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Russian citizen wants immigrate to Poland

Rainbow_Dash  1 | 4  
26 Sep 2015 /  #1
Hello, my name is Andrew and I'm 19. At this moment I live in Russia, but I can't be here anymore: this country is too agressive for me, and there is no freedom of speech.

My future profession is a teacher of history.
(I don't have knowledge of Polish language, but I will learn it in next months).
How I can get out from this hateful place, and become a citizen of Poland? (I mean, legal ways)

Thank you all for help.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Sep 2015 /  #2
How I can get out from this hateful place, and become a citizen of Poland? (I mean, legal ways)

Finish your education first. When you do that, you should be able to get a job with English and Russian in a "Shared Service Center". Essentially, these are huge offices designed to support worldwide clients - Russian is quite highly in demand right now. They will sort out the work permit and so on, but it's absolutely essential to finish off your studies (in any discipline).

Try and get a certificate in English too - such as FCE/CAE/etc.
Looker  - | 1129  
26 Sep 2015 /  #3
And maybe this would be an interesting reading for you?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
26 Sep 2015 /  #4
this country is too agressive for me

Didn't you think about going to Belgium or something ?
OP Rainbow_Dash  1 | 4  
26 Sep 2015 /  #5
Try and get a certificate in English too - such as FCE/CAE/etc.

Thank you for this helpful advice. It is really a good way. I will work on it.

And maybe this would be an interesting reading for you?

You see, as I understood, you can get this document only if your father/mother/grandfather/grandmother were citizens of Poland. But in my family had been only great-grandmother from Poland, so, I don't have right to get this one. But thank you for this advice too!

Didn't you think about going to Belgium or something ?

I do like culture and history of Poland, and for me this country looks very friendly to live and work. To end my mind, I would to say that maybe I'll think about other countries if I won't find a way to Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Sep 2015 /  #6
Do you know if she spoke Polish or had a Polish name? If you can prove it in any way, then you *might* be able to get the Karta Polaka if you join a Polonia organisation for a couple of years. But in general, my route that I advised will work.

Thank you for this helpful advice. It is really a good way. I will work on it.

Good luck!

renego.pl/praca-russian-w-krak%C3%B3w - here's an example of jobs available in Kraków for Russian speakers. As you can see, they're in demand.

PS : Robot Unicorn Attack?
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
26 Sep 2015 /  #7

Your premise about wishing to move to Poland because Russia is becoming too "aggresive" for you etc. seems to me at least somewhat over the top, if I might say so! You're still young, I assume, and rather idealistic. Good luck in your pursuits but don't be too bruised if your bubble bursts on impact:-)
OP Rainbow_Dash  1 | 4  
26 Sep 2015 /  #8
Do you know if she spoke Polish or had a Polish name? If you can prove it in any way, then you *might* be able to get the Karta Polaka if you join a Polonia organisation for a couple of years. But in general, my route that I advised will work.

I don't have any information about this. Only what I know she is from Poland. Maybe i'll try to work on Karta Polaka too. Thanks again.

here's an example of jobs available in Kraków for Russian speakers. As you can see, they're in demand.

PS : Robot Unicorn Attack?

I see. That is wonderful for me, I guess!

Robot Unicorn Attack is a great game, but there is My Little Pony FiM attack :D


Your premise about wishing to move to Poland because Russia is becoming too "aggresive" for you etc. seems to me at least somewhat over the top, if I might say so! You're still young, I assume, and rather idealistic. Good luck in your pursuits but don't be too bruised if your bubble bursts on impact:-)

You did not live here, and you even don't understand whats going on here. First of all Russia is overpowered country with nuclear weapon (As USA too). I'm a pacifist, and I don't want to be a part of country like USA or Russia. My second reason is homophobic propaganda on TV and etc. I'm not a gay, but I didn't understand and I wont understand this hate to them. Third argument - I want to say what I think about government, president or world situation without any fear to be punished.

Sorry if my English is not clear.
Marsupial  - | 871  
26 Sep 2015 /  #9
You are very clear. Just watch out because you for most part may not be talking to anyone polish. The opinions you receive may not be polish at all just some skewed 3rd party foreigner stuff that has no bearing on reality in poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
26 Sep 2015 /  #10
Your English's clear enough! Maybe I don't understand what Putin's doing, but I'm not sure YOU understand what Poland's going through right now either, Andrei:-) Indeed, as refugees come streaming into the West via Poland, Poles are going to be far too caught up in the moment and sheer survival against an onslaught of outsiders to really focus adequately on the idealistic dreams of a solo Russian visitor with his own problems and issues.


I read the Polish press daily and am quite well informed.
Marsupial  - | 871  
26 Sep 2015 /  #11
Good. Tell you something mate, a russian who respects democracy and so on will always be welcome in Poland. I think you would do well there. Also you would feel quite at home after a while. Someone suggested belgium.....eeeek....you will probably not be at home there.
OP Rainbow_Dash  1 | 4  
26 Sep 2015 /  #12
Your English's clear enough!

