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Small change in shops in Poland!?

jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Sep 2018 /  #91
Simply incredible!

Much more prosaic than that, when you shop daily for 5 years, live next door and know the staff.

You're so predictable...
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
1 Sep 2018 /  #92
You can always go back to your country full of refugees if you don't like Poland.

... and Poles. Who also bring their half-retarded "tradition" of asking for exact change. that and "bede panu winna grosika!" idiocy. that and following customer 3 feet away looking at them as if everyone was going to steal something. civilized countries do have some coins in the till on the start of the shift. And, surprisingly, they also offer "cashback" service!

but hey, Poland is famous for its great "customer service".
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
1 Sep 2018 /  #93
My pal used to buy petrol for 20 zlotys 6 or 7 times on a Sunday to fill each of his fleet of vans. He reckoned that over a year, if he bought 20 zlotys and four groszy a throw or whatever (and the cashier NEVER asked for the 4 groszy - he paid with a 50zl note sometimes to guarantee the fact), he saved ...er......quite a lot. I couldn't be bothered to pull that one.

Which might explain why he lives in a mansion and I live at Dougpol Towers.
If you tried to pay 5 pounds and not the three pence in a UK garage they would call the police on you.
Miloslaw  22 | 5269  
1 Sep 2018 /  #94
You can always go back to your beautiful UK and ireland where bus fares are like 2.85 (never round amounts) and you won't be refunded

You show your ignorance of Britain in your post.
London buses don't take cash and that is spreading to the rest of the country.
jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Sep 2018 /  #95
And in the rest of the country, most take cash and give change.

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