out of my life just because some of them might be terminally ill. But since this is Polish site, I decided to find out what Polish people do in the German province where you live.
You guys need to think before you write. Our population is spiraling down
Our civilization is spiraling down when we become homophobic bigots who try to transform our civilization into reproductive factory. I'd rather go extinct than live in the overpopulated world with homophobic rabbits.
Not much to worry about on that score.
I do worry. With gay and unmarried people around we are all going to die out. We need "Reproductive" revolution. Sex should be taught in schools since the 1st grade. Unmarried are demanding to teach our kids about some other goals we might have beside reproduction. We cannot allow them to do that.
you got a rise out of the usual suspect. :)
Could you please,please,PLEASE stop saving me? I hope I'll manage my life on my own...:D
That's what my unmarried auntie told me, but this is plain denial, refusal to recognize illness. It is a passing stage - a little bit of work by psychologist and you will realize how sick you were and you will immediately go on the sex spree around the town. Lenka, we won't leave you like that. You live in solitude, depression and breed hatred to other peope's sex organs - it can be cured and you won't be left alone. I am really happy that you came out of the closet :)