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Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw?

dixitsac  1 | -  
29 Oct 2014 /  #1
I want to know Is Wroclaw safe for indian families living there? Is there any Temple/Gurudwara in Wroclaw?
Looker  - | 1129  
29 Oct 2014 /  #2
Wrocław is safe for every nation.

Is there any Temple/Gurudwara in Wroclaw?

Maybe not Gurdwara (which is in Raszyn near Warsaw - the only Sikh shrine in the whole of Eastern Europe), but the Temple is on Brodzka Street 157 in Wroclaw. Check out their page:

31 Oct 2014 /  #3
Merged: Racism - is Poland a safe country for Indians? Many of my friends warn me.

HI! my name is prakash and I am willing to come to poland to make a living there. I need to ask from my polish friends that is poland is a safe country for indians. many of my friends warn me that they are highly racist so i need to know from locals. thanks for help
Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Oct 2014 /  #4
With an Indian look you will be getting confused with a muslim and that will be your biggest concern in terms of safety.
31 Oct 2014 /  #5
it means polish only hate muslims not us. right?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
31 Oct 2014 /  #6
It's not like that. Muslims and gypsies are the most hated groups. Someone obviously might not like your skin colour regardless of your background.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
31 Oct 2014 /  #7
Not all Muslims are bad. Just 25% of them - the radicals.

i wish we could beheaded them and throw their bodies on pakistani border or we could nuke them once for all.

Talking about extremism, wow. This guy is a monster. Worst then any Muslims that have posted on this forum by far.
sagar parekh  
27 Feb 2016 /  #8
I am sagar parekh. I am completed my graduate in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION now i am looking for job in poland. So please tell me realiable sources of job in poland
Ktos  15 | 432  
27 Feb 2016 /  #9
Please, first learn Polish - properly - then study in Poland. Secondly, learn English so that your manner of addressing others becomes more subtle on this forum, otherwise you come across as uneducated, this may not be true but it sounds like it. You may speak and write in broken English but you must have posses form of communication when doing it and I do not see it here. Also, why Asians almost always study only business related courses? Are you so money hungry?
22 Mar 2016 /  #10
Merged: Is Wroclaw safe for Sikhs?

I have got an offer from a company to move to Wroclaw, but have gone through some articles where sikhs have faces issues in wroclaw. Like some were spat on or punched in face (as in dec 2015). So just wanted to know if its safe to move to wroclaw as i too wear a turban. Want to know about how polish people see us as i have heard that its not save to travel after 8pm alone there.Pleae help me to understand this guys.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Mar 2016 /  #11
So just wanted to know if its safe to move to wroclaw as i too wear a turban.

Why don't you embrace a bit of the new European culture and take the turban off. I know plenty of sikhs who are very religious and they don't wear turbans so don't excuse it with religion.
Honest Pole  
22 Mar 2016 /  #12
They aren't religious if they don't wear turbans since it's mandatory in their religion.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Mar 2016 /  #13
it's mandatory in their religion.

many religious customs (like weird diets and weird clothing requirements) were created by people specifically to keep people from different religions from mixing.

'mandatory in my religion' should not be a get-out-of-civilized-behavior card.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Mar 2016 /  #14
They aren't religious if they don't wear turbans since it's mandatory in their religion.

No, just like muslim woman wears niqab as a personal choice.
Honest Pole  
22 Mar 2016 /  #15
So just wanted to know if its safe to move to wroclaw as i too wear a turban.

Generally it may be somewhat damgerous for you regardless if your turban is on or off if you're darkskinned. People in Poland(especially young violent nationalistic men) think any darkskinned ciapaty(wog)= Islamic terrorist/rapist. People may also assault you because they'll think you are some sort of a refugee getting benefits for free.

Some Sikh dude in Poland jumped off the window in mysterious cincumstances in Poland after facing racism. tvn24.pl/lodz,69/burza-po-smierci-studenta-w-lodzi,591759.html

No, just like muslim woman wears niqab as a personal choice.

Pretty bad choice if they have to choose between being assaulted in Poland and breaking one of the most important tenets of their religion. It's same as christians being attacked in muslim countries for wearing crosses.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
22 Mar 2016 /  #16
to be honest: wearing cross as a sign of religiousity is a quite new "invention"- it's not mandatory in christianity (as long as we are talking about physical cross, not a metaphore etc).
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Mar 2016 /  #17
Pretty bad choice if they have to choose between being assaulted in Poland and breaking one of the most important tenets of their religion

It you're referring to niqab, it is not required (it is in fact prohibited during the hajj).

