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RUSSIAN WOMAN IN POLAND....welcome...or not...?

wildrover  98 | 4430  
23 Nov 2009 /  #1
Just supposing my current romance with a lovely Moscow born Russian developes into something permanant , and we decide to live together in Poland , what do Polish forum members think will be the reaction of Local Poles...

I am well aware that oppression by the Russians is much more recent in Polish history than German occupation , so is there widespread resentment of Russian people....

I have no doubt that my close Polish friends will judge her as a person , and not care where she is from , she is a nice person , and i am sure will make friends easily...

However , i live on the edge of a small village , where they are not so used to non Polish people being around , although , i have not had any problems with being an Englishman living here....

I would value the opinions of Polish people on the forum....
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
23 Nov 2009 /  #2
Culturally poles and russians are very similar. Poles generally get along quite well with the russkies. I've met many poles who went to russia to work in the past couple of years and they've all felt "at home." I haven't heard of any problems with russkies expats in poland.

Tension between poles and russians only exists in politics...

Btw, I'm glad you've finally met i women. Some of your latest threads were beginning to worry me. Did you meet her along one of the roads in eastern poland by any chance?

sadieann  2 | 205  
23 Nov 2009 /  #3
Go for it! If your happy than move forward. If others aren't accepting that's their problem. You deserve to be happy. If you've found someone that's the least of your problems. Good for you and happy trails...
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
23 Nov 2009 /  #4
meet her along one of the roads in eastern poland by any chance?

No , actually i got birthday greetings from her on my website , i wrote back , and before long we were chatting for hours and hours every night on skype , she is pretty , inteligent , and we are as compatable as two people can be... We hope to meet face to face very soon , but for the moment its just an internet romance..feels good though , and i think its going somewhere... early days yet...!
southern  73 | 7059  
23 Nov 2009 /  #5
Polish women do not have very high opinion of Russian women,all foreign women fromt the eastern side are usually described with oneword.But really culturally Poland and Russia are quite close.I mean the way of life.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
23 Nov 2009 /  #6

McCoy  27 | 1268  
23 Nov 2009 /  #7

youre in love youre going nuts asking stupid questions my man. heres your answer:

only faggot5 and jelaous blthces woul say no
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
24 Nov 2009 /  #8
Bring her over to Poland and create some Anglo-Russian wee Poles.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
24 Nov 2009 /  #9
And here is my lady....

  • Ksusha6.jpg
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Nov 2009 /  #10
If I had a russian girl in Poland I would tell her that she has to compete against polkas in decolte depth,pul zadek shorts and stilletos.We talk about a battle here,it would be the new polsko-russky war.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
24 Nov 2009 /  #11
My Russian will not have to compete with anyone....if i get her , i am hanging onto her with both hands , and i ain,t going to be looking at anyone else.... just her voice makes my toes curl... there is something about a Russian accent...must be all those James bond films i used to watch....!
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Nov 2009 /  #12
With polish girls it is mostly about money while on the other hand with russian girls it is mostly about money.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
24 Nov 2009 /  #13
mostly about money

My lady knows very well i don,t have any money....she does not care...
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
24 Nov 2009 /  #14
Internet relationship with a russkie. Ah back to step one.

my website

What kind of website are you running? What's the url?
beckski  12 | 1609  
24 Nov 2009 /  #15
what do Polish forum members think will be the reaction of Local Poles...

They'll probably wish they could be in your shoes.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
24 Nov 2009 /  #16
What kind of website are you running? What's the url?

Its just a tagged personal site like myspace or nasaklasa....

Sasha  2 | 1083  
24 Nov 2009 /  #17

Keep your eyes skinned. :)
I do not trust relationships via web. It's in rather bad repute in Russia. If she's good-looking and nice why isn't she married yet? :)) How long have you known each other?

I might be wrong though... if so, wish you good luck! ;)
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
24 Nov 2009 /  #18
Yes i know that there are many Russian scammers out there , just after money , but there are also some very lovely , and genuine Russian women... I think i can tell the difference between the two....

This lady was married , but is now divorced , and like me is looking for the right one...

Its not costing me anything to chat to the lovely lady night after night , and i am enjoying the inteligent conversation... The relationship has only just begun . but so far it feels just right...

My lady is from your city , Sasha , and you know how lovely those Moscow women are......

In the spring we will meet , then i will know for sure....
Natalilia  - | 8  
25 Nov 2009 /  #19
I am living in Poland already.... more then a year.... Oh :)
NO ANY PROBLEMS or negative comments in my address during this time.
Or maybe i just do not pay attention to that ^)
Even opposit way :) very offten people (males) in busses or shops flirting with me after hearing my russian accent :)
So, in general situation isn't that bad or dramatic :)

[quote=wildrover] feel free to ask me if You have any questions :)
George8600  10 | 630  
25 Nov 2009 /  #20
Culturally poles and russians are very similar.

