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Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw?

InPolska  9 | 1796  
4 May 2016 /  #61
@Honest: it was in GW (with guy's picture on first page) max 3 weeks ago. This was ONLY one example but one too many. How can "human" beings insult, spit on, beat up someone just because he/she looks different???? What kind of "education" have they received? They behave worse than the wild animals in the jungle. Being different is not easy so let's not add more to it. When blacks (just to mention them) for instance are called monkeys (very common insult in Poland) or have bananas thrown at them, how can they react? This is plain AWFUL and there is no excuse. Although very few Poles feel the way you and I do, they are still a tiny minority and nothing will change in a near future unless EU intervene.....
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 May 2016 /  #62
Ukrainians were attacked

Just like a 100k Poles "were attacked".


Yeah, keep jerking off, you "expat".
Honest Pole  
4 May 2016 /  #63

I'm not an expat.

Just like a 100k Poles "were attacked".

What happened in the past happened but it shaudn't be used now as an excuse to incite ethnic hatred towards our ethnic half-brothers. Ukrainians are a hybrid of russians and poles. It really looks like many poles hate all other nations and ethnicities.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 May 2016 /  #64
What happened in the past happened

What are you talking about ? I'm saying that people "get attacked" each and every day. There's a million Ukrainians in Poland and I totally don't see that they are "targeted" in any particular way. If you don't agree, prove it. Or shut up.
4 May 2016 /  #65
For those who are unaware, Poland was the first European nation to accept Muslim immigrants back in the 1500 and 1600's Tartar tribesman settled in what is now Northeast Poland (near Byalstok) and have Mosques in that region to this day. World known actor Charles Bronson was a Polish born Muslim. Millions of Jews moved to and lived in Poland during 1700's and if not for WW2 would likely still be there today.

You wonder why Poles do not want Muslims moving into their nation, look at what has happened to German Women(muslim sexual assault of women is common), Danish Women(muslims and foreigners are no longer allowed in Dance Clubs in Copenhagen), England (British women are preyed upon by Muslim gangs) not to mention what has happened in France and Belguim.

Who needs all those problems and aggrivation. You do not see Muslims act that brazenly in the United States (I am a Polish, Belorussian, Slovak American) because Amiercans have the right to own and carry weapons and many of us do legally. Any Muslim that tries to give any woman I know problems will have to deal with the business end of my Shotgun.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
4 May 2016 /  #66
it was in GW (

In that case it is most certainly a lie.

What are you talking about ?

He doesn't know he is neither honest nor a Pole. Scummy troll.
Honest Pole  
4 May 2016 /  #67
each and every day.

Can't find anything about poles being attacked everyday in Ukraine.

He doesn't know he is neither honest nor a Pole. Scummy troll.

TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 May 2016 /  #68
I'm saying that people "get attacked" each and every day.

Very true. Even Radio Poland and Poland's Human Rights Ombudsman Adam Bodnar have noticed:

Hate speech against foreigners has increased over recent months, and "racial" beatings happen on average once a week or every two weeks

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 May 2016 /  #69
Can't find anything about poles being attacked everyday in Ukraine.

Sweet Michnik... what about Poles being attacked by Poles everyday in Poland ? You know, it just happen, especially during weekend evenings/nights... Poles attacked by Poles, Ukrainians attacked by Poles, Poles attacked by Ukrainians, Ukrainians attacked by Ukrainians... Like I said before, prove that Ukrainians are attacked in Poland statistically more often than Poles are attacked in Poland or stop spreading Polonophobic propaganda.

Very true. Even Radio Poland and Poland's Human Rights Ombudsman Adam Bodnar have noticed:

"What is interesting, and probably a new trend, is that people have no problem with the fact that they comment under their own names," Bodnar noted. - See more at: thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/243728,Racial-tension-escalating-in-Poland-human-rights-ombudsman#sthash.7EjFAC6l.dpuf

Holy EU ! A "democrat" has spoken ! This dude is not any "Human Rights Ombudsman" but an operative of a previous regime that got this ****** "job" just weeks before lost elections and he got it in order to spread Polonophobic propaganda about "rising fascism in Poland", fecker do that living off tax money of those "fascist Poles". If this was a real "Human Rights Ombudsman", they would appoint some respected lawyer, not some "gender equality" creep.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 May 2016 /  #70

Not sure about Bodnar's background, but if Radio Poland found it necessary to report it then there must be at least something to it. I don't believe that they simply broadcast "Polonophobic propaganda", as you say, without checking the facts first. You don't see a state owned institution like Radio Poland publicly criticizing Poland very often.
Marsupial  - | 871  
4 May 2016 /  #71
It's probably going to get worse as the current government is abolishing some of the safety mechanisms. They are definately lowering polands image abroad on many levels. They are definately costing poland money. I certainly wont be expanding plans are shelved until they are gone. Holidays cancelked and re routed elsewhere. There's two jobs and tourist dollars down the drain for you. If they get re elected I may cancel the lot and yes I am small fry but unfortunately not the only one. These bashings are just one symptom of that dirty trash they call a party leader and the plane crash that wiped them out before was the best thing to hapoen in poland for a long time. Hoping for more plane crashes soon.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 May 2016 /  #72
You don't see a state owned institution like Radio Poland publicly criticizing Poland very often.

