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How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland?

1jola  14 | 1875  
13 Dec 2010 /  #121
But the person also hinted that Jews suffering anti-Semitism around Poland and the world should look within themselves for the reason as to why.

That is a view shared by many Jews also, and I'm certain they don't listen to RM.
alex14  - | 1  
31 Jan 2011 /  #122
You can check it yourselves, it's not as bad as post communist propaganda says. Try google:


delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Feb 2011 /  #123
You can check it yourselves, it's not as bad as post communist propaganda says.



What is this, then?
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Feb 2011 /  #124
What is this, then?

Thanks man, was looking for a link like this.
OP Teffle  22 | 1318  
1 Feb 2011 /  #125
Yeah, good find delph.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Feb 2011 /  #126
The whole site - radiomaryja.pl.eu.org - is very interesting. Probably the most interesting statistic is the way that advertising is growing and growing on the station.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Feb 2011 /  #127
Yes I am very sure that I'm lying Nazi scum.

Wow ! Confessions, Confessions !

delph your turn to come clean !
kondzior  11 | 1026  
4 Feb 2011 /  #128
While I could not be bothered to acctually listen to Radio Maryja myself, I find it a nice counterbalance for all this PC crap in the media recently. So I am happy that Radio Maryja exists. I wish it all the best.

Besides, it converted my father in law, once hardcore commie, I used to joke he is praying to a Lenin, into a catholic fundie. I can respect RM just for this one feat.
ElPolaco  - | 11  
22 Mar 2011 /  #129
Sounds kind of like Fox news.
Jaroslav  - | 6  
16 Apr 2011 /  #130
How popular is Radio Maryja?

As popular as witch in times of inquisition... ^^
polonius  54 | 420  
28 Oct 2012 /  #131
Merged: Truth about Radio Maryja

Review of Alleluja I pod prad (Swiadectwa o Radio Maryja), by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2009. MaRoN, Warszawa.
Reviewer: Mr. Jan Peczkis
Information About, and Correct Understanding of, RADIO MARYJA
ALLELUJA AND LET’S PROCEED UPSTREAM: WITNESSES TO RADIO MARYJA, is the title of this eye-opening book. It contains numerous statements of support of RADIO MARYJA from priests, bishops, and other prominent officials. One would never guess this from reading the so-called mainstream media.

RADIO MARYJA serves as inspiration to its listeners, contains much devotional and theological content, and deepens their faith. It is a welcome delight to long-isolated Poles in places like Lithuania (p. 86), Kazakhstan (p. 26), and Irkutsk. (p. 43).

Not surprisingly, RADIO MARYJA is the common target of vitriolic attacks by the liberal left because it is a bastion of faith and Polish patriotism, and a source of truth. It does not kowtow to political correctness or to other forms of thought-control practiced by liberals. (Bishop Stanislaw Napierala, pp. 43-44; Professor Zbigniew Żmigrodzki, p. 88).

Apart from its religious programming, RADIO MARYJA defends the rights of the unborn, defends the presence of the Cross in public places, defends Christian morality, defends the dignity of the family, defends the sacredness of children and youth, defends the Gdansk shipyard, and defends various institutions against licentiousness and destruction. (Bishop Edward Frankowski, p. 36; Bishop Stanisław Napierała, p. 45).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Oct 2012 /  #132
or to other forms of thought-control

Anyone with half a brain can see that Radio Maryja has actually been guilty of practicing this to a massive degree. In fact, the brainwashing of the listeners to the point where they physically attack their "adversaries" is quite, quite frightening.

Apart from its religious programming, RADIO MARYJA defends the rights of the unborn, defends the presence of the Cross in public places, defends Christian morality, defends the dignity of the family, defends the sacredness of children and youth, defends the Gdansk shipyard, and defends various institutions against licentiousness and destruction.

Could you explain why a religious radio station is "defending the Gdansk Shipyard"?

Oh yes. The same radio station also collected money for the shipyard, money that mysteriously went missing...

