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How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code)

OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #121
1 Peter 3:2-5)

Look at verse 3&4 seanus

Deuteronomy 22:5

Doest this refer to transvestities Seanus?????

Take a look at this:
1 Peter 2:9

Here Peter refers to the whole nation being of the priesthood? So what does priesthood mean???
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
25 Apr 2011 /  #122
But Im conflicted,I sort of agree with a lot of his theological points and the whole bonkersness of men in satin dresses swinging pretty gold perfume spreaders around and chanting in a dead language..................but,its about respect. If Im invited to some hippy happy clappy come as you are worship in a park do,fine,i'll wear a t shirt a jesus sandels(not really,for illustrative purpose only ;) ) but in some ones building of worship,temple,church mosque or whatever,for a specific servive, sorry,but you dress with respect,no excuse.

Sure,nice hot day,you are out and about and suddenly get the urge to nip in and light a candle somewhere,why not,but not a special service, thats just plain rude.
Ironside  50 | 12334  
25 Apr 2011 /  #123
The Pharisees believed this, during times of fasting they would paint their faces white to show everyone they fast. Christ heavily criticised this. Did he have a right to do it??? Christ didnt like it and he spoke out about it. Nobody forced Christ to teach against the Pharisees, he chose to do it.

The Pharisees did not believe this, they had believed in themselves being better and holy because of all those small rules they abhorred to; Christ criticised their shallow beliefs and self-righteousness.

In the case of dress code nobody is deemed better or more holy,if dressing better attending a mass, it has nothing to do with religion or being a good Christian, it is simply about respect.

simples :)
25 Apr 2011 /  #124

NIV, 1 Timothy 2:9-10)

NIV, 1 Peter 3:2-5)

I wonder if anyone knows the above verses :) :)

NIV, Deuteronomy 22:5, this one too :)

I go to Church most sundays, I never really see women dolled up, the odd one, I have to point out I have never seen a man in shorts at Church, anywhere in the world. Even in asia they wear light trousers and shirts. Welshguyinpola, seems to have an issue with Catholic Church, which is more to the point.
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #125
I challenge anyone here to read the letters of Paul to the thessalonians and to the Hebrews. Here the scripture will have a whole new meaning for you.
pawian  219 | 24834  
25 Apr 2011 /  #126
There must be more to this story.

yeah... i think that is a bigger issue, not only shorts in church...

Slowly we will learn everything. E.g., seeing the priest, Welsh cried out: Father!
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #127
it is simply about respec

What about respecting my decision to attend Church dressed this way???

I go to Church most sundays, I never really see women dolled up, the odd one, I have to point out I have never seen a man in shorts at Church, anywhere in the world

Have you been to Kensington Temple?? Go and see. Ur welcome to attend my church too where one guy came to a Tuesday service straight after his day job as a painter decorator in his paint covered overalls. Please dont tell me uve been everywhere cos clearly you havent
25 Apr 2011 /  #128
Firstly, if I wish to confess my sins, I get down on my knees and speak directly to Christ. i dont need a man to tell me whether or not my sins are forgiven after Ive made a financial contribution.

You believe you can buy your way out of purgatory, you obviously paid the wrong man.
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #129
Slowly we will learn everything

Ok I confess, I got up in the middle of the serivce, professed I am the son of God, p****d over everyones easter baskets then took a hot steaming one on the Church steps. Its funny how the woman in the church I was talking about was the husband of a man from Sopot who is famous for taking bribes, he was sat right next to her.
pawian  219 | 24834  
25 Apr 2011 /  #130
What about respecting my decision to attend Church dressed this way???

An eternal dillema: whose rights are more important: the minority`s or majority`s?

Ur welcome to attend my church too where one guy came to a Tuesday service straight after his day job as a painter decorator in his paint covered overalls.

Tuesday isn`t the same as Sunday.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Apr 2011 /  #131
It is about cross dressing, Welshie, yes. I think many have missed frd's post (113). Now, Zabrze isn't as conservative as Gliwice but it's still fairly much so in Polish terms. It is strongly Catholic, that's for sure. If shorts are permitted there, what does that say for the code?
25 Apr 2011 /  #132
Ur welcome to attend my church too where one guy came to a Tuesday service straight after his day job as a painter decorator in his paint covered overalls. Please dont tell me uve been everywhere cos clearly you havent

He had overalls on, he had an excuse, he went to church directly from work, he still wasn't wearing shorts on Easter Sunday. One of the most important days in the religious calender.
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #133
Tuesday isn`t the same as Sunday

Shows how little you know. Thoiose who live Christ dont care what the day is, they just feel the desire to worship. I can imageine Pawian that you are one of these ppl who believe that Church is for Sunday only. A church is a building, worshipping God is a calling, no matter the day.

