Please stop with the lies Mark. There is no way that the guy can be earning 7zl per hour: that would be about 75% of the legal minimum wage.
Minimum wage is 1386 gross, which is ~1030 net and that's less than 6 an hour.
Grzegorz, you can do better than that. Now Grzegorz, I am going to treat you like a grown up. You have to be consequential, you can't be a slippery p1g, once you have pressed the button those words are yours. Period
Not sure what you are talking about... but in Kraków for two double rooms in Novotel you would have to pay 250-300 EUr per day and It's far from being the most luxury hotel there.
exactly, the truth is not liked here prepare to be hammered for statements like that.
Not really, they ignore it just like all the other inconvenient facts.
From what I've seen, the Czech Republic is no better than Poland.
Czech Republic has hardly any problematic areas, Poland has many of them. It's pretty much as If a country was made out of Wielkopolska, Małopolska and Warsaw city put inside of it. Economically It simply is better no matter how hard you try to spin it. Hungary also had been significally better until few fears ago, lefties screwed it up and now It's hardly better than Poland.