School in England. State School.
Children start school at age five. The first two years of primary school are known as 'the infants'
Pupils stay at primary school until age eleven.
Though you can send your child to Nursery as young as 4 if attached to the school or location near the catchment area schooling.
Also you have the option now to send children between the ages of 6months and 5 years to private day nurseries and these options are usually beneficial to those who are seeking to return to work in a part time or full time position or back to their old job they were on maternity leave for or starting work again.
School system is broken down like this for Primary schools :
Reception Year mainly 5 year old
Year 1 - 5-6 year old
Year 2 - 6-7 year old
Year 3 - 7-8 year old
Year 4 - 8-9 year old
Year 5 - 9-10 year old
Year 6 - 10-11 year old
Secondary Schools/Specialist Colleges/High School you attend between
Classed as the Lower Years:>
Year 7 - 11-12 years
Year 8 - 12-13 year old
Year 9 - 13-14 year old
Classed as the Upper Years:>
Year 10 - 14-15 year old
Year 11 - 15-16 year old
In years 10 and 11 you study for the GCSE's also some local authorities will allow your child to attend the Local College to study in place of GCSEs at the age of 14 a vocational course of study that has work placement attached to it.
Years 12(16-17 year old) and 13(17-18 year old) are classed as 6th Form education and is for anyone who at school wishes to study for A-Levels (though you can study these at Local Colleges at any age) if you wish to proceed to University at the age of 18.
The school day is longer in England because pupils have a long lunch break.
Hot meals are served.
School hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm This can vary it depends on the education authority.
Usual lesson time is six hours a day
The hours of attendance depend on each school really but most start at 855am finishing around 335pm school day is on average 6 hours 30mins long Monday to Friday only.
Hot meals are served with a healthy choice menu but some parents can allow children to bring their own ie packed lunches.
School breaks are usually 2 breaks of 15-20mins morning and afternoon and a 45min lunch break.
Even with State Schools you will find differences: Some schools have 'Middle School'
You will find that "Middle School" are few and far between as most do not exist in many areas as they are being converted to PRIMARY schools due to the increase of SPECIALIST SCHOOLS/COLLEGES.
The school system is 'Comprehensive' which means that all schools teach the same thing.
This is wrong the schooling system isnt comprehensive as that is a term used to describe a school for secondary education.
All schools teach under the NATIONAL CURRICULUM criteria and guidelines and must adhere to this but they do not neccessarily have to teach the SAME subjects as another school just STICK to the Nat Curriculum and the Key Stage elements.
Pupils usually have to go to the school nearest their home
This is also incorrect as you have to apply to the school you wish to attend in all areas you live you CANNOT ASSUME that you will have a place for your child at any school near your home
Private schools are different
Arent that different except you have to PAY!! They still have to teach under the NATIONAL CURRICULUM
Not all pupils wear school uniform
This is complusory at most school that a child has to wear a uniform throughout its school life.