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Is Poland split into two religions: catholicism and non-believers?

nikola  3 | 18  
23 Feb 2008 /  #1
can somebody describe to me the Polish religions intact in Poland at the moment.
Some people have said the country is split into 2, catholicism and non believers.
If this is true, can somebody post a picture or something showing which sides which, or maybe paste an article (in english) about it?
Thanks xD
Mufasa  19 | 357  
23 Feb 2008 /  #2
how about googling it?
jones101  1 | 349  
23 Feb 2008 /  #3
Wow I bet a person that has the skill to post in an internet forum never thought of Google.

Why in the world would you go to a Polish Forum to ask about Polish Religion? That is just silly.
OP nikola  3 | 18  
23 Feb 2008 /  #4
how about googling it?

tried but cant seem to find anything :/
Probably not looking in the right places
Mufasa  19 | 357  
23 Feb 2008 /  #5
type religion into your search box at right top of the forum page. there are 10 threads about reigion in poland
OP nikola  3 | 18  
23 Feb 2008 /  #6
thanks :).
Mufasa  19 | 357  
23 Feb 2008 /  #7
i also found a ton of stuff when I typed 'Polish Religion' into my google search engine ;)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Feb 2008 /  #8
Some people have said the country is split into 2, catholicism and non believers.

Well... in some way yes...
jones101  1 | 349  
23 Feb 2008 /  #9
Sure Poland is mostly Catholic...at least in label. I have not however seen much in the way of discrimination toward those who don't go to mass.
KasiaG  - | 44  
23 Feb 2008 /  #10
it may depend on what radio channel you're listening to.. ;-)

It's not split. It's Catholic. Poland I mean. Agnostics comprise minority.. I guess, still. But lots of Catholics are non-practicing ones, and from among those, some have reasons for that, some are just lazy. It would be hard to call the others Catholics really, so.. who knows.. :-)
dusieqq  - | 3  
24 Feb 2008 /  #11
hmmm religion in poland ? good qestion
many peoples are not-beliver in good
our church has ben change for monopolistic church
all things goes bad because here is Father Rydzyk
iam not beliver but my all familiy is beliver
don't give a coin(na tace) in church they spend that cash in night club.....
scorpek  - | 3  
24 Feb 2008 /  #12
hmm in my opinion the new generation is mostly atheist or Catholics who dont go to church, they believe in god, but dont accept church and priests (which are chiliin watching pûrns on a 42' tv)
VinPoland  1 | 6  
29 Feb 2008 /  #13
Aren't there some orthodox chuches in the east?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
29 Feb 2008 /  #14
Yes mostly in North East Poland.


25% of Bialystok (300 000 ppl town) citizens are Orthodox.
Feliks  - | 13  
7 Mar 2008 /  #16
I happen to know that there is also an Orthodox church in Jelenia Gora in the South West of Poland, although it is still overwhelmingly Catholic. I've also heard of other religious minorities in Poland, including Jews, Muslims (although mainly immigrants I think), and even a few Satanists apparently.
plk123  8 | 4120  
7 Mar 2008 /  #17
yes, there is a synagogue in w-wa
panienka  1 | 205  
19 Mar 2008 /  #18
Sure Poland is mostly Catholic...at least in label.

I agree, many of them claim they are catholic, but their behaviour is ridiculous and denies their faith... mass is the form of showing "how good person i am"... it's hard to determine the number of real worshippers
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2010 /  #19
It's hard for laypeople to spot. How would they know? Besides, can you tell a Protestant church apart from a Catholic one? ;)
Ziemowit  14 | 4035  
7 Jul 2010 /  #20
And your point, Seanus, is to merge all the threads on religion you have so aptly dug up today into one thread?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2010 /  #21
I think there needs to be a move in that direction, yes. I'm fed up with people not using the search facility.

