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Which services is Poland still waiting for?

pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Jun 2012 /  #91
nobody expects from Poland exellent steaks... Poland has got other foods to offer.
not every US state makes good steaks :)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
3 Jun 2012 /  #92
omg, i brought my wife's family to a steakhouse last year when they came to visit us in the USA....they literally couldn't even speak when the meal came out.....they just ate till it was gone. poles don't know what good steak is......oh, but i forgot, if Poles wanted it, they'd have it, right weg?

Maybe Poles would like steak, I never mentioned, they probably couldn't afford it. We we talking about sandwiches, so how is a steakhouse relevant and how does that prove your point??

I suppose having one good thing in the US must make you happy, everything else about the country and the food is utter shite.
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
3 Jun 2012 /  #93
poles don't know what good steak is......oh

That's why it could be a good idea. Even in Germany there are so many good steak houses offering argentinian beef. Very few people in Poland know what the real steak is.

Also not so many know what is a Wendy's style hamburger, but certainly they don't like amercican donuts - Dunkin Donuts bankrupt some years ago. TacoBell and Dominos Pizza are't the favourite tastes either.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
3 Jun 2012 /  #94
everything else about the country and the food is utter shite.

matter of taste. There are many foods in Europe that make me wanna puke too. I love seafood and you like flaki, oh well.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
3 Jun 2012 /  #96
Dunkin Donuts bankrupt some years ago. TacoBell and Dominos Pizza are't the favourite tastes either.

I can tell you one thing.....a HUGE problem with bringing places like that over to Poland.....it's only Domino's-ish and TacoBell-ish. For example, Pizza Hut in Poland is NOTHING like Pizza Hut in the USA. I mean, it's totally different food. Kinda like Coke and Pepsi products taste totally different in the USA, not to mention the way these restaurants are run and managed in general will be different outside the USA. take that for what it's worth.

everything else about the country and the food is utter shite.

this is why it's not worth even commenting on the bull$hit you type. you're a blatant America hater and there's simply no talking to you. you've got such a hard on for Poland and hate everything America just because it's American.....you can't discuss anything with people like that. you're like a big kid.

not every US state makes good steaks :)

not sure why you wrote that, but for argument's sake, pick a state, any state, and you know as well as I do that 10 seconds on the google will disprove that statement.

nobody expects from Poland exellent steaks... Poland has got other foods to offer.

again, i don't know why you wrote this. yes, Poland has good food. and?

wawa_marek mentioned that poles would enjoy a good steakhouse, I simply bolstered the statement with my own little anecdote, nothing more. try and move on from it.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
3 Jun 2012 /  #97
us steaks are good for only one reason, they are loaded with growth hormones, and that's why us beef cannot be imported in Europe. Gimme argentinian steak anytime.
caminoreal  - | 10  
3 Jun 2012 /  #98
Actually US beef can be imported in Europe.


Also, have you never heard of organic beef?

And what makes you think Argentinians do not use hormones? I believe hormone use is banned in Brazil, but that is a different country.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
3 Jun 2012 /  #99
Also, have you never heard of organic beef?

also, since when do hormones = better meat?

it's not even worth commenting, dude. more weg-ish anti american nonsense.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
3 Jun 2012 /  #100
also, since when do hormones = better meat?

Did the ban on US beef imports get lifted as the US has no banned hormones (20 years after the EU) due to health fears?

it's not even worth commenting, dude. more weg-ish anti american nonsense.

Its no different to you complaints that if it isn't exactly like the USA, then it must be ****
bullfrog  6 | 602  
3 Jun 2012 /  #101
hormone treated beef is not authorized for importation into Europe. And since most of US beef is treated, it doesn't find its way on european shelves.. I have never seen any US beef in any of the 5 european countries I lived in.

to fuzzy: go manage your free refills man. we don't want that kind of us driven quantity focus here in Europe. Everyone can see where it leads. Luckily for you, some of your compatriots, like the New York mayor, are at last coming to their senses..
peterweg  37 | 2305  
3 Jun 2012 /  #102
EU allows US beef import if its tested to be hormone free -

4 eigner  2 | 816  
3 Jun 2012 /  #103
us steaks are good for only one reason, they are loaded with growth hormones, and that's why us beef cannot be imported in Europe. Gimme argentinian steak anytime.

Go to the freakin' farmers market if you have a problem with it. It's not like you can't get good food here.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
3 Jun 2012 /  #104
Its no different to you complaints that if it isn't exactly like the USA, then it must be ****

your interpretation.

Luckily for you, some of your compatriots, like the New York mayor, are at last coming to their senses..

for one thing, you're out of your mind if you think it will make even a lick of a difference.

secondly, would you support the same ban in Europe? each and every ban they're proposing is on portion sizes currently available in Europe, Poland for sure.
MoOli  9 | 479  
4 Jun 2012 /  #105
I suppose having one good thing in the US must make you happy, everything else about the country and the food is utter shite

How about I mention somethings like K###wa KUlture,Kapoosta munchers,Twine driers:) and many more........how does that make you feel buddy?Even I dont live in Poland now I still repect the culture,heritage and what it has to offer towards the positive side and dont give comments until provoked about any country....
bullfrog  6 | 602  
4 Jun 2012 /  #106
It's not like you can't get good food here

Totally agree, the US has a lot to offer in terms of quality foods. The problem is education, with the majority of the population going for quantity, blandness and cheap prices over quality.

secondly, would you support the same ban in Europe? each and every ban they're proposing is on portion sizes currently available in Europe, Poland for sure.

