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How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code)

OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #61
Sb, please point me to an official source.

This is the whole point of this thread sheep boy. i am trying to find out how much of a prt the Bible plays in this dress code. I am assuming the Bible is the foundation upon which the Church is built and through my extensive study of the Bible (I have an MA in Theology and hve even lectured in Gdansk uni on this), I have yet to find any reference to it whatsoever. So therefore, what is this dress code? Why does my pentecostal church in Wales not care what I look like??
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Apr 2011 /  #62
Where is this dress code to be found? Sb, please point me to an official source.

I think, Seanus, it is not about what is written, but certain accepted norm of our society. It is like smoking in the bars: it was Ok ten years ago and now it is all of a sudden forbidden. Why? Because will and safety of the majority is taken into consideration.
sascha  1 | 824  
25 Apr 2011 /  #63
What confidence are we to have in people who, statistically speaking, are 95% Catholic but only between 55-60% practise?

Faith is a strict personal thing imo. Who goes to church, o.k., he needs the institutions and the faith. No pro.

Sb, please point me to an official source.

There is NONE.

It is like smoking in the bars: it was Ok ten years ago and now it is all of a sudden forbidden. Why? Because will and safety of the majority is taken into consideration.

No a lucky comparison, 'cause we both know it's strictly political driven. Almost no rationalism in that.
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #64
Because will and safety of the majority is taken into consideration

The will of the majority who have actually fogotten why they go to Church. I pray with my mouth and my heart and will say the same prayer if my legs are covered or not
Barney  17 | 1645  
25 Apr 2011 /  #65
No, he hadnt quite risen on Saturday, again read ur Bible

OK, you didnt make that clear you said Easter.................the feast of the ressurection.

Do you read ur Bible Barnster??

Got the DVD.
Is this thread about the ultimate arbiter of scripture?

She should have bben wearing a knee lenth skirt, not looking like she had just left a disco.

There you go dictating what someone should wear. She may have been dressed inappropriately and if no one else complained then the problem lies in your judgement of her.
25 Apr 2011 /  #66
So how is it that Islam doesn't even realise a resurrection and Judaism doesn't recognise Jesus as the Messiah?

This can't be a serious question, seanus?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Apr 2011 /  #67
I pray with my mouth and my heart and will say the same prayer if my legs are covered or not

You are a strong man. When I see beautiful legs in front of me, I am getting confused and disoriented. It ruins the whole purpose of being in the Church. I want to come to the Church and forget about all the seductions of the outside world. I am and many other people are like that - weak and pathetic. We need clear minds at least in one place. Will others accomodate this minor understanding of our needs?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Apr 2011 /  #68
That's a very good answer, Nathan :) :) It's hard to counter that as I support the idea that the majority should be represented, of course. However, I wasn't aware of that norm and I also believe that forgiveness is a central concept in Christianity.

Different churches have different standards, to be fair. However, I say this as a matter of observation without lending either support or criticism to it. The RCC seems to advocate artificial constructs and what I may describe as 'add-ons'.

I'll go to the church tomorrow and enquire as to the dress code :)

Which is the liar, warsz? That is a serious question :)
sascha  1 | 824  
25 Apr 2011 /  #69
When I see beautiful legs in front of me, I am getting confused and disoriented. It ruins the whole purpose of being in the Church

Why? Church is the place of love, sharing etc.. ;)

weak and pathetic. We need clear minds at least in one place.

Do we really, if we are 'pathetic and weak'? ;)

I'll go to the church tomorrow and enquire as to the dress code

Good luck. ;)
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #70
There you go dictating what someone should wear. She may have been dressed inappropriately and if no one else complained then the problem lies in your judgement of her.

