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Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland)

EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
30 Jul 2011 /  #62
I am assuming that you are white. You have no idea what racism feels like- so unless you are a person of colour, you can't verify his story

So racism is a phenomena experienced by non whites only????

What a load of bollox!!

I'm milk bottle white and I am telling you now, I have been racially abused by non whites and whites. Unfortunately for them I am not a turn the other cheek type of guy.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #63
let's not start blaming individuals here for the actions of others.

I am in no way blaming the threadstarter for anyone's actions.

I am quite simply pointing out that him complaining about Poland not being a modern country and "polish being do like this" ( that's a quote ) are a bit odd, since he comes from a country where such things happen routinely.

I also called him out on his claim that such stuff never happens in Egypt.

Bottom line here seems to be pretty straight-forward:

We all choose our place of residence, doing business, etc. often on the basis on where we feel most comfortable in. If he doesn't feel comfortable in Poland with all these evil racists running about he should probably take his lovely bride and move back to Egypt, which according to his claims, is a paradise where such stuff never happens.
pip  10 | 1658  
30 Jul 2011 /  #64
So racism is a phenomena experienced by non whites only????

I never said that. In Poland I would say that it is experienced by non whites and foreigners in general. I know when we go out (we are a bilingual family- my husband only speaks polish to the kids and I only speak English) people stare- I mean blatantly stare at us- I think it is generally rude because many Poles have never met foreigners directly but the original post is talking about something different.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #65
So racism is a phenomena experienced by non whites only????

Largely yes.
legend  3 | 658  
30 Jul 2011 /  #66
You are wrong.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #67
Largely yes.

Not true.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #68
No no no. Racism is a largely white on black phenomena. Anything else is a drop in the ocean. Stop trolling.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #69
Yes yes yes. Racism is a largely non-white on white phenomena. Anything else is a drop in the ocean. Stop trolling.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #70
Racism is a largely non-white on white phenomena

That is one of the silliest things to appear on this forum. It would be comical if it wasn't so tragically untrue.
legend  3 | 658  
30 Jul 2011 /  #71
Johnny you are just wrong dude. Get over it.

In North America whites are becoming minority. People are free to say **** like cracker and all this nonsense. You go anywhere overseas and you will experience light-heavy racism.

The whole idea that whites are the only racist or largely the racist ones is a ****** myth.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #72
Got anything to back up your outrageous claims besides saying that the stuff you don't agree with is "silly"?

The whole idea that whites are the only racist or largely the racist ones is a ****** myth.

That's putting it rather mildly :-)
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #73
Got anything to back up your outrageous claims

Since you're claiming something outrageous it's on you to back it up. Perhaps by suggesting that slavery, Jim Crow and apartheid never happened? Or that black people as a group are economically ahead of whites.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #74
johnny - you argue like a 5 year old boy with ADHD.

No arguments whatsover, I'm right, you're wrong, etc.

And when I give you the taste of your own medicine you cry for arguments.

No no no. Racism is a largely white on black phenomena. Anything else is a drop in the ocean. Stop trolling.

So bear in mind that as long as you'll keep making idiotic statements like the one I just quoted above people will either ask whether you are running a fever or will just laugh at you. I pretty much did the latter.

Perhaps you never left a country where white happens to be a dominant race and hence are simply not qualified to speak on the subject.

Throwing in a few short examples since I have a bit of time:

a) The Japanese have a formal term for outsider - "gajin" - which is most often associated with people of other race and/or nationality. Offering preferential treatment to non-gajin is quite frankly the norm in Japanese society.

b) Granting citizenship to outsiders coming to work in a country and hailing from another racial group is a concept completely alien towards most places dominated by Arabs - Saudi Arabia, Dubai, etc.

c) While you're at it you might also check up on the crime rates in South Africa and on black-on-white crime over there,

This list could probably go down to "q" or "s". So, johnny, stop writing about stuff you don't know anything about. Or go get an education.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #75
Personal abuse - we expect it from you. But, anyway:

Perhaps you never left a country where white happens to be a dominant race and hence are simply not qualified to speak on the subject.

I'm in sub-Saharan Africa now.

a) The Japanese have a formal term for outsider - "gajin" - which is most often associated with people of other race and/or nationality. Offering preferential treatment to non-gajin is quite frankly the norm in Japanese society.

The Japanese discriminate hugely - especially on the basis of skin colour.

Granting citizenship to outsiders coming to work in a country and hailing from another racial group is a concept completely alien towards most places dominated by Arabs - Saudi Arabia, Dubai, etc.