The truth about Radio Maryja is that it's made Father Rydzyk a very rich man.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
29 Oct 2012 /  #133
Any likiks or it is you who have been attacked? Given your provocative stance on many subject IO wouldn't be surprised lol!

Could you explain why a religious radio station is "defending the Gdansk Shipyard"?

Could you explain why do you care? ARE YOU for freedom of speech and diversity in mass media or not? also you better prove that Rydzyk is a very rich man otherwise you can be called liar with impunity!
29 Oct 2012 /  #134
Could you explain why do you care?

Maybe he doesn't like to see the vulnerable being cheated out of money they can simply not afford to lose? I can't and that is one of the reasons that I have such distaste for RM and Father Director.

you better prove that Rydzyk is a very rich man

Yes, simply having a Maybach and a private helicopter is by no means any sign of any wealth, is it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Oct 2012 /  #135
Maybe he doesn't like to see the vulnerable being cheated out of money they can simply not afford to lose? I can't and that is one of the reasons that I have such distaste for RM and Father Director.

Pretty much. It's one thing when some fools get cheated by Amber Gold, but Rydzyk is preying on the poorest, least educated in society. The scandal of the privatisation vouchers should have put him in prison for a long time.

ARE YOU for freedom of speech and diversity in mass media or not?

Sure. That's why TV Trwam still broadcasts freely in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23559  
29 Oct 2012 /  #136
Though naturally most people prefer TVN, despite the easy availability of Radio Marjya, TV Trwam etc.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
29 Oct 2012 /  #137
Maybe Polonius could tell us where all the money went to, which he was collecting from all poor babcias "to save the shipyards" ?

Radio Marija is a bastion of fiendish embezzlement of money from the poorest and most vulnerable people in Polish society.
polonius  54 | 420  
29 Oct 2012 /  #138
Lenin and Stalin cliamed that religion was the opium of the people. Nowadays popculture truly is the opium of the masses. More peeple spend money on the stupid, downdumbing drivel known as popculture -- the celebrity mags, CDs, T-shirts, posters, gadgets, rap-crap concerts, 'recreational' drugs, etc. than on all the Sunday collection baskets combined.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Oct 2012 /  #139
Strange that you're avoiding the issue of the exploitation of the elderly and vulnerable by Rydzyk, isn't it Bob?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
29 Oct 2012 /  #140
Bob, tell us...what mr maybach did do with the money he "collected" from all these very poor babcias "to save the shipyards" ?

And by the way...Bob...you still have to give us an example of European churches turned into brothels? Because that is a serious accusation, even by the Vatican's standards.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
29 Oct 2012 /  #141
Yes, simply having a Maybach and a private helicopter is by no means any sign of any wealth, is it.

It has been refuted many times as lies and you like to repeat lies.

Pretty much. It's one thing when some fools get cheated by Amber Gold, but Rydzyk is preying on the poorest, least educated in society. The scandal of the privatisation vouchers should have put him in prison for a long time.

Why you take such interest in what people are doing with their own money? In case of RM there it is clearly say that such monies are freely a donation. In case of Amber Gold it was a scam when people were tricked from their money and government done nothing to prevent it.

The privatisation voucher has been explained 100 times over but obviously people like you know better if you have any evidence come forward otherwise you should be charged for spreading malicious lies and slander!

Sure. That's why TV Trwam still broadcasts freely in Poland.

Not for long it seems, you must be overjoyed.

Maybe Polonius could tell us where all the money went to, which he was collecting from all poor babcias "to save the shipyards" ?

Why anybody would waste typing power on somebody who obviously is interested in vomiting his prejudices not in learning anything.

Radio Marija is a bastion of fiendish embezzlement of money from the poorest and most vulnerable people in Polish society.

And you are lying pest!
Unless you wanted to type government instead of RM!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
29 Oct 2012 /  #142
So why does mr maybach have a Maybach? Couldn't he drive like that utterly drunken bishop a Yaris?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Oct 2012 /  #143
In case of RM there it is clearly say that such monies are freely a donation.

Except it wasn't. The money that we're talking about was supposed to be used to "save the shipyards" - the shipyards never saw a grosz of it.