Yes, I would with no hesitation, although the obesity epidemic has not (yet) reached the same intensity on these shores compared to the US
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
4 Jun 2012 /  #107
Poland is still waiting for more speed cameras, cameras at junctions to stop the red light jumpers.More speed bumps and road traffic cops who do their job effectively.

You're welcome to ours, we're fed up of these cash cows. Councils round here have plenty of money for speed humps, but no money for fixing pot holes! Driving in Salford is like driving in Beirut.

If a sandwich shop is unlikely to be the next best thing in Poland,(outside of Warsaw) then maybe services such as mobile hairdressers, nail technicians might be an option.

You can't move for kosmetyka/fryzjerstwo/peelingi signs round here, I'm surprised it's not big over there already. Or maybe it's because they're all over here? lol
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
4 Jun 2012 /  #108

holy mackerel. almost as bad as "trollowanie".

back to sugary drinks, enjoy:

NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
4 Jun 2012 /  #109
holy mackerel. almost as bad as "trollowanie".


I'm not sure what's worse - European Polglish like "peelingi" or U.S Polish like "golumpkies" :D

My mum's pretty bad at it, but I'm taking a stand for real Polish, and refuse to use these kind of words, whenever possible :)
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
5 Jun 2012 /  #110
I'm not sure what's worse - European Polglish like "peelingi" or U.S Polish like "golumpkies" :D

That's a horrible comparison.

Now, if you had said, European Polglish like "chipsy" or U.S. Polish like "golumpkies", you'd maybe be on to something.

so in this case, "peelingi" takes the cake.
terri  1 | 1661  
5 Jun 2012 /  #111
I have thought of another service which may be needed in Poland - bespoke / made to measure ...shoes, suits, dresses. Some people would pay good money to have made to measure nice leather shoes, same as suits for unusually shaped ladies and gents. Just an idea.

Also I have never seen a window-cleaner for private residences. I think there is something in this - as cleaning windows from the outside is for some people a bit of a bind and a firm equipped with lifting equipment might just be needed.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
5 Jun 2012 /  #112
Now, if you had said, European Polglish like "chipsy" or U.S. Polish like "golumpkies", you'd maybe be on to something.

The Poles returning from the UK have a whole Polglish terminology for business/work that only they understand, apparently.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
5 Jun 2012 /  #113
Hi Terri

There is a company advertises on Groupon in Gdansk that will hand make a suit for you. So there is bespoke tailoring in Poland. As for window cleaners...it would never work. A good majority of poles live in blocks unlike the uk where people live in houses. Apart from that Poles would never pay to have their windows cleaned.

I was always perplexed at why Poles drive dirty cars and that you never see them out on a Sunday cleaning them, this is the fact that you can't wash your car in the street because of the enviroment it's illegal (even though a clean car has less drag and therefore uses less fuel).. but you can chemical spray deicer on your windscreen, drive a big ugly Polish Lorry or use electricity made from coal!
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
5 Jun 2012 /  #114
I have thought of another service which may be needed in Poland - bespoke / made to measure ...shoes, suits, dresses.

Ever heard of "krawiec" or "szewc"?

Also I have never seen a window-cleaner for private residences. I think there is something in this - as cleaning windows from the outside

You can clean Polish windows on both sides from the inside of your home. They open into the room. But wait, even so many people earn their living by cleaning other people's homes, including their windows.

Have you ever actually been to Poland?
5 Jun 2012 /  #115
You can clean Polish windows on both sides from the inside of your home.

This brings to mind another suggestion. Storm windows. They're airtight, perfect for retaining heat energy, and screened, perfect for buggy nights. Polish windows scare the crap outta me, what with my having an infant daughter. She's much too young to pull herself up to a sill, yet I can't help but get palpitations whenever I think of such a thing. I still remember Eric Clapton's son. What kinda windows did that building have?
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
5 Jun 2012 /  #116
Storm windows.

And what is that storm window you speak of? I googled it and got a bunch of images of various types of windows.
5 Jun 2012 /  #117
And what is that storm window you speak of?

It's a secondary window affixed over the first. It's great protection from wind and cold. Slides open, and some can be hinged, so they swing out to be cleaned, only. They have saved a lot on power bills, here in the U.S.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
5 Jun 2012 /  #118
It's a secondary window affixed over the first.

A bit like double glazing, then? I don't think it would catch on in PL, where windows are double by definition, some can be opened out and cleaned inside, some (probably most nowadays) not.
5 Jun 2012 /  #119
A bit like double glazing,

No. it's an entirely separate window. It goes on outside of an existing window, usually retrofit. They're stronger than the existing window, and protect it from the elements. They're fairly routine in all American homes built since 1950 for the rich, and 1970 for the rest of them. They are considered essential, nowadays.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
5 Jun 2012 /  #120
They are considered essential, nowadays.

that and bug screens.

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