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Is Poland a poor country?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Jun 2012 /  #211
Most people from the EU would never bother to register - so 5,600 will be the amount with valid residency documents.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
25 Jun 2012 /  #212
We are not as economically strong, but we are moving great strides everyday!
milky  13 | 1656  
25 Jun 2012 /  #213
you or Poland??
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
26 Jun 2012 /  #214
Most people from the EU would never bother to register - so 5,600 will be the amount with valid residency documents

Myself and the 10 Brits that i know in the Tricity are all registered. As most of them run businesses and pay taxes they can't afford not to be. You'll find unlike other races that the expat Brits tend to be law abiding.
Adam29  - | 3  
28 Jun 2012 /  #215
Poland is extreme poor.
Most people earn 1500-2000 zl
This is s**t, not money.
Over 50% poles are really poor, and cant afford school books for their kids.
If you work in Poland, you have to save money for 30 years to buy a crappy apartment (with no furniture) in a bad neighbourhood.
Unless you are lucky and have a very good job, like a dentist, or lawyer.
But if you have a regular job... than you are f***ed in this country. Sad but true.
Cheat, steal, lie, extra jobs (not always legal) - only way to get rich, not leaving this country.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Jun 2012 /  #216
Poland is extreme poor.
Most people earn 1500-2000 zl

I think it's safe to say that most people in the world would love to have 1500-2000zl in their pocket every month.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
28 Jun 2012 /  #217
And many of those "extreme poor" Poles pay next to nothing for their housing.

I can guarantee that I would not regard myself as extremely poor if I had £400 a month to live on in the UK, with no housing costs.

It wouldn't be easy, but "extreme poor"? lol, no. Plenty of food on the table, bills all paid, and enough left over to go to Costa a few times a week. That's not poverty. But cigarettes, Tyskie multipacks, silver chains and camo pants all cost money, so it's not surprising that Adam29 thinks he's poor :D
Adam29  - | 3  
28 Jun 2012 /  #218
Well for me, and most people in this country 2000 zl is nothing.
Not enough for medicine, not enough for education, new clothes.
I care about my familiy, who needs money... not some starving ethiopians, poor kambodians, or the rest of the world.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Jun 2012 /  #219
Well for me, and most people in this country 2000 zl is nothing.

Then work harder. Not rocket science.

Not enough for medicine, not enough for education, new clothes.

Do you have good food, good shelter and good clothing, along with education? Yes? Then you're already richer than most of the world.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
28 Jun 2012 /  #220
Then work harder. Not rocket science.

Delph you are an idiot! Everybody can't be as wealthy as each other.

Poland isn't a communist country anymore ;) It's called democracy... some people earn less then others... you'd soon be sick if the beidronki Girls were earning the same as the Bankers.
Adam29  - | 3  
28 Jun 2012 /  #221
Do you have good food, good shelter and good clothing, along with education? Yes? Then you're already richer than most of the world.

No i don't.
I had to quit university, because it costs almost 600 zl a month.
And as i said i do not care about most of the world.
I care about myself and my family.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Jun 2012 /  #222
You quit university? Then you have made a catastrophic mistake and have a life time of poverty to look forwards to,

delphiandomine talks a lot of **** about 'working harder'. This is rubbish, you get money by working smarter - which is possible if you are educated.

There is no place in the world for the uneducated - except for minimum wage work slaves.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Jun 2012 /  #223
delphiandomine talks a lot of **** about 'working harder'. This is rubbish, you get money by working smarter - which is possible if you are educated.

Work hard, get smart and work smart. Not rocket science, is it?

I know one guy who now works as the sales director for one of the big name water brands. He didn't have the money to go to university, so he worked his ass off on a farm - 12 hour shifts, Monday-Thursday and Friday mornings. He studied at the weekends, working when he didn't have university. The guy is now doing exceptionally well for himself, all because he didn't cry about his living situation (living in a PGR, desperately poor parents) - but just got on with it.

There is no place in the world for the uneducated - except for minimum wage work slaves.

No doubt gdyniaboy and Fuzzywickets will be along in a second to tell us how everyone should be living in huge mansions despite doing an unskilled job.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
28 Jun 2012 /  #224
You'd be suprised at how many billionaires and captains of industry never went to University and how many useless people did!. Education doesn't supply you with common sense.

