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Racism and for what? (story of Egyptian guy's living in Poland)

guesswho  4 | 1272  
11 Jul 2011 /  #31
Guesswho don't take it the wrong way this July 1st marked me being here 20 years so of course I also feel American. I'm both Polish and American but leaning more towards Polish since I'm from there and it was my first language.

hey, fine with me as long as we all keep in mind that there are people out there who feel differently and we have to learn to accept it.

if one notices stupid, ignorant people are the ones who are usually most prejudice hardly knowing anybody of the nationality they hate so much.

mostly but not always PB. there were/are/always will be also some very intelligent people who tend to prejudge others for all kinds of reasons.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Jul 2011 /  #32
hey, fine with me as long as we all keep in mind that there are people out there who feel differently and we have to learn to accept it.

People born here yes, and people who came when they were like 1 or 2 , usually. It all depends on how much you're changed since leaving your host nation. But people are different and react differently.


How many pints did you have tonight?

Is there any fear that this thread might swing around to the OP's post?
David_18  65 | 966  
11 Jul 2011 /  #33
am an egyptian guy living in poland and married to polish

I will travel to Egypt this month :)

i was called as black monkey and she were called Kur... , i was in hospital for some times and now i dont know why polish people do like this , why this rasict and for what

Every country got their share of bastards. You will always find idiots like this.

You should go to court.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
11 Jul 2011 /  #34
But people are different and react differently.

this is all I'm saying :-)
Wroclaw Boy  
11 Jul 2011 /  #35
Racism and for what? (Well Someone Tell Me why?)

Scottish people are tight, Americans hate socialism, Poles are racist (not all but many).

Victims of their societies and cultures.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Jul 2011 /  #36
Terrible thing that happened to the OP but I can't help but think if they didn't kick three shades of sugar out of him, they would have done it to someone (anyone) else.

Scum is scum, the slightest "reason" can set them off.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Jul 2011 /  #37
Poles are racist (not all but many).

I know an American from back in college who visited Russia, St.Petersburg, Novgorod, and Moscow she said people looked at their tour group like they wanted to kill them. Russians are much more homophobic then Poles.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
11 Jul 2011 /  #38

why homophobic?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
11 Jul 2011 /  #39
I know an American from back in college who visited Russia, St.Petersburg, Novgorod, and Moscow she said people looked at their tour group like they wanted to kill them.

that might be because they were american. it's a love hate thing.


PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Jul 2011 /  #40

Xenophobic what the hell did I write, sorry
guesswho  4 | 1272  
11 Jul 2011 /  #41
no big deal. This is what I thought you've meant anyway :-)
TheMan  - | 56  
11 Jul 2011 /  #42
Not a camelfu**er?

I'm fairly certain there are black Egyptians, same as there are white zimbabweans and indian kenyans. But he could still be a windup merchant but until proved otherwise we should give him the benefit of the doubt.
brother4u  - | 7  
26 Jul 2011 /  #43
going media (public) with his story will only expose him more and put and his life and the ones of his loves ones at risk. so he better consider himself lucky and perrhaps move town, city or even country..
26 Jul 2011 /  #44
This thread is a joke - I checked Gdańsk police records from that day and no trace of such assault. Next time the guy should at least claim that he is too scared of "Polish racism" to report it - my advice.
26 Jul 2011 /  #45
I checked Gdańsk police records from that day and no trace of such assault.

And since when have current police investigation notes been public record in Poland?

Oh, sorry, I forgot: they are not, which means that you are just another sad act liar. Do try harder next time.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
26 Jul 2011 /  #46
Next time the guy should at least claim that he is too scared of "Polish racism" to report it

Why would anyone be scared to report it?
26 Jul 2011 /  #47
To cut a short story long, foreigners come to this forum to badmouth Poles. There are many methods to do so - one can mention Jedwabne and Kielce in every second post, one can also post fake accounts of "Polish racism". In the second case, to avoid verification, the poster should mention that he is too scared to report the incident to the Polish police. Otherwise, we could easily prove that the post is a fairy tale - since Polish police reports to local media even smaller incidents - this information is also posted on the webpage of a local Komenda Policji.
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Jul 2011 /  #48
Foreigners don't come to this forum to badmouth Poles-Poles do this all by themselves. Enough with the defense. You cannot deny that racism doesn't exist in this country. It exists everywhere in the world but we are on a Polish forum- so this is what we discuss.

