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Who is poor in Poland?

Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
31 May 2011 /  #151
i was not aware of that but read recently (and seen on some history channel too) (I am not 100 per cent sure if it is true but can imagine it is) that after the hyperinflation in Germany Jews (because they were connected to official spheres) owned 80 per cent of German property

I thought it were Chinese?
"Telewizja Cię zabije, ten Internet Cię zabije.
Twoje pokolenie ginie. Ha."
gumishu  16 | 6182  
31 May 2011 /  #152
Incidentally, as far as I'm aware, the "American chains" are actually Polish owned and operated.

yes? so why are they selling American style food? why Polish food chains are not that common though they the food is better and the prices are reasonable (ever been to Chłopskie Jadło?)
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
31 May 2011 /  #153
so why are they selling American style food

Because it sells and you get the same quality everywhere, at any time.

In "Chlopskie Jadlo" prices are per 100g and you are waking up with expensive bill.
Besides: Sorry, if I have to make Mazovia -> Wroclaw in 4:30, I have no time for restaurants. Them STATOIL sell good hot-dog and serve excellent coffee.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
31 May 2011 /  #154
assume for a moment the thing about the Jews was true - is it wise to reject it as fact because it does not fit you world view (maybe your world view tells you Jews are generally nice toward non-Jews because people in general are nice towards other people - which if you look around is not that very true)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 May 2011 /  #155
yes? so why are they selling American style food? why Polish food chains are not that common though they the food is better and the prices are reasonable (ever been to Chłopskie Jadło?)

They are common - just that Polish food places tend to be more formal (in line with the culture, no?) than the American style places.

Polish food wouldn't translate too well to a fast food context - so your answer is right there. But - one example - isn't North Fish (found in pretty much every decent sized shopping centre) a Polish owned/operated brand?

Just because McDonalds and other American brands are everywhere doesn't mean that Polish owned businesses aren't everywhere, too.

(for what it's worth - Chłopskie Jadło seems quite poor to me, but I tend to hunt down small restaurants anyway - I had a brilliant Jewish dinner in Wroclaw the other day - owned by Poles though ;))

Now I think about it - Poland is stuffed full of Polish-owned/operated chains. Even Poznan has a chain of about 12 milk bars!

Sphinx was Polish-owned too, no?
milky  13 | 1656  
31 May 2011 /  #156
I know enough people who get by on around 2,000 PLN net, and less, with kids to support as sole earner to call that one. And that's in the cities

Mortgage,car, bills,food,children,one earner,125 euro a week..I would love to meet these people, and ask HOW?
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
31 May 2011 /  #157
assume for a moment the thing about the Jews was true

Was it before or after the Holocaust?

The danger with Jews is they are everywhere, just like motorcycles. You may be a blue-eye blonde then you discover someone else has found your Jewish roots! ;-)

Nay, the Israelis are quite a loud nation, and the stress-free education makes them a little bit annoying but I've been to many far worse countries.

Delphi, I had a pork cutlet Jewish style in Czech Republic ;-) I even took a photo of that ;-)
Milky, I'm a single earner for family, I listen to you intently?
31 May 2011 /  #158
I would love to meet these people, and ask HOW?

One answer: discipline. Every grosz has a purpose.

1) All mobile calls as text - no conversations (unless incoming)
2) Buy the cheapest food possible (Biedronka, not the local shop)
3) Ditto cigs, where applicable.
4) Clothes from lumpeksy, hand-me-downs, etc.
5) Kombinowanie - there's always a deal to be done off the books.
6) In extreme cases, don't pay. So you're on the panstwowy rejestr długów? So what, you weren't going to get credit anyway.

Of course, all the above mean little when someone gets ill. Even with the above, I have no clue how these folks get by when there are prescriptions to pay for.

Milky, I'm a single earner for family, I listen to you intently?

You'll have to forgive Milky - economics, domestic or otherwise, not one of his stronger suits. However, he's right inasmuch as we're only talking about people on 1,500 - 2,000 a month for the whole family. Just a hunch, but I'm guessing you're putting a bit more than that on the table.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 May 2011 /  #159
Of course, all the above mean little when someone gets ill. Even with the above, I have no clue how these folks get by when there are prescriptions to pay for.

There are a lot of really good initiatives in Poland to help with medicine - my local church (I don't attend, but I admire them for their social work) collects old medicine to distribute to those in need, for instance. The NFZ does pay for the cost of some medicines too - so it's not all doom and gloom.

One thing I find in Poland is that people only quote their official salary - no-one will ever admit to getting 500-1000zl 'extra' somehow.
31 May 2011 /  #160
There are a lot of really good initiatives in Poland to help with medicine

Very true - We had a festival at Ostrów Tumski cathedral in Poznań this weekend devoted to just that.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
31 May 2011 /  #161
I'm guessing you're putting a bit more than that on the table

Yes, the cigarettes alone cost EUR75 weekly.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
31 May 2011 /  #162
When it comes to housing I think the poor in Poland is well off compared to much of the world.

Alot of poor Americans live in terrible housing.