From your last airbrained arguement, I can see ur one of those who just go through the motions of Church. Read Hebrews and Thesallonians I&II, it will enlighten you
pawian  219 | 24834  
25 Apr 2011 /  #134
Ok I confess, I got up in the middle of the serivce, professed I am the son of God, p****d over everyones easter baskets then took a hot steaming one on the Church steps.

Oh, I see. Bad boy. No wonder old ladies were shocked. :):):):)

Its funny how the woman in the church I was talking about was the husband of a man from Sopot who is famous for taking bribes, he was sat right next to her.

Do you mean the mayor of Sopot?
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #135
He had overalls on, he had an excuse, he went to church directly from work

I had an excuse, I had come straight from the beach. What another idiotic argument. Ur just shooting urselves in the feet here guys
pawian  219 | 24834  
26 Apr 2011 /  #136
Shows how little you know.

Yes, I know I know nothing. :):)

Read Hebrews and Thesallonians I&II, it will enlighten you

No, thanks, it is enough to read you. :):):)

I can see ur one of those who just go through the motions of Church.

Not so much. :):):) I just keep other people in mind and don`t belch or fart in public. :):):)

I had an excuse, I had come straight from the beach.

That is still disrespect. You went to the beach first, instead of going to church. On Easter Sunday?
26 Apr 2011 /  #137
I had an excuse, I had come straight from the beach.

You got a hand full of straw there Weishie lol
pawian  219 | 24834  
26 Apr 2011 /  #138
Ok I confess, I got up in the middle of the serivce, professed I am the son of God,

BTW, shouldn`t you write I was the son of God ? Using Present Simple tense in past Reported Speech suggests it is still valid and true..... That`s what they taught me long ago....
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
26 Apr 2011 /  #139
That is still disrespect. You went to the beach first, instead of going to church. On Easter Sunday?

Yep sorry, thought I'd catch the first of the morning sun. I was there for 2 hrs from 10-12 but it got too full.

You got a hand full of straw there Weishie lol

Whys that then WAW? If I had been coming back from a job on sat that rquired me to wear shorts, everyhting would have been ok would it?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2011 /  #140
"And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us". I wonder what the mohair beret brigade feels that this means :) :)

Luke 17:21, "the Kingdom of God is within you". Why is a priest needed when God is working within us?

newtestamentpattern.net/christianarticles/tojudgeornottojud ge.htm

they might want to read this before passing judgement on others. Scripture, folks, scripture. I really do my utmost not to judge in real life.
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
26 Apr 2011 /  #141
BTW, shouldn`t you write I was the son of God ? Using Present Simple tense in past Reported Speech suggests it is still valid and true.....

Ok I got so excited I didnt use the apprpriate grammar. Im sure u speak perfect Polish though......
pawian  219 | 24834  
26 Apr 2011 /  #142
Come on, you were only frowned at and gossiped about by a few old ladies. They didn`t kick you out of the church, did they? Were you beaten? Thrown mud at? Stones?

So, what is the deal? When in a Muslim country, are you going to refuse to take off your shoes upon entering the mosque? Or you will try a little provocation?

I am sure you wouldn`t dare. :):):)

Ok I got so excited I didnt use the apprpriate grammar. Im sure u speak perfect Polish though......

I didn`t attempt to correct you, by no means. I just wanted to find out if you still consider yourself the son of God or if it was a temporary revelation on that Easter Sunday that has already passed.

I used to speak and write perfect English and Polish, but they deteriorated significantly with age. I am really scared how much damage the aging process has done to my mental faculties.
Ironside  50 | 12334  
26 Apr 2011 /  #143
What about respecting my decision to attend Church dressed this way???

Well, forgive me for being blunt but it seems to me that you don't know first thing about respect.
26 Apr 2011 /  #144
Whys that then WAW? If I had been coming back from a job on sat that rquired me to wear shorts, everyhting would have been ok would it?

The Bible teaches Christians to be modestly dressed. One of the words used to describe the appropriate attire for Christian women is kosmios, in the Greek, means clothing that is neat and appropriate for the occasion. What constitutes appropriateness will depend on the country and society in which a person finds himself. Here in the Poland shorts are considered casual attire. People who wear shorts to services are stating a casual attitude toward serving God. Such a frame of mind does not indicate a person serious about serving God.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2011 /  #145
Pawian, the difference is that you are told to take your shoes off when entering a mosque. It was that way in Tirana when I was there. They actually enforced the rules.
pawian  219 | 24834  
26 Apr 2011 /  #146
In Poland the enforcement is done by pious ladies who frown and hiss. :):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2011 /  #147
So what if I was a devout Catholic Scot that went into a church here with a kilt on? Would that be considered as modest apparel? if there are no objective definitions then it is left to us to gauge the relevant cultural norm, right?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Apr 2011 /  #148
it is left to us to gauge the relevant cultural norm, right?

so those people in the church did, no? :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2011 /  #149
They are but one part of Polish culture, pgtx. Isn't it a telling sign that others just got on with it?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
26 Apr 2011 /  #150
Next time.... take your shorts off...

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