I am assuming that you are white. You have no idea what racism feels like- so unless you are a person of colour, you can't verify his story. I for one happen to believe it.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Jul 2011 /  #49
Good post, pip
David_18  65 | 966  
26 Jul 2011 /  #50
I smoke Camel, im so racist.... :(
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Jul 2011 /  #51
no, I don't think so. But you will be dead soon enough.
Midas  1 | 571  
26 Jul 2011 /  #52
1. Bartekk - you are a jerk and you're trying to jerk people off here.

Name the legal basis which binds the Polish Police to release any information about such crimes to the media or anyone else for that matter.

I'm quite conversant in most of Polish law ( criminal isn't my specialty though ) and I'll tell you right now - there is no legal obligation on the Police or the Prosecutor to release any information regarding any crime whatsoever. Sometimes they talk to the press. But they have no obligation to do so whatsoever.

And records of criminal proceedings as such are sealed to the general population in Poland.

So stop feeding us crap.

2. ell

Yes, it is a shame what happened.

But as someone kindly pointed out to you - this stuff happens. Period. In all countries. If You can't handle it - move somewhere else.

if u r in my country NEVER EVER i would even touch u with a word and u know why ? not because am afraid from you but because my brain and heart and body wouldnt allowed me to do what u r saying to me or what u can do .. i feel so much sorry for thhe way you think and i wil not reply you again for any of your post .. and thanks pip u have my full respect ..

Complete and utter bollocks.

I'm pretty sure most white, non-muslim people would get killed if they openly dated ( or married ) a muslim woman in Egypt. So stop feeding us this usually muslim male BS.

And regarding how Egyptians treat "guests":


She got all that for being white.

So don't bull**** us, pal. Until your people stop doing such **** you, being egyptian, are really the last guy on earth to be giving others tips on behaviour. Clean up your own backyard before you start knocking on your neighbours' doors.
RobertLee  4 | 73  
26 Jul 2011 /  #53
I'm quite conversant in most of Polish law ( criminal isn't my specialty though ) and I'll tell you right now - there is no legal obligation on the Police or the Prosecutor to release any information regarding any crime whatsoever

You don't have to be conversant in Polish law to know that, 12-year olds know that.
Still, Komenda Policji w Gdańsku, has its own webpage where it publishes information on even very minor incidents and assault is not a minor incident, especially racist assault - any Polish newspaper would like to buy a story about racist violence act. But somehow this particular hate crime went unnoticed except from PF :D
Midas  1 | 571  
27 Jul 2011 /  #54
As I said = no legal obligation to report it means that there could be absolutely no mention of it anywhere. Especially if it was qualified under art. 217 of the Polish Criminal Code Period, in which case the injured party has to file what's called a "prywatny akt oskarzenia" and the prosecutor doesn't get involved most of the time.

Doesn't change a thing though - **** happens and the guy, being egyptian, really shouldn't be doing the preaching over here.
OP ell  
30 Jul 2011 /  #55
Midas : ( and the guy, being egyptian, really shouldn't be doing the preaching over here. )
: ( being egyptian, are really the last guy on earth to be giving others tips on behaviour. Clean up your own backyard before you start knocking on your neighbours' doors. )

1st i will not use the same way or language you are using with me , cuz it not worth to make my self feel not ok for you , but i will explain you somethings.

Midas have you been to Egypt and Poland both ?
seems to me you said already what can be called expressions racist , but its ok ..
1st you mention about one accident in time of revolution and total chaotic , tanks on streets , people runing from gun shooting , i was in cairo , that time with no police and in time all the world known that those who did what you talking about and put a link for it they are prisonniers and criminals escaped from the jail in the revolution , more than 10,000 prisonniers escaped in one day ! what do you expect , and tell me why you are mentioning about this accident and you are not mentioning about more than 2 and hlaf million europian tourist visting egypt every single year ! with all thier cameras and tv show reporting with them , can you tell me why the **** nothing happend to them , and please cut the **** you are saying to your self .. and still there is some good polish people i respect them cuz of thier understanding and they didnt deny the problem as you do , and thanks for all those who respect them self before me , thanks for your understanding i appreciate you all , thanks Pip , Seanus , Harry ...
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
30 Jul 2011 /  #56
So why not stay in Egypt then? Maybe it'd be easier for you guys over there. I don't know maybe it'd be worse for your wife. I don't even know if this did happen to you but if it did it must be an awful feeling.