Thank you for compliment. In my opinion my English is very bad :(.

Well. I can't say that I understand situation in Poland as fully as I can do this in my country, but I guess, in next years situation with refugees can be changed (or opinion of citizens?) My plan is get out from Russia in 2019-2022 years (In 2 years I'll finish my university, and in 3-5 years I'll collect some money to immigrate from here)

Anyway, I don't think that I will be useless for Poland or maybe for other country.

But I can understand this position. There is many Polish citizens, who against to foreigners because of this situation in the World.

Good. Tell you something mate, a russian who respects democracy and so on will always be welcome in Poland. I think you would do well there. Also you would feel quite at home after a while. Someone suggested belgium.....eeeek....you will probably not be at home there.

Thank you for warm words :)
Marsupial  - | 871  
26 Sep 2015 /  #13
I want you to know that those against immigration are against mainly islamic immigrants, their religion, beliefs, behaviour and skills are not compatible to poland at all. A russian with an education is so far from that there is no comparison at all. There are people on here who try to tell everyone not to come. Don't mistake this for reality. Poland wants people, educated people with compatible thinking and behaviour like you in the future pethaps or like me who now lives in Australia to bring business or ideas or money or all of it. Btw you would be treated well here also if you made it that far.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
26 Sep 2015 /  #14
Your English is frankly no better and no worse than most contemporary younger Russians who know the bread-and-butter basics of our grammar and orthography, however fall completely flat when it concerns natural, idiomatically-correct usage:-)

Back to Poland. LEARN THE LANGUAGE!! Don't rely on your Russian (or even your EnglishLOL) to get by in Poland. Many Poles also know German quite well, although nothing's a substitute for a solid grounding in the language of the country in which you intend to live and work.
Paulina  19 | 4556  
26 Sep 2015 /  #15
but I'm not sure YOU understand what Poland's going through right now either, Andrei:-) Indeed, as refugees come streaming into the West via Poland

Erm... Lyzko, refugees aren't streaming into the West via Poland... What on Earth are you talking about?

And, anyway, anyone escaping Putinist Russia is welcome in Poland :P ;)

My plan is get out from Russia in 2019-2022 years (In 2 years I'll finish my university, and in 3-5 years I'll collect some money to immigrate from here)

May the force of Twilight Sparkle be with you or sth, hehe ;)
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
26 Sep 2015 /  #16
Paulina, in order to enter Germany, many Syrians are entering via Poland! I meant that Poland is a semi-way station for a large number of Syrian migrants, as for example, Hungary has refused to allow refugees into the country.
OP Rainbow_Dash  1 | 4  
26 Sep 2015 /  #17
I want you to know that those against immigration are against mainly islamic immigrants, their religion, beliefs, behaviour and skills are not compatible to poland at all. A russian with an education is so far from that there is no comparison at all.

Your words inspires me. I'm really thankful to you for this!

Back to Poland. LEARN THE LANGUAGE!! Don't rely on your Russian (or even your EnglishLOL) to get by in Poland. Many Poles also know German quite well, although nothing's a substitute for a solid grounding in the language of the country in which you intend to live and work.

Of course I will learn Polish language. That is very logical if I want to be a citizen of Poland. Besides I must know Poland's history and culture


Thank you all for your kindness and help. I found all answers what I need.

I want to hug you all for your spent time for me :)
Crow  155 | 9699  
26 Sep 2015 /  #18
after accepting enough Russians all Russia can be attached to Intermarium. Is that the purpose of this thread? But what then with Eurasian Union? Accept that too?

Lyzko  44 | 9723  
26 Sep 2015 /  #19
Surely not, crow! The young man was simply speculating on the prospects of living abroad, but in a neighboring country with more or less shared Slavic roots, that's all:-)
Crow  155 | 9699  
5 Aug 2018 /  #20

I read today news comment that at least 150.000 white farmers from South Africa, descendants of Netherlands Boar colonists, rich in agricultural business, accepted offer to relocate to Russia. Many of them chooses Crimea for new life, settlements and formation of farms. They fear for their life if stay in South Africa because Black Africans attacking them. Its practically massive evacuation to from South Africa to Russia.

source: b92/biz/vesti/svet.php?yyyy=2018&mm=08&dd=05&nav_id=1427284
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Aug 2018 /  #21
Yea many are looking to Russia after Australia kowtowed to the leftists demands saying that speeding up white peoples asylum claims and immigration paperwork is racist.