Take New York City Greenwich Village is a more expensive & quaint part of New York & It is actually rather typcial for Poland.

Compare to the South Bronx where even the worst ghettos in Poland are in better shape than the South Bronx.

Then compare housing to the rest of the world. Places like Mexico, Brazil or Venezula

Where the poor live in terrible shantees.

Despite a similar Per Capita Income for Mexico, Brazil & Venuzeula vs Poland

A average neighborhood in these countries is actually worse than a poor neighborhood in Poland.

Poland has some benefits because Poles are smart enough to not have exessive kids & have fewer kids they can take care of better than in places like Latin America or Muslim countries of Africa.

Also Poland was once very rich & powerful.

It still shows. You can't find many nations with a similar Per Capita Income as Poland where you can find such beautiful building scapes like Poznan Market Square. Krakow Market Square ect.

You look at some pictures of Paracas Venezuela or Brazil & You see nothing but shantees stacked one after another.

There is nothing even close to that in Poland or anywherei n Europe for that matter. Even Romania, Kosovo & Ukraine are not even close to that bad.

I mean Romania has a significantly lower Per Capita Income than Brazil but the average & poor Romanians are living alot better than Brazilians.

I think the whole term of Poverty is changing. Poverty used to be not having enough food & not being able to afford clothes ect.

Today Poverty is often seen as not having the latest fashion or cell phone ect.

In that sense I think Poland is in good shape. You don't need all this Frivilious non sense. In fact I think people's obsession with Cell Phones has become almost a crisis.

People are going into massive debt paying for Cell phones. You have people who are so obsessed with cell phones they will hang out with friends & Just type on the Cell phone instead of interacting.

You have people crashing by using cell phones.

I think the Cell Phone has actually made us more Miserable.

We are getting to the point where we are just becoming so miserable, addicted to technology & in debt to pay for this technology.

That you are almost better off living in a more modest circumstance like Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 May 2011 /  #163
Poland has some benefits because Poles are smart enough to not have exessive kids & have fewer kids they can take care of better than in places like Latin America or Muslim countries of Africa.

Uh, you clearly haven't seen the appeals to help stupid mothers who had 10 children here.

It still shows. You can't find many nations with a similar Per Capita Income as Poland where you can find such beautiful building scapes like Poznan Market Square. Krakow Market Square ect.

Haha. You do realise that they were destroyed during WW2 and rebuilt with Soviet cash?
31 May 2011 /  #164
Uh, you clearly haven't seen the appeals to help stupid mothers who had 10 children here.

but it's rare. Poles rarely have 3 children...
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
31 May 2011 /  #165
Really depending. A girl born in a village near Mielec (I know her personally) who is still in her 20's has 9 brothers and sisters.
Havok  10 | 902  
31 May 2011 /  #166
Who is poor in Poland?

People who spend most of their income on utilities, food, clothing, transportation, taxes and they’re left with a very little disposable income.

The young people …
Helpless college graduates and young professionals with babies who can't afford to get their own place and end up living with their parents in one tiny apartment/house hopelessly dependent on everything.

The parents…
A large majority, 40 to 65 year olds -the backbone of the Polish country…People who can't adjust to the new reality but got really efficient at exploiting the system, a lot of them work under the table while collecting social benefits.

But who can blame them, a lot of them ended up supporting up to 3 generations of their own family, parents, kids and the grandchildren under one roof.

The Grandparents…
The mature generation of 65-and up whom spent their entire lives on a back breaking labor, foolishly believing that it’s going to get better one day. Now, the rest of family impatiently hovers around them waiting to collect and strip those old bones clean like a bunch of vultures.

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła... right..
sobieski  106 | 2111  
31 May 2011 /  #167
Who is poor in Poland? People who spend most of their income on utilities, food, clothing, transportation, taxes and they're left with a very little disposable income.

This is aboslutely correct, 100 %.
vladi  1 | 13  
31 May 2011 /  #168
Do not compare Poland to Turkey - distribution of wealth in Turkey is much much bigger compared to Poland
gumishu  16 | 6182  
31 May 2011 /  #169
collects old medicine to distribute to those in need, for instance.

from what I can gather this is actually illegal - not that I think it is good to have such things illegal
milky  13 | 1656  
31 May 2011 /  #170
So what, you weren't going to get credit anyway.

This is the imperialist attitude I was talking about. Poles, just second class citizens they should accept the poor life they deserve. This is the sh1t attitude I hear from westerners on here all the time.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 May 2011 /  #171
I would love to meet these people, and ask HOW?

Milky, it sounds to me like you're a young fella that grew up with the Celtic tiger and until recently never knew a bad day in your life.

Ask the older generation in Ireland what was it like before the madness in Ireland, I can tell you that people in Ireland were a lot poorer than people here (even at that time) and they survived, it's not easy, it,s not pretty but that is just life sometimes.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
31 May 2011 /  #172
Poland has a lower birth rate than the average of the EU.

Krakow was fine.

Poznan was rebuilt largely on Poles pride to wish to rebuild their great Nation.

How many countries with a similar wealth to Poland have places as nice as that.