In a weird way I can see the reason why some Poles are against immigration into Poland. As a country, things seem to be coming around and now that they are almost there, there's an influx of people from outside coming in to exploit that. I'm not saying it's right to do what they allegedly did, I am simply saying I can see at least one reason that may lead to such feelings...and I might approach things with that perspective in mind if I were in your shoes.
Midas  1 | 571  
30 Jul 2011 /  #57

Midas have you been to Egypt and Poland both ?

Of course. Visited both countries numerous times. Being Jewish and having been born in Poland I feel a lot better in Poland.

seems to me you said already what can be called expressions racist , but its ok ..

Name one part of my post that was racist. Otherwise do away with the bullshit.

You said that if a foreigner was in your country you'd never ever touch them and so forth. I quoted that part and easily showed that you're feeding us complete bollocks by linking the news about the Lara Logan rape. If anyone doesn't know or hasn't read the link - an American journalist, Lara Logan, was sexually assaulted and beaten nearly to death by Egyptians while she was doing a piece on Egyptian revolution. Pretty much on the basis of her being white, American, blonde and pretty. Army had to be called in to separate her from a group of about 100 egyptian males that were sexually assaulting and beating her.

I assume ell here is going to tell us such stuff happens in Poland every other day, lol.

Now since I caught you trying to feed us a bullshit line you're doing the usual muslim male routine - "it is just 1 single exception, doesn't mean anything," etc., etc. And calling me racist, which is also a typical defence, every time someone says something that a muslim male doesn't like the "You're racist" is bound to follow shortly.

So again - take your bullshit somewhere else.

If a Polish guy ( or even better - me being Jewish ) ever spent any amount of time walking around in Cairo or some other egyptian place with an egyptian female, doing the public kissing routine - well, things most likely wouldn't end up too well for him and the girl. I wouldn't be surprised if such a couple got killed and no perps were ever found. Btw., how are you boys in egypt doing trying to find and prosecute the animals that raped Lara Logan? Any success?

So it is just as I said - clean up your own backyard, then you can come over and complain about your neighbours not cleaning up theirs.

In black and white: As long as your own people in groups of about 100 sexually assault, rape and beat white woman for being white and american you are in no position to call others racist.

In a weird way I can see the reason why some Poles are against immigration into Poland. As a country, things seem to be coming around and now that they are almost there, there's an influx of people from outside coming in to exploit that.

Spot on, sir.

I live in the UK, have travelled extensively, Poland's where I'm usually at nowadays ( business ) but France, Holland, Belgium - I've been there often. And I don't see a single reason why Poland should repeat what is now slowly being seen as a huge mistake - massive, uncontrolled import of muslims ( from Pakistan, Egypt, Iraq, Maghreb, etc. ) who simply don't want to adapt to European culture.

Poland will be much better off having the Polonia from Kazakhstan or some other wonderland coming back or importing Ukrainians and Belorussians ( similiar culture ).
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
30 Jul 2011 /  #58
am an egyptian guy living in poland and married to polish , there is something am facing here making our life not ok

Head over to google.

Type the following: egyptian burn christian

I think you will find that there is plenty of racism exercised by your Egyptian brothers and on a regular basis, with fire being the weapon of choice.

One horrific story describes the burning of 25-year-old Sabri Shihata and the subsequent stabbing of his father.

Yet you come on here and say "i thought poland is a modern country with open brains and and great culture and open minded for other cultures around the world , seems to me i was wrong"

Oh and do you remember a small place called Luxor?

Well back at ya buddy!!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
30 Jul 2011 /  #59
guys this shouldn't be tit for tat. Not one of us here were involved in any of the situations we speak of except for the OP allegedly being $hit-kicked. let's not start blaming individuals here for the actions of others.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
30 Jul 2011 /  #60
I am assuming that you are white. You have no idea what racism feels like

what a steaming pile of horse apples......................sounding a bit brainwashed with white guilt there Pip.

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