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Is Poland split into two religions: catholicism and non-believers?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
13 Oct 2010 /  #61
orrect me if I am wrong, but there is the one and only right doctrine of what the pope says.

wtf you been smoking?
Unless your talking about the holy trinity and the Tiara thing...

All other opinions are heresy/blasphemy.

Last time I checked the pope wasn't an inqisitor

That's the RC Church approach. Not so progressive and evolving or open to debate.


- I wouldn't pay a dime on that either!

Obviously not Christian
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Oct 2010 /  #62
Ian Paisley was the guy who attacked him but I think he was out of line. You have to question in debates and not attack in that fashion.

A little propaganda can provoke discussion but I have never rolled with it in places where it matters. I see the damaging effects of it when used by major PR firms and I'm thinking war rhetoric here.

I just find there to be little discussion of content on such threads and that's why a little spice can sometimes bring out perceived truths amongst posters.

It's not in my nature to go launching into personal attacks. I always rose above that so I hope I didn't cross any other lines.
A J  4 | 1075  
21 Oct 2010 /  #63
Is Poland split into two religions: catholicism and non-believers?

Don't kid yourself. There has always been a silent group of non-believers in Poland, aswell as people who believe in other things, or just happen to follow a different religion. So no, it's not split in just two groups. If only things were so simple.

Olaf  6 | 955  
22 Oct 2010 /  #64
Obviously not Christian

Should I take it as an insult? ;)))
Would you blame me for thinking straight with my own brain instead of following someone's stories? I have too little herding instinct to follow what anyone with a strange hat says.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
31 May 2011 /  #65
It is enough that the government introduces the "religion tax" similar to one existing in some countries and suddenly 100% Poles will declare atheism ;-)
31 May 2011 /  #66
what people are and what people claim in Poland to be are two different things

I don't need to be lectured about my country
pawian  226 | 27817  
18 Jan 2013 /  #67
Some people have said the country is split into 2, catholicism and non believers.

Yes, Poland is split, unfortunately:


Poland believers

Non - believers:

Poland non-believers

The ratio is still on believers` side.
dm2106  - | 3  
3 Feb 2013 /  #68
My family is from the Bialystok area and our small town (Bialowieza) is mostly Russian Orthodox and some Catholics. In my area people are still extremely religious. On every holiday an Orthodox priest and a Catholic priest ring door bells to see if people want to confess or get the house blessed. However, in bigger cities people tend to be less religious. Many people also resent the Catholic church because it has so much power over the Polish government. Even in Bialystok where many people are Orthodox, there is much discrimination.
jon357  72 | 23673  
3 Feb 2013 /  #69
There has always been a silent group of non-believers in Poland

Though there's a clear division between an urban educated elite and the other end of the spectrum.
Joker  2 | 2458  
22 Aug 2017 /  #70
[moved from]

I do like john stossel tho.

Hey, remember this? It launched his career, classic! hahaha!


But only Christians it appears

Does Poland have the invisible war against Christians like the left has created in the US?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Aug 2017 /  #71

Of course not. Even if poles who don't go to church regularly the mast majority still identify as catholic. Poles even ceremonially crowned Jesus the king of Poland. Were a deeply catholic country and we want it to stay that way. Only a true pole would understand how important Catholicism is to us as its shaped our customs our traditions and even laws and the days off work that we have for religious holidays.

150k poles at masz niepodleglosci chanting things like were catholic, always the gospel never the koran, god country honor, etc. There's subtitles in English youtu.be/Xk_UBglPJKU

Tens of thousands of poles chanting 'we won't want islam' youtu.be/5x_HabnO6ok

That's why I keep explaining to Jon that yes poles do want to remain in eu, but 3/4 are against migrants form m.e. and Africa. He use to deny that was true and try to make people think only a small number of poles reject migrants from middle east when that clearly isn't the case. He'll praise the first fact and use to deny the second so now he simply says that poles need to change, that theyll have migration from m.e. and Africa anyway and ought to prepare for it, the eu should take away membership privileges, and so on. He ignores the fact that Poland took in over a million Ukrainians but for whatever reason has a boner for seeing a flood of specifically islamists coming to poland. To him its more important that a few thousand Muslims are let in than a million Ukrainians Georgians etc which have already been taken in. If anything that's kind of racist because he's implying that its more important for a Muslim to migrate to poland than a ukranian. Its as if he thinks Muslims have special status over Ukrainians when it comes to accepting them. If our quota was to take in 4k 7k whatever migrants we've more than accomplished that as some 1.5 mil were taken in if not 2 mil. Migrants are migrants but he specifically wants to see Muslim and African migrants come to poland. Ukrainian migrants don't seem to fulfill his agenda and extreme bias.
Joker  2 | 2458  
22 Aug 2017 /  #72
shaped our customs our traditions and even laws and the days off work that we have for religious holidays.

