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Is Poland a poor country?

jon357  72 | 22981  
28 Oct 2014 /  #511
"Fled the country" or moved away to get jobs?
28 Oct 2014 /  #512
well, what happens to a person without a job, he has to sell his house/flat whateevr, credit to pay etc, ends up on the street and will probably die soon, if not of some depression infused drug addiction than of hypothermia -400-500 victims a year all across the nation BTW.

I guess its fleeing to not only have a better life but to have a life at all.
thus i saty with fled/ from the country
jon357  72 | 22981  
28 Oct 2014 /  #513
"depression induced drug addiction"? What planet are you on? Plenty of people - millions even - manage very well in Poland without "depression induced drug addiction". You're perfectly at liberty to believe that people "flee" Poland and even to pretend it's a poor country (actually at the high end of middle-income) however reality does not bear that out.
28 Oct 2014 /  #514
so the 2.5 million people are abroad because of what? a sudden need to discover diferent cultures hahahaha
tell me what % of the population works on smieciowki again?
jon357  72 | 22981  
28 Oct 2014 /  #515
You still don't get it, do you?

The thread's about Poland, not people in other countries. The economy of Poland is as well documented and measured as any other European country - as I said before, it's an upper middle income country.
28 Oct 2014 /  #516
You still dont get it do you? wikipedia doesnt hurt!

jon357  72 | 22981  
28 Oct 2014 /  #517
Wikipedia and a website with 'watch' in the name aren't always great sources. In this case however the wiki page on GDP shows that PL is not a poor country - it's an upper-middle income country as mentioned earlier. Here's another:

High-income OECD members
Australia, Greece,Poland, Austria, Iceland, Portugal, ....

And another:

a middle to high middle income country; a high level of governance; and improvements to corporate and securities monitoring agencies post-2008 financial crisis ... Poland


Assuming of course that you don't try to pretend you know better than the World Bank. It seems you don't have much hope of getting it at all.
28 Oct 2014 /  #518
Id rather trust my sources, especially inequalitywatch and the eurostat.
just because theres a bank or aa fancy forbes in the name of the site doesnt mean that they legible as evidence.
do you have any evidence to show that these sources are wrong? or is just your gut feeling ?
jon357  72 | 22981  
28 Oct 2014 /  #519
just because theres a bank

A bank?? Have you heard of the World Bank? Perhaps you also refer to the United Nations as a Residents' Association or the World Health Organisation as a Doctors' Surgery.

do you have any evidence to show that these sources are wrong? or is just your gut feeling ?

Since you've questioned the accuracy of the World Bank, let's pop that question back in your direction.
28 Oct 2014 /  #520
you still havent answered, what is the evidence that the data there is not biased to suit the western privatisation agenda?
jon357  72 | 22981  
28 Oct 2014 /  #521
So now you're saying the United Nations are 'biased' because their economic statistics don't fit the point you were trying to make!
Monitor  13 | 1810  
29 Oct 2014 /  #522
Poland is richer then at least 50% of the world (by area), but it's also one of the poorest country in the European Union, so many people have negative perspective. It's also one of the poorest countries in OECD: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_OECD_countries_by_GDP_per_capita

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
21 Jan 2016 /  #523
- as I said before, it's an upper middle income country.

This surprised me jon however you are correct.
After reading the beginning of this thread it seems Poland is considered a poor country with many people living below the poverty level.
The percentage of people living in Poland below the poverty level is less then the percentage of people living below the poverty level say in the U.S.A. or the U.K. which surprised me.

That being true then why has Poland been stigmatized as being a poor country ?
21 Jan 2016 /  #524
That being true then why has Poland been stigmatized as being a poor country ?

It's because we are considered nationalists and racists. We don't want muslims here and by naming and shaming our country Elites from EU try to show the world that (falsly) our insights are wrong and we need to obey commands of European leftiests to become advanced. It's simply politics and it is in the interests of Eurocratic Regime. It has and never had anything in common with reality.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
21 Jan 2016 /  #525
We don't want muslims here and by naming and shaming our country Elites from EU try to show the world that (falsly) our insights are wrong and we need to obey commands of European leftiests to become advanced.

No doubt the Muslims have cost every non Muslim country in the world a huge financial burden not to mention they can't take a hint that nobody wants them.

Poland does not want their "Progressive cultural enrichment" the EU Libatards insist on jamming down Poland's throats to ruin their country like the rest of the EU has been.

Poland doesn't want to become any poorer then it already is by letting the EU failures be forced upon them to slow Poland's advancements.