You seem to be a typical Western European ape.

All I mentioned was that Poland had better housing & cities than most nations as poor.
Poland is better off than many nations because of a low birth rate.

Just because ocassionally a Pole has 10 kids does not make it always.

What is it with you retarded Western Europeans & your one track minds? You seem to think because sometimes there is a family in Poland with 10 kids that means what?

You are so primitive & Stupid like most Western Europeans.

Poland does not have shantees stacked up one after another lke Brazil or Venezeula because they have ALOT more kids on AVERAGE.
Do you understand AVERAGE?
The more kids they have puts more burden on them makes them less likely to be educated makes it harder for them to take care of them & they end up poorer.

Do you get this? Or does your Western European ape brain not function on a human level?

There was no need for you to respond like that.

You are obviously just some miserable retarded Western European who thinks he gets his jollies off by taking a stab at Poland.

Western Europeans are filled to the brim with scum like you.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
31 May 2011 /  #173
You do realise that they were destroyed during WW2 and rebuilt with Soviet cash?

I don't know about Poznan but Krakow's market square was not rebuilt after WW2.

All I mentioned was that Poland had better housing & cities than most nations as poor.

You could take that a whole lot further, Poland compared to most countries in the world is much much wealthier in almost every aspect.

* I only use the word "almost" for every aspect because of the wealth of happiness :)
1 Jun 2011 /  #174
This is the imperialist attitude I was talking about. Poles, just second class citizens they should accept the poor life they deserve. This is the sh1t attitude I hear from westerners on here all the time.

Thing is, Mark, Poles work. They go out every day of the week and they work hard. Why don't you try it sometime?
1 Jun 2011 /  #175
Poles, just second class citizens they should accept the poor life they deserve.

Out of curiosity: who is first class citizen in Poland then? And why they deserve the poor life?
wielki pan  2 | 250  
1 Jun 2011 /  #176
Who is poor in Poland?

Great, great post, I just hope the likes of Mr delphiandomine read and understand the true situation in Poland and cease to spin yearns how good life in Poland is.. thanks.
milky  13 | 1656  
1 Jun 2011 /  #177
Milky, it sounds to me like you're a young fella that grew up with the Celtic tiger

I was well past my teens when the Celtic Tiger arrived. I remember, it was fine before CT,if you 'had' a (any)job,in Poland with inflation,even with a good job you are in the sh1t sometimes, especially if you want to have kids and live as a normal person.

people in Ireland were a lot poorer than people

simply not true

Out of curiosity: who is first class citizen in Poland then? And why they deserve the poor life?

Im talking about the attitude of westerners on this site, expecting Poles to live on sh1t and be happy.
1 Jun 2011 /  #178
The funny thing is that the great poster is not Polish , he is from USA , and has got no idea about life here . I was once in USA and can tell you how poor people live there (with life revolving around ghettos , drugs , gangs , guns and violence ) Life in Poland is a paradise comparing to that , even poorest people live better living conditions than those USA ghetto inhabitants.

On the other hand I wonder if a majority of western EU citizens have got anything left after spending their money on mortgage , car, food and gasoline and other living expenses . I am sure nothing is left out in a pocket of an average man with his family athis side. You can say ugly things about Poland , I really don`t care if it helps your distorted personality , it is your option . But you have to realise that life here is no different from life in any other civilised country , sometimes even better as we value family life and we care for each other . Sometimes it is the biggest gift even greater than money . You also have to realise that money will not change anything, believe me , they can even make things worse .

1 Jun 2011 /  #179
This is the imperialist attitude I was talking about. Poles, just second class citizens they should accept the poor life they deserve. This is the sh1t attitude I hear from westerners on here all the time.

You're a dumb prick sometimes, milky, you know that? I've merely described what people I know here do do to make ends meet. From where do you derive your ridiculous conclusion that I think that's how it should be?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jun 2011 /  #180
Great, great post, I just hope the likes of Mr delphiandomine read and understand the true situation in Poland and cease to spin yearns how good life in Poland is.. thanks.

But what would you know? You're not in Poland.

For a start, most young professionals are doing just fine - perhaps not living the life of Riley, but they can certainly afford their own place. I know a young couple who didn't do anything particularly lucrative - they've got their own place, a child, a car, etc. They're not loaded, but they're doing well enough for themselves.

Truth be it, the only people really suffering in Poland are those who failed to finish High school and who opted for a life of children and the village shop rather than real work. Even manual workers with a skill can do reasonably ok for themselves in Poland - especially right now, with a dearth of qualified non-alcoholics.

simply not true

Not true? Ireland was economically ****** between the 1920's and 1980's - if you ask any real Irish person (not some maniac from Krakow/America who pretends to be Irish) - they'll tell you the same story.

On the other hand I wonder if a majority of western EU citizens have got anything left after spending their money on mortgage , car, food and gasoline and other living expenses .

Life isn't particularly better there either. Sure, you might earn much more - but the costs are so much higher that it's not even funny. Heck, look at Switzerland - an incredibly wealthy country, yet home ownership is very low. Same with Germany.

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