I mean, one check of the above on wikipedia would give all the answers. How do people really know otherwise? Do they walk round cities asking everyone? Of course not! Is there a need to know? Likely not! The point is to avoid religious faux-pas.
Olaf  6 | 955  
7 Jul 2010 /  #22
non-practicing ones

- in Catholicism it's "either you're with us or against" - there is no place for individual thinking and questioning. And similarly if you don't go to church every Sunday you commit sins (the additional Church 5 commandaments - I guess 10 from the God was not enough and they deicided to add 5 more, just to be sure).

many peoples are not-beliver in good
our church has ben change for monopolistic church
all things goes bad because here is Father Rydzyk
iam not beliver but my all familiy is beliver
don't give a coin(na tace) in church they spend that cash in night club.....

- well one of the 5 Church commandaments (basically designed to keep you loyal and pay money) is that every Catholic is obliged to support the Church. Support method preffered are donations;)

their behaviour is ridiculous and denies their faith... mass is the form of showing "how good person i am"... it's hard to determine the number of real worshippers

- a very large number of people attend masses because they are used to. I have seen it, I have heard it too. Now, that's the fundament for a deep understanding of your faith;)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2010 /  #23
Olaf, that's the same as Islam and that's the worrying aspect. These religions, therefore, are dangerous and are an affront to intelligent societies. They cheapen the whole notion of free thinking.

Donations? LOL. What an utter disgrace! I just laughed in the face of the guy that put the money container out to me. Let these evil people that profit from the world put their hands in their pockets. They are in a position to give.

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
7 Jul 2010 /  #24
in Catholicism it's "either you're with us or against" - there is no place for individual thinking and questioning.

Thats not true, in fact its a damn lie, the RC church has indeed questioned many things and Im sure there are plenty of casual (read = go at xmas and easter) church goers in Poland, I know a couple.

Olaf, that's the same as Islam and that's the worrying aspect

You cant even compare the two! Its a bloody insult!

Donations? LOL. What an utter disgrace!

People pay more a year for a season ticket to go and watch some over paid idots run round a pitch..whats wrong with someone giving a small donation every Sunday, most Catholics will go to church about 3 times a week, not bad value for money (people dont give £30/£40 per week more like £2 - £5 - plus price of candles) if you ask me.

And similarly if you don't go to church every Sunday you commit sins (the additional Church 5 commandaments

Olaf  6 | 955  
7 Jul 2010 /  #25
RC church has indeed

- correct me if I am wrong, but there is the one and only right doctrine of what the pope says. All other opinions are heresy/blasphemy. That's the RC Church approach. Not so progressive and evolving or open to debate.

Its a bloody insult!

- please elaborate so I can feed on this while alowing myself for a fleshy reply.

People pay more a year for a season ticket to go and watch some over paid idots run round a pitch

- I wouldn't pay a dime on that either!
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2010 /  #26
Amathyst, I said that's the same as Islam, not that Catholicism is. They share the commonality of Us Vs Them that Olaf alluded to. There isn't much room to maneuver.

Do you see where that money goes, Am? On marble floors and Alfa Romeos. When I go to a footie match, I watch it and enjoy it. I see where my money goes.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Jul 2010 /  #27
Do you see where that money goes, Am? On marble floors and Alfa Romeos. When I go to a footie match, I watch it and enjoy it. I see where my money goes.

People in bright colored clothes with funny hats being chauffeured around in Audi A8s...at least here in Wroclaw...
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2010 /  #28
Good to see the the church has flamboyant gays in their ranks too ;) ;)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
7 Jul 2010 /  #29
correct me if I am wrong, but there is the one and only right doctrine of what the pope says. All other opinions are heresy/blasphemy. That's the RC Church approach. Not so progressive and evolving or open to debate.

The Church was involved in the investigation of the Shroud of Turin, they were also involved in the investigation of the authenticity of the dead sea scrolls - There are many schollars in the RC Church - dont think for one moment all priests are uneducated idiots!

When I go to a footie match, I watch it and enjoy it. I see where my money goes.

Do you see where that money goes, Am? On marble floors and Alfa Romeos.

Each to their own.

I wouldn't pay a dime on that either!

Your choice.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2010 /  #30
True, each to their own :)

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