Bear in mind that it's directly under the control of PiS, so for Polskie Radio to report it is newsworthy in itself.

But remember that Greggy is just one in a long line of Communists who insult, abuse and attempt to discredit anyone that doesn't agree with them. It was the tactic used after WW2, after the PoznaƄ protests of '56, after the Prague Spring, etc etc etc. They pretend not to be, but even his speech is pretty much straight out of the Communist textbook of how to insult political opponents.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
5 May 2016 /  #73
Not sure about Bodnar's background

You can find it out within 1 min of googling and RP has just reported, word by word, what this creep said, without any of their own comment.

They are definately lowering polands image abroad on many levels. They are definately costing poland money.

"They" are costing Poland money because a bunch of "democrats", who can't deal with a fact that they were booted out in result of free and democratic elections, instead of thinking how to improve their agenda, human potential etc. they are touring foreign media and governments screaming that "fascism is on the rise in Poland". I wouldn't be surprised If damn traitors were ready to bring war here just to blame it on the current authorities.

As you know well, 3rd RP had been run for years by "ex" commies, the fat drunk etc. "They" would have cost Poland much much more money If the right wings folks were travelling between Washington, London, Brussels and Berlin, from CNN & WSJ to FT & FAZ, saying that "come back of stalinism in Poland is a serious threat", "people with totalitarian background can not be trusted", "how can you give access to NATO classified information to people educated in Moscow", "ownership rights in Poland are in danger" and so on. Except that they... didn't (although a large part of that would have been true) because only traitors do such things.

But remember that Greggy is just one in a long line of Communists

Pathetic crap, as usual.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 May 2016 /  #74
RP has just reported, word by word

Why did they do that if they are under the control of the current government? Either there is some truth to what Bodnar said or there is another explanation for the report. What is it?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 May 2016 /  #75
I wouldn't be surprised If damn traitors were ready to bring war here just to blame it on the current authorities.

Notice how you're already justifying the use of force against the opposition. You can't fool us Greggy - we know that you'd love nothing more than to watch the government stamp on the face of Poles.

Except that they... didn't (although a large part of that would have been true) because only traitors do such things.

They...did. We all remember how PiS went to Brussels and Washington to demand that they intervene in Poland.

Pathetic crap, as usual.

Honestly, there's not much difference between your rhetoric and the average Communist rhetoric. It's all about branding people as enemies, hinting about war and proclaiming yourself to be the only real patriots.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
5 May 2016 /  #76


Why did they do that if they are under the control of the current government?

Wouldn't you cry dictatorship If they didn't ?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 May 2016 /  #77
Why would I? The explanation seems to be rather simple: unlike you, the editors of Radio Poland don't believe that Bodnar is "not any "Human Rights Ombudsman" but an operative of a previous regime that got this ****** "job" just weeks before lost elections and he got it in order to spread Polonophobic propaganda about "rising fascism in Poland" .
InPolska  9 | 1796  
5 May 2016 /  #78
@Ironside: check with French embassy if you don't believe GW. GW is right to report physical agressions that take place in Poland against "looking different" foreigners. If you don't believe GW, you may Google.... Of course, for people like you, this is perfectly alright.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
5 May 2016 /  #79
The explanation seems to be rather simple: unlike you, the editors of Radio Poland don't believe that Bodnar is

So when they report the leader of ISIS threatening Europe with more attacks, it means then they don't agree ISIS is a bunch of fanatical scum ? Ah these "expats" and their logic...

physical agressions that take place in Poland against "looking different" foreigners

this is perfectly alright

It depends, each case is different.
2 May 2017 /  #80
I sense this blog is spreading fear. I am Asian and been living in Poland for the last 6 months. I have nothing but admiration for Poland. Yes there are a minority that will laugh at you. However, race violence and hatred is prominent in many countries. In actual fact, I witnessed more race crimes in the U.K. compared to Poland. One may look at a plethora of statistics from varying angles to support their hypothesis in the latter statement. More importantly, you fitting into society is a question of you as a person. You can't change society, you can't change a nation. There's a chance you may get attacked in any country. I've visited over 50 and decided to reside in Poland. Either accept you will be different and get on with life or look at all the reasons why you should and listen to the opinions of others. Just find out for yourself. Poland is a great country. I love it. And the women (and many men, excluding the football hooligans) are welcoming. I walk around the streets late at night and never been attacked!! Yes people sweat and laugh at me. Words or even an attack will never be a deterrent. Live your life with humility and confidence, not fear. I openly talk to big steroid pumped muscular men at the gym with a smile. They never respond but I continue to walk with a smile. Be positive and you will reap the reward. Stay negative and you'll just be a statistical stain 😊
gumishu  16 | 6182  
2 May 2017 /  #81
Although very few Poles feel the way you and I do, they are still a tiny minority and nothing will change in a near future unless EU intervene.....

let's put sanctions on this barbaric Poland - they should never have been allowed in the EU - oh wait let's send troops to Poland and teach them the civilized ways
jon357  72 | 22980  
2 May 2017 /  #82
That may yet happen.