Hm, not really. I have lived in both and they are quite different.

As for the love/hate. Well all the tensions are over, however it's Poland itself that deserves a look at. Somewhere over 97% of the people that live in Poland are Polish, so it's a very ethnocentric country in both culture and ethnicity. However, it depends on whom you meet. If you meet younger-middle aged Poles they tend not to care, howerver if you speak to the elderly that lived during the Soviet occupation, Katyn, the Warsaw Pact, they might be a bit uneasy. I have met all these type- it's sort of the same in Russia. The majority of Russians I have met don't dislike Poles, they simply don't know much about them. The few I have brought up the subject with claim to not know anything about Polish culture and to have never met Polish people. (Again there aren't too many Poles in Russia or vice versa).

But other than that, don't worry, there isn't much haste. What you should worry about is the dense culture of Poland, so learning the language might not be a bad idea.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
25 Nov 2009 /  #21
feel free to ask me if You have any questions

I suppose i will have many Natalilia , so i may be asking you.... It was nice to meet you by the way , hopefully we may meet again at the next meet up in Poznan...are you staying in Poland for long time , or just for study...?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
25 Nov 2009 /  #22
I am living in Poland already.... more then a year.... Oh :)
NO ANY PROBLEMS or negative comments in my address during this time.
Or maybe i just do not pay attention to that ^)
Even opposit way :) very offten people (males) in busses or shops flirting with me after hearing my russian accent :)
So, in general situation isn't that bad or dramatic :)

Wel Natalilia i have had no experience with Poles in Russia or Russians in Poland, however if were talking about neighbours that may have a historical grudge or problem with one another i think i have that covered :) Scottish in England, French in England and even the Germans. Generally the story of these people are similar to yours, no problems at all, however there will always be the odd idiot who says or does something stupid to spoil their time in England.

feel free to ask me if You have any questions :)

I know i'm not wildrover but i've never really spoken to a Russian, although i've heard a lot about them and of course Russia itself, mainly though through history.

So would you say that Russian culture is similar to that of the Poles??
I would also like to know if you think Russia is as it claims to be, a democracy, or is it really the same old same old Russia that your parents and grandparents live/grew up in??

What took you to Poland??

I think that will do for now :)
Lukasz K  - | 103  
25 Nov 2009 /  #23
In my opinion if we compare two nations which influence was rather unpleasant for polish people in the last century: Russians and Germans there is a difference in the attitude of random Polish people towards those nationalities.

To be honest Germans in the worse position and they are disliked because probably Polish still remember that they've chosen Hitler in free elections and they supported him.

With Russians it is rather different - Polish feel rather sympathetic towards them because both nations were forced the same system and for all of the tragedies Polish blame rather the leaders not "normal" Russians which are seen as the victims of the communism.

I think this is quite a big difference between Poland and for example Baltic States where the bad are Russians itself. Even if you speak with a very anti communist old Polish lady she will speak about those "bad communists" not Russians.


OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
25 Nov 2009 /  #24
Its interesting to hear you say this Lukasz , i always imagined that any hostility from polish people would be stronger towards the Russians , as this is much more recent in Polish history,,,But i suppose you are right , its the Russian system that was at fault , not the people themselves... they were victims also...
southern  73 | 7059  
28 Nov 2009 /  #25
stronger towards the Russians

Poles regard Russians like mad,deranged but not bad.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
28 Nov 2009 /  #26
Russians like mad,deranged

No wonder i get on great with her then...?
Nika  2 | 507  
29 Nov 2009 /  #27
Back to the topic of the thread,

I am well aware that oppression by the Russians is much more recent in Polish history than German occupation , so is there widespread resentment of Russian people....

a resentment, if any, wouldn't have much to do with the oppression by the Russians during the war and the communism as the propaganda always presented Russians as our Big Brothers and Germans as enemies.

On the other hand, there's been a lot of tension in the relations between PL and Russia recently but I wouldn't say that there is a resentment of Russians in PL so I guess she should be OK here.
OP wildrover  98 | 4430  
29 Nov 2009 /  #28
so I guess she should be OK here.

Hopefully people will judge her as a person , and not as a Russian , she is a childrens teacher , a warm and loving person , not a person its easy to dislike really...
Piorun  - | 655  
29 Nov 2009 /  #29
Hopefully people will judge her as a person

They will, If she's a fox all the guys might give you a bit of competition there so watch out.
Arien  2 | 710  
29 Nov 2009 /  #30
only faggot5 and jelaous blthces would say no

I wouldn't say no, no.


Oh crap, now I've said it twice!

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