So therefore, why was I judged so harshly??? I believe she can wear what she wants but if you saw a woman dressed like that in the street you would form stereotypes of her as a w***e. Isnt it worse when a woman comes to CHurch dressed like that? What about a man wearing shots in 17 degree heat? If you saw him, what stereotype would you form? I was dressed appropiately for the weather, she was not dressed appropriately for church, for a disco yes, but for a church no
pawian  219 | 24831  
25 Apr 2011 /  #71
And they will point to this poster which hangs in the lobby or whatever it is called in English:
pgtx  29 | 3094  
25 Apr 2011 /  #72
If you saw him, what stereotype would you form? I was dressed appropiately for the weather, she was not dressed appropriately for church, for a disco yes, but for a church no

why are you judging and want us to stereotype people? you just got back from the church... :)
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Apr 2011 /  #73
Different churches have different standards, to be fair. However, I say this as a matter of observation without lending either support or criticism to it. The RCC seems to advocate artificial constructs and what I may describe as 'add-ons'.

Absolutely agree with you here, Seanus. I am playing a bit devil's advocate as I don't like this nonsense. The Church turns from the spiritual to the "who wear what" mode. But I understand the people on the other side of the debate, because we all are different. Who should win? I think the majority or even better build Churches with/out cloth code to accomodate everyone.
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #74
Will others accomodate this minor understanding of our needs?

I am saying Nathan, that this lady, just as I, are able to come before the Lord in whatever we want to wear as it is the exultations of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts which we are brining to him, not my hairy legs- they just provide me with the knees with which I can bow before him in humility.
sascha  1 | 824  
25 Apr 2011 /  #75

That means the building, institution???

she was not dressed appropriately for church, for a disco yes, but for a church no

As far as I recall Jesus said somewhere that in front of him and god EVERYBODY is equal. I'm sure that he gave a fukkkk what the people's clothing were like.

That dress code is like seanus meantioned only an "add-on" and unncecessary

Who should win?

It's not about a battle I thought. Everyone is equal, at least in the eye of god (?) and wardrobe is not an issue.
Barney  17 | 1645  
25 Apr 2011 /  #76
Where is this dress code to be found? Sb, please point me to an official source

Its a bit like in a few good men where Tom Cruise asks for the printed rules about mealtimes in the army.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Apr 2011 /  #77
And they

Pawian, I found it. It is called in Polish "msza katechumenow" and is the first part of the mass. But I didn't find the exact word we have in the Ukrainian church which asks for those to leave, but again it is strictly symbolic.

W Kościele pierwszych wieków po credo ludzi przygotowujących się do chrztu, czyli katechumenów wypraszano w tym momencie ze świątyni, stąd nazwa pierwszej części mszy - msza katechumenów.


Msza składa się z dwóch części stanowiących jedną całość. Sama nazwa "Msza katechumenów" wprowadza nas w starożytność chrześcijańską. Podczas tej części Mszy mogli być obecni nawet poganie przygotowujący się do przyjęcia wiary katolickiej. Trwała do końca homilii, po czym diakon prosił nie ochrzczonych o opuszczenie kościoła i rozpoczynała się tzw. Msza właściwa, czyli "Msza wiernych".

Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Apr 2011 /  #78
I see you are trying to see both sides here, Nathan, and that's a good thing :) Where I would disagree with you would be where you mentioned "spiritual". The Church shouldn't trangress into the realms of spirituality. Its remit is religion which is not the same thing. Now, that brings us to Welshie's point. Where is the Biblical (religious) basis for no shorts?

Oh, can sb give me the function of a priest, please.

If mealtimes are regulated, Barney, then there is a rule for it :) :)
25 Apr 2011 /  #79
Which is the liar, warsz? That is a serious question :)

The Torah predates Jesus, since it was written before Jesus was around, therefore no mention of him.

From the Qur'an, Surah 19:30-35

"Thereupon she pointed to him. They said, 'How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?' Jesus said, 'I am a servant of ALLAH. HE has given me the Book, and has made me a Prophet; 'And HE has made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me Prayer and almsgiving so long as I live; 'And HE has made me dutiful towards my mother, and has not made me arrogant and graceless; 'And peace was on me the day I was born, and peace will be on me the day I shall die, and the day I shall be raised up to life again.' That was Jesus, son of Mary. This is a statement of the truth concerning which they entertain doubt."-Qur'an, Surah 19:30-35

Back to the drawing board on that one Seanus
Barney  17 | 1645  
25 Apr 2011 /  #80
So therefore, why was I judged so harshly???