No wonder Poland has less people living in poverty then the countries that are trying to force such an ill burden on Poland.
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Jan 2016 /  #526
Poland doesn't want to become any poorer then it already is by letting the EU failures be forced upon them to slow Poland's advancements

If only you'd been here before Europe entry and after, to see the difference.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
21 Jan 2016 /  #527
At least Poland recognizes failure.
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Jan 2016 /  #528
If anything the economic progress here has been a success, thanks in very large part to EU membership and good stewardship by the last government. Poverty levels have noticeably decreased.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Jan 2016 /  #529
No wonder Poland has less people living in poverty then the countries that are trying to force such an ill burden on Poland.

Poverty in Poland - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_percentage_of_population_living_in_poverty

It's clear from the statistics that Poland in fact has more people living in poverty than any Western EU member.
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Jan 2016 /  #530
Hence the massive funding from the EU which is slowly tackling it. One of the worst issues is rural poverty with people stubbornly clinging onto their three hectares and expecting to support a family from it. That and sending family members to the uk to send back remittances.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
21 Jan 2016 /  #531
It's clear from the statistics that Poland in fact has more people living in poverty than any Western EU member.

What statistics, yours or mine.
No, not true at all delph.
Your chart shows that there is not any poverty in the United States or the UK.
How can that be when we all know those countries have lots of people living below the poverty line.
In fact my "guess" is that about 1 in 3 people in America are living below the average income in their States.
Your chart was the first one you came to on google which could fool ten year olds.
Take a look at these statistics that disagrees with your chart.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Jan 2016 /  #532
Take a look at these statistics that disagrees with your chart.

Looking at the chart you posted...

For example, rich nations generally employ more generous standards of poverty than poor nations.

Poland does have pockets of crushing poverty. We could talk all day about whether it's self inflicted or not, but regardless, there are some places where you can really see how poorly people live.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
21 Jan 2016 /  #533
This does not make any sense because the povery line is different from one country to another, in richer western Eiurope for instance, it may be 900 or 1,000 euros whereas in for instance Tunisia, it may be 150 euros ;). Hard to compare apples and bananas.

Yes, we can say that Poland is a poor country despite having some very rich people since Poland depends upon others as no economy per se (I wrote that Pol3 (?) said that 85% of companies in Poland were foreign owned) and upon EU's money. Also, millions of Poles have to move abroad to get work (because none at home or underpaid).

Economy in foreign hands + millions of people forced for economic reasons to leave their homes = obvious signs of a poor country (and also banana republic)....
21 Jan 2016 /  #534
No, not true at all delph

He's the guy that will tell you Wikipedia is not reliable source of information but after some time he will paste a link to the site to back up his claims. Liberal is a synonime of liar and manipulator.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
21 Jan 2016 /  #535
Wikipedia is NO reliable source. Anybody, including my mailman's grandma and my neighbor's dog may enter site and write anything. Wikipédia is even worse than ... Fakt, SuperExpress (just to remain in Poland)....
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
21 Jan 2016 /  #536
there are some places where you can really see how poorly people live.

Come to America and visit any major city and you will see people living on the streets, eating from garbage dumpsters, sleeping on the ground, smelling worse than a wet dog, sick with scabs and coughing without a pence to their name.

Tell me about it delph.
I bet you can see the same thing in London now can't you.
That is what I call poverty, people without a bed to sleep in or a roof over their head, not someone that can't afford a t.v. or computer.
21 Jan 2016 /  #537
I do sometimes wonder what difference it would make to the poor of any country if Drink and drugs were removed from the equation .

Alcoholic father not working etc etc.

Don't get me wrong there are plenty of poor people out their without the above issues.

Sadly here in the village I see many families go without, but dad is happy in the drinking shed with his mates.

Maybe an extra tax on Vodka would help?, Would any polish government be bold enough to add lets say 30%. tax?

just look at the UK and how cigarette tax it has had a positive effect.

what do you guys think?
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Jan 2016 /  #538
I do sometimes wonder what difference it would make to the poor of any country if Drink and drugs were removed from the equation .

It would probably make things worse, with people paying even more on the black market, or making bimber. Poverty reduction is a tricky issue - it takes generations of hard work and very high spending.
21 Jan 2016 /  #539
" people paying even more on the black market, or making bimber." very good point.

Maybe it is too late for the older generation, possibly a targeted advertising campaign aimed the young could have a positive effect, and maybe make them understand that heavy alcohol use is not socially acceptable, in the same way that anti smoking campaigns have had a good effect elsewhere.

Possible EU funding ?
jon357  72 | 22981  
21 Jan 2016 /  #540
Maybe it is too late for the older generation, possibly a targeted advertising campaign aimed the young could have a positive effect, and maybe make them understand that heavy alcohol use is not socially acceptable, in the same way that anti smoking campaigns have had a good effect elsewhere.

This makes a lot of sense. Plus education, positive role models and a defined way out of the poverty trap.

National service helped a bit, though in the Polish military the drinking culture that pervaded it right from the top back in the old days was a bit counterproductive.

Banning stuff so rarely seems to work - giving an alternative and above all giving hope seems to be the best way.

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