Yes people sweat and laugh at me

Not so good.
3 May 2017 /  #83
I've had far worse in other many other countries. Albania instantly springs to mind 😊

If you feel this way why don't you do something about it. It easy to state "let's send troops" whilst hiding behind a computer. It's cowardly isn't it. Why don't you fight your own battles instead of being dependent on others. Teach them civilised way's - according to your views theres nothing civilised about you. This issue isn't Poland - it's narrow minded, uneducated, misguided individuals like you. Imposing sanctions - clearly you have no clue how international sanctions work.

I'm Indian myself. If we were to compare India and Poland...India is a bigger global issue. Mass reproduction, they never stop. 1.3 billion population and continuing to grow. We could do with less Indians and people like you who add little value to humanity.
ender  5 | 394  
3 May 2017 /  #84
Just like a 100k Poles "were attacked".

Please just let them doing their job. And using all those leftist articles to actually discourage some people coming here, PRICELESS. Personally I do respect Sikhs but let one in and others WILL follow.

I remember one Sikh being abused in Gdansk Airport I almost sure it ended in court.
3 May 2017 /  #85

Let one in and others will follow. This is the same view the Brits had towards the Poles.

People think they own the 'country' they live in. You and everyone else is merely a guest on planet earth, for a very short time. Once upon a time ago, there was no Poland, no Germany, Russia etc. These are all borders designed by humans. Humans follow humans, like sheep looking for a Shepard but lost in the false doctrines and social constructs they follow. And easy influenced. That influence is prevalent in such comments.

Humans will come, and go, sikhs, polish, etc etc. In the end it won't matter what borders they cross.

Poland needs cultural diversity. Until there is a mix, you won't move forward. Diversity and how women are treated is an indicator of how advanced society is. There's a long way to go for many 😊
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
3 May 2017 /  #86
People think they own the 'country' they live in.

We do own our county

Diversity has only brought terrorism, discrimination, racial hatred and tensions, just look at France Britain and Germany, now very dangerous places to live.

From my experience having lived in Britain Indians and Sikhs have contributed greatly to society and the country as a whole. Shame that there are others out there who behave like the Borg and wish to assimilate and destroy the culture of their host nation.

Look at the tensions in India between Muslims and Hindus, migration will only spread these divisions and problems further afield.

Poland is mainly a homogeneous society and is free of the above issues, why would we wish to take on the risks that uncontroled immigration brings.
3 May 2017 /  #87
Actually terrorist attacks are called in the name of religion and pretty much anything else going. Soon it will be in the name of candy...any tool that can spread fear and hatred will be used. The fact is people have killed in the name of religion and carried out discrimination & 'terrorist' attacks for the last 8,000 years. Remember the crusaders? How many people have been killed in the name of religion. Almost every religion has been at it: Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Muslim, even buddhists in Burma have killed in name of religion. What gives rise to what you've mentioned above is dysfunctional minds and egos. Not ethnicity. Humans have always killed, and unfortunately will continue into the foreseeable future.

The beauty of DNA and evolution is you can't stop it. A human - irrespective of ethnic background, is not born a terrorist or with hatred etc. There's lots of dangerous countries...in fact look at transparency international and you can see for yourself.

Your ancestorsy blood line, Slavic, migrated to Poland. Therefore Poland is not homegeneous. You're an immigrant, just like we all are. Because we don't own this earth. We are inhabitants. But it's not ours. Humans have always migrated unless you were born straight out of the ground you stand on.

I do agree agree Silkhs have contributed to society. The issue is culture. People have become so conditioned by culture that it dictates their life and thoughts. Unable to think beyond what they think they know. Culture is a limitation. The risk is not migration, its culture, religion, lack of education and social conditioning.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
3 May 2017 /  #88
The risk is not migration, its culture, religion, lack of education and social conditioning.

I agree with you, but until the ,above is corrected Polands current immigration laws appear to be working, no need for the EU to force change, after reading your posts it is clear to me that you are an example that the current system working just fine.
jon357  72 | 22980  
3 May 2017 /  #89
Poland needs cultural diversity. Until there is a mix, you won't move forward.

This sounds reasonable enough.
3 May 2017 /  #90
@ dolnoslask
I agree. If it's not broke don't fix it

@ NoToForeigners
I have difficulty understanding your poor level of english. Theres no point arguing with imbeciles 😂 But you probably have no idea what this means 😂

Anyway, I thought I'd give this forum a go. It's been fun and thanks for your comments guys (good, bad, and the ugly). Wishing you all the best 😊

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw?Archived