To put it simply there is a new trend among some oldies with monies recently.They would like to send all contesting that Poland circumstances are just great to Belorussia.
No, Żelaznoboki, this only shows how little you can understand from the written material, meaning, how "excellent' you are in understanding simple written language.
Many Poles look for their luck in, say, Ireland, UK, Norway. Where they take up lowly paid jobs and are third-rate citizens. It does not help them to earn more than they would earn in Poland because the living cost there is higher. They simply cannot save to spend the money in Poland.
Now, Milky -- a person living in Poland -- complains about how poor Poland is, in other words, how hopeless country it is.
My personal advice is: Move to Belarus, where you can enjoy great political freedom, and wonderful opportunities. After you have learnt life -- both of you -- welcome back to Poland. Or, Żelaznoboki, try to enforce some Law & Justice under President Lukashenko ;-) The peeps there need your moral & just help!
Americans say: "Love it or leave it"
I say: "Don't like Poland? Move out to Belarus!"