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Who is poor in Poland?

pgtx  29 | 3094  
7 Jun 2011 /  #541
i'm trying to understand where you come from, because you don't make sense...
what did you mean by:
People who teach in Poland have no valid experience in the industry.
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #542
I'm not sure what's so difficult to understand. There are a lot of members of the faculty who never worked outside the academia environment. Which is fine if they teach Old English (as a practically useless subject) but I know of people teaching economics as pure abstract, because they never used their knowledge except for theoretical research, people teaching computer systems who never worked for an IT department outside the university; people teaching business ethics who never worked in a real business; people teaching how to be teachers (teaching methodology), who never worked in a real school except at a college level; or - my favorite - I know personally a dude teaching what was known as WOKAOJ at the University of Opole (Wiedza o Krajach Angielskiego Obszaru Jezykowego) who only knew those countries from books and a 2-week trip to London. How can you prepare graduates to go out there and get real jobs if you don't know what a real job means, and what it takes to get it - and keep it?

I suspect that's why Poles with university degrees work in kitchens and cleaning businesses in the UK.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
7 Jun 2011 /  #543
I will tell you nothing on the cost because you are telling me nothing about yourself. Could you tell me how much you earn as the toilet cleaner, please?

let me just say that toilet cleaners earn more money than you...and by the way why pick on toilet cleaners? and this brings me to why people have to pay money to use a toilet in Poland??? thats why you always notice a strange smell near bus stops etc....Poland is very much poor in that regard.
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #544
The majority of the people on this forum, with a few exceptions, represent an ideal sample of the Polish population. Dumb'n'poor could pretty much summarize it. I think you should invest more money in building new churches and giant statues of Jesus.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
7 Jun 2011 /  #545
Economics Professor at Upenn, who worked on Wall Street for 15 years.

Would that be for Leaman Brothers?
7 Jun 2011 /  #546
There are some good universities, there are some bad universieties. There are some good faculties, there are some bad faculties.
I believe that most technical universities teachers have industry experience, not sure about the faculties Havok's mentioned.
However I agree with Havok. It's the recent few years when unis have taken some grands form EU to buy some equipment but generally Polish unis always struggled with lack of equipment which is younger than 40 years. It's rare to teach cutting edge technologies in Polish unis, that's right. That's why a graduate without several years of intership is literally nobody and I think no one can argue with that statement.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
7 Jun 2011 /  #547

May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

'05 CIS, Upenn, what about you?


"I already told you once, I joined the military because my family was poor and I couldn't get a loan or a scholarship to go to college."

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when err we seek to deceive"

Yet you feel you have the experience to criticize the universities in Poland. This from a grunt.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #548
That's why a graduate without several years of intership is literally nobody and I think no one can argue with that statement

Do you think it is only related to Polish universities? Graduate rookies always need several years of practice in their profession. Same as driving: You get the driving license and only then you start learning practical driving. No graduate has the required experience to know everything and understand secrets of the profession at the career's start, regardless how good the University had been.

I think of a Swedish guy who decided to make his PhD instantly after his graduation. His decision was driven by the fact the Swedish industrial PhD gets generous salary on the first job, despite of his complete inexperience in industrial matters...

And, regarding Old English. I'm talking about Philological faculties that are very important at the humanistic Universities. Havok may not know that philology has very little in common with daily usage of given language... If one wanted learn Polish, I would not recommend one joining Slavic Languages ;-)
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Jun 2011 /  #549
There's your answer. In a country with widespread free education available, anyone who doesn't even finish high school is always going to earn a pittance. The same, as in most countries.

Not so,,his brother who I mentioned before, had a job recently, in a Petrol station, he had to come back from Ireland because of family problems.He was on the same amount and he has a degree. I asked him why take such a sh1t paying job and he simply informed me that there is no work unless you want to work for 7 or less zloty an hour. This in against the law to pay below minumum wage and when I informed him of this, he just laughed. I guess the imaginary third lane on the road is against the laws well.

In the east of Poland I have spoke to a lot of people over the years, on well below 2 euro an hour. Poland is poor in the east for sure....
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #550
Poland is poor in the east for sure..

Do I need to translate it for you, Milky?
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Jun 2011 /  #551
I miss your point???
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #552
If you don't like living in Poland, move to Belarus, The Country of Great Opportunities.
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Jun 2011 /  #553
I said

Do I need to translate it for you, Milky?

you said

I miss your point???

i said

If you don't like living in Poland, move to Belarus, The Country of Great Opportunities.

you said...

I'm missing your point or are you regressing into nationalistic anger....
7 Jun 2011 /  #554
People who teach in Poland have no valid experience in the industry. That's all

Especially english teachers in Poland are mostly(99%) are a failure in there own country and come to Poland for cheap high life which is changing slowly,most of the Native Speakers have no idea how to teach,they get cheap diplomas and start working basically pay check to paycheck.If they were so qualified and good in there job they would ne making better money teaching in professional institutes,but again Poland needs teachers so there is a demand for these people which is changing rapidly.

Again about English I say is a means of communication not an Achievement,if it was then why not everyone becomes Shakesphere?Hope poles learn that and know what english language should be taken as:)
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #555
I'm missing your point or are you regressing into nationalistic anger....

Perhaps your failure to understand simple pictorial message, even translated to plain English, is the explanation of your problems you meet in Poland?

My fair suggestion was to look for luck in Belarus. You would understand what "poor country" really means. Besides, housing prices in Belarus are far lower than they are in Poland, the only problem being, the salaries are equally lower there. Or even more lower.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Jun 2011 /  #556
I'm missing your point or are you regressing into nationalistic anger....

