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Is Poland a safe country for people of color?

Czeslaw #1  
30 Oct 2016 /  #181
Yes it's true Poland is a very racist country. Polish people have suffered so much through centuries of war that Polish people struggle to trust people.

We are improving, and it use to be worst.

Blacks would take a huge risk going to Poland. Also, all foreigners including whites from outside Poland are taking a risk of danger. Poland is in transition. We are growing as a nation but we are not ready for a multicultural society.

Poland = Dangerous to blacks.
Marsupial  - | 871  
31 Oct 2016 /  #182
Certainly safer than 95% of everywhere else. You may get stared at. Certainly not stabbed, burned alive or killed by racist police.
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #183
Safer than 25% of everywhere else.

Poland is a dangerous place for people of colour. If your lucky they will keep spitting in your food. At worst they will cold clock you in the face when your not looking. If you get into a fight it will be 15-1 not 1-1. Not fair odds in a fight is it?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
31 Oct 2016 /  #184
Safer than 25% of everywhere else.

How would you know that? I meant it when I said shoo ! Damn looser.
Did you even read this threat? I bet you didn't otherwise you wouldn't spew all that BS.
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #185
How can people of a different colour be safe when people of a different opinion are not safe?

He called me loser but he and many Polish people will call you much worse. If all they do is call you racist names and provide ugly stares, consider yourself extremely lucky.

Poland is not a safe place. Read this forum and see for yourself.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
31 Oct 2016 /  #186
How can people of a different colour be safe

How about you read posts in the threat and learn it for yourself. Ah but you're not interested in facts, you are that dumb troll, posting using another moniker, do you think that you have been able to fool anyone? Get lost instead of stinking this forum!


people of a different opinion

It has nothing to do with a different opinion, to form an opinion you would have to have some clue about the subject. You're simply conjuring troll tales from the fumes of your own stench.
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #187
To answer tree gentleman's question, no Poland is not safe. Visit youtude and type Polish Hooligans.
Crow  154 | 9260  
31 Oct 2016 /  #188
of course that is Poland safe for colored people. What does it matter who have which kind of color? Tourists, foreign students or even part-time workers coming and go back to where they come from. They even leave some money. So, why Poland wouldn`t tolerate them? They are and they would be always tolerated
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #189
This is now been answered by both sides and you can make an informed decision. Some Polish here say the country is loving and kind and others say they know another side of Poland, one of widespread intolerance, violence, hatred and bigotry.

Assess your risks and you'll have your decision.
Crow  154 | 9260  
31 Oct 2016 /  #190
Bottom line is that Poles didn`t invent ideologies that suggest that transforming colored people into the soap represent something good and nice. See, ideology of that kind was invented in Germany. In general speaking, western Europeans are far more racist then Slavs. Slavs, Poles included, rather have healthy wish to preserve its own way of life. No more, no less.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Oct 2016 /  #191
@Crow, while the Poles indeed were not the pioneers of the Nazi Holocaust, there were quite a number of Poles, especially in the countryside, who were deeply anti-Semitic long before Hitler, needing just a prod from German propoganda to justify their hatred and hostility towards Jews:-)
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #192
Bottom line, Crow is correct. Poles want to preserve their culture, the more colours means no more Polish culture, composition and image.

When Polish women reproduce with colours the baby doesn't really look like the mother, but has more colour, and a different race, with different hair.

I strongly urge foreigners (students, tourists, business) avoid Poland. If you travel to Poland you should know and accept the risks.
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #193
Lyzko makes a good point. Poles and Jews have a nasty ugly shared history. I'm not going to blame the Pole or Jew but want to identify there is a problem.

Bottom line, many Poles want to prevent the dilution of Polish culture and image. Poland is frightened of dark coloured men running around Warsaw flexing their muscles and stealing their women.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Oct 2016 /  #194

Although I do realize the preservationist instincts among homogeneous societies such as yours, there is indeed a huge difference between a monolingual migrant aka "guest worker" to Poland vs. an educated student, tourist or contractor with a solid grounding in the Polish language and who plans on being in the country only for a limited period of time:-)

We recognize that, unlike the US for instance, most of Europe has no equivalent melting-pot culture similar to America's larger cities, furthermore, unlike the French or the English, has never even had the historical experience of dark-skinned, non-Christian colonies from which labor has been drawn for centuries as from the formerly French Congo, Senegal, Martinique etc..

Be careful however, not to marginalize others, as you yourselves have been marginalized as well throughout Europe!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
31 Oct 2016 /  #195
Poland is frightened of dark coloured men running around Warsaw flexing their muscles and stealing their women.

wtf....who is 'Poland' here? Women are people too you know, not possessions to be 'stolen'.
Why don't you go off and do your school homework, it is past your bedtime.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Oct 2016 /  #196
I think he's simply given in to primitive fear mongering which sadly tends to affect more the less educated, and thus more maliable, among us!
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #197
The question remains is Poland safe for colours?

The answer is no, unless very special precautions are taken.

This is a good dialogue and some of your thoughtful answers are challenging beliefs.

Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Oct 2016 /  #198
The bigger question remains as to whether or not Poland, for that matter most any other European nation, be she Germany, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark etc. can ever truly ACCEPT the profound ethnic diversity she's being asked to acknowledge!
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #199
Lyzko has identified a global problem. Ethnic immigration means the native country is usually sacrificed. Poland is white, and any mixing colours produces a dark bark. The dark child will not self identify as Polish.

The native women are always enthusiastic to sleep with foreigners. Imagine a whole generation of coloured kinky haired children roaming Warsaw.
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #200
Bottom line, if Poland wants to preserve its culture, ethnicity, identify, and image, Poland should discourage foreign influence and presence in Poland.