The privatisation voucher has been explained 100 times over but obviously people like you know better if you have any evidence come forward otherwise you should be charged for spreading malicious lies and slander!

Explained? How can you honestly defend an institution that tricked poor, badly educated people out of their share to enrich the few?

Not for long it seems, you must be overjoyed.

The only reason for TV Trwam to stop broadcasting is because they haven't got the cash. Or can you explain who intends to stop them broadcasting?

And you are lying pest!

What did those people get for their privatisation vouchers? Nothing.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
29 Oct 2012 /  #144
So why does mr maybach have a Maybach? Couldn't he drive like that utterly drunken bishop a Yaris?

he doesn't!and never had! why are you keeping your head in your hole? do you like environment there?

Except it wasn't. The money that we're talking about was supposed to be used to "save the shipyards" - the shipyards never saw a grosz of it.

The same happened with our donation to that gril on PM. Do I go about accusing people? Yet I have donated money.
Did you donated money to "save the shipyards"? Anybody who wanted those money back could get them back,stop slandering people!

Explained? How can you honestly defend an institution that tricked poor, badly educated people out of their share to enrich the few?
I have never defended PO government, you are doing it! How can you, honestly?
[quote=delphiandomine]What did those people get for their privatisation vouchers? Nothing.

I think that you concern yourself too much with other people money, it is unhealthy habit.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Oct 2012 /  #145
The same happened with our donation to that gril on PM. Do I go about accusing people? Yet I have donated money.

Ironside, hasn't that thing been sorted out? I wasn't following it...

Anybody who wanted those money back could get them back,stop slandering people!

Could they? As I recall, the money was lost. Lux Veritas didn't have the money to give back, or at least so they claimed. The fact that they don't have to open their books for inspection means that the money could easily have been lost in the purchase of a new car, or helicopter, or or..

I think that you concern yourself too much with other people money, it is unhealthy habit.

When it involves poor and vulnerable people, I think we've got a duty to look after them.
Ironside  50 | 13053  
29 Oct 2012 /  #146
When it involves poor and vulnerable people, I think we've got a duty to look after them.

sure to help them not to tell them what they can spend their money for.

Could they? As I recall, the money was lost

Yes they could! There were advertisements going in all those media you do not watch.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
30 Oct 2012 /  #147

Wow, I heard/read about few incidents, mainly from callers but that's something else.

I didn't know it was at that level.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
30 Oct 2012 /  #148
Rydzyk is dangerous.

He is one of those people who take a decent enough message (decent, that is, for those who are not actually Christian-haters) and twists it to suit his own agenda. You can agree with some of the things you hear on RM, just like you can watch Russia Today and discover for example that Iranian warships are in the Med for the first time in modern times. But it should come with a health warning.

Rydzyk got seed funding from a South American Pole, who fled the Commies because he'd fought for the Nazis. I dislike people like this even more than I dislike the legion of apologists for the Commies who keep on creeping out of the primordial sludge to deliver their latest wisdom on the greatness of [fill in name of choice].
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Oct 2012 /  #149
I didn't know it was at that level.

It is absolutely out of control. The problem is that Rydzyk is essentially being protected by several bishops in Poland - they cannot come to an agreement as to what to do about him, and he also queerly derives his authority from Rome - so the guy is free to do as he pleases. No prosecutor would dare risk his career going after Rydzyk due to the support he enjoys from people like Jaroslaw Kaczynski - so he essentially operates quite freely.

I've also heard one credible theory that if Rydzyk was 'dealt with' internally, then the Church would almost certainly split in Poland - and Benedict is totally against such splits.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
30 Oct 2012 /  #150
It is absolutely out of control.

I'm surprised it has gotton to the level your link states without much resistance.

he also queerly derives his authority from Rome

Even the Vatican have issued a warning:

The polarisation of attitudes among Catholics in Poland became even more complicated when Radio Maryja, a nation-wide radio system organised by the Redemptorist Fathers, became much more involved in spreading risky politics than in spreading the Gospel.

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