I love being a citizen of a country and belonging to an ethnic group that gives zero ***** about being calling racist xenophobe islamaphob and all that bs =)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 Aug 2018 /  #22
I love being a citizen of a country and belonging to an ethnic group that gives zero *****

You make it sound as if you are in the majority. News flash: you aren't and you will never be.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Aug 2018 /  #23
Reality check: 3/4 of poles reject third world migrants, so yes in Poland and several other nations those who reject turd world migration and forced multiculturalism absolutely are the majority. The majority of poles don't want turd world invaders, and the majority of poles support right wing parties that's why pis has 2-3x the level of support and pis and kukiz together are over 50%

As long as poles is ethnically homogenous and there isn't a bunch of turd worlders raping and pillaging, that's good enough for me. And seeing as how poles really dgaf about being called xenophobe or islamaphobw that's how it'll remain, much to the eus dismay now that they've totally given up on forcing Poland to take in muslims... And that's good enough for me = )

So go try western Europe, because the majority of polish people don't want that sh1t in their country and thats a CBOS FACT. Polska dla Polakow. And now Italy Czechy Austria Slovakia Hungary and even some Germans are waking up and rejecting multiculturalism preferring to keep their countries foe Europeans, not third world africans and Muslims who don't want to work, contribute or assimilate
TheOther  6 | 3596  
6 Aug 2018 /  #24
I thought you were talking about the US... :)
Crow  155 | 9699  
7 Aug 2018 /  #25
All in all, this with Netherlanders from South Africa relocate to Russia is just the beginning of future trend where would western Europeans massively seek shelter on the East of Europe in countries controlled by Slavic governments and Slavs.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Aug 2018 /  #26
Crow we will see that. Not just a few Dutch south africans, but more do western Europeans. Already quite a few Germans, French, Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards etc moved to Poland and I'm sure there's many in Slovakia Czechy Hungary etc. Many western Europeans are very unhappy with the direction their country is going. We're already seeing a big uptick in migration from these countries and it's not going to stop - it will not only continue but grow. We even have quite a few people here from UK, Ireland,.us etc. Why did they all come to Poland? A better overall quality of life.

Soon germany will be trying to keep the natives from leaving instead of welcoming invaders to make their lives miserable. The more terror, crime, rape, taxes, trash everywhere, big groups of migrants hanging around the subways and train stations, riots, arsons, and generally lower quality of life the more western europeams will seek countries where such things aren't a problem and they can live without fear of being a native European.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Aug 2018 /  #27
Why did they all come to Poland?

Like so many other Europeans, they simply moved to where the jobs were. The more jobs available, the more foreigners will come to Poland.
Crow  155 | 9699  
8 Aug 2018 /  #28
And many Romanian Gypsies just nicely settled on the west of Europe.

Soon germany will be trying to keep the natives from leaving instead of welcoming invaders to make their lives miserable.

What crossed my mind is that Europe easily may sunk in Nazism, in fascist state. So, primary question becoming how to establish balance between keeping to your way of life, values and race, while not becoming racist, fascist and isolationist.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Aug 2018 /  #29
The more jobs available, the more foreigners will come to Poland.

Im not talking about ukranians or chechens that are mostly economic migrants looking for higher wages. Im talking about western europeans. There's plenty of jobs in their home countries and other western European eu countries, generally far higher paying than Poland too. Yet the western europeans came to poland knowing theyd make less, if lucky the same, but almost never more than their western european homes or other we countries. So i doubt its mainly because of money and work for them as opposed to ukranians. Its the same reason as why tens of thousands of poles who lived and worked in the UK since 04 have been returning and why several pf members left their home country to move to poland even though they could make far more at their same job - they prefer Polands quality of life, culture, society, etc.

What crossed my mind is that Europe easily may sunk in Nazism,

If Europe became fascist thatd be the lesser evil instead of it becoming a Muslim caliphate. Considering there's already radical Muslim politicians, sharia courts, sharia patrols and the number of Muslims is exploding there's definitely going to be a few radicals that take advantage of the situation and try to become politicians with an openly Muslim agenda.

how to establish balance between keeping to your way of life, values and race, while not becoming racist, fascist and isolationist.

Thats what polans hungary czechy etc is trying but imo its impossible at the moment. If yoh dont want islamic terror you have to say you don't want Muslim migrants and deal with the accusations of islamaphobe racist etc. Thankfully poles don't care about such labels. As the saying goes, sticks and stones may hurt my bones but names will never hurt me. EU pushes multiculturalism and destruction of European identity to be replaced by a leftist utopia where Europeans are subjugated, told they are evil racists and their punishment is to allow africans and muslim.migrants to rape and pillage their countries. As such there must be a force to oppose that, and that's what we're seeing now.
Crow  155 | 9699  
8 Aug 2018 /  #30
If Europe became fascist thatd be the lesser evil instead of it becoming a Muslim caliphate.

Its questionable.

I mean, see, there is always fact that Germany dominates EU. And what is Germany`s right wing tradition? Nazism and Nazi-Islam. You heard for Hitler`s stance in favor of Islam and against Christianity. Many in Germany still love Hitler. That love never ended. Plus, number of radical Muslims in Germany and on west of Europe dramatically increases, day by day. See? Amalgamation of fascism and Islam may become reality. It already happening actually, I`m afraid.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Russian citizen wants immigrate to PolandArchived