Poland would never let an Obama type progressive use his authority to undermine Christianity and push morally corrupt values and Islam upon them.
I have a lot of respect towards Poland for standing up for what they believe in, it`s the best and probably safest country in Europe!

If anything that's kind of racist because he's implying that its more important for a Muslim to migrate to poland than a ukranian

Its up to the real Polish citizens to decide that, rather than a handful of expats with a political agenda.
They have already said "No" to the refugee/terrorists, and with almost weekly terrorist attacks across Europe it`s the right decision.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Aug 2017 /  #73

Exactly. If there's Muslims that are vetted, educated or at least skilled in something, will assimilate work and provide for his family then by all means take them in if they're a net benefit to the country. However based on what we've seen all over Europe since this migrant crisis started and Europe was flooded we've had 2 years of state of emergency in France and still ongoing, regular terror attacks, hundreds of thousands living off welfare, making sharia patrols and sharia courts, assaulting women, and not paying taxes im sorry I don't see how such people are 'enriching a country.' Europeans graciously take them in, give them shelter and even money because they won't eat the food the refugee center gives them and there's plenty of videos of migrants throwing perfectly good food out bc they don't like it so they want cash instesd, and they pay us back by assaulting women and committing terrorism. Of course not all of them are doing this but even the moderate ones force their ideology on their new country - they demand crosses be removed from churches bc it offends them, thousands violently demonstrate during events like the pro Palestine rally and torched cars buildings attack people entire neighborhoods go up in flames and look like war zones. Its ridiculous.

The west eu elites are such cowards that they tell their countrymen that terrorism is now simply something that they have to get use to.. Not to mention all the other issues caused by this migrant crisis that Europeans have to deal with. Trucks can't even go through Calais without being attacked by hordes of migrants.

Well poles refuse to accept such a defeatist cowardly attitude. The vast majority has spoken - we don't want it these kind of issues that came with massive unvetted unskilled migrants. Apparently this year less than 2% who came in are even Syrian refugees. According to cbos, even half of po and nowoczesna supporters doesn't want massive amounts of migrants from m.e. and Africa while with pis and kukiz its closer to 90%. The polish citizens have spoken and its now the duty of our government to enact policies in line with the wishes of the people. Thankfully they've been doing that lately. Even when they felt they were wrong on their original stances on abortion and the judiciary issue they listened to poles and did what the polish people wanted.
cms  9 | 1253  
23 Aug 2017 /  #74
What do your mean minded rants have to do with Christianity ? Just out of interest when did you last attend church ?. how do you square such nonsense with the clear Christian duty to help others in their hour of need ? (I am talking about genuine refugees)

The head of the Catholic Church has only this week spoken of the need to treat refugees with dignity.

I don't mind if Poles and Hungarians simply say they don't want muslims here because they are prejudiced. What I do object to is them using the defence of Christian Europe as an excuse for them, especially in the case of people who never attend church. The thugs parading in Warsaw and shouting about the gospels are more likely to be joining Polish ultra in his daily pursuits of cheap speed and drunk middle-aged women.
jon357  72 | 23673  
23 Aug 2017 /  #75
That's why I keep explaining to Jon that yes poles do want to remain in eu,

In this thread? No. You prefer to try and switch threads round to your fixation with Muslims. There's actually a thread dedicated to such things.

What do your mean minded rants have to do with Christianity ?

I see none there.

The head of the Catholic Church has only this week spoken of the need to treat refugees with dignity.

Yes, but this one eats empanadas rather than kwaśnica, so they don't listen to him as much as a certain other one.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
23 Aug 2017 /  #76
What is an interesting case in Poland is the people who chant "polska czysta polska biała" and identify themselves as Catholics, what an oxymoron that is, but I guess such narrow minded people don't realize that

and after knowing more about certain practices of catholic poles I start to wonder how extreme some people are and adopted a twisted version of Christianity that is far different from the Christianity observed in the middle east, where it has all began.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
23 Aug 2017 /  #77
And those blacks claiming they're Christian then hating on us whites. It's so Christian!!!!

Ps It's Poles not poles.
Ironside  51 | 13114  
23 Aug 2017 /  #78
What is an interesting case in Poland is the people who chant "polska czysta polska biała"

Cleary draw your attention. How representative those people are of the whole and what are you complaining about? Have they been chanting it during mass?

far different from the Christianity observed in the middle east,

Well, Christianity observed on the middle east adopted a subdued, tamed and tailored version of Christianity fitted for people who are under Islamic heel.

clear Christian duty to help others in their hour of need ? (

You know what? I'm sick of people like you and those of your ilk. Who are not Catholic themselves, often not even Christians and who have the audacity to lecture Catholic/Christians where their duty lies and what they should do.

