The issues that preoccupy most Europeans are material ones: How many hours per week will I have to work? How much annual vacation time will I have? How many social benefits can I garner? How can my country avoid fighting against anyone or for anyone?
those are the issues which preoccupy Americans too.
secularism and socialism (welfare).
socialism does not equal welfare. There are no socialist countries in Europe.
Even if one holds that religion is false, only a close minded secularist can deny that religion was the driving force for nearly all the uniquely great art, literature, economic and even scientific advances of the West.
I have never heard secular people denying the influence on the things you have mentioned, yet I am sure that there were also influenced by other then religious sentiments.
Religion in the West raised all the great philosophical questions: Why are we here? Is there purpose to existence? Is there life after death? Are morals objective or only a matter of personal preference? Do rights come from the state or from the Creator?
I am not sure I follow you.
Some current examples are social justice (The Great Society) , wealth redistribution & environmentalism (global warming now climate change).
and there is something wrong with that? All those issues are important because they ail the society.
The secularist state destroys creativity: Why do anything for yourself when the state will do it for you? Why take care of others when the state will do it for you? Why have ambition when the state is there to ensure that few or no individuals are rewarded more than others?
I disagree. Welfare is for those who are not as creative, while creative people will use their creativity regardless.
No; left wingers and secularists have a great many similarities.
from what I understand left wingers are not religious then?
I wouldn't call it a "new religion" but else there is nothing wrong with that...;)
As a non-monotheistic follower I'm quite comfy with not getting a dominant religion shoved down my throat daily against my will...
And living in a green, healthy environment is just great, it's just good for us, period! :)
I agree. One can be religious and care for the environment too.
Liberalism and Secularism: One and the Same. The ideology of L and S are responsible for the breakdown of the family unit in the western hemisphere. The western world has now moved away from the belief of the family to the greed of the individual.
so the greed of big corporations in the US and the West are responsible for it to a degree.
Oh, I am sorry : the liberals and secularism is responsible for the break up of the family unit, while US has one of the highest number of divorces and it is not even secular, nor liberal - how would you explain that?