If you're referring to turbans and if they are one of the most important tenets of Sikhism (how odd), then weighing the benefits of following the religion and following employment opportunities is a legtimate trade off.

wearing cross as a sign of religiousity is a quite new "invention

Yeah, I have no problem with making Christians concealing the cross while performing a civil service job in a secular state (or private employers requiring them to be hidden).

The wonderful thing about multiculturalism is that you end up with least-common-denomiator results that please no one.....
22 Mar 2016 /  #18
So you want to say that Poland is not safe if you wear turban as mafketis suggest that we have to look for trade off between religion and employment.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Mar 2016 /  #19
Poland is not safe if you wear turban

To the extent that most Polish people don't know or care what a turban is and some will think it is a muslim thing and most people are not.... enthusiastic about the idea of muslims coming to live in Poland (catch the news today from Brussels to know why).

we have to look for trade off between religion and employment.

Life is a series of trade-offs and a series of choices.
Honest Pole  
22 Mar 2016 /  #20
I think you may be able to get employment even with turban although would be harder and you may face mobbing at work to push you out however bigger danger for you is being attacked on streets of Poland because people might think that you're a muslim/arab/refugee. They may still assault you even without turban if you are darkskinned and have a beard since they'll think you are a muslim arab refugee/immigrant.

s a muslim thing and most people are not.... enthusiastic about the idea of muslims coming to live in Poland

Yeah it's not just a turban thing. It's more of a problem of looking like a muslim/arab. You know darkskinned with a beard with or without a turban. Turban just aggravates the situation.
Marsupial  - | 871  
22 Mar 2016 /  #21
Why wear a turban anyway, God is a made up fairytale.
Honest Pole  
22 Mar 2016 /  #22
Talking about extremism, wow. This guy is a monster. Worst then any Muslims that have posted on this forum by far.

Indians and Pakistanis are archenemies like Jews and Palestinians or Turks and Kurds.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Mar 2016 /  #23
Which is a good reason to be picky about letting many of them into Poland, when you import people from both sides of a conflict you're also importing the conflict. Poland has enough problems without adding Indo-Pakistani mutual hatred to the mix.
Honest Pole  
22 Mar 2016 /  #24
He should stay away from football games with skinheads/hooligans but even then... Syrian dude got almost killed in Poland.


Which is a good reason to be picky about letting many of them into Poland, when you import people from both sides of a conflict you're also importing the conflict.

Well check what is happening in Germany and Sweden. People from opposing tribes/clans/ethnic and religious groups from all over the world form gangs and fight each others on the streets and in refugee centers.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
22 Mar 2016 /  #25
Well check what is happening in Germany and Sweden

Exactly. Not many Polish people want to follow that model. When your neighbor sets their house in fire, setting your own on fire out of solidarity is not generally a wise path of action.
Honest Pole  
22 Mar 2016 /  #26
Another problem is that there is huge nepotism in Poland so most of these people wouldn't able to get any job in Poland without connections and would be forced into a life of crime to not starve to death in Poland.
22 Mar 2016 /  #27
Well Pakistanis and Indians live peacefully. Its a misconception that they fight. I have lived in Copenhagen with many pakis and were good friends. Except when there is a cricket match. LOL.

What happened in Brussels is very sad.

As far as Job is concerned, i am hired because i am good in it and they want me to teach same to polish people so that they can get more IT related work in Poland. So if i dont join that job, its in end loss of polish people i guess.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
22 Mar 2016 /  #28
What happened in Brussels is very sad.

It's not sad, it's friggin outrageous and anyone involved in that attack in any way should get his head chopped off in public execution.

I have lived in Copenhagen with many pakis and were good friends.

It doesn't matter if 30%, 50% or even 90% of them are "ok", all these things wouldn't have happened without massive muslim presence in Europe. What's worse it's likely just the beginning and with millions of them here, we might see a civil war in Europe in the coming years. So obviously it's not a good time for Muslims to come here and as most people have not much clue what Sikhs are, many people seeing a dark skinned guy wearing turban, will think you're a mu. It doesn't mean they will kill you but quite a few might not be too welcoming.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
22 Mar 2016 /  #29
"if i don't join that job, its in end loss of polish people i guess." Don't worry we will cope, I will come out of retirement if needs be.
Honest Pole  
4 May 2016 /  #30
I found more info and Poland is definitely not safe for indians and Sikhs. Some indian and Sikh dudes got beat up in Poland after being confused for being arabs.



facebook.com/notesfrompoland/ posts/546727882169093?fref=nf


translate.googleuserc ontent.com/translate_c?act=url&depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/1,114871,19197896,malzenstwo-z-indii-zaatakowane-na-ulicy-wrzesni-napastnik-pomylil.html&usg=ALkJrhj8RmLlOt6Y4T IFE60GcYtxoIYEFg

Chilean was attacked in Poland after being mistaken for an arab

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