You should have become a priest if you like to preach. I tell you in no so many words in answer to that insolent usurpation - FO boyo! Mind your own ....business!
Ironside  51 | 13114  
23 Aug 2017 /  #79
I don't mind if Poles and Hungarians simply say they don't want muslims here because they are prejudiced

Clary you are the one who is prejudiced. Poles don't want them for a number of good reasons. Evidently those reasons are not good enough for you. So, my advice is take as many 'refugees' as you can into your own house. Put your money where your mouth is.

What I do object to is them using the defence of Christian Europe as an excuse for them, especially in the case of people who never attend church.

Europe and western civilization has been build on Christianity. Hence even an atheist can be defending western civilization if he knows where are his roots.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
24 Aug 2017 /  #80
Since the beginning of the right/left division during the French revolution, all varieties leftists have constituently shown themselves to be sworn enemies of freedom, reason, and truth, supporters of all kinds of abominations and blasphemies, an unthinking, totalitarian mass of screaming, violent, poop-throwing chimps, who will gladly betray their entire civilization for nothing more than the fulfillment of their make-believe utopia, which they will use an excuse to establish a permanent bloodthirsty and paranoid Reign of Terror.

Virtually every single genocide in modern history was done by the leftists, be it Young Turks, National-Socialists, Communists, or the genocide of the Western people currently perpetrated by liberals
jon357  72 | 23673  
24 Aug 2017 /  #81


They weren't. They were (and are) far-right.

  • Screen_Shot_201708.jpg
kondzior  11 | 1026  
24 Aug 2017 /  #82
You mistook the stars reflected in a pond for the sky
jon357  72 | 23673  
24 Aug 2017 /  #83
You mistook

No, you deliberately mistook. A big difference. The opposite of reality even.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
24 Aug 2017 /  #84
And those blacks claiming they're Christian then hating on us whites. It's so Christian!!!!

Your argument is invalid, if there are black christians hating on white people in Europe (I personally didn't encounter such people, but I did encounter Chrsitian Poles who identified themselves as a white country that hate non-white people), this doesn't make such behavior right.

How representative those people are of the whole and what are you complaining about?

for the first question it would be easily answered by asking poles who identify as christian if they hate/dislike/prefer not to have a relation with a non-white person (according to their definition), I am complaining about a big chunk of Poles identifying themselves as Christians while having a prejudice against everyone who isn't white, this is a non-christian behavior, saying that you believe in jesus christ then hating on someone who has a different look is a big example of hypocrisy.

Well, Christianity observed on the middle east adopted a subdued, tamed and tailored version of Christianity fitted for people who are under Islamic heel.

Not really, the contrast that I see between Christians in middle east and Christians in Poland is that Christians in middle east focus more on the spiritual aspect of religion whereas the some Christians in Poland practice a Christianity that follows literally the bible and some rules in a way that makes them similar to muslims
Ironside  51 | 13114  
24 Aug 2017 /  #85
Not really

Really. What you say absolutely confirm what I have said.
How old are you Danny? You have a very idealistic approach to the issue.

I am complaining about a big chunk of Poles identifying themselves as Christians while having a prejudice against everyone who isn't white,

Well, that is a human nature, as long as people tolerate each other everything is fine. Poland is not that bad in this regard.

They weren't. They were (and are) far-right.

Nazis were clearly inspired by Marx. They were socialists, left, red like commies, Stalinists. The only difference is one went international other national.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
24 Aug 2017 /  #86
Nazis were clearly inspired by Marx.

Exactly. Both Communism and Nazism are extreme radical faces of the LEFT-WING.
jon357  72 | 23673  
24 Aug 2017 /  #87
Nazis were clearly inspired by Marx.

No, I-S. They loathed His teaching.
cms  9 | 1253  
25 Aug 2017 /  #88
I am a practicing catholic IS and regualalry attend church. I am of especially pious but have every right to call out this nonsense. So I ask the question again - how should old chirsitians treat refugees ? What does the bible say about helping people in need ?
cms  9 | 1253  
25 Aug 2017 /  #89
The Nazis first act on taking power was to round up all the registered Commies they could find and execute them. The communist party was then banned on Hitler's first day of making laws.

The books of Marx, Engels, Leibkneckt, Luxembourg and just about any prominent socialist you could think of were banned and burned.

There is plenty wrong with communism but it was not the inspiration for the Nazis. Nazis would recognise their successors as those who advocate race hate, intolerance and simple solutions to complex problems.
Crow  155 | 9729  
25 Aug 2017 /  #90
By the Svetovid and by the Christ, what two religions? Non-believers aren`t representatives of religion. Maybe starter of thread wanted to say- Is Poland split into: catholicism and non-believers? or believers and non-believers? I don`t know. Question isn`t clear. So this thread is confusing

I can only say that same way as our ancestors, due to killing by invaders, suffering and pressure, in the weakness betrayed Svetovid, no matter that they remembered Him,... they then embraced Christianity to avoid to be slaughtered by the rest of Christians, Catholics.... now won`t be surprise if Poles return to Svetovid. And not only Poles but all Slavs

Is this one answer on this thread?

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