Saudi Arabia (I've lived there too) grants citizen ship to any Muslim who lives there for ten years. And again, among non-citizens they discriminate enormously against black Africans and treat white people much better. Other colours in the middle. You could have chosen a better example.

While you're at it you might also check up on the crime rates in South Africa and on black-on-white crime over there,

You might check on apartheid, encomic inequality, inequality of access to education and employment and reflect on how the situation arose there. Must be all those poor downtrodden whites robbing the rich and privileged black settlers.

And don't be so rude otr the moderators will ban you. Rightly so.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #76

You might check on apartheid, encomic inequality, inequality of access to education and employment

Which of course in turn makes it ok for black men to rape white women over there, murder white farmers and all that.

So I take it this behaviour is ok in your book and doesn't constitute black-on-white racism?


The Japanese discriminate hugely - especially on the basis of skin colour.

Great. Then please be so kind and quit making moronic statements about racism being largely a thing that affects only white people.

3. Let's continue with examples:

Back in 1972 ( you probably don't remember ) Uganda was ruled by bloke called Idi Amin. Guy was as black as they came.

Out of the blue he announced that he had a dream and in this dream God told him that all people of Indian descent ( and/or other Asians, don't recall correctly ) were to leave the country. Gave them two months or so to pack up their ****, sell what they couldn't pack and leave. It was implied that the ones that wouldn't would bite a bullet.

Whole affair had ******* to do with white people.

There. Black on Indian racism? Or perhaps you have another name for it?

4. Around 2000 in Australia of all places a chap named Bilal Skaf ( Lebanese ) went around with a bunch of his pals ( 6? 7? ) gang-raping white women. One of the victims was told that it was ok to rape her since she was Australian.

Racism? Just another day at the office? Care to comment?

Basically you made a completely unfounded statement claiming that racism was pretty much white people's problem, while in reality it affects all races equally.

And don't be so rude otr the moderators will ban you. Rightly so.

Take your threats somewhere else.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #77
So I take it this behaviour is ok in your book and doesn't constitute black-on-white racism?

Great. Then please be so kind and quit making moronic statements about racism being largely a thing that affects only white people.

I didn't say that, fool. I said it largely affects darker skinned people. Like in Japan. Don't confuse xenophobia with racism, assuming you can get your limited intellect round the difference. LOL.

No. It constitutes crime. Black people are victims of crime too.

Back in 1972 ( you probably don't remember ) Uganda was ruled by bloke called Idi Amin. Guy was as black as they came.

I remember it well.

Whole affair had ******* to do with white people.

His chief advisor was white and Amin was installed in power by the British government. Perhaps you don't remember.

Australia of all places a chap named Bilal Skaf ( Lebanese ) went around with a bunch of his pals ( 6? 7? ) gang-raping white women. One of the victims was told that it was ok to rape her since she was Australian.

In Australia (of all places) gangs of whites used to go around hunting aborigines for sport. They believed it was OK because they were Aborigines. And don't forget the White Australia policy.

while in reality it affects all races equally.

So you're suggesting blacks enslaved and colonised whites for centuries? LMAO!
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #78
Don't confuse xenophobia with racism, assuming you can get your limited intellect round the difference.

Said the guy who claimed I'm being rude.

His chief advisor was white and Amin was installed in power by the British government.

Which obviously means the evil white man ruled through him. I don't know if you noticed, but you've just been racist by suggesting Amin ( a black guy ) didn't have the wits to make his own decisions.

In Australia (of all places) gangs of whites used to go around hunting aborigines for sport. They believed it was OK because they were Aborigines. And don't forget the White Australia policy.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with Bilal Skaf and the gang-rapes which were, I have to point out, called ethnically driven hate crimes by various Australian officials.

Basically you're the type of guy that's going to cry racism every time a white guy does something to a member of another race, pointing out various things that happened ages ago, but if the white guy is a victim in a similiar situation you'll keep watering it down to xenophobia, crime etc.

No logic in that.
legend  3 | 658  
30 Jul 2011 /  #79
So you're suggesting blacks enslaved and colonised whites for centuries? LMAO!

No he said...

while in reality it affects all races equally.


We are talking about the present here. Not slavery from the 1800s.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #80
No, I mean it is perfectly ok to scream "hate crime" and "racism" every time a black person gets slapped by a white person ( you know, due to that slavery thing from waay back ) but if gangs of blacks target white women for rape or white farmers for murder and robbery in South Africa, then nah, it is just regular crime folks. < sarcasm >
legend  3 | 658  
30 Jul 2011 /  #81

Read the first post. Its unbelievable.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #82
Read the first post.

