As far as I know, the security standard of school bus in USA is just lower than US President but higher than any of other any kind of vehicles. How about the school bus situation in Poland?
What is the school bus security standard in Poland?
30 Jan 2012 / #2
With the exception of a very very few private schools, there are no school buses in Poland.
Sure there are...
With the exception of a very very few private schools, there are no school buses in Poland.
oh harry there are school buses in Poland - perhaps not just not in the cities - plenty of elementary schools had been liquidated and children need to be take from smaller places to where schools are - also after the creation of gimnazjums children need to be brought there from entire gminas in rural areas as there's mostly just one gimnazjum per gmina - the thing is these buses often are not conspicously marked as school buses and are no different than public communication buses
as for safety issue - hmm - I don't really know if these buses are better controlled than other buses (it seems purposeful to treat them differently i.e. inspect and test them more thouroughly and more often)
30 Jan 2012 / #5
" - the thing is these buses often are not conspicously marked as school buses and are no different than public communication buses"
Largely because they are standard public buses, just with the addition of the specific sign in the window. There are virtually no school buses in Poland, just some buses which for a small part of their working day are used for school purposes.
I love the way that neither you nor Greg could be bothered to answer the original question and help out the OP, but as soon as you get a chance to try and put one over me, you both just can't post fast enough, kind of pathetic really.
Largely because they are standard public buses, just with the addition of the specific sign in the window. There are virtually no school buses in Poland, just some buses which for a small part of their working day are used for school purposes.
I love the way that neither you nor Greg could be bothered to answer the original question and help out the OP, but as soon as you get a chance to try and put one over me, you both just can't post fast enough, kind of pathetic really.
There are virtually no school buses in Poland, just some buses which for a small part of their working day are used for school purposes.
it very often is not the case - where I live the school bus takes children to school about 7 am and then brings children back from school twice at about 1 pm and then at about 3 pm - the gap is not big and you have theoretically time for just one typical bus run - in reality here where I live the service is provided by local firm which does not otherwise work in regular public transport - so the bus serves only as a schoolbus on the week-days - I think it is the same case in many places (public transport companies work differently from logistics point of view usually not being based locally)
I love the way that neither you nor Greg could be bothered to answer the original question and help out the OP, but as soon as you get a chance to try and put one over me, you both just can't post fast enough, kind of pathetic really.
Exactly. Par for the course.
The OP is an American, where 'school bus' has a very specific meaning, tradition and appearance. Unlike Poland where kids walk to school or use normal public transport if that is possible.
If you are talking about the standard yellow bus that is common place in North America- they don't exist here. There are a few floating around Warsaw but I think they get used privately and for party rentals. As was already mentioned- there are school buses here but they are typically public transport buses with a sign in the window to signify that it is for school and children. This is not typical in major cities but on the outskirts and smaller towns. In larger cities the children take public transport or walk - or if they go to a private school there is often a bus to pick up the kids.
30 Jan 2012 / #9
There are a few floating around Warsaw but I think they get used privately and for party rentals.
Does the American school still use the ones I remember them having?
Exactly. Par for the course.
Which is somewhat sad really, certainly not a good comment about this forum.
I don't think the American school has ever had buses. They have a lot of diplomat children which usually have their own private busing - but the American school has always had parent pick up/drop off or private busing through a third party.
just some buses which for a small part of their working day are used for school purposes.
Some of them... others are school buses only...
I love the way that neither you nor Greg could be bothered to answer the original question and help out the OP, but as soon as you get a chance to try and put one over me, you both just can't post fast enough, kind of pathetic really.
1. I don't know details regarding security of school buses, so I can't answer OP's question.
2. I know that there definitely are school buses in Poland and you posted nonsense misleading to the OP, edit
How about the school bus situation in Poland?
the school bus in my ex village was a regular bus, but running to a timetable that accommodated pupils. the head master/teacher also rode the same bus, as did one or two teachers. the service didn't run during school holidays.
30 Jan 2012 / #13
I don't know details regarding security of school buses, so I can't answer OP's question.
There are no details at all, because, as has been confirmed by all three people who have posted here who know what an American means when he/she says "school bus", there are virtually no school buses in Poland.
I know that there definitely are school buses in Poland and you posted nonsense misleading to the OP,
Really? Perhaps you can post some links or some pictures? Didn't think so.
the school bus in my ex village was a regular bus, but running to a timetable that accommodated pupils. the head master/teacher also rode the same bus, as did one or two teachers. the service didn't run during school holidays.
Same here (but it was a town of 14,000 people and the biggest civilisation for 50km in any direction).
Really? Perhaps you can post some links or some pictures? Didn't think so.

Poland bus
The situation in Poland is similar to China. But now we are changing but still don't know if it can change. The "school bus" is actually not existing in my mind a few month ago till two bad traffic accidents happened just couple of months ago. Tens of children died during the accidents and those cars or called vans were very low security standard, acutally those "cars" were used to cavey cargos. The schools used those van to pick up children go to school or send them home.
In China, only a few private schools use North American standard school bus.Most public schools don't have school bus or use common public bus style to transport childress if needed.
China's govenment immediatly copied US school bus standard after the accidents exposure.The funny thing or the tragic thing is almost all the bus school manufacturer here objected that standard.The reason is we have different "national conditions"!
In China, only a few private schools use North American standard school bus.Most public schools don't have school bus or use common public bus style to transport childress if needed.
China's govenment immediatly copied US school bus standard after the accidents exposure.The funny thing or the tragic thing is almost all the bus school manufacturer here objected that standard.The reason is we have different "national conditions"!
what Poland really needs is flashing LED signs stuck to the back of the school bus in order to warn drivers that there is a school bus up ahead
.... if only someone could help....
.... if only someone could help....
China's govenment immediatly copied US school bus standard after the accidents exposure.The funny thing or the tragic thing is almost all the bus school manufacturer here objected that standard.The reason is we have different "national conditions"!
it's a basic thing actually - it takes time to change to a different standard, different technology, different materials etc etc - also there is truth to what Chinese manufacturers are saying - China is different road conditions (overcrowded streets often quite narrow) - now put an American school bus in the environment - looks a bit too big to me
btw the question of safety is not only in the hands of manufacturers - you need to inspect and test vehicles to see their up to safety regulations
you need to inspect and test vehicles to see their up to safety regulations
They don't seem to be to tough on this testing in Poland judging by the state of many taxis in Poznan.