I believe it's already doing that.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Oct 2016 /  #201
Once again, leave us not necessarily jump to unwarranted conclusions, Cesio! Not EVERY male migrant from, say, Syria, Nigeria, Vietnam etc.. or some other culture admittedly alien to the "white", Christian traditions of Poland, is desirous of jumping into bed with the first Polish woman/girl he sees:-) The latter is dangerous and simple minded on your part and this is exactly the sort of drawing false conclusions which we must avoid at any costs!!

Negative stereotyping hurts everyone, the bigot as well as the "bigotee"
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
31 Oct 2016 /  #202
quite a number of Poles, especially in the countryside, who were deeply anti-Semitic long before Hitler, needing just a prod from German propoganda to justify their hatred and hostility towards Jews:

Now I would like you to back that one up with some facts, you can choose from trawling the internet or can YOU speak from your own or your family history, did Grandpa Lyzko tell you how it was?, If so we can compare it to Grandpa Dolno..., there were problems from time to time between Jews and Catholics in Poland , without doubt the Nazis and soviets both sought to use this to drive a wedge between us two peoples, pogroms, soviet jew cats , pogroms etc, yes all this this did happen , no Lyzko the Poles did not embrace the Nazi ideology, they fought against it with all they had at their disposal.

And no never did (Catholic) Grandpa Dolno (Country farmer) speak badly of the Jews, but Lyzko after the few chats we have had here think you have a bee in your bonnet and you wish to think the majority of poles were/ are Jew hating murderers , Are you not surprised that some Poles cow towed to their Nazi masters and sung to their hymn sheets to save their own skins? , this was happening all across Europe a that time. do you see weekly demonstrations in Poland against the Jewish people ?.

Move on Lyzko, Poland has moved on from those dark days, Jewish people are welcome here even in the countryside, come here and take a look, I will show you around.
Czeslaw #1  
31 Oct 2016 /  #203
Lyzko I may have taken too much liberty in attempting to flush out this issue. I also framed it in a crude way, by accident, not intention.

Because you defeated me intellectually, I'm taking a break for a few days to regroup and re-emerge stronger.

I'll be back, but with a sharper sword.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Oct 2016 /  #204
The "bee", dolno, is sadly NOT only in my bonnet (appropriate idiom, by the way, kudos!!), but that of numerous observant POLISH-BORN Jews returning to Poland after years abroad, only to be met with overt hostility, usually, without any provocation on the part of the returning Jews:-)

Wish it weren't so, as I wish it weren't so for African-Americans returning to the deep South and still being stereotyped nonetheless.

The world is ugly, dolno, but denial doesn't make it any prettier!!


Well said, sir! Looking forward to your return to the field of battle, sharpened pen in hand:-)
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
31 Oct 2016 /  #205
but that of numerous observant POLISH-BORN Jews returning to Poland after years abroad, only to be met with overt hostility

Have you first hand experience?, do you want to come here? I will pick you up, show you round , we can both be Jewish for a week , lets see what happens, and yes I am in the deepest part of Polish countryside.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Oct 2016 /  #206
Come now, dolno! Supervised visits under controlled circumstances are scarcely comparable to simply, unobtrusively, showing up somewhere and finding a hostile welcome:-) In the case of the Polish-born returning whom I mentioned before, why pray, would they bother to lie or exaggerate their experiences??! What anyone in their situation would like is nothing more than to be received at least neutally, not necessarily with open arms!!

Furthermore, anti-Semitism is not always so easy to detect. Only in the most egregious examples, are identifiable Jews met with open hostility.

Jewish paranoia?? Seems to me, having experienced "light" anti-Semitism right here in the US, that given the history of anti-Jewish persecution, in Poland and elsewhere, Jews in Poland are not being paranoid, they actually have been persecuted and it wasn't that long ago, only fourty-odd years, since Mieczysław Moczar terrorized Poland with his anti-foreign, xenophobic rants, thus inciting violence.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
31 Oct 2016 /  #207
Come now, dolno! Supervised visits under controlled circumstances

Lyzko do you think I would bother to create a special visit for you, no we will start at the local drinking den then move on to our local vet, she is the knowledge when it comes to rural dolno land, let the people speak their minds, don't worry you would be safe with me in case of the odd random lunatic.

"anti-Semitism right here in the US,"

I think you have a good point there just look at polonious and other Polams here when it comes to Jews , they must be stuck in the 18th century when their parents left whatever Poland was called at the time, they would have a shock if they came here bleating about Jews, everyone would think they were nutters.
Crow  154 | 9260  
31 Oct 2016 /  #208
@Crow, while the Poles indeed were not the pioneers of the Nazi Holocaust, there were quite a number of Poles, especially in the countryside, who were deeply anti-Semitic long before Hitler

luckily or unfortunately, we are just humans. All of us. And, it is truth that its not Poles who invented Nazism but Germans. Then many humans, as humans, being manipulated, bowed down to Nazism.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
31 Oct 2016 /  #209
luckily or unfortunately, we are just humans. All of us. And, it is truth that its not Poles who invented Nazism but Germans.

Very wise words brat
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Oct 2016 /  #210
The difference is, Jews have a relatively short history in the US, perhaps as a group vs. as individuals, only since the late 18th century, and NEVER in large ghettos!

In Europe aka Poland, Jews have a considerably longer history, dating back to around the time of Charlemagne (Karol Wielki to youLOL), hence that many more years, nearly a millenium, of time needed for the local Christian population to develop stereotypes about them:-))

By the early 1800's in America, Jews were still an exotic species for most. Not so in Poland, where the "villlage Jew" became a sort of icon, complete with unsavory reputation or first impression, as arch usurer, cheat and crooked businessman!

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