Sorry, 403 error here, says: "You don't have permission to access".
legend  3 | 658  
30 Jul 2011 /  #83
Interesting maybe it only allows North Americans to access..

"While people in different contexts can experience prejudice or discrimination, racism, in a North American context, is based on an ideology of the superiority of the white race over other racial groups. Racism is evident in individual acts, such as racial slurs, jokes, etc., and institutionally, in terms of policies and practices at institutional levels of society. The result of institutional racism is that it maintains white privilege and power (such as racial profiling, hiring practices, history, and literature that centre on Western, European civilizations to the exclusion of other civilizations and communities). The social, systemic, and personal assumptions, practices, and behaviours that discriminate against persons according to their skin colour, hair texture, eye shape, and other superficial physical characteristics."

This is what kids are taught in Toronto School Boards.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #84
Said the guy who claimed I'm being rude.

Yes. Rude.

Which obviously means the evil white man ruled through him. I don't know if you noticed, but you've just been racist by suggesting Amin ( a black guy ) didn't have the wits to make his own decisions.

That's one of the silliest things on here sinnce you last posted. Check out the difference between racism and xenophobia and also tell us how President Amin was 'racist' to white people.

his has nothing whatsoever to do with Bilal Skaf

Should it? It also doesn't lessent he fact that racism in Australia has been overwhelmingly on the part of thewhite man. For two centuries.

Basically you're the type of guy that's going to cry racism every time a white guy does something to a member of another race,

Really? That would depend if 'something' is motivated by race, doesn't it?

This is what kids are taught in Toronto School Boards.

Vey good!
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #85
Yes. Rude.

Well, this is pot... calling kettle back.

That's one of the silliest things on here sinnce you last posted

What's the problem? I just suggested that you might be racist by claiming Amin, a strong, black leader allowed other ( white ) people to shape his policy

Show a bit more respect to a black male's right to rule by himself, otherwise you're racist.

It also doesn't lessent he fact

Well, it also doesn't lessen the fact that skaf and his 7 lebanese friends were a racist bunch of rapists. Hence racism - not only a trait of white people.

Really? That would depend if 'something' is motivated by race, doesn't it?

Wait, wait, wait... Are you actually saying that a person of color other than white might actually be racist?

That's a huge step forward, bravo.

This is what kids are taught in Toronto School Boards.

Bunch of crock if there ever was one.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #86
What's the problem? I just suggested that you might be racist by claiming Amin, a strong, black leader allowed other ( white ) people to shape his policy

He did. Several of the people he paid to advise him were white. Nothing racist about that!

Show a bit more respect to a black male's right to rule by himself, otherwise you're racist.

Show a bit more respect to a black male's decision to recruit advisors of his choice. Otherwise you're naive and stupid. Or trolling.

Well, it also doesn't lessen the fact that skaf and his 7 lebanese friends were a racist bunch of rapists.

7 friends? Not exactly a mass phenomena. Unlike the institutional racism that has existed in Australia since its first settlement by whites.

Wait, wait, wait... Are you actually saying that a person of color other than white might actually be racist? That's a huge step forward, bravo.

You used a very interesting phrase. "might actually". Better to look and see what actually happens in ths world. Not 7 Australians with a grudge for revenge, but every day.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #87
Better to look and see what actually happens in ths world.

As I told you, racism is a trait that can be found in people of all shapes, sizes and colors. Very often in non-white people.

Can't help it that you've been too brainwashed to see it.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
30 Jul 2011 /  #88
As I told you, racism is a trait that can be found in people of all shapes, sizes and colors. Very often in non-white people.

Not 'can be found'. The important thing is what actually happens. The story of racism is largely the story of people with lighter skin oppressing people of darker skin.

you've been to brainwashed

That's just funny!
legend  3 | 658  
30 Jul 2011 /  #89
As I told you, racism is a trait that can be found in people of all shapes, sizes and colors. Very often in non-white people.

Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #90
Not 'can be found'. The important thing is what actually happens. The story of racism is largely the story of people with lighter skin oppressing people of darker skin.


And hasn't it occurred to you, boy genius, that in some corners of the world ( hint, hint, not the ones where people with lighter skin are the dominant race ) racism is as much a part of the "natural order" of things that nobody even plans to research it, much less combat it?

That's just funny!

Can't help it if the truth is funny.

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