Don't worry milky it is typical reaction of commie-bis in PRL-bis.Sorry you may not understand that but he will. :)

To put it simply there is a new trend among some oldies with monies recently.They would like to send all contesting that Poland circumstances are just great to Belorussia.

They should direct all the opposition or disgruntled to Siberia that would be more in agreement with historical precedences, but that would burst their myth that they are not commies at heart.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Jun 2011 /  #557
The majority of the people on this forum, with a few exceptions, represent an ideal sample of the Polish population. Dumb'n'poor could pretty much summarize it.

Yep, it's almost certain that ol' Havok here is bitter and angry at Poland for some reason.

Does your father sail out of Gdansk, by any chance?
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #558
To put it simply there is a new trend among some oldies with monies recently.They would like to send all contesting that Poland circumstances are just great to Belorussia.

No, Żelaznoboki, this only shows how little you can understand from the written material, meaning, how "excellent' you are in understanding simple written language.

Many Poles look for their luck in, say, Ireland, UK, Norway. Where they take up lowly paid jobs and are third-rate citizens. It does not help them to earn more than they would earn in Poland because the living cost there is higher. They simply cannot save to spend the money in Poland.

Now, Milky -- a person living in Poland -- complains about how poor Poland is, in other words, how hopeless country it is.
My personal advice is: Move to Belarus, where you can enjoy great political freedom, and wonderful opportunities. After you have learnt life -- both of you -- welcome back to Poland. Or, Żelaznoboki, try to enforce some Law & Justice under President Lukashenko ;-) The peeps there need your moral & just help!

Americans say: "Love it or leave it"
I say: "Don't like Poland? Move out to Belarus!"
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Jun 2011 /  #559
No, Żelaznoboki, this only shows how little you can understand from the written material, meaning, how "excellent' you are in understanding simple written language.

Well, that is a statement without value - an empty gibberish meant to be a personal jab.

Now, Milky -- a person living in Poland -- complains about how poor Poland is, in other words, how hopeless country it is.
My personal advice is: Move to Belarus,

You have just proven me right. You send people who are expressing theirs view to B, just because you disagree with them. Whats to understand ?

I think that you should understand that you are a commie at heart.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #560
You have just proven me right. You send people who are expressing theirs view to B, just because you disagree with them. Whats to understand ?

That you and Milky can do this from your own will if the Poland's life is so cruel to both of you. Nobody sends you there. Ah, is Belarus so cruel as Siberia? Didn't know.
7 Jun 2011 /  #561
If they were so qualified and good in there job they would ne making better money teaching in professional institutes

Shows how little you know about the education industry in Poland: by far the smallest salary I ever earned in Poland was when I was working at a university training teachers. The decent money is actually not in schools at all; the decent money come from in-company teaching (particularly one-to-one with senior executives), for that I used to charge 120zl per hour (back when I used to have time to teach).

If you don't like living in Poland, move to Belarus, The Country of Great Opportunities.

We can even have a whip-round for Mark's bus ticket: put me down for 20zl.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Jun 2011 /  #562
Nobody sends you there.

So why talk about that, having different views are a part of freedom and democracy, do you have a problem with that?

We can even have a whip-round for Mark's bus ticket: put me down for 20zl.

What about sending Harry to Australia: put me down for 100zl!
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #563
So why talk about, having different views are a part of freedom and democracy, do you have a problem with that?

Not when it is based on lies.

I'm telling you: Start helping Belarussians. See how it works in real commie/dictatorship country. Then you will see what vision your Lord & Master plans for Poland...
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Jun 2011 /  #564
Where they take up lowly paid jobs and are third-rate citizens.

Wrong twice...Such lies.

this is all I said and you are telling me to leave your country.. LOve our terrible economic situation or go to Belarus!

So why talk about that, having different views are a part of freedom and democracy, do you have a problem with that?

yea fascist streak there for sure..
Avalon  4 | 1063  
7 Jun 2011 /  #565
LOve our terrible economic situation

Say that to the Greeks, Portugese, Americans, English, Irish etc Polands growth is at 4%, no austerity measures, wages increasing (for those that work), jobless numbers falling. What the hell do you expect Mark, a free house and 1000 PLN per week in unemployment benefit, that is how these countries got into debt. You keep mentioning how poor Poland is compared to the West, you fail to mention that America (growth 1.5%) is 14 trillion dollars in debt, the UK (growth 0.5%) is about 3 trillion pounds in debt (excluding pension liabilities for the public sector). All you do is *****, why not tell us something constructive, what is your vision for Poland?
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Jun 2011 /  #566
why not tell us something constructive,

I say it as it is,that's all.'constructive', Poland is in a bad way and I'm just reflecting what I see.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jun 2011 /  #567
Poland is in a bad way

Is that a comparative assessment, where is not in a bad way?

When I first came to Poland it was noticeable poorer and that was only 10 years ago.

Were you on the tiger's tail for the last decade and a half and compare it to that?
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #568
Avalon: why not tell us something constructive,
I say it as it is,that's all.'constructive', Poland is in a bad way and I'm just reflecting what I see.

No, constructive means you are showing your vision how the situation could be moved into positive direction.

Most of populists can only complain but are unable to present a consistent plan.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Jun 2011 /  #569
My fair suggestion was to look for luck in Belarus. You would understand what "poor country" really means. Besides, housing prices in Belarus are far lower than they are in Poland, the only problem being, the salaries are equally lower there. Or even more lower.

It is not exactly like that in Belarus.I am now there for upgrade reasons.Anyway one needs time to explain this strange country.Belarus condition is not an option for Poland.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #570
It's nice someone has finally spotted the irony in my suggestion of leaving "poor Poland" for "Country of Great Opportunities", Belarus ;-)

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