No doubt gdyniaboy and Fuzzywickets will be along in a second to tell us how everyone should be living in huge mansions despite doing an unskilled job.

That's not what i've been saying. All i say it that everybody has to have the chance to get onto the property ladder. You've still got no idea of chains!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Jun 2012 /  #225
All i say it that everybody has to have the chance to get onto the property ladder

Everyone has the chance. Poland has universal free education.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
28 Jun 2012 /  #226
So only well educated people should have houses? Great thinking!! So you are trying to upgrade your house and need to sell your apartment but the only people wanting to buy are 'not very well educated'.... do you a) sell to them and move on, or b) stay were you are as 'uneducated' people shouldn't buy houses!!!!

You Poles...23 years of democracy and still can't grasp it!!!

Stick to Communism!
Avalon  4 | 1063  
29 Jun 2012 /  #227
There is no place in the world for the uneducated - except for minimum wage work slaves.

Even the educated are having problems:-

Number of graduates in menial jobs doubles in five years with 10,000 taking posts that do not require a degree

Read more:
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
29 Jun 2012 /  #228
peterweg: There is no place in the world for the uneducated - except for minimum wage work slaves.

So then Peter. As an economist how does it work when everybody is well educated?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 Jun 2012 /  #229
Never going to happen is it? always a good percent too lazy or stupid to study.

As I said, minimal wage competing against third world on muscle power is about as good as it gets.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
2 Jul 2012 /  #230
Finally, comething that me and Peterweg agree on. Although the word stupid is a bit stong. No amount of education can provide university educated idiot with commonsense. Take a look at the 'blair babes' for a idea of how university fails.
milky  13 | 1656  
2 Jul 2012 /  #231
When you're in pub, supermarket, restaurant, just ask the staff how much they earn an hour; you'll find that the minimum wage is not in any way enforced. 6 zloty is the usual. Less than a price of a coffee:rich country my arse.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
2 Jul 2012 /  #232
No amount of education can provide university educated idiot with commonsense.

True. However, when an employer looks to employ or promote someone they will choose a university educated person over the un-educated one almost every time. Without a degree you are limited.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
2 Jul 2012 /  #233
Not true at all. Employers will look at experience before education. If i'm employing somebody i will read experience, then achievements and then education. Stricly in that order
milky  13 | 1656  
2 Jul 2012 /  #234
what about breast size?
sa11y  5 | 331  
2 Jul 2012 /  #235
what about breast size

I'm sure they do - in lower bottom slave employment sector where sleazy undereducated pigs get to be bosses. Do you really think a normal employer that has a job to be done cares about breast size?

Employers will look at experience before education

Not true. All depends on the level of the position. Mostly - employers look at education (relevant) + experience.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
2 Jul 2012 /  #236
Not true. All depends on the level of the position. Mostly - employers look at education (relevant) + experience.

I can't think of any industry where employees looking for an employee would overlook somebody with experience for somebody with a better education. Especially nowadays when most degrees arn't worth the paper that they're written on.. Unless the employer is looking to cut costs!
milky  13 | 1656  
2 Jul 2012 /  #237
Do you really think a normal employer that has a job to be done cares about breast size?

Some men are pigs, I guess,so why not.
sa11y  5 | 331  
2 Jul 2012 /  #238
Gdyniaguy, FMCG is one of those industries. With right education it's relatively easy to understand the sector. I'm in hiring position and believe me, especially at entry level we are quite open to complete novices.

Milky: unfortunately you are right. In some cases men like the perks.
3 Jul 2012 /  #239
Is Poland a poor country?

we are very very poor, would you pleeeeeeeese! be sorry for us and give us some money, the more you give, the more we'll tell you how poor we really are.... we're the ones next to Zimbabwe .... very poor... do I see any tear yet?
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
3 Jul 2012 /  #240
Maybe there's a reason that youth unemployment is so high. Companies won't employ new graduates with over the top expectations and rubbish qualifications. Experience always wins out. p.s. if there is a 50 year old with 5 o levels and a 25 year old with 12 gcse 'a' plus's i know who'd i take on.

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