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Which services is Poland still waiting for?

pawian  226 | 27817  
29 May 2012 /  #1
Checking news sites, I frequently run into advertisements of services which are still scarce, unpopular or unexistent in Poland.

First example: mobile tyre fitting.



Have your tyres fitted at your address in and around London. Doesn't matter where you are in London, through atYourAddress.com you can locate and choose best mobile tyre fitting offer in London for your requirements. No more waiting at greasy tyre shops to choose from the range of tyres that is only in stock, mobile tyre fitting sorts that out.


In Poland the traditional way is to visit a tyre shop. When a snowstorm suddenly strikes, queues can be really unbearable.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
29 May 2012 /  #2
Wroclaw Boy  
29 May 2012 /  #4
online tax returns
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
29 May 2012 /  #5
All the Wroclaw-named members have posted consecutively above, not sure if that has some sort of weird symbolic meaning... somebody somewhere could be playing forum ID bingo and has won a considerable prize pot
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
30 May 2012 /  #7
So if I opened a laundrette in Wroclaw with a side office filling in people tax forms Id be on a winner,service with a smile being the icing on the cake,getting a sense that you are not by simply walking into someone's place of work doing the equivelant to masturbating at their aunties funeral......
strzyga  2 | 990  
30 May 2012 /  #8
online tax returns

You're late. It was introduced a couple of years ago.


I think somebody has already tried that, there was a thread on it - it didn't work too well - Poles are probably too used to doing washing at home, a washing machine is a must.

But I like the idea of mobile tyre service.
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
30 May 2012 /  #9
First example: mobile tyre fitting.

Not yet popular, but avaliable - mostly for trucks.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2012 /  #10
to go hot drinks. coffee, tea, lattes, etc.
30 May 2012 /  #12
Free refills on sodas.
jon357  72 | 23711  
30 May 2012 /  #14
A few places do free refills, but chips/fries (real ones made by cutting a potato rather than opening a freezer bag) are but a distant dream. So is good gravy.

There used to be a place in Warsw called King Pie. I think it's an American franchise and I quite liked it, however people here either couldn't figure out what pies were all about or just didn't fancy them so it closed a few years ago.

Incidentally, Champions in Warsaw have stopped doing the coffee refills.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2012 /  #15
Too late

the one Coffee Heaven or Starbucks in the rynek doesn't count, if that's what you're referring too.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 May 2012 /  #16
online tax returns

Poland has been given a huge EU grant to put all service on line. I think they have failed to get anywhere with it and may have to return the money.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2012 /  #17
any drive thru in poland yet?
smurf  38 | 1940  
30 May 2012 /  #18
far too many
MoOli  9 | 479  
30 May 2012 /  #19
Free refills on sodas.

HARD ROCK CAFE! has free refills of soda all day long if you want:)
Wroclaw Boy  
30 May 2012 /  #20
has free refills of soda all day long if you want:)

I used to refill in certain KFC's without any problems too, never did know if you actually could or not.
MoOli  9 | 479  
30 May 2012 /  #21
but in HRC you have to ask the waiter and he/she will at no xtra charge and free wifi so can spend a good time hanging there by the power outlet with notebook surfing and having coke zero for hrs for 5 PLN or even whole day:)))
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2012 /  #22
far too many

who does drive thru now? when I left in january 2011, i hadn't seen one.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 May 2012 /  #23
Don't know why you'd want it.

I used to refill in certain KFC's without any problems too, never did know if you actually could or not.

Me too, give that the cost to the franchise is very near nothing I'd have now qualms about it. The food has a least a 500% markup for a franchise, drinks much more.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
30 May 2012 /  #24

There are laudrettes in Poland you just haven't looked hard enough.

Poland needs Argos! I can't abide having to take hours to go to 100's of little shops to buy simple things like screwdrivers!!!
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2012 /  #25
Don't know why you'd want it.

I'm not interested in people's opinions on drive thru, I'd like to know where they are in Poland. Smurf implied they were abundant.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 May 2012 /  #26
I'd like to know where they are in Poland.

Wroclaw has many. the first one appeared twenty years ago.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2012 /  #27
where? which businesses have drive thru?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 May 2012 /  #28

it says drive thru in the text.
jon357  72 | 23711  
30 May 2012 /  #29
Plenty of McDonalds and some KFC have drive through.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 May 2012 /  #30
it says drive thru in the text.

it also says "24 H". there's a 24 hour McD's there?

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