Because the congregation thought you were dressed inappropriately and only you thought that she was.

If mealtimes are regulated, Barney, then there is a rule for it :) :)

You gotta eat sometime:)
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #81
Oh, can sb give me the function of a priest, please

An all but irrelavent profession in today's world I'm afraid. A priest should guide people to the truth or provide them with the means to discover it for themselves. They are not above people nor are they more Holy than anyone else.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Apr 2011 /  #82
I am saying Nathan, that this lady, just as I, are able to come before the Lord in whatever we want to wear as it is the exultations of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts which we are brining to him

I understand you, but it is not only about you and a girl, it is about other people's ability to meditate. I know that you are able to think about higher matters, but others cannot when they see naked body. Nobody will punish you and you should do as you like, but also you might consider a bit weaknesses of those who cannot pray by seeing beautifully exposed body parts.

Now, that brings us to Welshie's point. Where is the Biblical (religious) basis for no shorts?

You would definitely find one in the Old Testament, Seanus. There are so many rules that the head will spin around.
pawian  219 | 24831  
25 Apr 2011 /  #83
Pawian, I found it. It is called in Polish "msza katechumenow" and is the first part of the mass.

That is why I didn`t know. I have never attended this special mass service. The Wiki link says it happened in church in its beginnings....
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #84
Nobody will punish you and you should do as you like, but also you might consider a bit weaknesses of those who cannot pray by seeing beautifully exposed body parts.

My legs are not t thing of beauty NAthan and that woman's were. According to what ur saying then, they should have been put off by her, but in fact they werent, they were put off by me. Maybe my legs are sexier than I originally thought
Ironside  50 | 12334  
25 Apr 2011 /  #85
Human being express himself in many ways, one of which is a way he/she dresses. Expecting proper dress from people attending mass is only understandable, if somebody doesn't like it I can say only one thing - nobody is forcing you to go there, but if you do - pay respect and dress properly.

Content express itself also in Form.
OP welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
25 Apr 2011 /  #86
You would definitely find one in the Old Testament

This it the thing nathan, Christ came to renew the testament, instead of an eye for an eye as the old testament required, Christ told people that if someone striles them they should offer the other cheek. Christ did not come to start a new religion but he came to reform Judaism. The whole point of my posts is to say that if ppl are going to be concerned about what im wearing rather than the message of Easter then Christ died in vain and all his work on trhis planet is now void
Barney  17 | 1645  
25 Apr 2011 /  #87
A priest should guide people to the truth or provide them with the means to discover it for themselves. They are not above people nor are they more Holy than anyone else.

You have a good understanding of the role of a priest.
sascha  1 | 824  
25 Apr 2011 /  #88
but if you do - pay respect and dress properly.
Content express itself also in Form.

Faith doesn't need a dress code. Simple as that. If the faith says it specifically o.k., then you should comply, but the rest is just 'constuction'. Dictate. Nothing else. It doesn't have to do anything with the faith.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Apr 2011 /  #89
That is why I didn`t know. I have never attended this special mass service.

No, it is not special. Every mass is made of these two parts. You will definitely find it in any prayer book. But it lost its original significance, though the name is still there.

According to what ur saying then, they should have been put off by her, but in fact they werent, they were put off by me.

Were those people old men or old women? Women. You see. For them our hairy legs are sexy. Men are different: we respect material beauty even in the spiritual places :) We appreciate God's work whether it is physical or spiritual and they can be mixed, any time and any place. That's why we made in God's image and women in the image of our ribs. They don't understand :)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
25 Apr 2011 /  #90
Why did Christ die???

Probably a combination of exposure and blood loss.

Seems simple enough to me.
You shouldnt go to a church in shorts if you are an adult but on the other hand no one should throw you out for it.

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